Vocal Coach reacts to The Warning - CHOKE

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SamboGGX
    @SamboGGX Рік тому +13

    I never heard their music until I saw them live at Rockville 2023. After that I was hooked

  • @eddietorres1000
    @eddietorres1000 Рік тому +6

    At the end of this month The Warning are Headed to Europe, They are opening for Muse in 4 different concerts in England and then they are playing all over Europe in different Festivals

  • @marcogutierrez437
    @marcogutierrez437 Рік тому +11

    Also you need to say that Matt Bellamy personally invited these sisters to tour with them (Muse) after play some dates in México, but now at his home in England. Muse was warned!!

  • @PaleHorseShabuShabu
    @PaleHorseShabuShabu Рік тому +13

    When my wife saw their new video "More" for the first time, she got to the part where the three sisters are sitting in a row and said, "They have the exact same face." I'd noticed that before, that they have the same cheekbones, same mouth and jawline, etc. Beautiful young women.

  • @anthonymaniscalco7890
    @anthonymaniscalco7890 Рік тому +6

    I never heard of the warning until I saw this reaction, coincidentally, two days later, I saw an advertisement that they were playing in Manhattan last minute I decided to go, and I was not disappointed they were excellent much more than I expected

  • @ricardodiaz1526
    @ricardodiaz1526 Рік тому +29

    The Warning Is amazing

  • @TimGibson-qp8tn
    @TimGibson-qp8tn Рік тому +4

    The music & musicianship is good but... Wow, what a voice! A very talented trio indeed but that voice will knock your socks off!

  •  Рік тому +37

    Dani has the kind of a singing style.. of a revolutionary leader

  • @thatskingbooker
    @thatskingbooker Рік тому +46

    A great choice , a great song , a great band

  • @gaefferson1
    @gaefferson1 Рік тому +63

    This band is phenomenal…They crush live ..saw them 2 days ago.

  • @NathanAllen
    @NathanAllen Рік тому +142

    Just saw them in Atlanta last night, Dany's voice was powerful and emotive! Somehow a three-piece sounded so big and the energy they brought was dynamite. They have amazing songwriting ability, every song was so unique.

    • @bandmaidfanATL
      @bandmaidfanATL Рік тому +18

      I was as well. Dani and Pau's vocals are so superb live, and their confidence is so inspiring. And I especially like to see Ale get her acapella couple of bars on this song live too. Confidence not quite there, but she is only 18 I think. But she has 2 great role models.

    • @crios5274
      @crios5274 Рік тому +6

      Full Art❤🎉😊

    • @kevinwagner542
      @kevinwagner542 Рік тому +4

      I was there also. They killed it. This song was epic!

    • @BobbyAbernathy
      @BobbyAbernathy Рік тому +2

      I was there as well. TWA

  • @roywall8169
    @roywall8169 Рік тому +141

    I am also a proud supporter of these young women. They have put in a decade of hard work, and are now reaping the rewards of their labor. Fortune favors the bold, and Dany, Pau and Ale have been nothing if not brave during their journey so far.

    • @braack4859
      @braack4859 Рік тому +4

      YES, big fan here too. They are amazing and deserve huge success and recognition world wide in my opinion.

  • @gerhard_mammuth
    @gerhard_mammuth Рік тому +135

    This Girls are a great Live band. Check out the pro shot live performances at Teatro Metropolitan CDMX. Great songs, performance and stage presents. "Disciple"; "Martirio", "Choke", "Enter Sandman"; "Money" and "Animosity" are worth to look at.
    They come to Europe next month UK (Scottland) , Germany, Netherlands, Italy; Spain Poland, Chezch Republik, Switzerland, France. Festivals and headling concerts. And they are the Opener for 5 times for MUSE ! 🤩⚡⚡⚡ Greets from Germany

    • @bestcongressmoneycanbuy9704
      @bestcongressmoneycanbuy9704 Рік тому +3

      Just got tickets for the UK show. They're awesome! 🤟❤🎸

    • @brentravnsborg2782
      @brentravnsborg2782 Рік тому +2

      you guys in Europe really have no idea what is coming this summer, these girls are gonna hit you like a locomotive they are better live than in studio. Enjoy

    • @davidburlington3659
      @davidburlington3659 Рік тому +2

      You have a lot to look forward to! I saw them 2 nights ago in Charlotte, North Carolina USA and they tore the house down! A fabulous show. Everyone was sooo impressed. Enjoy the Warning, Germany (and the rest of Europe).

