  • Опубліковано 6 лип 2024
    Tired of Edith just soaking up damage? Want to turn her into a roaming MONSTER? This build is the answer! 💥
    I'll show you how to create a powerful Edith build that focuses on early-game roaming, surprise ganks, and massive damage output. We'll cover item choices like Thunder Belt and Feather of Heaven, emblem setups, and essential gameplay tips to dominate your opponents.
    Notice: This content is created based on Moonton’s Material and complies with Derivative Content Policy, Moonton does not endorse this content.
  • Ігри


  • @randomdreamer1619
    @randomdreamer1619 8 днів тому +154

    This roam edith is basically a definition of "fine ill do it myself" roam type role. U tank, u damage, u roam, u mvp the game.

    • @Ayoayo08
      @Ayoayo08 8 днів тому +4

      But lose 😂

    • @justinromero4563
      @justinromero4563 8 днів тому +2

      You kill the lord with basic attacks that deal 2000 damage a hit

    • @Cat_on_watermelon26
      @Cat_on_watermelon26 8 днів тому +5

      ​@@Ayoayo08 Unless you have sh!t teammates, that's your own skill issue.

    • @Ayoayo08
      @Ayoayo08 7 днів тому

      @@randomdreamer1619 I tried that build. That was effective....

    • @Tom-gp6em
      @Tom-gp6em 4 дні тому

      I found this build before the vid by myself and abused it to almost immediately get back to mythic in like 2 days

  • @ryangkw7845
    @ryangkw7845 8 днів тому +80

    finally some recognition for edith, its the ultimate way to tell ur team that youll tank but also take all their kills and carry their butts to victory

    • @ponyogd7708
      @ponyogd7708 7 днів тому +1

      Yea she's used in like 40% of pro matches

    • @ryangkw7845
      @ryangkw7845 7 днів тому

      @@ponyogd7708 yet people in the ranked gulag still sleep on her

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому

      i (gloval 16 edith)wrote a complete edith guide in comments , Check it in comments cuz it was tooo long to write

    • @Jhshsshshshhs
      @Jhshsshshshhs День тому

      I honestly don't know why she isn't used as often. She's so flexible in most roles, has good set of cc skills, and can both tank and dish out damage.

    • @ryangkw7845
      @ryangkw7845 День тому

      @@Jhshsshshshhs most people dont really dabble in the roam role, and those who do just play franco when they have to fill

  • @SamSeemsSolid37
    @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +7

    as GLOBAL 16 edith , i wrote a veryyyyy deep edith guide in comments rn but it was tooo big that youtube aint letting me comment that , so i if anyone wants to see it , i am putting it in parts under this comment

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +2

      as global 16 edith, matches 280+ solo mostly wr= 75%(i left mlbb a week ago so i guess i should be lowered by now) and max rank mythic, I am glad i read Edith description correctly and made these builds(and better) early this season
      Here are my better tips for edith(this will be long so stay with me to become edith god)
      before we begin letss talk about her passive and damage scaling
      Her passive is lighting basic attack after every skill that scales on 75% phy dmg and 25%magic dmg that hit upto 3 heroes and also depends on targets max hp
      1st skill is a earth shattering hit that takes affect after .75 sec of charging and it scales on MAX HP(can be combo with flicker)
      2nd skill is a dash skill which can't pass walls.
      The first enemy this skill hits will get stunned and slammed behind her. This skill scales with MAX HP(can be comboed with flicker)
      3rd skill
      (the bar under edith tells how much extra attackspeed and lifesteal will she have after using ult , It depends how much damage u take)
      when she uses ult she goes out of her robot knocking back all enemy around her in close area(not a real stun type knockback) and gains shield depending upon hp and bar(not sure about bar tho)
      her ult state last for 4 sec at level 1, 8sec at 2 and 12 sec at 3
      In ult state all her EXTRA DEF(def from emblem and builds) gets converted into '3.5' magic damage
      she also gains a new set of skills
      1st a area slow skill that scales with magic damage
      2nd a single target immoblising and stunning bolt that also scales with magic damage

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +1

      spell- Flicker (always)
      Now that u get all her skills quick description lets get with emblem
      I mostly use her for exp(85%) and roam(15%) due to solo rank trust issue
      When playing as damage dealer(exp)
      Emblem, Concussive blast(or that movement speed emblem for chasing)
      15 hybrid def when hp below 50%
      10% extra atk speed
      reasons: Concusing blast matches with her robot skill since she have to go closer to enemy while hitting
      15 hybrid def adds 120+ magic damage in her ult since mostly its used below 50% hp
      15×2×3.5=135magic damage
      and attack speed for faster atk in between her robot combos and basic atks after ult
      and if u r making her defensive style play(like a tank who actually tanks , not damage)
      if u wonna play roam with damage go with emblem above but if u wonna actually protect team use
      500+ hp instead of atk speed and concussive blast
      (since u will stay in robot form mostly to take damage , so ur 1st and 2nd skill damage will scale with hp and higher ho means more tanky)

