Indian craftsmen do their job faster than this automated machine but don't get right wage. This is the reason why indian companies don't want to install automated machines for this work.
Watching this after I saw a couple of videos of masters creating mugs and bowls, it really makes me appreciate (even more) the hand made bowls that I bought a few years back. Mass produced vs slow hand made ones. Good video!
To me the fascination is not how the cups are made or that the focus is on the cups me the fascination is who came up with the machines to do all this ???...I would like to see how the machines are made because its crazy how they automate machines and programme them to do such delicate calculations and job
@@choberi I dont think they are really complaining about the machine. As an artist myself, we are saddened by people expecting ridiculously cheap prices from handmade products. Sure for a utilitarian purpose, go for a machine made. Even I cant afford handmade potteries. But handmade potteries adn other hand made stuff like jewelries, book binding, etc are art. I wish people would pay more attention to artists because we advocate for a more emotional and personal consumption of products. Instead of buying like 20 plates and be wreckless with it, you can also buy 2 beautiful handmade plates that you will cherish forever.
@@danielconnor8516 yup. It's how communities are built. People close to each other not just from relationships, but from working parallel of each other. I'd be heartbroken if a machine took away my career path (Automechanic Technician). Up in the mountains people work off favors more than currency. Someone fixes a car, they can help lend a hand for tending a garden. Value isn't just money. It's trust.
@@anshulbhardwaj4038 No, its is the formulation of the clay body that makes it able to take the heat. Some wares are not made for microwave some are and some are oven proof. Then there is flame ware that can go directly on a gas flame for cooking.
@@aeshaash2172 OK besides that and I have worked in the ceramics manufacturing since the 70s. Tell me why certain clay bodies/fired wares heat up when in microwave and some do not heat one bit? There is something in the formulation of the clay body that causes this.
Some of these methods are very cool and innovative, but I often think it would be nicer to return to the mindset of saving up for high-quality handmade items and treating our posessions with care. This is as opposed to the throwaway culture and cheaply made products of today. That said, it wasn't fair in the past. Perhaps we can combine what was good then: buying quality crafted things and keeping them with care, with what we understand (but don't practice) today: art and craft are valuable and quality crafters deserve fair compensation. I wonder how many people would be happier if they could survive by taking time and care to focus on the natural craft that drives their spirit as compared to keeping hours in an unnatural office staring at a computer all day or playing automaton at some underpaid factory job. Who will ever know.
It's good that clay plates bowls and cups are machine made they make them cheaper... Competitive with plastic. And eating on porcelain is much more satisfying than eating off plastic
Muy bueno,me encantaría trabajar en una empresa de producción de vajillas,soy técnica y maestra en cerámica. A mi edad es imposible conseguir esa clase de trabajo ,soñar no cuesta nada.
Even though the technology have advance so far. It does look fail for those who use the art of their hand for cheep product for us. I know I am wrong people want cheep. And only way is this
Hand made pots gives satisfaction, watching the making of hand made pots is soothing..
Agreed. I have a tea bowl from Japan. And I feel like that it worth more than all my other mass produced kitchen wear that I have.
Handmade potter is the true artist!
What's your choice!🤔
I feel bad he does everything manually
Indian craftsmen do their job faster than this automated machine but don't get right wage.
This is the reason why indian companies don't want to install automated machines for this work.
Mmm machines 😆😆
Never in a million years would have guessed how automated balloon type things would paint bowls.
i’d loose it all for the ceramic bowl tiddie
@_Chaotic_Lesbian_ the jiggle!
