How would we create a new list index everytime a function is called. Like Im taking in student credentials and everytime I go to the newStudent method, I need to be able to store all the info the user inputs into a new index of the list
i did exactly the same with different names: The type or namespace name 'Courses' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [c#], Where Courses is my class name. It's List error
What about a list accessing an object that is two or more levels deep. Like if these students had a ReportCard object, and enrollment objects as part of the Report Card object. Now I want to do something like Find "Tom Jones" in the students list. Tell me what class he was taking 3rd period in Fall 2017, Who was his teacher, and what grade did he receive?
Could someone help me in this issue: i ve a class Tournament, it has a property Int NumberOfRounds and i want to create also another property List Pools in the same class nur her Capacity will ne dinamiclly depend to the other property NumberOfRounds, for example when de defind NumberOfRounds =4 then i would have (4+1) =5 Pools , than mean List Pools { get; set} = new List(5); I need help please if somone could help me i ll apreciate it &thankful
But why? for each loops are easier to read, and I believe they are much safer to work with multiple treads, and cases where your list gets updates, WHILE you are trying to loop through it.
you are slapping your keyboard XD
Thank you, you just helped me understand how custom lists work.
God bless you.
Thanks. Really clear explanation. Much easier to use than arrays.
plz just keep up you are just amaziiiing
Can you make a video on how to bind this list to a Winform dropdown list?
Thanks a lot!, you've got a new suscriber
Very very helpful.thank you so much for all
How would we create a new list index everytime a function is called. Like Im taking in student credentials and everytime I go to the newStudent method, I need to be able to store all the info the user inputs into a new index of the list
Thanks for the help 👍🏻
i did exactly the same with different names: The type or namespace name 'Courses' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [c#], Where Courses is my class name. It's List error
What about a list accessing an object that is two or more levels deep. Like if these students had a ReportCard object, and enrollment objects as part of the Report Card object. Now I want to do something like Find "Tom Jones" in the students list. Tell me what class he was taking 3rd period in Fall 2017, Who was his teacher, and what grade did he receive?
Separate list and use Insert( what was chosen,what to save in the other lists ) and RemoveAt(To remove what was saved in the: what was chosen )
Could someone help me in this issue: i ve a class Tournament, it has a property Int NumberOfRounds and i want to create also another property List Pools in the same class nur her Capacity will ne dinamiclly depend to the other property NumberOfRounds, for example when de defind NumberOfRounds =4 then i would have (4+1) =5 Pools , than mean List Pools { get; set} = new List(5);
I need help please if somone could help me i ll apreciate it &thankful
Thank you. Please tell me how can we use for loop instead of for each for this code.
For (var i = 0; i < List.Count; i++)
But why? for each loops are easier to read, and I believe they are much safer to work with multiple treads, and cases where your list gets updates, WHILE you are trying to loop through it.
This helped a lot, thank you
Does it have to be in the main?
Can you make a video just like this one, but with a Windows Form application?
OMG thank you so much. I am going to subscribe you :)
really helpful. Thank you !
thank you so fucking much for a clear explenation.
how to store user input in the list
yooo did you get the answer for this???? i need help!!
Yoo I'm months late but Yall got the answers for this?!?!?!?