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +3

      builds(that i use)
      for exp
      warrior boots(or tough boots)
      thunder belt
      starlium skythe
      dominance ice(or antique curiaas or blade armor)
      radiant armor(or athenas shield)
      athenas shield(or blade armor or antique cruiaas)
      REASON:Now try to under builds are very flexible and depends on each situation but let me try to give u a brief and perfect description on it
      1st build)warrior boots gives some base def and its passive gives extra def when taking damage
      so it provides highest def in all boots which means it gives higher damage in ult
      butT if ur enemy are too stunning like chou, franco etc, And they kill u before u start ur move in the stun , take tough boots and sacrifice some damage
      2nd build)thunder belt is too good for edith!
      after every 4 sec each basic atk will slow enemy and gives u 1 hybrid def ,
      each stack of thunder belt gives her
      1×2×3.5=7 extra magic damage(meanwhile aldous gets 6 physical atk from his one stack thats why it got compared in video, and even i think edith is better aldous when i tell my friends)
      always make thunder belt 1st build until ur team is too dumb and enemys are full of early gamers , in that case make any def that counters most of thier damage(this only happens 5% of times)
      3rd build)Starlium skythe
      this is Main source of her damage
      Now its highly logical thing
      Starlium skythe passive is like endless battle but better , after every skills next basic attack deals TRUE damage equal to 100% of your magic damage(this is broken)
      by my estimates , most def she gets in late(with thunder belt 25 stacks on avg)is
      around 350 extra def
      after ult her magic def increases by 350×3.5=
      1225 magic damage
      also she gets some magic dmg from starlium skythe , i guess 50-70
      which round off her magic power to 1300!!
      also according to her light basic atk scaling her normal basic attacks also deals 1000+ normal magic dmg at late
      which means after every skill your basic attack will deal 1.3kTRUE damage enough to each marksman 1/3rd hp and melt tank(thats why i call her tank melter)
      also u gains 30% lifesteal so each atk also regains u high hp(i dont remeber exact build it could make my hp from 5% to 100% during ult if i continously attacked
      but thats max , even the minimum true dmg she deals early game is also600
      4th build) next 3 builds are all depending upon situation
      but still let me teach how to understand situation
      q)check who is giving more problem in enemy
      a)physical hero
      b)magic hero
      if stun go with brute force
      if none giving problem go with radiant armor
      if enemy magic is giving problem,
      q)check if that hero is burst dmg(vale lunox eudora etc) or continuous(valir, lilya, yve etc) , if continuous go with radiant armor again
      if burst go with athenas shield
      if enemy is physical check type
      if enemy physical hero is skill based hero go with antique curiaas
      if enemy physical Hero is basic atk based hero go with domaince ice
      if enemy physical hero is basic atk based hero with CRITICAL BUILDS go with blade armor
      5th build) if u brought magic build as fourth then physical def as 5th build and if u brought phy def as 4th buy magic def as 5th
      use same logic that i told
      Say u have to buy magic now then check continous , burst logic or if u have to buy physical then use critical, basic atk , skill logic
      but if there are more than one type of same enemy , Like 3 physical and all are giving trouble , then make both phy def builds depending upon their types , like if one is skill and other is basic atk and both giving too much trouble buy both antique and domaince
      6th builds) use same logic
      Main purpose of these defensive builds is to provide damage in ult
      Putting radiant armor in default then athenas shield cuz radiant armor gives 55 magic def and its passive gives 120 magic def which is 175×3.5 which is most magic damage provided by single build
      blade armor gives most physical def so its good but its only good againt enemy with critical builds meanwhile domaice ice just provide 15 less def then blade armor at cost of a anti heal and low atk speed to enemy passive , so its like sacrificing damage
      antique curiaas have same reason low phy def but better passive
      my normal matches builds were
      warrior boots,thunder belt , starlium skythe ,
      radiant armor
      , domaince ice , blade armor
      but this was when EVERYTHING was fine but as i explained , last 3 builds are highly situational

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +1

      Now is some tips for builds
      -if u wonna sacrifice most of damage just for good assistance providing to team take hp builds instead of def , But still use those builds whose passive is very crucial, like antiheal. also make staliumskythe as 5th kr 6th build them
      -if ur enemy damage is too high and they are looking like they will finish early and you are frontline , Put starlium skythe as 4th build
      way to play
      Most of time combo will be 2-1-3-BA-1-BA-2-BA
      use basic atk only after skill to maximize starlium skythe true damage