@_Chaotic_Lesbian_ ช0ช0ช000ชชช0ชช0ชชขชชช0ชข0ขขข0ชชขชข00ช00ขขข00ขช00ชขขชชชอบชขขขขชชชชชชชช00ขขชบ0บข0บลบ0บ0ลบ0ยชขบบ0บ0บบชชบ0บ0บบบ0บข0ข0บ0บบขบบชบชบบบบช0บชบบบบ0บ0บชชชขบบบบลชลบข0บลลบบบบบ0บ0ชขลบบบบชลบลข0ข0ข0บบชบบบบบบบบบ0ขบบขบชขขบบบบขสลบบบข0บ0บขบชลบ0บ0บบขบชบลบบบลชบ0บบลชบขบชบบ0บบบบข0บชบบบขขบบขบบบบบบบขบขันบบบบบบบบขชบบบข0บบขบวชบชลบชลบบบบชบข0บชบบบบบบบบบขบบบบบ0บ0บ0บบบขลบบบบ0บข0บบ0บ0บบบขบบบบบบบบบขบบบบขสลบบบบ0บ0บบบบบบบบบบชบบบชบบบบบบบชขบบบบบบบบชบบบบบบบบบบบบบบชบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบชบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบขบบบบบบบบบบบบขขบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบขวบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบขบบบบขบบบชขบบบชบขขบบบบบบขบบบบบญจสสสสสจสสสสสสสจสสสสจจสสสจสสสสจสจสสสสจสสสสสสสสขขสสสสสสสยยยย9ยศสสสสสจยสสสสสสสสจสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจสขสสสขสสสสสสสจสสสสสจสสสสสสสสสสสข9ยสสยศสสสสสสสสสจบสสสสขยสสสสสสสจยสสสจ9ยสสสสสยสสสสสขสขสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจสสสจสสสจยสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสขสสจสาขาสสสสสสจ9จสสสสสสสสสจสสสสสสสจสส9ยสสจสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจสสสสสสสสสจยสสสสสสสาสสสสสสจส9ยสสสสสจสสสสสสสสสจสสสสจสสสจสสส9สสสสสสสจสสสสสจสสสสสสสสสสสสสจยส9ส9ยสสจสสสสสสสาาสสสสสจาสสสจยจ9ยสสสสสสสสสสจนสสสสสสสสจสส9สสจสสาสจยจสาสสสสสสสสสสสสสจยสสสสสสสสสจขส9สขสสสสจยสสสจยสสสสสสสสสสสจส9สจสสสส9ขยสสจยสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจ9สสจสจยสจจสส9สสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจยาสส9สสจส9ยส9จสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสสจสสสจจ9สตส9ส9ยสสสสสสสสจสสจสสจยตจยสสสสสจ99าสาาจสสสสสจสสสจสสสาสสาาาาาสาาจสสาสาจสจส9า9าจสจสสสจสสส9าสาาาาาสสสสจสสจาจ9จาสาสสจาสสสจสสสสสสสสสสจสาสจส9สสสสสจสาาสสสสสสสจสสสจสสสจา9ยสสสสสาสจตา9าาจสจยสสสสสสสสสจ9999สสสจสจ9สาสสาสสสจาสสจสสสสสจาาสสจสสสสสจสสสสสสสจสสสสสาาจสสสจสสจสสสจสสจสสสสสจจส99สสสสสสสสสสาจสสสจสสสสสสาสสสาาสาสสสาจา99สจจาาสสสสสจ9สสจจ9สาจ9สสสส9ขสจสสาสาสาาสาาสจสาสสสจสสสจสสสสสสสสสจสสสสสา9ยาสาสจจสจย9จ9,168ย099ย
I should call her
its called Pad printing, the bag being the pad. They pad print cups, bowls, plates and as you saw multi color. So much faster than decal transfer.
The bloopy jello thing is why I came 💖💖
Same. I wanna squish it
Same. What is it called?
@@mohammadtalhakhatri7407 It’s called a pad printer.
Watching this after I saw a couple of videos of masters creating mugs and bowls, it really makes me appreciate (even more) the hand made bowls that I bought a few years back. Mass produced vs slow hand made ones.
Good video!
The way they paint them with the air bags is genius
I wanna squish it
It’s actually silicone
The man making the pottery by hand is just as consistent as the factory molded items.
K. Fuentes but million times much more precious
@@selmademirdogen4376 Yes, agreed
Like for the handmade potter guy
he is really an artist
Time stamp?
Makes me proud because i always appreciate and support handmade goods
His name was probably Harry.
In our country(India) they are called Kumhaar.
I like the hard work of the man making pots with hand
I prefer it to all
That 'cow udder' thingy makes ceramic patterns?! All these times I thought these were handmade.
Pad printing
1:43 たわわ〜ん かわいい
2:52 急に原始的な…
In English plis?
