Hello i watched your videos on youtube chanel and i was so impressed. I need your help if you can. My Toshiba estudio 4511 had a trnsfer belt problem which was damaged, i baught a replacement online. now the problem is on how to access the transfer belt unit so that i replace the belt. i have searched on youtube but i have not found any helpful video. Please I need your help if you can. Thank you.
i watched your videos on youtube chanel and i was so impressed.
I need your help if you can.
My Toshiba estudio 4511 had a trnsfer belt problem which was damaged, i baught a replacement online. now the problem is on how to access the transfer belt unit so that i replace the belt. i have searched on youtube but i have not found any helpful video.
Please I need your help if you can.
Thank you.
Hi Toshiba c2040cse problems start c970 code please someone help what to do
help me: I have a Toshiba E-Studio 550, but it does not go into system mode, it seems to be encoded. please help me
তোসিবা২৮২ কপিেত কালির দাগ সমাধান চাই এবং আইডি কাডে মুখেরউপর দিয়ে দাগ কি করেত হবে
Toshiba estudio 357 error code 450setting installation dijiye sir plz
studio 282 adding tonar pblm solved plz