I actually felt so bad for aaron i know hes been horrible and really unlikeable but u could see how hurt he was when cain siad that cus when it first happened cain was there for aaron and now cains just related him to gordon aaron really needs help not people turning there backs on him even when he pushes them
On the grounds that he's had plenty of time to screen for the last 2 years, Yes since he's been so vile since he's been back-Did you forget that look on his face that said "nothing has changed" at the end of this scene-Disgusting!
@GROMIT9 they all had each other over rhe last two years, while Aaron mother sent him away so she could cover her affair. I hate the way Aaron is acting but he's obviously not grieved at all
What cain said to Aaron was absolutely disgusting he’s nothing like his dad his dad did something terrible to Aaron and if Robert was there he would’ve had a punch
This is the true Cain you all seem to love so much, comparing Aaron, to his molesting dad... Caleb said it best a few months ago, a family of absolute hypocrites. They were even gunning for Chas here, before she told about her cancer...
Cain forgets he destroyed the Reynolds family and even Moira and John back in the day and yes Caleb is a right snake first rips off the Dingle family then sleeps with Tracy.
Why is Ruby here, why does the show think that just because Chas is ill now we are now forced to like her. It’s not about raising awareness at all it’s all about people liking Chas. And what Cain said was disgusting his dad raped and abused him. It’s sick.
Me too he needs to stay and help get his mum through this wherever she will get better or not and if he doesn’t stay and help her he will regret it for the rest of his life and so will she please let him stay I don’t want him to miss the funeral
I don't know how they can go on about family when every single one of them is toxic and abusive. I don't want to be oart of any family that treats me like that then only cares when something happens
What he said about Aaron being like his dad that is completely unforgivable! I wouldn’t care what happened I would want nothing to do with Cain after hearing him say that. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕🖕
What Cain said to Aaron was absolutely disgusting. And it was completely unnecessary. I really wanted Aaron to leave because the Dingles are too hypocritical and don't give a damn about him. He has every right to be angry with Chas. She's the one who should strive for his forgiveness.
@@davidmartin9333 Unfortunately, it depends on the actor and he doesn't want to come back. I know it wouldn't be the same, but I think they should do a recast.
I mean Chas has hurt Aaron so terribly by disowning him all the time at least three times and then chosing another man over him. It is hard to earn that trust back. Chas doesn't help by always feeling sorry for herself she needs to basically admit she did wrong to Aaron
@@abbieroseholden4174 Exactly. That's why I said that he has every right to be angry with her. She's always been a shitty mother and has always treated him as a second option. The show should make her make an effort to help him, get their relationship back on track and earn his forgiveness. But they made her sick just to make him apologize to her and make people feel sorry for her.
I get where your coming from, don’t think he was comparing him to all of Gordon’s faults, just one, being a coward, not necessarily what that entailed.
Also, Chas was in that room, like how vile do you have to be, to make that comparison in front of her... Or imagine Liv being here too, she would be fuming at Cain for using that name.
Cain is right thro and ever since Aaron came back he has been anything but trouble yeah cain got Aaron back to the village uf he didn't Aaron would probably have been killed or hurt Aaron is like his dad Aaron blyed vinny or have everyone forgot that
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight You know who else has been mostly trouble since he came back: Caleb...you know, the one that sabotaged Moira's farm for his vendetta against Kim...the one that forced everyone to like him and his (secret) son... Now he's sleeping with Tracy, the wife of Cain's son, Nate...while Moira, (who cheated with the same son), is keeping quiet of all this... They all need a massive reality check of their own behaviour, before they start pointing fingers, there's many reason so many members have been "exiled" before...
So this is to get us all to care about chas again with all this things she has done and not even being there when her mom died she was off cheating on good old paddy
Aaron would you just go over and support her your mums dying for gods sake and she needs you to help support her and get her through this and if you don’t stay to help her or miss the funeral if she dies you will regret it for the rest of your life so please Aaron please please stay and help your mum
Aaron now you know you need to treat your mother with better love and respect and care than you have shown her lately. Aaron she's your mother and she is also little Eve's mother too. Show more compassion for your mother because you only have one mother in your life Aaron and I know from experience because I had to change my feelings for my mother and my grandmother because of these cancer battles they went through separately. I'm lucky to even have whatever time I have left with my mother. When her cancer returned and she had to go through yet another operation I was heartbroken not only for me and my two brothers but for our six almost seven year old twin children Robert and Sarah who haven't met their Nana Mary or their uncles Stuart and Hayden or their two cousins my brothers daughter and son. Chas Dingle is right. Every time she has left is precious to each member of the Dingle family and with Aaron and Eve too. Yes Paddy doesn't know yet because it's Chas's news to tell Paddy and Eve so Aaron you need to stop being such an asshole and learn from what your mother just told the family.
