I couldn't believe all those who stood up for her to say how sorry she is...do they think the judge and the rest of us haven't heard all her calls?? She could give less of a sh1t about what she did!! She's outrageous.
"I take full responsibility because that's what it says on this piece of paper that my attorney told me to read, and now I regret it because I'm going to prison!"
💯 you’re on point with her statement, all bs and lies!! Not to mention her phone calls pre and post conviction! Disgusting! What a slap in the face!!! She should get another few years just for that!!! 😠 shame on her! Despicable absolutely should NOT be asking for or receiving a less sentence!!
I think the sentence was very harsh. For what she did. The maximum with a guilty plea or a guilty verdict in a trial would be 25 years max. If I was jamie and I knew I was going to get the maximum, she should have just thought about herself go to trial, having Ashley family relive through that experience. Jamie chose to enter a guilty plea. Everyone talks about her phone calls, not wanting to go away for 15 years. She has no previous record. There are career criminals, people with 3 DUI that kill someone, and they don't get the maximum. It is tragic, but the judge sentences her to the maximum on every single charge. Personally, if Ashley was my wife or I was hurt by someone that did what jamie did. I would want her to do some time in prison 10-15 years and would be more interested in having jamie pay for funeral expenses, therapy for serving victims, and speak to individuals about drunk driving or buzz driving.
Exactly, this lawyer saying she showed remorse. I understand they use jail calls to determine sentence too, she doesn’t accept responsibility or feels anything for the victims. She even said would go to rehab and didn’t went to rehab!!! If waiting for punishment, didn’t even try to do her best, imagine if they give her something insignificant, she will never learn.
Yes I would feel that way if it was my daughter, what she did was illegal, awful and somebody died because of her. She has no remorse it's all about her and if my daughter did that I would be so ashamed of her actions. Just because you wouldn't want your child to serve time for drink driving and killing a young woman doesn't mean all our standards as low as yours.
@@DonnellOkafor-r2d If you were the one living with a TBI for the rest of your life and missing the family member that didn’t make it, you would want her to pay as long as you will have the consequences of her actions. This was not her first rodeo, she had been stopped also in Myrtle Beach driving drunk, she had opportunities to learn and didn’t care.
@@SamBlakeCasen NO. She said I will use the time to help everyone else. The judge did right not once do she admit her problem and that she alcoholic even her family spoke about helping everyone else. Later got on the phone and the whole family said you're okay we still have you, still hug you. That call right after sentencing is on Utube. By the way her mother also drunk and killed someone got off why I believe they keep comparing the mom case to this alcoholic
Correction, she takes partial responsibility for her actions. There is some part of her that society has conditioned to believe that her intentions were innocent in nature.
If a person kills someone because they choose to drink and drive, 6-10 years for someone's life is DISPICABLE and a slap in the face to the victims family!!!! Idc if she pled guilty, makes no difference to me nor should it make a difference in court. She really should spend the rest of her life behind bars! Murder is murder.
That’s not how this works if you don’t like it change the laws the cost of trial is great and they have so many options for appeals at that point this is a fair judgement all things considered according to the law now
@@jakemiller4411 Then maybe we do have to make everybody pay 25. And people are remembering the person that died, let’s not forget that two other victims are disabled forever thanks to her. She didn’t took just one life. I don’t think sentences should be shorter than the time the victims will be paying for what she did, those victims will have TBI the rest of their lives and she hasn’t show any concern about it.
This guest says the 25 year sentence needs to be reconsidered? How about the prior sentences of 6 to 10 years, for TAKING A LIFE, needs to be reconsidered?
Of course she wants a reduced sentence. All this girl cares about and the only thing she has shown remorse for throughout this whole ordeal, is herself
I just read, that the the husband, Hutchinson filed wrongful death claim against the establishment that served defandent & settled. YET the bride's despicable mother "Lisa Miller" argued with the husband & suggested that the marriage wasn't even legit & that SHE is entitled to her's daughters estate, AFTER he already agreed to give the mother half!!! WHAT A "B" OF A MOTHER!!!
Exactly!! What a loud of nonsense he said. And the only reason she even pled guilty was to hope for a reduced sentence, I mean do people seriously think she pled guilty to “save state resources”?? Complete bs.
Eh, I don’t see this request having anything to do with privilege at all. This is a fairly common request made by people convicted of crimes in trying to reduce their penalty.