To me the fascination is not how the cups are made or that the focus is on the cups me the fascination is who came up with the machines to do all this ???...I would like to see how the machines are made because its crazy how they automate machines and programme them to do such delicate calculations and job
As a traditional potter this makes me sad! My struggles to perfect a piece on the wheel... a machine does it ‘plooop shlooop’ in 2 seconds... 😕
Did you see the handmade potter around the 4-5 minute mark :)
oh my god who cares imagine complaining over a machine
@@choberi I dont think they are really complaining about the machine. As an artist myself, we are saddened by people expecting ridiculously cheap prices from handmade products. Sure for a utilitarian purpose, go for a machine made. Even I cant afford handmade potteries. But handmade potteries adn other hand made stuff like jewelries, book binding, etc are art. I wish people would pay more attention to artists because we advocate for a more emotional and personal consumption of products. Instead of buying like 20 plates and be wreckless with it, you can also buy 2 beautiful handmade plates that you will cherish forever.
Daniel Connor capitalism is murders art, too
@@danielconnor8516 yup. It's how communities are built. People close to each other not just from relationships, but from working parallel of each other. I'd be heartbroken if a machine took away my career path (Automechanic Technician). Up in the mountains people work off favors more than currency. Someone fixes a car, they can help lend a hand for tending a garden.
Value isn't just money. It's trust.
Million like for the handmade man, I respect him
İşte aradığım yorum 👍
The GOONS Podcast got me here.
I was looking for this comment
*_I wanna touch that fluffy, bouncy stamper._*
For real I'm like I wanna poke the squishy
Maknoun - مَكْنون kjzjijsjshhuhdhhsh
@Baby Cakes Made of Silicone rubber, my dear.
Do you think it can be used to apply henna tattoos all over a person's body?
Machine made things are good but MANUALLY MADE THINGS ARE AMAZINGLY BEST
How ironic that some plates cook at high temperature at their making but just a little twirl in the microwave and they completely shatter😂😂😂
Cláudia Assunção Bernardo Cossa because of air pockets in between
@@anshulbhardwaj4038 No, its is the formulation of the clay body that makes it able to take the heat. Some wares are not made for microwave some are and some are oven proof. Then there is flame ware that can go directly on a gas flame for cooking.
Its due to Resonance may b .. .
Cz Microvave uses high enrgy by procesd.. resonance
@@aeshaash2172 OK besides that and I have worked in the ceramics manufacturing since the 70s. Tell me why certain clay bodies/fired wares heat up when in microwave and some do not heat one bit? There is something in the formulation of the clay body that causes this.
Sure.. Every product hav its own quality capacity to bear such disasters😂
1:38 와 탱글탱글해~~귀여웤ㅋㅋㅋ
Wow ~ 생활 도자기가 자동화로 대량생산! 🇰🇷💕👍
Wow~ Mass production of household ceramics through automation!🇰🇷💕👍
Like for handmade Potter uncle ji😊
I liked this video for the handmade poetry. It needs lot of patience.
@3:00 now that's a Craftsman !!!
I miss pottery class in college, those were good times.
सर्वच खूप छान वाटलं पण जी भांडी हाताने बनवली आहेत ती खूप अप्रतिम वाटली...
खरच एका कुम्हरची कला अवगत कारण सोप्प नाही...
सलुट दादा....
Indian maker is too intelligent and hard worker..... No machines....only Magical work In his hands... Amazing....
0:45유약 0:56전사 1:27압축성형 2:58물레성형 6:18주입성형 8:07시유(분무법) 8:18시유(담금법) 11:15터널요
Please send me whatsapp
Most satisfying ✋ made potter the art is now disappeared hardly get to see in india
@Usama Aslam he's not saying that it's only in India. He's saying how we don't see that many potters anymore India.
Some of these methods are very cool and innovative, but I often think it would be nicer to return to the mindset of saving up for high-quality handmade items and treating our posessions with care. This is as opposed to the throwaway culture and cheaply made products of today. That said, it wasn't fair in the past. Perhaps we can combine what was good then: buying quality crafted things and keeping them with care, with what we understand (but don't practice) today: art and craft are valuable and quality crafters deserve fair compensation.
I wonder how many people would be happier if they could survive by taking time and care to focus on the natural craft that drives their spirit as compared to keeping hours in an unnatural office staring at a computer all day or playing automaton at some underpaid factory job. Who will ever know.