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +2

      ok all the builds and emblem stuff is over , Now is rain of Tips and tricks!
      1)if your enemy have tough boots , Then after u catch them with 2nd skill , predict thier movement and use your first skill where they will go , not where they are.
      2) prediction works too well for her robot skills to catch enemy . Like if enemy is chou i will use my dash where he will dash or if enemy is arlot i will use my 1st or 2nd skill exactly behind the line where he is standing since thats where he end after after using 2nd skill.
      3) its easy to flicker 1st skill but her flicker 2nd skill miss alot cuz people directly try the hard version. When starting to play edith , first use flicker then quickly dash to flip them, but as u play more and more , dash first then use flicker for better accuracy.
      4) after ult , edith basically becomes mm so even if u are damage taker or anything hide behind team while hitting, A perfect fight for edith is when she only deals damage during ult and not take damage.
      5) Due to her basic attack damage depending upon targets max hp , U can use ediths ult to quickly kill lord and turtle , But mostly get ur bar ATLEAST 30% full before using ult or else ur atk speed will be so slow that enemy can steal easily. Only use ult below 30% while hitting lord or turtle when u are guaranteed that u will take lord or turtle.
      6) a good way to escape enemy and go to backline is by ulting back+ flicker , it will instaly get u ready for dealing damage. if u r without flicker dash back and keeping moving back slowly in between attacks , but if u r dominating, dash forward with ult and keep moving forward
      7)edith's ult is not good for chase or run , so if u are sure u cant kill enemy and enemy Can kill ur just stop ur ult at that moment and dash backwars with ur robots dash
      also in ult, if ur enemy is running , u can only chase them until ur basic atl range reach its limit and
      your thunder belts slow is ready , once these both used up forget that u can walk upto those enemy(edith movement speed is slow) So dont mind using flicker to get close to enemy
      8) learn to poke enemys with basic attacks , it will charge ur thunder belt.
      in start i could only get upto 20 stack per match but now i get 40+ stack every game , its a habit of poking that develops
      9)in teamfights starting , Your role is of mostly initiating, Means you have to catch a enemy with 2nd skill or 1st skill(with flicker mostly) then till u are giving chain cc(combo of 1 and 2 skill) you team will kill that enemy(99% of time if team have eyes), So try to catch most powerful enemy , so ur chances to win skyrock.
      10) sometimes enemy tanks gets too over confident and come forward to check bushes and area , So u can also chain cc the tank to remove him from team fight, But its a complicated move, If thier tank is franco then stun him anytime when he is out of position
      If thier tank is atlas, tigreal, belerick or any aoe cc then only stun him when u r SURE that your team will kill him during ur chain cc , cuz once ur cc is over they will do a 5men ult and their team will have enough time to wipe you out,
      11)you can greed trap enemy to come in turret when u r in low ho , that time chain cc them and they will die by turret, But make sure to that turret hitting them.
      12)If u have no action in exp lane and you can cut lane , Then cut lanes and rotate to mid lane easily, until 4:30 min you can easily rotate to turtle even if enemy is hitting your tower , cuz at turret shield stays , and since he is a exp laner they cant push whole turret in one chance(expect split pushers) so even if they eat whole gold from tower ur team can win turtle and post turtle fight for huge gold lead .
      13) sometimes enemys are too fast and can escape ur basic attack range during ult, In that case use 2nd skill first then quickly 1st skill and then keep basic atking and spamming , also use flicker if they still dash
      I dont remember anything more rn, But as i do , i will update this comment ,
      Thank you for reading ALL!

  • @LaurenceSumargo
    @LaurenceSumargo 8 днів тому +233

    edith is much flexible in any lane, except jg

    • @quango2707
      @quango2707 8 днів тому +56

      she can jungle if you go 5-man

    • @LeoninNamedJoy
      @LeoninNamedJoy 8 днів тому +50

      She can be a solid jungler due to her passive being hp% based even applying on creeps, but not practical.

    • @No.1_Flaptzy_hater
      @No.1_Flaptzy_hater 8 днів тому +39

      Any hero can jg if you're brave enough

    • @FRXKiro
      @FRXKiro 8 днів тому +11

      already tried it, you win some, you lose some.

    • @Deku_AnimeGOD
      @Deku_AnimeGOD 8 днів тому +3

      Tip:- Edith can be used as jungler. Core item is thunder belt for the true damage to creeps and feather of heaven for that enhanced basic attack and lightning passive damage

  • @dpq10
    @dpq10 8 днів тому +12

    The Hylos slander at the beginning of this vid will not be tolerated

  • @itachiuchiha108
    @itachiuchiha108 8 днів тому +3

    My favourite underrated roamer,the priestess of primal lightning,the hunter of all the evil gods🤩

  • @lattyarlinnko3342
    @lattyarlinnko3342 8 днів тому +57

    I used to have 70% winrate with edith in previous seasons.and edith was my main carry to mythical honor solo. But after this update,i feel like she is struggling against many heroes. My total dropped to 60% in total matches, and the seasonal win rate is only 50%. I think dire hit hylos is more fun for me and has more damage this season.I played 30 matches and have 90% winrate this season.

    • @AlveousXD
      @AlveousXD 8 днів тому +2

      Yeah Edith is quite struggling lately because of hard hitting heroes who have max HP based damage. And her high hp makes it troublesome for her sustainability.

    • @sync8086
      @sync8086 8 днів тому

      can you share your hylos build

    • @Unwritten_Memory
      @Unwritten_Memory 8 днів тому +4

      Assasin is meta rn so you can't accumulate much rage point in early game because even with tank build the enemy jungler can burst you down and if you use ultimate before max rage bar you won't get enough lifesteal to sustain so you'd die either way

    • @AlveousXD
      @AlveousXD 8 днів тому

      @@Unwritten_Memory more like burst meta, but yeah I agree with you.