She ain’t accepting responsibility she is trying to cut her time !!!! She killed her on her freaking wedding night didn’t even enjoy her honeymoon like how dare her wanting to get out early ! She could have killed 3 people ! Keep her behind bars
@@williamholmes1818 she’s lucky that’s all she gotten three people was severely injured went through several surgeries and one past away she is very lucky she didn’t get life !
@@williamholmes1818 Have u listened to her phone calls ?? She feels sorry for herself …… she is lucky she didn’t get life ! She is only facing charges for the bride ….. the other three have undergone surgery after surgery.! Ok she don’t have a record blah blah but she does now ! And that’s cause she made the choice to SPEED down a residential area and nearly kill 4 people she needs more time
@@user-ru3rm5wb5o Very diff considering she was speeding down a residential neighborhood and it’s only being charged with the death of the bride not all the surgery suffering and pain. The other three victims went through. So she got off easy tbh
She kills one woman on her dream day and ruins a man for life, and wants leniency? There are no aggravating factors which forced her to drink booze and drive.
This “Drug Stuff” isn’t going to end by sending people to prison… addiction is a societal issue which has been going on for many decades if not centuries it hasn’t been solved by the department of corrections and will not be solved by that. Do I believe that this defendant needs to pay for her actions? YES! Do I think the sentence in comparison to other sentences is overly harsh? Yes. I’ll end with this… I am going to bet that the majority of the adults commenting have gotten behind the wheel of a car when they are over the legal limit, what differentiates you from this defendant is luck… as a member of a 12 step program I know many people with multiple DUI’s and once again the only thing that’s separates them from the defendant is luck.
Intent matters. She did something incredibly reckless by getting drunk and then driving, but she never intended to hurt anybody. There’s no amount of time that will ever bring the victim back. She plead guilty and spared the victims’ family the pain of a trial. Had she gone to trial and been found guilty she would have received the same sentence
@RSCSBIB Not the first time drink driving! Playing Russian Roulette with peoples lives, because she can't control herself. She has NEVER in her whole life been told she has done the wrong thing. Her parents are as guilty as she is!
It was still her right to go to trial. Also, and this is really significant, she gives up her appeals rights when she pleads guilty. This removes the remote chance of her getting off on a technicality,
Maybe re-watch the video ? They say why. If you get offended by the possible lowering sentence of this girl, then check all the other case were people were drunk speeding killing someone and getting 10 years.... That's the debate rigth here. She is getting 25 because it's on the news and it was more sad because it was her weeding day.
The justice system worked correctly in this case. The others it didn’t. She killed a young woman on her wedding night while driving totally wasted. I’m so sorry to the victims and their families. 💔
Sadly I think the family will genuinely have to worry about her sentence being reduced later on after the publicity has died down. They seem to think it not as bigger deal years later.
Other similar cases???? Not quite! Apart from the death of one victim, this tragedy also left a man permanently impaired and in physical and emotional pain. From prison calls, all the sympathy was for herself, not the victims.
She wasn't just sentenced for killing the bride. The defense attorneys seem to be conveniently ignoring the additional two critically injured people! That was part of the sentencing, and to compare her sentence to two cases where the Defendents were under punished is absurd.
Exactly, and that’s in addition to injuring multiple people that night. Some will have physical injuries for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the mental damage to those victims and the multiple family members will have.
If you fight the case and don't take cull responsibility and receive less time then you where rewarded for not taking responsibility. But that's only debated because she pled guilty and got max. Which is crazyyyyy.
The family, meaning her mother, or the husband who was the love of her life? The mother is now trying to delegitimize the marriage between her daughter and her daughter’s husband because it wasn’t consummated. The mother wants the money.
No! She should serve the full 25 years for taking the life of a young woman, and forever changing the lives of others. This lawyer would feel differently if it were his daughter were killed.
It may have been the first time she killed someone while driving drunk but I would guarantee it’s not the first time she drove while intoxicated. This girl did a horrific thing and still wants to be treated like a Princess. Honey, you did the crime now sit down and do the time and that’s 25 years!