But the bloody capitalism will never let this happen
Adududuh ternyata gitu cara pembuatannya...kreatif bangets...
عراقي مر من هنا 🇮🇶😎
ممكن تنورنى فى قناتى وتشرفنى
It's good that clay plates bowls and cups are machine made they make them cheaper... Competitive with plastic. And eating on porcelain is much more satisfying than eating off plastic
Que vídeo adorável! Parabéns!
Я балдееею, надоже, как красиво работают люди...
Finally the jiggle physics are tamed to serve humanity.
어헣ㅋㅋㅋ 저 스펀지 몰캉몰캉해보이는게 한번 만져보고 싶다
Indian artisans are more skilled no machine, they just make it by their hand, amazing
Wonderful Clay gives us Ceramic, sand gives us Glass.
Hand made worker is hero. Thnx
2.52 so much of hard work.... God bless him...
What is that squishy printing thing called?
they are from Japan printing heads
@@anshulbhardwaj4038 thanks for your suggestion. I found the correct name of that thing, called "pad printing head"
@@Trinitrophenylmethylnitramines thanks!
I love the stampy thingies
Khurja pottery is the best
interesting video
China made items tend to be rough !
okay what are those bouncy things stamping the ceramics called??? I wanna touch it so bad
I don't know why someone dislike this type of video what's going in their minds... but it's their choice.. 😄😄😊
Entire video is video of the year for me❤️❤️
I can't believe that those balloon things and the machines are only made for ONE SINGLE BOWL PRINT
It’s the best & complete video. I’m really happy, after a long time I got the right video. Hats off.
3:00 give likes for his hard work 😘
Amazing handworks 😍
1:40 so bouncy 😍
Pottery is so satisfying!!!
I like that the name of the brand of porcelain mugs is literally 'Cup & Saucer'
Amazing handmade😍
Wow the pottery guy really did a great job
La mejor es la hecha por las manos de artesanos, indiscutible
handmade is hardwork and more personalized
its really amazing, and make the porcelain looks very easy, why China make it as a secret of produce them
Muy bueno,me encantaría trabajar en una empresa de producción de vajillas,soy técnica y maestra en cerámica.
A mi edad es imposible conseguir esa clase de trabajo ,soñar no cuesta nada.
It’s the jiggly stamp for me
I want one of those giant balloon paint things to jump on.
I love how this is what I am doing instead of sleeping- :)
give them all a raise
Молодец, мастер своего дела👍🌹🌹🌹
2:51 to 6:10 super ✌🏻👏
Stunning deep pottery, absolutely bonkers. this is goingr right into my faves...
Looks sooooo soft
Rejeitos da construção civil... dá!?
China, india and western, is it a fair comparison
몽글몽글해보이네 뭔가 만져보고싶당ㅎㅎ 퐁신
I wanna squisshh the things that do the patterns
Gusto nyan ung may paligid parang cocktuse
Is anyone here at all from the goons or just me?
1:40 my girlfriend used to do something similar to this,only instead of a bowl it was my face.😁
Wow Amazing
Super glazing and painting🎨 technic.
Please provide details of manufacturer of printing machine shown in this video between 1:50 to 2:48
Sonho com um jogo de jantar desses manda um pra mim Brasil por favor vai 👏👏😘😘😘
The Potter is very hardworking.i like his work .He is so talented.may ALLAH bless him.
Wow so amazing making
get this guy a machine
It’s really very amazing 😁😁
What is that squishy thing that paints plates
Hand made is the best and eco friendly.
Good made
ASMR par excellence!!
Excellent very nice 👌👌
I'm from Indonesia , I like that , it's so you all...from Indonesia... bingit....ning jowo laka mesin mengkonon...canggih....salam kenal....dr perantauan malaysia.. #purworejo....berirama kota bojoku...tanggaan...kabupaten mba...
salam kenal balik mbk , salam kelga dr ak , smga tali silaturahmi ttp bisa terjalin , slm hangat buat kelga...mbk siti...
This is our India makes everything
great skills, God bless
Masha Allah... Allah is great.....
I want to squeeze that jiggly printing thingy so bad.
Even though the technology have advance so far. It does look fail for those who use the art of their hand for cheep product for us. I know I am wrong people want cheep. And only way is this
ok boomer
Cool video bro
wow how cool is that..👍