    • @tahagi7006
      @tahagi7006 8 днів тому

      ​@@sync8086allow me share mine, use common emblem. Though boots, thunderbelt, COD, and dominance ice and oracle. For last item either you build Atque xuiras or radiant armor or if you feel cheeky use winter crown😂

  • @casey5750
    @casey5750 6 днів тому

    Give this video editor a pay raise!!

  • @QueenXMlbb
    @QueenXMlbb 8 днів тому +2

    Thank you I will try roam Edith and this BUILD 🎉

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому

      i (global 16 edith)wrote a complete edith guide in comments , Check it in comments cuz it was tooo long to write

  • @Argus_Superstorm_777
    @Argus_Superstorm_777 8 днів тому +26

    It's time to use my Edith, it's been a while. And I'm gonna throw Radiant Armor away because I don't really need an item that provides pure defense. Old Radiant Armor? Yes. New Radiant Armor? Yes for increase your Thunder Belt's damage, but no because it is the worst defense item since it nerfed.

    • @ZayiksSeeThingHate
      @ZayiksSeeThingHate 8 днів тому +3

      I agree and don't forget what they done to brute force aswell

    • @yilongmameta1997
      @yilongmameta1997 8 днів тому +2

      Just for the sake of aspirants' sale. But at least most of forgotten BA heroes (harith, nathan) is viable again

    • @someony
      @someony 8 днів тому +6

      Radiant is used because it pairs well with edith's passive by giving extra magic defense. Remember, this converts into magic power after ult

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому +1

      i (gloval 16 edith)wrote a complete edith guide in comments , Check it in comments cuz it was tooo long to write

    • @ngcm1000
      @ngcm1000 6 днів тому

      Wdym guys 🤣 radiant armor at full stacks give 40 base + 120 additional magic defense 😅
      + high HP base + HP regen (this one is barely noticeable btw)
      Given how glowing wand literally in most mages' build right now you are secured to get full stacks in a few seconds just due to getting hit once not to mention most mages are multi hit 😅😅
      It literally gives the highest magic resistance

  • @Stendeverplays
    @Stendeverplays 8 днів тому +39

    As an edith user, the new clock of destiny is a must-have for her
    It gives 72 hybrid defence at late which is no joke (504 magic power alone)
    Also, holy crystal with its bursting magic power boost is totally worth it.
    So l use thunder belt, cod, holy cry, feather of heaven, boots and radiant Armour
    Its bery bery effective because you get a ton of damage and defence (2000+ magic power which is honesty insane)
    Edit:All people be starting a war of exception like fr
    Ik its squishy but edith already have high base defence because of the latest tank item adjustment
    180 physical and 230 magic def doesn't sound squishy ( my build excluding stats from radiant armour passive)

    • @komatsu-theguardianoftheca6031
      @komatsu-theguardianoftheca6031 8 днів тому +5

      cool idea but the mana CoD gives will just go to waste.

    • @E_E69
      @E_E69 8 днів тому +1

      CoD isn't mucu use cuz you need to deal magic dmg with her and only her passive and flight state deal magic dmg. You need to hit your passive 6 times to get full stacks and by that time you're prolly dead or your entire team is and if you use ult early you don't get the boost

    • @noicer-pb8he
      @noicer-pb8he 8 днів тому +2

      That's... actually kinda squishy. This can work if you use her in exp tho

    • @calebshmanderson
      @calebshmanderson 8 днів тому

      CoD sounds like a waste on her,

    • @Stendeverplays
      @Stendeverplays 8 днів тому

      @@komatsu-theguardianoftheca6031 thats quite small amount dude
      The hybrid defence is what matters
      No item gives such a huge amount
      It is the second item with the highest defence stats first being the radiant Armour
      Cod 144 hybrid defence is 500 magic power plus 40 from its stats which is truly scary

  • @Mr.Slenderman
    @Mr.Slenderman 8 днів тому

    Been using this build since thunderbelt revamp❤❤❤

  • @zer-ug8df
    @zer-ug8df 8 днів тому +6

    Finaly some recognition for edith she's basically a second marksman i literally cary my team if our marksman is not doing good ner only weaknesses are stun and burst

    • @faey69
      @faey69 7 днів тому

      tanks with Purify is surprisingly good. I sometimes run Tigreal with Purify. Bait them all in and counter-stun

    • @burger918
      @burger918 7 днів тому

      Her counters are vengeance and enemy with dash skills 😂

    • @SamSeemsSolid37
      @SamSeemsSolid37 6 днів тому

      i (global 16 edith)wrote a complete edith guide in comments , Check it in comments cuz it was tooo long to write

    • @nicolaimarquez4219
      @nicolaimarquez4219 3 дні тому

      Strong CC and Strong Mobility Heroes is quite tough to deal with.