She should be grateful that it’s not first-degree murder, and that the sentence she got is what it is. This defendant sentenced Sam’s family, her husband, their future children, her friends, and every single person that would come in contact with her to a life sentence. 25 years is a slap on the wrist for what she did that night. Not to mention that she sat in jail on the phone with her father exclaiming “why me!”. That doesn’t sound like taking personal responsibility to me. She did this, she chose this! To now sit back and say “I didn’t make the family go through a trial” reward me?!? YOU MADE THE FAMILY GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! To say “I saved the state money” reward me?! YOU WASTED THE TAXPAYERS MONEY TO BEGIN WITH! “I don’t have a history of DUI’s” reward me?! WHAT? SO YOU NEVER GO CAUGHT BEFORE? BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OK TO DRIVE 3x THE LEGAL LIMIT! She murdered a bride on her wedding night in front of her husband and wedding party. You want things equal per defendants, then we should also take into consideration the victims and their families. The totality of the situation and not just looking at things through a microscope of each defendant. I know it’s the the defense attorneys job to bring up these arguments, but damn it’s freaking heartbreaking for those who are left behind from Samantha 💔
Your victim got a life sentence that she didn't deserve, Jamie. Your selfishness and disregard for others show you deserve more than your entire 25 year sentence.
Part of entering a guilty plea includes acknowledging and accepting the possibility that you may receive the maximum sentence. Perhaps this judge believes this type of sentence is one way to get potential drunk drivers in the future to seriously reconsider their actions.
Your guest is insane. I guarantee this wasn’t the first time she drove drunk. This is more than likely a pattern based on her lack of accountability on those phone calls. She took a life. Her sentence should stand.
It was obvious in her calls that she has no accountability, she only pleaded expecting a slap in the hand. Samantha is gone forever and the other two victims are disabled forever, with severe TBI. Any sentence she gets is not long enough, her victims will be paying longer for what she did. They should sue her too and her wealthy daddy o, since working is harder for them now with the TBI SHE caused them.
Somebody that doesn't miss a beat in asking for less of a sentence AND states that she will carry guilt all her life speaks a lot bout her rotten soul.
Here we go again. The current social neurosis-that the criminal is the real victim here. Her parents hire expensive lawyers, and she cries well. I am glad that we are finally acknowledging that taking the wheel while drunk and killing someone is homicide.
Pleading guilty isn't "taking responsibility". She was advised by her lawyers that this is the best decision to try reduce her own sentence. The only remorse she has is for herself
The sentence should stand. She murdered someone, she should never be allowed out of prison. She chose to drink a lot then she chose to drive, she murdered now she needs to serve her sentence that’s her responsibility at this point.
A girl I knew in college was killed by a drunk driver, and her killer was sentenced to 24 years in prison. I’d say her sentence is about right. It’s not harsh at all.
But she doesn’t accept responsibility and she isn’t remorseful. Her jail calls are being released and she’s been heard blaming the victim and only worried about HER life changing. I wish she would’ve got 50 years.
She deserves exactly the sentencing that she got. Someone’s life is gone and entire families have been destroyed. It’s so unfortunate but you must pay the price because it was a serious tragedy! She gets to make her positive contribution in 25 years.
You can't take full responsibility for your actions and also think you deserve a shorter sentence. These type people are delusional. What nerve. 25 years is fair compared to the other sentences.
She killed someone! She did have previous convictions! She has ruined the husbands life, injuring him and leaving numerous people devastated at the loss of this poor girl and the fiture this couple would have had together. Selfish, entitled, and spoilt.Never thought she would be caught out, repeating this reckless behaviour over and over. SHE GOT OFF LIGHT!❤❤❤
I live in Massachusetts, my husband and his best buddy were killed by a drunk driver a few years ago, what was suppose to be a fun day of fishing turned into a tragedy the bish only got 3 1/2 years for killing two people! That's Ma for you!!
She didn’t just kill someone she hospitalized 3 people and killed one. 4 people. She hurt 4 people. The hospitalized deserve their justice as well. It’s not just a dui death it’s harming a whole group of people 4 people I hope the judge keeps the sentence
I just paused this video and walked into my living room to ask my son a question. My son is 10 yrs old, and the question I asked him was, "What happens if you drink alcohol and drive a car?" His response." You will crash your car and could kill someone. " This is word for word what he said. We all know that no matter what you may be using, if you drive intoxicated at some point, you are most likely going to hurt or kill someone. Why are they not punished the same as anyone who would go out and shoot a gun into a crowd? Yet they are not only repeatedly let go when caught not hurting people, but then get sentences that are light compared to someone who murders someone. Why? If I knowingly do something that I knew could results in someone death, why wouldn't I be sentenced the same as punishment as someone who shoots someone?