    • @juanletona3546
      @juanletona3546 Рік тому +1

      Les dará mucho prestigio tocar en Holanda, Inglaterra, Escocia, Italia, Portugal , Alemania Suiza, estás bellas chicas buscan hacer historia en la cima del Mundo y lo lograrán.😱

  • @joselargo9765
    @joselargo9765 Рік тому +18

    I¨m proud too. They give me the feeling that not all is lost.

  • @memomora
    @memomora Рік тому +21

    The best power trio in the world: The Warning!!!!!!❤❤❤❤

  • @justinatest9456
    @justinatest9456 Рік тому +45

    Their lyrics are as strong as their musicianship. Remarkable for young girls who speak Spanish primarily to have such a way with the English language.
    "Wear your tears like jewelry". I often do when I see and hear them play.

  • @terryminator4208
    @terryminator4208 Рік тому +55

    Dany mentioned recently that she is taking vocal lessons. She has gotten so much better and she has a lot of control other voice.

    • @robertkrawitz8237
      @robertkrawitz8237 Рік тому +4

      During an interview, Pau mentioned that they approach everything as "what can we learn today?" Certainly a very healthy attitude for anyone to take.

  • @larryfox4915
    @larryfox4915 Рік тому +8

    The Warning rocks.

  • @johnsonpaul1914
    @johnsonpaul1914 Рік тому +113

    I am an old guy (almost 80) whose time predated heavy hard rock and it really is not my thing, but these three girls have got my attention. I have listened to a couple of interviews (wings of pegasus is one) and it is obvious these young ladies KNOW music and work very hard at the sound. I find I like their live shows better than the "official videos". Good reaction Beth, thanks

    • @SEP392
      @SEP392 Рік тому +7

      I’m 67 and these ladies have renewed my interest in Rock because they have taken it to the next level , Rock On !

    • @MA-zv8wn
      @MA-zv8wn 10 місяців тому +2


  • @ericgaudet5488
    @ericgaudet5488 Рік тому +4

    Beth great job with your reaction to Choke from The Warning looking forward to seeing your reaction and thoughts on The song More from Them .

  • @MTH58
    @MTH58 Рік тому +26

    Thanks for coming back to The Warning. I bought tickets to see them open their Canadian Tour with Three Days Grace in Vancouver. Most in the crowd were unfamiliar with them. It was incredible to hear the “Holy Crap” reaction from the TDG fans at the end of The Warning’s set. There was no lineup at their merch table before the show. The lineup after their set (and after the show) was huge.

  • @Scott_Diverscott
    @Scott_Diverscott Рік тому +15

    Their journey has been incredible. They’re finishing up the US leg of their world tour, in a few days, then they head to the UK and Europe, opening for Muse (again) and Royal Blood, as well as doing a few headliner shows. In October, Pepsi has sponsored them for a big headliner show at the Pepsi Center - World Trade Center in Mexico City, MX. I wonder if this year’s tour will top the 100+ shows that they did, last year.
    Loved the video, Beth! Thanks!

  • @oldmanyeni1663
    @oldmanyeni1663 Рік тому +50

    Beth, there are hundreds of us proud uncles, aunts, and teachers who have watched these three extraordinary women grow up. So happy that you are part of our ranks. As good as they are in this studio setting, they are incredible live. Pick one of the performances from the Teatro Metropolitan show and watch or react to it. You will not be disappointed, only more proud.
    Thanks for returning to The Warning. They are headed to Warn Europe in about 10 days. I can't wait to see the reactions there.

