The older bed wars was so much better because the difficulty was so much better because you could kill a diamond noob and still both their sword AND armor. The update kinda killed the whole thing
Hey, you should check it out again. They added 16 new maps and made the originally 2 blocks tall bed now only the standard 1 block tall. They made generators faster and made upgraded generators drop more gold and iron. They also tweaked a bit on the death screen
Me and my friends have been playing it lately because it’s so unserious and it’s really fun. But they updated it yesterday and a lot of the signature lifeboat Edward mechanics are very different.
Lifeboat update is for me 95%good and 5%trash bc at 95% we can shoot fireball we dont need to spam at bed and at 5% i gotta say ender pearls costed 2 golds now it costs 4 gold
The older bed wars was so much better because the difficulty was so much better because you could kill a diamond noob and still both their sword AND armor. The update kinda killed the whole thing
@@Metahunt638 yeah true
Hey, you should check it out again. They added 16 new maps and made the originally 2 blocks tall bed now only the standard 1 block tall. They made generators faster and made upgraded generators drop more gold and iron. They also tweaked a bit on the death screen
Ikr! I enjoy playing lifeboat sometimes because hive has too many sweats
@@jolt5644 same fr, I only really play LB and use it as a practise server...
Bro fr didn’t see the enchanting 😂
@@DylanMarioYT 😭
This is 5 months ago bro now lifeboat bedwars is insane
Me and my friends have been playing it lately because it’s so unserious and it’s really fun. But they updated it yesterday and a lot of the signature lifeboat Edward mechanics are very different.
2019 lifeboat bedwars hits hard
real 😭
You wanna know what else is terrible my UA-cam channel 😢
@@Legitchillguy have you even watched any of my content?
@@Banzinksif you're gonna say it's trash then ppl are just gonna agree with you cuz u said it's trash
@@ItsWafflesMCgood point I didn't realize that I'm so stupid
I swear why aren’t ppl watching this man’s vids
hmm maybe they got sharp from the enchanting section and they invested into an etable lmaooooo
back in my day lifeboat bedwars is so good
try not to complain challenge
i only play lifeboat, so i wouldn’t know about any other bed wars (if you want you could tell me which one is your favorite so i can try it out)
they updated lifeboat, now bed is block, not entity!
U randomly get a compass in lifeboat
im surprised you even got into a queue
(also in the lifeboat days i almost got tricked into thinking someone was prestonplayz 😭)
This new update made it even worse😭😭
Bricks Quads is so far the most worst map. It only gives 1 iron spawner and 1 brick spawner. Bigger maps offer more spawners and size.
what is that texture pack
sepfault by septicol
@@ServerGaming ty
@@ServerGaming how did u do that ur enemys turn completly red if u hit them
Um yt he’s underrated
Lifeboat Bedwars sucks but I LOVE the new gamemode Lava Survival (I also made a video on said gamemode)
0:40 get into a different map
Yo wsp I haven’t seen your channel for abt 3 years and I was in almost all streams
welcome back to the channel lol
Server never fails
i agree the lifeboaat bed wars is trash the armor dosent stick to u when u die
Ahh i remember that i used to play 2 years ago
Nice video
@@rvisbal04 ty bro
Lifeboat update is for me 95%good and 5%trash bc at 95% we can shoot fireball we dont need to spam at bed and at 5% i gotta say ender pearls costed 2 golds now it costs 4 gold
No it's cuz they don't ban hackers
Lifeboat got a huge update
Bro I agree lifeboat bedwars belongs in the trash can
It is so true
I hate lifeboat coz they are full of hackers i saw someone flying and doing long range hit man it s***
lifeboat is a sh!t, so many bugs but good maps
I play lifeboat since was 4-3-2 years ago like I’m goated of lifeboat like I play a lot times like prison/etc so nice video tho
Fr its so horrible ma dude
Its perfect for speedruning
@@ServerGaming a question, do you think on lifeboat solos 1.10 minutes record is good?
amen!!!1!!1!1!1! LIFEBOAT SUCKS
Lifeboat is teribble
Um , I play and I think it's better than cubecraft and hive @@ServerGaming
And also I subscribed to this ytber:server gaming
I forgot to comment on the other videos😭😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽
Omg 4 minutes ago 6 veiws I never see this to a popular youtuber🤯
You get used to it
why not just play like hive bedwars??
@@ServerGaming cuz I know everything of lifeboat…. Even the mechanics… and I do play hive though if you watch my few latest videos
I am also a hive skywars player i play on mobile new controls can you give me a fov best for pvp u use i am your big fan❤😊
I use 92 alter off
Lifeboat used to be good 😢
it was once great but is now forgotten and kinda bad 😔
Lifeboat sucks 🤢
The person below me I just subscribed to u
Stop hating
Get yt rank pls
Wats funny i play there bedwars for 1year and didn’t know about treasure wars and only played like 10 or 20 games uf treasure wars so i hat myself now
sadge but bedwars is still pretty good right
@@ServerGaming no great
dis server is so damn trash thats y i play hive and cube craft
Do glaxite next, also fun fact punching someone does a whole heart (they have core wars tho)