14:49 This guy's ridiculous with his "how do you punish someone who pleads guilty?" question. Everybody who pleads guilty is due a substantial discount then?
Unwarranted and grossly disproportionate????? 3x the legal limit, only showed remorse when she knew she was going to serve major time.......GTFOH Just like the mom said- The murderer gets to live her life after she does her time. The family doesn't get a second chance at normalcy, and certainly not the victim.
She chose to get into a vehicle when she was drunk drunk drunk- now she must pay pay pay- Her actions equal second degree murder, she used that car as a deadly weapon. Life in prison doesn't even touch the heinousness of her decision. The US has got to get serious about DUI convictions
Why are these two presenters expressing and trying to build to build empathy for this defendant, who was old enough to know better when she got behind the wheel drunk, killed people and then said, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
I can’t believe that her defense is actually trying to get a reduced sentence on the merits of “unlikely to reoffend” and “not struggling with addiction” and “no priors”. SO WHAT?! She still made the selfish, idiotic choice to get behind the wheel and drive. And it cost a lovely newlywed her life. And now she’s blabbering and crying to try and get a reduced sentence. Makes me sick. Give her the 25 years and make sure she serves all of them.
“absence of intent to cause death” ???? She drove while absolutely obliterated, she knew she could kill someone, this isn’t a new theory. She worked in a bar, she was well aware of the risk and she did it anyway.
I think it sends a strong message to people who do offend. I don’t think it is a system problem but a societal problem of selfishness. Losing your freedom for most of your life may appeal to a selfish person
Similar offence? 4x legal legal limit behind the wheel, speeding 30+ miles over the limit and catapulting a bride to her death from an open ride on her wedding day? Seriously? I'd LOVE to see the stats!
10:25 I wonder how this man would feel if it was his daughter that was killed on her wedding night by a drunk driver that clearly pled guilty thinking the judge would go easy on her.
6:52 Your honor, my client was innocent for many years until she drove drunk and k1lled someone. She also acknowledges the fact that the person she k1lled is indeed d3ad and that the cause of death is my client's car. She accepts full responsibility and in return asks for 12 hours of community service as her punishment. ... I guess I don't understand the legal system and how lawyers think 🤡
She agreed to this Plea Deal!!!! They should have argued all of this before she was sentenced. She deserves every bit of those 25 years! She knew that she could face the full 25 years. She isn't sorry for anyone but herself. She is a spoiled little brat that doesn't believe she did anything wrong and should not be in there. Just listen to those Jailhouse phone calls!! That says it all!
*Vehicular homicide while under the influence should always be a 25 year sentence.* The legislators are often people with no legal education mixed with those that do and in states of less population status and national influence, they tend to rely on other states like California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, New York etc as guidelines for how they author their own laws, and this is the disaster. *Listening to this ambulance chaser really just made me sick.*
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😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫 we hear it in every video now the comments to 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ojala lo puedan ayudar por favor
Those tears are for herself. Her prison phone calls show how selfish she is. I hope she stays the entire 25 years.
💯 FACTS… during her jail call, she wasn’t sorry about it
I couldn't believe all those who stood up for her to say how sorry she is...do they think the judge and the rest of us haven't heard all her calls?? She could give less of a sh1t about what she did!! She's outrageous.
Why not 50 years? Or life without parole?
Totally no remorse whatsoever 😡
@@ggg-gems it ought to be a very bad crime, like murder or something like that.
The judge needs to stand firm. Send a message.
Right. I pray she stands firm.
@@kaylynroth8847 thank goodness you & your loved ones are perfect. 🥺 or this wish could potentially turn around to really bite you later.
She faked remorse in front of the judge, but her real feelings were revealed in jail calls with her father.
Wow. I need to hear them. SMH.
Exactly I agree. "Why me, why me".
The calls are in a playlist on the channel @PhoneCallsFromPrison
Exactly! She’s a spoiled brat who bullies even her own father.
"I take full responsibility because that's what it says on this piece of paper that my attorney told me to read, and now I regret it because I'm going to prison!"
💯 you’re on point with her statement, all bs and lies!! Not to mention her phone calls pre and post conviction! Disgusting! What a slap in the face!!! She should get another few years just for that!!! 😠 shame on her!
Despicable absolutely should NOT be asking for or receiving a less sentence!!
Her choice= her punishment for her crimes. Period!!!