  • @pcdoctor48
    @pcdoctor48 Рік тому +41

    Nice reaction, This band has come along way from little girls to the rocker chicks they are today. They have such undeniable talent. Keep rocking Beth.

  • @LostHate
    @LostHate Рік тому +4

    You have no idea how much more The Warning have to offer, this is just the tip of it.
    "XXI Century Blood"
    "Dust To Dust" live at Lunario
    "MORE" is there new single.
    That's just a variety of there evolution.

  • @boxychubbo6922
    @boxychubbo6922 Рік тому +38

    Her delivery is phenomenal. It's like every syllable is coming straight from her soul.

  • @srudine
    @srudine Рік тому +35

    Dany's voice is beautiful. It reminds me of a blend of Ann Wilson and Brittney Slayes. Awesome ladies. Awesome musicians.

  • @spaceknave
    @spaceknave Рік тому +63

    Nice reaction. Dany's voice has become a real force of nature the last couple of years, as has every element of their sound. There are no weak links. Thanks for coming back. Any of the videos from Teatro Metropolitan showcase each member's growth and set an incredibly high bar for concert videos. Perfection. ❤

  • @RonGeo8
    @RonGeo8 Рік тому +107

    So happy that they are coming to play in Europe this summer! Europe gonna be warned ⚡🤘

    • @johnrust592
      @johnrust592 Рік тому

      I got "Warned" for the first time last August when I saw them open for Halestorm. Been a fan ever since. These ladies kick ass!

  • @cmm4449
    @cmm4449 Рік тому +45

    We have witnessed how these amazing girls have grown and matured as musicians and perfomers. It's an honour. We've been so honoured...and really Warned. ¡Viva Mexico!

  • @iNsTaNtpUdDiNhEaD
    @iNsTaNtpUdDiNhEaD Рік тому +17

    Beth, it's so good to see you getting back to The Warning! I hope you get a chance to see them perform live when they're in the UK on their upcoming European tour. The part where Dany sings "Let me drown. Let me drown" layered with her voice electronically pitched up an octave, is sung by Alejandra in live shows. Thank you for reacting to The Warning!!

  • @brandonb.5304
    @brandonb.5304 Рік тому +38

    They recently opened for Muse for 4 shows in Mexico, and Muse asked them to come with them to do some shows in Europe, so they'll be opening for Muse again at the end of this month/beginning of next month. They're killing it.

    • @FrankyPi
      @FrankyPi Рік тому +15

      It was funny listening to Dany tell that story, on the last night of their shows together they hung out again after the show, and Matt came to their table and so casually asked if they would like to go and support them in Europe, they thought he wasn't serious at first lol

    • @k.m.8399
      @k.m.8399 Рік тому

      Where did Dany mention this? Was it on a video?

    • @FrankyPi
      @FrankyPi Рік тому +1

      @@k.m.8399 Allison Hagendorf interview

  • @walison.oliveira_yt
    @walison.oliveira_yt Рік тому +16

    How cool to see your reaction to The Warning again, they really have evolved a lot and are always working hard for it, they are rock stars and deserve to be on top 🤘❤️

  • @Robert_Herring
    @Robert_Herring Рік тому +26

    I am a proud supporter of these ladies. Just returned from catching them in concert for the second time, they are brilliant live. My personal favorite is "Martirio", which has a marvelously beautiful music video, or there is a live version from Teatro Cosmopolitan. You also need to do one where the drummer, Pau(lina), sings lead. "Narcissista" or "23".

  • @oxigenarian9763
    @oxigenarian9763 Рік тому +7

    I like "Evolve", too. The drummer's primal scream makes the emotion of the song really pop...

  • @billgoodwin8742
    @billgoodwin8742 Рік тому +26

    I am a huge fan of their music. They are going to the top of the music industry, and I will be watching them all the way.