  • @crimsonking1133
    @crimsonking1133 8 днів тому

    Just tried it on several games and inspire works better 👍

  • @funny_valentine645
    @funny_valentine645 8 днів тому

    Thank you idol, mas lalakas na main ko ngayon :)

  • @LennyPenny29
    @LennyPenny29 8 днів тому +1

    W editing

  • @OrangSamarinda1
    @OrangSamarinda1 8 днів тому


  • @TheSpeedSterShadow
    @TheSpeedSterShadow 8 днів тому

    Daddy Elgin delivered another banger 🔥

  • @lynngaming4493
    @lynngaming4493 8 днів тому +1

    It's just hard to use him when the opponent has a lot of CC hehe btw thanks Elgin for making this helpful video

  • @user-wx8iu4go7w
    @user-wx8iu4go7w 8 днів тому

    Love this

  • @raffaelganza6700
    @raffaelganza6700 8 днів тому

    Sheeesh arigato sa imo tanan elgin sa bago build ni Edith😎👍

  • @AjSanjayOpenNaNoor
    @AjSanjayOpenNaNoor 7 днів тому

    I've been using Edith ever since she came out and is the first-ever hero that I mastered

  • @haroldhuntergaming9584
    @haroldhuntergaming9584 8 днів тому

    Me:Finally an edith video
    Also Me: nooooo i was gatekeeping her

  • @beluga_2752
    @beluga_2752 8 днів тому +1

    Edith is my fav hero and my main

  • @user-sx5qb8gn7o
    @user-sx5qb8gn7o 8 днів тому

    I use edith as my main since she was released. I find that unless it's enemy with long cc or just outnumbered by them, she is absolute monster. Ever since new update her performance was lowered due to lower defence offered by equipments. With thunder belt, it was fixed but other heroes who can use that much easier was getting op like esme. So just watch out for surprise attack and deal damage while checking map

  • @SaadSBS
    @SaadSBS 8 днів тому

    Make video of Arlott build too after new update. Thanks

  • @uvuvuevuevueossas8299
    @uvuvuevuevueossas8299 8 днів тому

    Id acrually recommend oracle for the extra heal and duo def

  • @teharurualexandre2983
    @teharurualexandre2983 7 днів тому

    That level 15 1200 damages is craaazyy 🔥🔥🥶

  • @kasumikiku4665
    @kasumikiku4665 8 днів тому

    i like this tank a lot😂 she is my fav when I use exp

  • @illicit0x
    @illicit0x 3 дні тому

    Edith is good if u are able to collect stacks.
    Its just that her usual combo doesnt include basic attack so the enemy tends to die before u get to basic attack him if your team is efficient, thus no stacks received.

  • @GamingID-f9y
    @GamingID-f9y 7 днів тому

    Next make video about Gatotkaca please

  • @A_Mika_appeared
    @A_Mika_appeared 6 днів тому +1

    Honestly edith is best as an exp laner so that when you KS it is not that bad plus a tanky exp laner with a tank roamer will make your team a high hp comp

  • @sbtig9637
    @sbtig9637 8 днів тому

    Hylos with TB and COD is also good...i even play him as exp.

  • @offlinenoobieytand482other3
    @offlinenoobieytand482other3 8 днів тому

    Edith goated frfr

  • @Scha_Arrives
    @Scha_Arrives 7 днів тому


  • @muppetnoob7104
    @muppetnoob7104 8 днів тому

    i've been using thunderbelt on edith since it got revamped
    i think it alone can give you a decent damage without the feather while also allows you leave some space for more defense items :)

    • @nicolaimarquez4219
      @nicolaimarquez4219 3 дні тому

      Stackable Defense Items is Totally "Busted" for her magic power stats in Edith Mode.

  • @shanianatics1213
    @shanianatics1213 8 днів тому

    Edith main here❤

  • @renetteryaniicurioso109
    @renetteryaniicurioso109 6 днів тому

    Edith is my secret weapon in rank games.

  • @b29.sisikjulesmaynard12
    @b29.sisikjulesmaynard12 8 днів тому

    after the item update, i never used feather of heaven or other magic items on edith since i can't rely on my teammates to be on the frontlines when i use my ultimate. i usually go for boots, thunder belt, clock of destiny, then tank items for the rest. i think i'd use this build in 5 man games though.

  • @nikkoflores920
    @nikkoflores920 8 днів тому

    Edith, Belerick and Clint really benefited this New Thunderbelt
    longer game means better result for them

  • @user-hl6gi3nk8n
    @user-hl6gi3nk8n 8 днів тому

    Hey elgin give us tips on that new skin event...

  • @chocopow3216
    @chocopow3216 8 днів тому

    no wonder I'm encountering a lot of Edith players in rank lately, she's scary in both damage and defense

  • @Silvi28754
    @Silvi28754 8 днів тому

    Another good item on her is the new CoD.
    Gives hybrid deff with healing fir clutch

  • @Zhi-is-busy
    @Zhi-is-busy День тому +1

    Edith is meta plus she can burst the lird so easily

  • @Ksalvador777
    @Ksalvador777 8 днів тому

    Nice game ❤❤

  • @Ishowmeat90
    @Ishowmeat90 8 днів тому +1

    2 weeks later: hey guys whats up! The developers noticed edith's been dominating her enemies so they are giving her the nerf hammer!