There is no responsibility without repercussions, therefore she clearly does not want to bear the responsibility for what she has done.
I think the sentence was very harsh. For what she did. The maximum with a guilty plea or a guilty verdict in a trial would be 25 years max. If I was jamie and I knew I was going to get the maximum, she should have just thought about herself go to trial, having Ashley family relive through that experience.
Jamie chose to enter a guilty plea. Everyone talks about her phone calls, not wanting to go away for 15 years. She has no previous record. There are career criminals, people with 3 DUI that kill someone, and they don't get the maximum.
It is tragic, but the judge sentences her to the maximum on every single charge.
Personally, if Ashley was my wife or I was hurt by someone that did what jamie did. I would want her to do some time in prison 10-15 years and would be more interested in having jamie pay for funeral expenses, therapy for serving victims, and speak to individuals about drunk driving or buzz driving.
The way she talked in her jail phone recordings shows you how much she cared about killing the bride...nothing.
Are those calls on UA-cam?
@@929jpotter Yes.
Exactly, this lawyer saying she showed remorse. I understand they use jail calls to determine sentence too, she doesn’t accept responsibility or feels anything for the victims. She even said would go to rehab and didn’t went to rehab!!! If waiting for punishment, didn’t even try to do her best, imagine if they give her something insignificant, she will never learn.
@@929jpotterYes, phone calls from prison, that is the name of the account
@@929jpotter phone calls from prison.
She deserves all 25 years! She's only remorseful for herself!
I agree. Narcissistic & selfish indeed
And would you feel that way if your daughter was the drunk driver? Think before you answer that.
Yes! I have integrity! Do you?
Completely agree, I posted the same thing before seeing your comment.
Yes I would feel that way if it was my daughter, what she did was illegal, awful and somebody died because of her. She has no remorse it's all about her and if my daughter did that I would be so ashamed of her actions. Just because you wouldn't want your child to serve time for drink driving and killing a young woman doesn't mean all our standards as low as yours.
65 mph in a 25 mph zone!
3x higher than legal limit!
Where's the responsibility?
Just because the sentences in the other cases were less it doesn't mean her's was too long, it means the others were too short!!
Exactly right! 💯
Right? And not only did she kill his wife, but she severely injured him and their other two family members. She more than deserves her 25 years.
@ As long as she would serve the full 15 years, maybe. Too often people get out early, which I don’t think she should.
@@DonnellOkafor-r2d If you were the one living with a TBI for the rest of your life and missing the family member that didn’t make it, you would want her to pay as long as you will have the consequences of her actions. This was not her first rodeo, she had been stopped also in Myrtle Beach driving drunk, she had opportunities to learn and didn’t care.
Absolutely. Her mother unalived a gentleman with her vehicle and unfortunately didn't serve any time. 😮😢
Jamie: I take full responsibility for my actions.
Also Jamie: Judge, your punishment is too harsh!!!
Also, Jamie: Whatever my punishment is, I will use that time to better myself
@@SamBlakeCasen NO. She said I will use the time to help everyone else. The judge did right not once do she admit her problem and that she alcoholic even her family spoke about helping everyone else. Later got on the phone and the whole family said you're okay we still have you, still hug you. That call right after sentencing is on Utube. By the way her mother also drunk and killed someone got off why I believe they keep comparing the mom case to this alcoholic
Correction, she takes partial responsibility for her actions. There is some part of her that society has conditioned to believe that her intentions were innocent in nature.
You literally killed this man’s wife and broke his heart and soul and you have the audacity to say your punishment is too harsh?
What a brat.
….On His Wedding Day!!!🤦🏽♂️🥲
She is absolutely a spoiled brat. Her family is enabling her. She needs to stay in prison the full 25 years!
Bunch of Karen's
Get real. Her lawyers are right.
If a person kills someone because they choose to drink and drive, 6-10 years for someone's life is DISPICABLE and a slap in the face to the victims family!!!! Idc if she pled guilty, makes no difference to me nor should it make a difference in court. She really should spend the rest of her life behind bars! Murder is murder.
Do you believe in equality? Do you believe in the law and the judicial system in America?
@@markbaz what do you mean by that ?
@@markbazyes but everyone who did what she did should get 25+ years
That’s not how this works if you don’t like it change the laws the cost of trial is great and they have so many options for appeals at that point this is a fair judgement all things considered according to the law now
@@jakemiller4411 Then maybe we do have to make everybody pay 25. And people are remembering the person that died, let’s not forget that two other victims are disabled forever thanks to her. She didn’t took just one life. I don’t think sentences should be shorter than the time the victims will be paying for what she did, those victims will have TBI the rest of their lives and she hasn’t show any concern about it.