  • @oskisnutz
    @oskisnutz Рік тому +7

    Just saw them two weeks ago, a flawless live band.

  • @zonachoke
    @zonachoke Рік тому +12

    1) They released a new song and video on 12-May -- MORE (which they began playing on tour two weeks before releasing it; so lots of live versions exist on UA-cam as well as the official video)
    2) They're touring the USA now ... they'll be touring UK and Europe in about 10 days. Hope you get to see them.

  • @arturo.parlem
    @arturo.parlem Рік тому +7

    Great reaction, The Warning has become one of my favourite bands and they're still so young. I bet they're going to trascend as the greatest mexican power trio ever.

  • @randymarple9830
    @randymarple9830 Рік тому +13

    Of all the quality vocal coaches, you are one of the few who have embraced this band. Please keep reacting to more of their songs. Your subscriber base is large and as fans, we want to reach more listeners to expose them to The Warning. They are headed to Europe soon, opening for Muse in UK and France, and also many festivals as well. A two month World Tour to push their latest album, ERROR. Thank you again! I've been a subscriber of yours for 3+ years and you are great!

  • @gailseatonhumbert
    @gailseatonhumbert Рік тому +6

    They are one of my absolute favorites which probably means a bit more when I say I don't normally go for any metal.

  • @christopherkeller8189
    @christopherkeller8189 Рік тому +4

    As impressive as these young women are as musicians and performers they are are even more impressive as humble, caring, open and generous persons. I met and greeted in Portland Oregon last year. I hope you can do the same when they are soon to be seen possibly near you. I love your reviews of such a variety of artists. But to view a review of The Warning after you’ve seen them!!!!!!!!

  • @timspeakman4555
    @timspeakman4555 Рік тому +16

    They are even better live the European tour starts at the end of this month where they do some shows opening for muse plus festivals like download and some headlining shows including 2 in London. Catch them at the o2 academy Islington on 26th June you will love them

  • @FelipeSilva-nm9hx
    @FelipeSilva-nm9hx Рік тому +22

    Thanks Beth! Amazing reaction. The Warning are fire 🔥 ❤

  • @hardyharr9377
    @hardyharr9377 Рік тому +5

    You have been the only reaction youtuber who has done this to such a talented ban as The Warning...I hope they get the exposure they deserve bc this band is original AF

  • @azimyunus4518
    @azimyunus4518 Рік тому +5

    looking forward to seeing them support Muse next month. First time I came across them was their cover of Hysteria from like 10 years ago!

  • @wannabedane4046
    @wannabedane4046 Рік тому +13

    You have the chance to see them live, and it's where they really shine, in neckofthewood - they are touring for the first time in Europe, and open more shows for Muse in UK. Also, headline a couple of shows in London - May 29th and June 26th. Dany (guitar) is not the only one singing lead, Pau (drums) also sings lead, and Ale (Bass) although mainly singing backing vocals also sings lead when one of her sisters need to rest her voice.

  • @DirectorCalva
    @DirectorCalva Рік тому +3

    I love this band 🤘🏽🇲🇽

  • @jsamuelsen
    @jsamuelsen Рік тому +2

    The Warning has brought hard rock back. I've given up on rock like this because it's so old hat at this point but these women revived it somehow. I love it.

  • @philk9227
    @philk9227 Рік тому +18

    The Warning are incredible! So proud of them and how far they have come. They continue to get stronger and stronger. They deserve every bit of success and more!

  • @scottmarchant8844
    @scottmarchant8844 Рік тому +3

    Was at the Charlotte show last night… even better live!

  • @anthonyfisher1670
    @anthonyfisher1670 Рік тому +6

    It's true that Dany's voice has improved tremendously even over the past year , and so has Pau's as well . Thanks hun.

  • @jorgegonzales9815
    @jorgegonzales9815 7 місяців тому +3

    After each Warning song they leave you speechless.