  • @igris_2000
    @igris_2000 8 днів тому +7

    I play edith but i use clock of destiny instead of radiant armor

    • @Stendeverplays
      @Stendeverplays 8 днів тому

      @@igris_2000 👍

    • @mehshutup3041
      @mehshutup3041 8 днів тому

      You'll have so little HP with COD because you only got 400hp

    • @mariuscaesarcanoza4049
      @mariuscaesarcanoza4049 8 днів тому

      Mate your not after the stats like HP and Mana, it's the passive we're after, same goes for other items some heroes use sometimes, it's the item passive their after not the stats and vise versa

    • @Friendss
      @Friendss 8 днів тому

      Priority Cod build only apply to hylos alice cecil and zhuxin.. the rest is unecessary

  • @jayffersartorio8650
    @jayffersartorio8650 7 днів тому

    Fredrien, Edith, Gatotkaca and Belereck: "I tank, you die."

  • @illusion5739
    @illusion5739 7 днів тому

    Best Edith build.
    Core item: Thunder Belt(stacking defense means more mgc power during ult), Guardian Helmet(regen and tankiness and hp scale with abilities), Feather of Heaven(scale with mgc power and atk speed for faster passive proc)
    Boot: Tough Boot(if lots of slows and CC), Warrior Boots(majority enemies is physical)
    Situational item(last two): Dominance(anti heal/shield especially marksman), Twilight(against burst true dmg hero like Balmond, Martis, Leslie), Blade Armor(lots of crit hero), Antique(against ability dependent hero like Alpha, Dyrroth, lancelot, etc), Athena(against burst mgc hero like eudora), Radiant(against sustain mgc hero like Kimmie, Guinevere, etc).
    You can switch boot with Windtalker instead of Feather of Heaven, while FoH for another defensive item for higher defensiveness but still decent atk spd and move spd.

  • @snopedope4027
    @snopedope4027 8 днів тому

    You forgot the lollipop, which give 2 hybrid def

  • @xxiv168
    @xxiv168 9 годин тому

    Hylos is lowkey OP now since item changes

  • @alemansprototypeguy
    @alemansprototypeguy 8 днів тому

    So far, I enjoyed Edith as an FLEX pick between EXP and roam (also gold if your name is Adammir). Also one of the best FLEX picks along with Arlott, Chou, Guin and Ruby on solo RG
    Tanky af? Check.
    Good counter against assassins and tanks? Check.
    One of the fastest neutral objective demolishers? Check.
    META? Also check.
    Popularized by Gear, Owgwen, Edward and Sanford? Also check.
    As for emblem choice, I think Quantum Charge works better than Concussive Blast since that gives her more chances of either escaping or chasing the enemy as once Edith is outside Phylax, she will lose access to mobility skills and her only source of mobility skills comes from Phylax

  • @zalazaribrahim926
    @zalazaribrahim926 8 днів тому

    It feels illegal to be this early

  • @losercurse2585
    @losercurse2585 8 днів тому

    Zaddy elgin 🥵

  • @mr.lonerdemol7254
    @mr.lonerdemol7254 8 днів тому

    stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp,

  • @GiorgioGiovanna
    @GiorgioGiovanna 8 днів тому

    They should give separate cooldowns to the ba that gives stack and the ba that does dmg or just make it only work on energy heroes because it wastes the passive on creeps and minions

  • @ashgokulsatoshi624
    @ashgokulsatoshi624 7 днів тому

    As a edith main my build is
    Tough boots
    Thunder belt
    Dominance ice
    Radient armor
    Feather of heaven
    Spell is inspire
    This is op use this

  • @i_exist3835
    @i_exist3835 7 днів тому

    Edith and gloo were the only interesting tanks imo so I'm glad atleast 1 of them is getting more recognition

  • @domoneeko6723
    @domoneeko6723 8 днів тому

    I prefer CoD and Oracle with MM emblem and tier 1 attack speed. CoD gives a reliable resource of 144 defense + 45 Magic power during ultimate. RA gives you 160 magic defense but most of it very much relies if magic damage hits you 6 times in a short duration and continuously while ult is active. Oracle over SS because after ult conversion it is a whopping 140 magic power versus 70 magic power plus the passive boosts ult shield and lifesteal. My Edith when ult'ed deal high damage (from a 1000+ converted magic power) so fast, the lifesteal healing just pours into her like the water in a giant bucket at a waterpark.

  • @TakaGami_SonoGami
    @TakaGami_SonoGami 8 днів тому

    Can you also showcase roam khaleed with tank emblem and build (Boots, Thunderbelt, Oracle, +3 defense item) idk how but he carried me in epic and legend, i think he struggles in mythic tho

  • @ashgr.5860
    @ashgr.5860 8 днів тому

    Edith needs a revamp with her suit

  • @christianrubivohs7471
    @christianrubivohs7471 8 днів тому

    I main Edith since end of the last season. And she is my fav hero so much fun to wipe out the enemy if u got a nice position with ur ultimate. But ur build I use as an exp...Is she is not tanky enough with so much damage items? I only build feather for her as roamer
    what do u think of "clock of destiny" in her build?