Bring on those phone calls …..yesh she is not sorry
This guest says the 25 year sentence needs to be reconsidered? How about the prior sentences of 6 to 10 years, for TAKING A LIFE, needs to be reconsidered?
Same thing I said!!!!!
Especially when the life is taken because of irresponsible behavior of the convicted
Agreed. She chose to take a life by driving drunk. She chose.
She has learned no lesson
Reduce? Then bring back the bride . . . can't? Then they got the nerve to reduce the sentence.
His argument just tells me that the system is under sentencing some of these murderers.
Yup ! And that's a big tragedy.
Of course she wants a reduced sentence. All this girl cares about and the only thing she has shown remorse for throughout this whole ordeal, is herself
100% this. She's an immature brat.
she's a sociopathic narcissist.
Exactly! She’s despicable! 😠
She won't even serve the entire 25 i guarantee that she won't
Her sentence was even concurrent!!! Embarrassing justice system
'A lack of any criminal history'. Well a criminal history has to start somewhere and hers started when she drove drunk and killed Samantha.
She didn't take responsibility in those jail phone calls after she was arrested.
Her sentence should have been much stronger -
Yeah Right
I agree
25 years is a long time ..
@@amberstorm1139The bride losing her entire life is much longer, don't you think?
The lawyer rubbing her back was so strange
@@MOONSLIFE36 it’s how Casey Anthony paid for hers lol
I know right.
Cringe from day one!
@@Oliveoil608gave me ptsd feelings.
Maybe he's become more than just her lawyer throughout this mess and that's why he's trying to get her out sooner.
She does not deserve to have any light sentencing
Cause @@gingyberriecause she killed someone that's why
@@gingyberrieuh.....she recklessly took an innocent person's life? 😑
She doesn't deserve light sentencing, too, because she's still not taking responsibility. She's trying to say all the right things to get out of it.
Plus the fact, she caused life changing injuries to two others!!
Her sentence was not high. The other cases were TOO LOW!
Deal with the damage you’ve caused!!!
@@Dijabril Well. That point skimmed your head.
Probably not first time offender, just first time getting caught
Exactly, Facts, Bingo, 💯, 🎯
I read that she wasn't a first offender back when the case started.
I think she had other convictions for drinking and driving 🤷♀️
Oh 💯
I just read, that the the husband, Hutchinson filed wrongful death claim against the establishment that served defandent & settled. YET the bride's despicable mother "Lisa Miller" argued with the husband & suggested that the marriage wasn't even legit & that SHE is entitled to her's daughters estate, AFTER he already agreed to give the mother half!!! WHAT A "B" OF A MOTHER!!!
Yeah, that mother is a piece of work. She and Jamie must be soul sisters.
Yup! That mother, although her pain must be immense, I can’t understand her fight with the husband. That’s honestly really sick.
Yep.....she's making a profit from a tragedy
Or trying ......
Just because you admit guilt and save the families a trial does not mean you should get special treatment.
What about the standard treatment?
Exactly!! What a loud of nonsense he said. And the only reason she even pled guilty was to hope for a reduced sentence, I mean do people seriously think she pled guilty to “save state resources”?? Complete bs.
Agreed, he lawyers would have strongly discouraged her from going to trial, she would have been found guilty anyway.
she trying to give that "priviledge card" a shot lol. rip to the victim and their family
Eh, I don’t see this request having anything to do with privilege at all. This is a fairly common request made by people convicted of crimes in trying to reduce their penalty.
there is only wealth privilege in this country
She ain’t accepting responsibility she is trying to cut her time !!!! She killed her on her freaking wedding night didn’t even enjoy her honeymoon like how dare her wanting to get out early ! She could have killed 3 people ! Keep her behind bars
It’s not exactly asking to get out early as she was sentenced to 15-19 years more than most people who are sentenced for the same crime.
Every situation is different yeah that pretty tough on her wedding day
@@williamholmes1818 she’s lucky that’s all she gotten three people was severely injured went through several surgeries and one past away she is very lucky she didn’t get life !