I know it sounds but just because somebody is ill doesnt mean you automatically forgive them. Chas has really hurt Aaron a lot this is why he is the way he is.on the other hand hes clearly in a lot of shock
They were actually being very rude, i understand that are frufrated at Aaron and i don't blame them cause Aaron was been unstandable lately. But he's still family whether they like it or not. No they shouldn't just have a go on him.
Your comment was so uncalled for. I yeah, i get it . Aaron was nothing but trouble ever since he came back to the village but you don't need to go so hard on him like that. Do you have any idea what's he's been through?
Obviously Aaron was shocked an upset but Cain was out of line saying he’s a coward like Gordon.That was super low and is obviously going to make everything worse. I get Aaron’s been nasty and cruel but he’s in deep grief over liv and it was just uncalled for after everything Gordon did to him .
I love Cain, and I know Aaron's been a pain in the arse, since he returned. But comparing him to Gordon was out of order. The first time I felt bad for Aaron. Especially since Cain knew how Gordon's abuse affected Aaron. Cain was there for Aaron, when the truth came out, and saw how it messed Aaron up. Angry or not, Cain had no right to say that.
They just need to bring Nell Fairfax back now As Caleb and Ruby’s daughter Scarlett Archer who played Nell liked the idea when I told her on Instagram it would be a good twist if Nell was Calebs daughter
That was mean thing to say about Paddy. Yeah, yeah, I know Cain meant pedo Gordon but he isn't Aaron's dad, Paddy is. Cain could've kept his mouth shut, tho. Aaron has lost two sisters, grandma, almost Paddy and now he could lose his mom too, his reaction was understandable. And he clearly still loves Chas even tho she's isn't that great mom. Can't wait to see the scene when Chas and Paddy tell Eve.
Gordon is Aaron's dad and Aaron is just like him because ever since Aaron came back he has been nothing but trouble yeah cain got Aaron back to the village but Aaron bullied vinny
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight Cain's dad Zak, caved his son's own skull in over his MANY misdoings, including on his own family (especially Charity), Cain is a massive hypocrite like usual, also nice to throw that in after his sister's revelation, sure she loves hearing that being said about her ex/son... Funny, because Caleb has also been nothing but trouble since he came back, first sabotaging Moira's farm for his revenge on Kim, now sleeping with the wife of Cain's son Nate, who in turn slept with his wife Moira, who's also keeping this secret about Caleb and Tracy from Cain. I'm sure Cain will be calm and collected when he finds out... What a great bunch of "family"...
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight Gordon's his bio dad not real dad. Learn the difference. And I haven't seen Aaron sleeping with kids. And please, pretty much all of the Dingles have been causing troubles, some more than others.
where is the cain lovers now that is the true cain right there and no dingles spoke up after that sick guy said that when that family left aaron to that rapist im so done with the dingles that was the last straw for me
Listen I respect that what Cain said was very mean but he literally has just came back from the hospital with a head injury that it looks like he will be possibly having issues with after Aaron took a cheap shot at him when his back was turned. I think he has every right to be mad at Aaron. Chad telling her diagnosis dosen’t change that. Aaron is a grown man now - he acts like he is the only one affected by all this. Look how he treated Vinny who was livs husband! Or even what he said to Sam? Cain should’ve said that and he should apologize for those words but let’s now get lost in the plot. Aaron has been terrorizing everyone since he returned and literally battered and left for dead his uncle. the anger everyone has towards him is justified. Cain is Cain. He hasn’t changed since forever. He didn’t do anything different to Aaron to deserve his anger towards him. And in fact he went to him and asked him to talk about what’s going on and of course Aaron pushed him away with just more anger. And when he woke up he could have grassed Aaron but he didn’t. Aaron has become a mean and bitter person. He has a lot to work thru and I think he needs to stop blaming everyone and focus on healing from the past once and for all. Maybe his moms diagnosis will be a turning point for him 🤞🏽
Cain derailed the entire reveal with that comment about Gordon, like he also threw that in front of Chas (who does blame herself over Gordon), who's still holding out hope Aaron calms down... Like even before the reveal, they were all judgy about Chas (even though she often deserves it), which feels like insane hypocrisy, giving their own history and problems with their kids...or the whole Al/Cain fiasco. Aaron hates himself, and wants to be hated, he goes for everyone that he feels has betrayed their former self, like Cain, Paddy, etc Or who he feels has slighted him, like Vinny and Chas.