  • @mattvillagonzalo1369
    @mattvillagonzalo1369 8 днів тому

    Edith main even have a title

  • @sprazini3014
    @sprazini3014 8 днів тому

    Edith 🤩
    July 7, 2024

  • @kennen4769
    @kennen4769 8 днів тому


  • @VOID-0-l4b
    @VOID-0-l4b 7 днів тому

    A roaming monster 💀

  • @neetsauce0606
    @neetsauce0606 8 днів тому

    I'm using it on sun, multiple true damage

  • @KuroOoKamii0320
    @KuroOoKamii0320 8 днів тому

    my main hero. hehehehe. Cecilion and Edith.

  • @EVOS120
    @EVOS120 8 днів тому

    Much more made edith flexible is when she has her teamates ganking at any lane

  • @Balorcodm673
    @Balorcodm673 7 днів тому

    Btw Edith is the ultimate counter for lord bc she can literally solo lord and take the lord fast

  • @jonazz900
    @jonazz900 7 днів тому

    I am using her as a roamer or exp laner from the start of her release. That's why I'm so happy with the thunder belt rework.
    Edit: Im a solo player and I can say that edith is good for a solo player like me.

  • @kangkantalukdar7749
    @kangkantalukdar7749 8 днів тому

    I have been only playing edith ever since thunderbelt came out, now I fear they are gonna nerf her :(((

  • @zircon03
    @zircon03 7 днів тому

    anything about soul vessels event? like the jjk

  • @Ivex920
    @Ivex920 8 днів тому

    I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I first saw that true damage
    Temporary Lesley goes brrrrr

  • @unnerve499
    @unnerve499 5 днів тому

    Hi elgin. Im curious about temporal reign mechanics. Apparently there are some people saying that temporal reign works even for hero with skill resetting ultimate such as yin. Is there any basis to this?

  • @lhavent
    @lhavent 6 днів тому +1

    Edith best build rn , i’m 91.7 wr on ranked, 90 on classic. Thunderbelt(exp) , Clock of destiny, Boots, Radiant/Dominace, Antique/Bladearmor, Starlium Scythe. You just counterbuild most of the time and buy what you need. For y’all clowning cod and saying it’s not worth. You don’t need holycrystal as cod replaces that and makes you tankier base dmg if you’re initiating etc, you can use s1-2 and get a 1-3 cod stacks from passive from basic attacking while in armor mode and , once you ult you would do 1,500-2300k true dmg a hit already , and even if you don’t get full stacks (cod) you can use your ult to complete it , still adds up so you don’t have to stress getting full 6 to ult, you will still get your dmg and only grow stronger during combat.

    • @lastsecond959
      @lastsecond959 6 днів тому

      What about the emblem + talent and the spell? Also boots as the 3rd item or it's just the last tier of the boots? And would Oracle be a good option to replace Starlium Scythe or something else in the build?

    • @lhavent
      @lhavent 6 днів тому +1

      @@lastsecond959 I use firmness 6hybrid defense= free 42 *magic and tenacity = free 105 magic when half hp, you can either use concussive blast or bravesmite to sustain , and no starlium scythe is a core item, because once you ult then basic attack you will do 1,500-2,600 TRUE dmg attack which means they can’t tank it while if you have oracle it doesn’t really help much with shield or sustaining starlium has lifesteal anyways

    • @lhavent
      @lhavent 6 днів тому

      @@lastsecond959you can get the boots at anytime , say tho if you’re roamer then yes I would prioritize boots cause you’re not really gaining much gold, but with exp if you’re matchup is off you can rush boots countering against ur laner, if no trouble u can just build thunderbelt first item, i usually buy the boots first 13 seconds then sell it back for 250 to get to my lane faster, buy a counterarmor i face julian/guin magic defense, yz dyroth physical defense, I usually don’t get 250 boots unless I die to get back to my lane, also remember not to follow any builds you adjust accordingly to the match , first u can get thunderbelt , second item u always wanna check comp first and see yourself not having trouble w your laner if you see enemies having 3 magic user you can skip getting cod and get cod last and starlium 5th item builds doesn’t have an order

    • @lhavent
      @lhavent 6 днів тому

      Remember guys you don’t have to follow this build in order but what’s going on the current match, you could always build cod last because it’s needed to attack to get the stacks so you could always swap cod for radiant armor/athena or dominance ice, simpler terms don’t follow builds in order but adjust it towards ur match cause every match is different, for battle spell you can use vengeance (exp) , inspire (exp) , flicker (exp/roam) hopefully this helps you guys.

    • @lastsecond959
      @lastsecond959 6 днів тому

      @@lhavent I see, thx for explaining

  • @kenkenvanzkie4915
    @kenkenvanzkie4915 7 днів тому

    Me as a Gatot main, I'm using Thunderbelt + Mage build.