  • @guitarnut1982
    @guitarnut1982 Рік тому +3

    I just saw them on tour with Godsmack , I prevail and Nothing more. They were an immediate follow on Spotify. Absolutely amazing!

  • @danieljodrey
    @danieljodrey Рік тому +2

    You need to do More....
    Play on words there, they did two songs More and Evolve at the MTV VMAs recently and you should do both of them Beth.
    The Warning NEVER disappoints.

  • @drewo6388
    @drewo6388 Рік тому +12

    I absolutely love this band. So glad you're reacting to them, particularly this song! I was hoping to catch them on their tour here in May but unfortunately can't make any shows on this tour. Hopefully they come back to the states sometime later in the year!

  • @jimijamessegoviafeerick1355
    @jimijamessegoviafeerick1355 Рік тому +10

    ⚡The Warning⚡
    Nice Beth thanks!
    Their European Error Tour will be in England-UK this May and June. Catch the show if you can. They are even better live than in the studio!

  • @Zepherian
    @Zepherian Рік тому +32

    They grew up nicely. Haven't heard that big a sound out of a female band since Heart. Props to their parents for making it happen, it must have been very expensive and VERY loud. :D But if you really want to react, live performances are where The Warning is at. Imo they are better than the bands they're opening for. That's the future of rock right there.

    • @crios5274
      @crios5274 Рік тому +4

      Totalmente de acuerdo!! Regards

  • @pablosartor6715
    @pablosartor6715 Рік тому +9

    These sisters are overwhelmingly talented!!
    They are the best poer trio of XXI century!
    Besides being rock stars they are smart, humble, funny and the nicest people on earth!
    Viva The Warning!! ⚡⚡⚡

  • @luisretana665
    @luisretana665 Рік тому +8

    Thanks Beth, i could feel your emotions, ive seen to this great band three times and i Will SEE them in october again, theres is nothing like their live shows.

  • @reactionsaccount3955
    @reactionsaccount3955 Рік тому +7

    You will be glad to hear that the progress you are hearing is due to them having worked with a vocal coach for years now. For future reactions I would recommend checking their UA-cam channel for pro shot live performances, as this band is just as good if not better live.

  • @gregofthelake
    @gregofthelake Рік тому +35

    They are a fantastic band. Got to see them in a small club last year. Dany and Moriah from Plush are at the top for young, powerful singers. Can’t wait for new music from them both.

    • @FrankyPi
      @FrankyPi Рік тому +5

      Have you seen More, new single they released several days ago.

  • @akabelfos
    @akabelfos Рік тому +4

    I love this girls, so proud of them. They are awesome young ladies, had the opportunity of seen them live and they rock. Haven’t been this pumped up about a rock band in a long time. And they just keep getting better. Love THE WARNING.

  • @robertcurry122
    @robertcurry122 Рік тому +4

    Sounds like a cross between Jefferson Airplane \ Starship & Heart..!!! I always like your commentary and analysis, Very common sense And insightful! God bless you ever!!

  • @julzy3
    @julzy3 Рік тому +3

    I only just discovered these amazing artists. When I read they attended Berklee I was even more impressed. Their existence brings me great hope and happiness for music and the world. (which is hard for me to achieve these days.)

  • @xXxJSHxXx
    @xXxJSHxXx Рік тому +11

    Beth they are fantastic live!
    The Warning - CHOKE Live at Teatro Metropolitan CDMX 08/29/2022
    As your next listen to Paulina the drummer and her wonderful voice.
    The Warning - DISCIPLE Live at Teatro Metropolitan CDMX 08/29/2022
    PS I hope it doesn't take 1 year before the next the warning reaction for you.

  • @darthriley272
    @darthriley272 Рік тому +3

    I saw this amazing band when they were touring with Muse ❤

  • @landh71
    @landh71 Рік тому +9

    Great reaction Beth, how ever, as we all knwo that you are a vocal coach, a suggest that you may react to the Live Performance of the Warning at Teatro Metropolitan at Mexico City (CdMx), was a great show and the quality of the band...just amaizing. Greettings from Mexico.