3:24 - that look from Aaron. Flawless acting from Danny Miller, one of the best actors to ever be a part of Emmerdale.
Love Chas and Charity sister like bond they'll always be there for each other no matter how bad it gets
I actually felt so bad for aaron i know hes been horrible and really unlikeable but u could see how hurt he was when cain siad that cus when it first happened cain was there for aaron and now cains just related him to gordon aaron really needs help not people turning there backs on him even when he pushes them
Yeah he needs to get professional help so he will stop being like this
are we all forgetting that his sister died. he’s grieving. his sister died and his heart went with her…
On the grounds that he's had plenty of time to screen for the last 2 years, Yes since he's been so vile since he's been back-Did you forget that look on his face that said "nothing has changed" at the end of this scene-Disgusting!
Not to mention he also lost his grandmother shortly before she lost his sister
@GROMIT9 they all had each other over rhe last two years, while Aaron mother sent him away so she could cover her affair. I hate the way Aaron is acting but he's obviously not grieved at all
Maybe he’s wanting to get sent to jail so he can reunite with Robert
Aaron has lost his Gran, 2 of his 3 sisters, Ben, Robert, Jackson, Seb and now possibly his mam yet everyone still paints him out to be this bad guy
Aaron was in shock. Cain you can be a real piece of work sometimes.
Cain does my head in though Aaron was clearly in shock calling him a cowsrs snd then a rapist like his Dad that was low Cain VERY sick
Aaron is not a rapist
He never said he was a rapist
Aaron is a coward but Chas is no better.
So heartbroken for Chas 😢
Yeah but her son needs to stay and support his Mum she’s got cancer
I’m glad Emmerdale let them all find out at once instead of dragging it out.
What cain said to Aaron was absolutely disgusting he’s nothing like his dad his dad did something terrible to Aaron and if Robert was there he would’ve had a punch
This is the true Cain you all seem to love so much, comparing Aaron, to his molesting dad...
Caleb said it best a few months ago, a family of absolute hypocrites. They were even gunning for Chas here, before she told about her cancer...
Except he's now a having an affair with Tracy which makes him just as bad as them!
@@GROMIT9 Yep, he's no better, yet is quick to judge...
Cain forgets he destroyed the Reynolds family and even Moira and John back in the day and yes Caleb is a right snake first rips off the Dingle family then sleeps with Tracy.
i don't like chas after what she did to paddy but i hope she gets better soon as no one deserves to have cancer..💔💔
@@phillipbates9587 "Maybe"? What is that meant to mean?
@@phillipbates9587 you better not be saying what I think you're saying
Why is Ruby here, why does the show think that just because Chas is ill now we are now forced to like her. It’s not about raising awareness at all it’s all about people liking Chas. And what Cain said was disgusting his dad raped and abused him. It’s sick.
Poor Chas. 💔
0:22 the closest we've seen to a Caleb/Aaron fight
Feel so sorry for Aaron
Me too he needs to stay and help get his mum through this wherever she will get better or not and if he doesn’t stay and help her he will regret it for the rest of his life and so will she please let him stay I don’t want him to miss the funeral
@@joshcoyle3804 I think chas will get through this and Aaron will rectify his ways he’s just lost his path and he will become stronger
@@benwebster7221 but what if she doesn’t and her son is not there and she will be really upset then he won’t say goodbye to her if she dies
Hang in there Chas 😭😭♥️♥️💔💔
I don't know how they can go on about family when every single one of them is toxic and abusive. I don't want to be oart of any family that treats me like that then only cares when something happens
What he said about Aaron being like his dad that is completely unforgivable! I wouldn’t care what happened I would want nothing to do with Cain after hearing him say that. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🖕🖕🖕🖕
It’s just a soap, relax.
@@connorsimpson503Your brain needs soap.
Aaron is just like his dad he is a bully
And he has the nerves to even said that infront of his mother. Looks like the old Cain is back.
Cain is right thro Aaron's dad was a bully and Aaron bullet vinny
So heartbroken for chas 😢
I feel like Aaron should have been told this one on one not found out by Chas broadcasting it in the pub.
What Cain said to Aaron was absolutely disgusting. And it was completely unnecessary. I really wanted Aaron to leave because the Dingles are too hypocritical and don't give a damn about him. He has every right to be angry with Chas. She's the one who should strive for his forgiveness.