    • @ASgsha
      @ASgsha 7 днів тому

      Edith Better

  • @lenzingyt6524
    @lenzingyt6524 8 днів тому

    When clouds event will comeback

  • @LeeTGM
    @LeeTGM 7 днів тому

    What about the other 2 emblem parts beside consecutive blast?

  • @AltzDB_
    @AltzDB_ 8 днів тому +1

    Now do an edith counter vid elgin since it's going to be OP when people know abt this and since most of the people watches ur vids then some players are going to spam it (pls elgin im begging you)

    • @mikasa1126
      @mikasa1126 8 днів тому

      Lolita main here

    • @kazan7869
      @kazan7869 8 днів тому

      just cc her when she entered her ult state and she is most likely dead with a follow up from your burst teammates.

    • @alemansprototypeguy
      @alemansprototypeguy 8 днів тому

      Your best bet is, use any hero that can reduce defense, preferably an Chou, Hilda or Dyrroth since lower defense means lower DPS for Edith when outside Phylax
      Also take advantage of her squishy and immobile status when outside Phylax BY JUST LITERALLY DIVING AND BURSTING HER DOWN

    • @OperationSwift-lj1xn
      @OperationSwift-lj1xn 7 днів тому

      CC chain, HP Based Damage (like Lunox), True Damage and Vengeance.

  • @amb9725
    @amb9725 8 днів тому

    Yep, i tried it and i got MYP 😂 thanks Elgin
    However it's not stralium it's brute force the answer

  • @mattm1107
    @mattm1107 8 днів тому

    You forgot flameshot on Edith. When she does her ult, flameshot does insane damage

  • @iAMyourNightMareONyourDreamsPH
    @iAMyourNightMareONyourDreamsPH 7 днів тому

    Pls continue the season2 of the mobile legends animation

  • @KJTim2575
    @KJTim2575 8 днів тому

    Me as a Gloo main with a Killing Spree Emblem: Am I a Joke to you?

  • @VinsmokeSanji-
    @VinsmokeSanji- 8 днів тому

    Roam edith is better if she use flicker and instead of feather of heaven and starlium its better to build items like Antique Cuirass Immortality or the item that reduce 800 or plus damage Guardian Helmet can also be good
    For emblem I recommend Tank with the boots emblem for the second slot will be tenacity and for the main slot brave smite is better than concussive blast
    Edit: Why did I recommend super tanky edith? If you want a roamer with damage go with terizla chou mathilda diggie or ruby but if you really want some damage go with helcurt or saber hanzo even work

  • @patrickthatdiamondsword5678
    @patrickthatdiamondsword5678 8 днів тому

    Try hylos with new thunder belt and cod

  • @chiron0948
    @chiron0948 8 днів тому

    I think they should give her a rework, so you can choose which form to be in like Roger and Selena.
    They both can switch in between they other roles.

  • @hgd_hanylovely7544
    @hgd_hanylovely7544 8 днів тому

    If want to know just give her one attack speed item like haa's claw or foh for sustainability while not fully sacrificing damage
    Also i am one of the user of edith build mm crit

  • @KurTilingOfficial
    @KurTilingOfficial 8 днів тому

    edith is my main right now i been using a hyper build edith with thuder belt, stadium and loli pop build on exp and i just can't comprehend how much damage i can do without even having full bar for ultimate

  • @axgbb
    @axgbb 7 днів тому

    Tbh, Edith is probably the only hero who can fully utilize the item's passive due to her conversion gimmick but it's just really hard to even stack to 100. The biggest downside it has is the cd per stack gain and the basic attack hero only stacking like how many times do you think you can hit an enemy hero with basic attacks on a single match

  • @altrizchannel3513
    @altrizchannel3513 8 днів тому

    I seeing this video like Ads.

  • @ZushimojikatoBlades-vo9ro
    @ZushimojikatoBlades-vo9ro 8 днів тому

    Few weeks later, hey guys what's up Edith nerf.😎

  • @infiniteHolyThoughts
    @infiniteHolyThoughts 8 днів тому

    Under the rader😂😂

  • @YuanJamez
    @YuanJamez 8 днів тому

    Hey elgin

  • @JongTzy
    @JongTzy 7 днів тому

    Hey Elgin. What is Edith's full emblem build?

  • @m.hawkins9897
    @m.hawkins9897 8 днів тому

    Edith my Fav My Waifu and Gf I love Her and i do Care for her even i used her as roam and Exp

  • @ex0tiv
    @ex0tiv 8 днів тому

    She is great if the enemy composition is full of squishies. If the enemy team is full of sustain or tank heroes, she will struggle to dish out damage since her ultimate duration is not too long

  • @rjtarroza29
    @rjtarroza29 7 днів тому

    Is it me or just you need to do the thunderbelts slow effect on heroes to collect stacks not just atk on every 4 secs?

  • @-babyash-ax3663
    @-babyash-ax3663 4 дні тому

    Smile when thunder belt Revamp.

  • @KheiMarz
    @KheiMarz 7 днів тому

    What's the other 2 Emblem Side Talents that goes with the Concussive Blast