  • @diover.a.gamez.a.
    @diover.a.gamez.a. Рік тому +10

    They Will go to the UK This Summer with Muse... Anda Their Last single just got out five days ago... More... Number one Alternative Rock Record un Spotify, ir something like that 😅 Thanks. 💐

  • @alexstewart1390
    @alexstewart1390 Рік тому +4

    Both Danny and Pau have amazing voices, check out some of the acoustic versions they've done on some US radio interviews. Also the Enter Sandman cover was for Metallica's Black covers album and was requested by Metallica. First European dates this summer, hopefully some headline UK dates soon.

  • @joelpinckney9782
    @joelpinckney9782 Рік тому +9

    Dany's vocals have become consistently 🔥🔥🔥

  • @gregorypollack2199
    @gregorypollack2199 Рік тому +3

    They're my favorite band right now followed by The pretty reckless and Halestorm

  • @markspencer3680
    @markspencer3680 Рік тому +4

    There some live videos from Mexico City done professionally. Choke is one of the songs. But I think you should watch the live version of Disciple. Dany the lead singer and Pau drummer sing their own parts. It’s on The Warning Channel

  • @DR0CK69
    @DR0CK69 Рік тому +7

    I too have been following them since that first viral video and I actually got to see them a couple of weeks ago in LA and they were so damn good! They certainly deserve all of their success, the latest album Error is fantastic, all great songs! Glad to see more reaction of them! :D

  • @joeweller9941
    @joeweller9941 Рік тому +2

    The Warning are touring with their idols Muse in the UK if you’d like to catch them live. The Warning are also headlining in Europe, so check the schedule.

  • @Thesaurcery4U2C
    @Thesaurcery4U2C 9 місяців тому +2

    I'm a guitarist of about 25 years and I love the heavy driving riff to this song.
    Having said that, this drummer is something else.
    Those offbeat fills she is playing around with are very tasty.
    Great band

  • @sharksanchez2800
    @sharksanchez2800 Рік тому +6

    Las Warning triunfado en todos lados 😢😍🇲🇽⚡️⚡️🪖🪖

  • @michaausleipzig
    @michaausleipzig Рік тому +4

    Today on Beth Roars: Dany roars! 😊

  • @holgersurray
    @holgersurray Рік тому +3

    ... and Muse! They also toured with Muse. BTW. The lower line in the bridge is usually sung by Ale, the bass player - so that makes sense. 😉

  • @dandude1382
    @dandude1382 Рік тому +2

    And they also toured with Three Days Grace and wife and I had the pleasure to see them live on this tour last year! Incredible talented young women! I'll upload their video of that concert on my "channel" and post it here on another comment if you don't mind of course...

  • @hiawatha.g
    @hiawatha.g Рік тому +4

    Thank you for coming back to the Warning. I've seen them once live and they blew the roof off the place. For me they are the best, most balanced three-piece rock band since Cream. Like all the greatest, they never stop working to improve. Yes, rock is alive and well south of the border!

  • @jnetzahuatl
    @jnetzahuatl Рік тому +23

    Hola! gran reacción a esta gran canción!! 🤘🇲🇽🤘🇲🇽🤘🇲🇽 cuenta la leyenda que un día tres hermanas mexicanas decidieron que el rock tenía que seguir viviendo......
    Viva The Warning!!!

  • @joshmackaben4537
    @joshmackaben4537 Рік тому +5

    ⚡✌️🤟⚠️🪖⚡ Rock On TW Army!⚡✌️🤟⚠️🪖⚡

  • @yahirmunoz5270
    @yahirmunoz5270 Рік тому +5


  • @oneilprovost2287
    @oneilprovost2287 Рік тому +3

    I have been a fan of theirs for so many years... I remember DESPERATELY wanting for you and my other favorite vocal coaches (you're my favest of the faves) to react to them. Now, they're headlining a second sellout tour in NA, doing a summer's worth of festivals in the UK and EU... they are no longer in need of the exposure. But of course I'm so glad you've revisited them... they're awesome and you're awesome.