I agree but also has to be a cut off point
Please bring back Robert sugden and he can sort out Aaron
@@davidmartin9333 Unfortunately, it depends on the actor and he doesn't want to come back. I know it wouldn't be the same, but I think they should do a recast.
I mean Chas has hurt Aaron so terribly by disowning him all the time at least three times and then chosing another man over him. It is hard to earn that trust back. Chas doesn't help by always feeling sorry for herself she needs to basically admit she did wrong to Aaron
@@abbieroseholden4174 Exactly. That's why I said that he has every right to be angry with her. She's always been a shitty mother and has always treated him as a second option. The show should make her make an effort to help him, get their relationship back on track and earn his forgiveness. But they made her sick just to make him apologize to her and make people feel sorry for her.
I understand Cain is still angry with Aaron, but comparing him to Gordon was bang out of order
I get where your coming from, don’t think he was comparing him to all of Gordon’s faults, just one, being a coward, not necessarily what that entailed.
Also, Chas was in that room, like how vile do you have to be, to make that comparison in front of her...
Or imagine Liv being here too, she would be fuming at Cain for using that name.
Cain is right thro and ever since Aaron came back he has been anything but trouble yeah cain got Aaron back to the village uf he didn't Aaron would probably have been killed or hurt Aaron is like his dad Aaron blyed vinny or have everyone forgot that
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight You know who else has been mostly trouble since he came back: Caleb...you know, the one that sabotaged Moira's farm for his vendetta against Kim...the one that forced everyone to like him and his (secret) son...
Now he's sleeping with Tracy, the wife of Cain's son, Nate...while Moira, (who cheated with the same son), is keeping quiet of all this...
They all need a massive reality check of their own behaviour, before they start pointing fingers, there's many reason so many members have been "exiled" before...
@Bruced82 you forgot nicky because nicky pretended to love Gabby and in reality he is gay and nicky pushed his dad off a cliff also most killed him
Cain come on, thats too far. Yes aaron has been a self destructive idiot recently but comparing him to Gordon, who is a R*PIST!
So this is to get us all to care about chas again with all this things she has done and not even being there when her mom died she was off cheating on good old paddy
Drove me nuts trying to remember where I know her from and finally it clicked! The bill! 😂
Chas 😢😢😢😢😢
Aaron would you just go over and support her your mums dying for gods sake and she needs you to help support her and get her through this and if you don’t stay to help her or miss the funeral if she dies you will regret it for the rest of your life so please Aaron please please stay and help your mum
Aaron now you know you need to treat your mother with better love and respect and care than you have shown her lately. Aaron she's your mother and she is also little Eve's mother too. Show more compassion for your mother because you only have one mother in your life Aaron and I know from experience because I had to change my feelings for my mother and my grandmother because of these cancer battles they went through separately. I'm lucky to even have whatever time I have left with my mother. When her cancer returned and she had to go through yet another operation I was heartbroken not only for me and my two brothers but for our six almost seven year old twin children Robert and Sarah who haven't met their Nana Mary or their uncles Stuart and Hayden or their two cousins my brothers daughter and son.
Chas Dingle is right. Every time she has left is precious to each member of the Dingle family and with Aaron and Eve too. Yes Paddy doesn't know yet because it's Chas's news to tell Paddy and Eve so Aaron you need to stop being such an asshole and learn from what your mother just told the family.
I know it sounds but just because somebody is ill doesnt mean you automatically forgive them. Chas has really hurt Aaron a lot this is why he is the way he is.on the other hand hes clearly in a lot of shock
They were actually being very rude, i understand that are frufrated at Aaron and i don't blame them cause Aaron was been unstandable lately. But he's still family whether they like it or not. No they shouldn't just have a go on him.
Great the show is now making sure Chas is the victim so we can forget everything she never took responsibility for.
Think the childlike attitude and pretend hardman routine is a mask for the character aaron’s insecurity’s…
Hes just a scared boy underneath it
Your comment was so uncalled for. I yeah, i get it . Aaron was nothing but trouble ever since he came back to the village but you don't need to go so hard on him like that. Do you have any idea what's he's been through?
@@Ghet104 for gods sake hes a actor…
And yes i met people like him in real life…
Members of my family for starters that had way worse happen too them…
Obviously Aaron was shocked an upset but Cain was out of line saying he’s a coward like Gordon.That was super low and is obviously going to make everything worse. I get Aaron’s been nasty and cruel but he’s in deep grief over liv and it was just uncalled for after everything Gordon did to him .
I love Cain, and I know Aaron's been a pain in the arse, since he returned. But comparing him to Gordon was out of order. The first time I felt bad for Aaron.
Especially since Cain knew how Gordon's abuse affected Aaron. Cain was there for Aaron, when the truth came out, and saw how it messed Aaron up. Angry or not, Cain had no right to say that.
Is the blonde woman in the black and green top the same actress who used to play Kerry in The Bill years ago?
They just need to bring Nell Fairfax back now As Caleb and Ruby’s daughter Scarlett Archer who played Nell liked the idea when I told her on Instagram it would be a good twist if Nell was Calebs daughter
Cain himself is more similar to Aaron's dad given he sexually abused teenagers in the past as well.
3:10 I don’t see that happening between Aaron n cain
0:41 you would have run from it to al’s bed
No sympathy for Aaron
That was mean thing to say about Paddy. Yeah, yeah, I know Cain meant pedo Gordon but he isn't Aaron's dad, Paddy is. Cain could've kept his mouth shut, tho. Aaron has lost two sisters, grandma, almost Paddy and now he could lose his mom too, his reaction was understandable. And he clearly still loves Chas even tho she's isn't that great mom. Can't wait to see the scene when Chas and Paddy tell Eve.
Gordon is Aaron's dad and Aaron is just like him because ever since Aaron came back he has been nothing but trouble yeah cain got Aaron back to the village but Aaron bullied vinny
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight Cain's dad Zak, caved his son's own skull in over his MANY misdoings, including on his own family (especially Charity), Cain is a massive hypocrite like usual, also nice to throw that in after his sister's revelation, sure she loves hearing that being said about her ex/son...
Funny, because Caleb has also been nothing but trouble since he came back, first sabotaging Moira's farm for his revenge on Kim, now sleeping with the wife of Cain's son Nate, who in turn slept with his wife Moira, who's also keeping this secret about Caleb and Tracy from Cain. I'm sure Cain will be calm and collected when he finds out...
What a great bunch of "family"...
That STILL doesn't give Cain OR YOU any right to say it.
@@BlueAndWhiteAreRight Gordon's his bio dad not real dad. Learn the difference. And I haven't seen Aaron sleeping with kids. And please, pretty much all of the Dingles have been causing troubles, some more than others.
@tirsus1482 ok so who is Aaron's dad then
KARMA............... FINALLY.........
where is the cain lovers now that is the true cain right there and no dingles spoke up after that sick guy said that when that family left aaron to that rapist im so done with the dingles that was the last straw for me
Cain has every right to be upset with Aaron he could have died. But that was too harsh you could see Aaron was trying not to cry.
Listen I respect that what Cain said was very mean but he literally has just came back from the hospital with a head injury that it looks like he will be possibly having issues with after Aaron took a cheap shot at him when his back was turned. I think he has every right to be mad at Aaron. Chad telling her diagnosis dosen’t change that. Aaron is a grown man now - he acts like he is the only one affected by all this. Look how he treated Vinny who was livs husband! Or even what he said to Sam? Cain should’ve said that and he should apologize for those words but let’s now get lost in the plot. Aaron has been terrorizing everyone since he returned and literally battered and left for dead his uncle. the anger everyone has towards him is justified. Cain is Cain. He hasn’t changed since forever. He didn’t do anything different to Aaron to deserve his anger towards him. And in fact he went to him and asked him to talk about what’s going on and of course Aaron pushed him away with just more anger. And when he woke up he could have grassed Aaron but he didn’t. Aaron has become a mean and bitter person. He has a lot to work thru and I think he needs to stop blaming everyone and focus on healing from the past once and for all. Maybe his moms diagnosis will be a turning point for him 🤞🏽
To be fair, Vinny was also kind of an asshole to Aaron I'm sorry
Cain derailed the entire reveal with that comment about Gordon, like he also threw that in front of Chas (who does blame herself over Gordon), who's still holding out hope Aaron calms down...
Like even before the reveal, they were all judgy about Chas (even though she often deserves it), which feels like insane hypocrisy, giving their own history and problems with their kids...or the whole Al/Cain fiasco.
Aaron hates himself, and wants to be hated, he goes for everyone that he feels has betrayed their former self, like Cain, Paddy, etc Or who he feels has slighted him, like Vinny and Chas.
Chaz is such a hypocrit
This is nowhere relevant to what's happening rn🙄✋🏻