  • @raulcasta7841
    @raulcasta7841 Рік тому +5

    Beth, coming from a professional vocal teacher those comments approving these young ladies, now we can see the future of rock is going to be ok,also with quality. Thanks,from Canadá cheers

  • @ragezoul
    @ragezoul Рік тому +2

    Finally!! I've been asking for this in the comments for more than a year

  • @Scott_Diverscott
    @Scott_Diverscott Рік тому +2

    I have no mind left- totally blown

  • @redhotchilifan98
    @redhotchilifan98 Рік тому +2

    This was a nice surprise. These ladies absolutely kick ass. Found them randomly and im glad i did. They write great hooks, and are really talented at their craft. They are high on my list of bands i want to see live.

  • @antivanti
    @antivanti Рік тому +4

    They're possibly even better live as their energy really shines on stage. There are some recent pro shot performances from Teatro Metropolitan CDMX you could check out.
    Also some older live shows at Lunario and Foro DiDi and one at Whisky A Go Go

  • @ansaedsanchez8071
    @ansaedsanchez8071 Рік тому +3

    Awsome reaction Beth. Txs.

  • @terrahawk1977
    @terrahawk1977 Рік тому +2

    Seeing them a week on Monday whoop whoop 👍👍

  • @reynaldorodriguez9412
    @reynaldorodriguez9412 Рік тому +30

    que sorpresa encontrar nuevamente tu reacción a tremenda banda de ROCK y mas aun reaccionando a una de sus canciones mas poderosas como lo es CHOKE... genial reacción y análisis, felicidades buen trabajo🤘🤘⚡

  • @johnrust592
    @johnrust592 Рік тому +3

    Dani slays it vocally, with the guitar, and with her stage presence. And I am becoming more and more of a fan of Paulina on the drums. I think in a few more years, we'll be talking about her in the same breath as Keith Moon, Jen Ledger, and Rick Allen.

  • @williamburkholder769
    @williamburkholder769 Рік тому +1

    The 08/29/2022 concert in Mexico City at Teatro Metropolitan is sheer adrenaline. It's about an hour and 38 minutes, but well worth the time to watch it. These young ladies are nothing short of professional and spectacular to watch. Pau writes songs FAR beyond her years, and then beats the hell out of those drums. Ale grounds them all with her time keeping precision. Dany's soaring guitar riffs and vocals are a force of nature. We have been warned.

  • @vanlepthien6768
    @vanlepthien6768 Рік тому +2

    I saw them twice last year. They keep that energy up full tilt for their whole set.
    You might want to listen to Martirio.

  • @jamessummerlin9516
    @jamessummerlin9516 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for your reaction. I like how you mention that the progress of the sound is due to hard work. As an old musician I can safely say there are not short cuts, study and practice is what it takes for professional results.

  • @HarrymegamanDJ
    @HarrymegamanDJ Рік тому +2

    TW is all you need, i listen to them every day and when I´m not I am singing one of their songs. When I wake up in the morning the first thing that comes to mind is Dany´s voice.
    I discovered them two years ago and found this rabbit hole. No bad songs only 100% art and Rock ´n Roll. They are a multi experience and there is so much to discover in the lyrics and the music. A supergroup was born in 2013! I love your reaction very good.

  • @vili7783
    @vili7783 Рік тому +5

    Nice reaction Beth✨
    The Warning is passion ⚡⚡⚡!
    The Warning is hope 🌀🌀🌀!
    The Warning is life 🔥🔥🔥!

  • @troyg5439
    @troyg5439 Рік тому +3

    it's been a ride , to see them go from youtube videos to opening for the foo fighters, guns n roses and a having a song on metallica's blacklist compilation album...thats just a partial list of what they have achieved so far.!!!!!!