Have u listened to her phone calls ?? She feels sorry for herself …… she is lucky she didn’t get life ! She is only facing charges for the bride ….. the other three have undergone surgery after surgery.! Ok she don’t have a record blah blah but she does now ! And that’s cause she made the choice to SPEED down a residential area and nearly kill 4 people she needs more time
Very diff considering she was speeding down a residential neighborhood and it’s only being charged with the death of the bride not all the surgery suffering and pain. The other three victims went through. So she got off easy tbh
Should be more than 25 years
She kills one woman on her dream day and ruins a man for life, and wants leniency?
There are no aggravating factors which forced her to drink booze and drive.
Yep. Voluntary intoxication is not a defense.
In addition to physically and mentally injuring other victims that night.
No. Do not reduce it. This Drug stuff needs to end.
This “Drug Stuff” isn’t going to end by sending people to prison… addiction is a societal issue which has been going on for many decades if not centuries it hasn’t been solved by the department of corrections and will not be solved by that.
Do I believe that this defendant needs to pay for her actions? YES!
Do I think the sentence in comparison to other sentences is overly harsh?
I’ll end with this…
I am going to bet that the majority of the adults commenting have gotten behind the wheel of a car when they are over the legal limit, what differentiates you from this defendant is luck… as a member of a 12 step program I know many people with multiple DUI’s and once again the only thing that’s separates them from the defendant is luck.
Drunks are the most dangerous by far.
@ Identität think so my ex Frank and did drugs and did horrible abusive stuff to me and then didn’t remember it.
She takes responsibility? Her phone calls say otherwise.
How is drinking and running someone over and killing them then getting 25 years grossly disproportionate?
Intent matters. She did something incredibly reckless by getting drunk and then driving, but she never intended to hurt anybody. There’s no amount of time that will ever bring the victim back. She plead guilty and spared the victims’ family the pain of a trial. Had she gone to trial and been found guilty she would have received the same sentence
Not the first time drink driving! Playing Russian Roulette with peoples lives, because she can't control herself. She has NEVER in her whole life been told she has done the wrong thing. Her parents are as guilty as she is!
@ she didn’t go to trial because there was no way she’d get off
It was still her right to go to trial. Also, and this is really significant, she gives up her appeals rights when she pleads guilty. This removes the remote chance of her getting off on a technicality,
Maybe re-watch the video ? They say why. If you get offended by the possible lowering sentence of this girl, then check all the other case were people were drunk speeding killing someone and getting 10 years.... That's the debate rigth here. She is getting 25 because it's on the news and it was more sad because it was her weeding day.
The justice system worked correctly in this case. The others it didn’t. She killed a young woman on her wedding night while driving totally wasted. I’m so sorry to the victims and their families. 💔
Exactly, Facts, Bingo, 💯, 🎯
Sadly I think the family will genuinely have to worry about her sentence being reduced later on after the publicity has died down. They seem to think it not as bigger deal years later.
25 years is wrong. Should be life in prison.
nah 25 is a long time way to harsh ……she needs rehab and take classes and serve 10 years
Other similar cases???? Not quite! Apart from the death of one victim, this tragedy also left a man permanently impaired and in physical and emotional pain. From prison calls, all the sympathy was for herself, not the victims.
She wasn't just sentenced for killing the bride. The defense attorneys seem to be conveniently ignoring the additional two critically injured people! That was part of the sentencing, and to compare her sentence to two cases where the Defendents were under punished is absurd.
Her sentence wasn’t too harsh, the others were too light.
Yea my thoughts exactly
Exactly!!! 💯
Yup !! Need to change the system l, not just this particular case.
Harsh?..!!!! .... She killed a human being who was just starting a new life with her New Hubby!.... (she needs to stay in jail for a long time!)
Exactly, and that’s in addition to injuring multiple people that night. Some will have physical injuries for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the mental damage to those victims and the multiple family members will have.
Too harsh? You murdered someone. It's called consequences.
No mercy judge!
The actual nerve that she asks for a reduced sentence is proof that she thinks she’s privileged!!!
I think the judge should switch it from concurrent to consecutive.
The judge got it right the 1st time. I thought it was light
Every person with a heart fell in love with the stranger to us known as Sam. What a lost gem. None of us will ever forget her.
You didn't know her....no offense....but stop
Taking FULL responsibility means= you spend your FULL sentence in jail! The family needs some justice for their beautiful daughter!
If you fight the case and don't take cull responsibility and receive less time then you where rewarded for not taking responsibility. But that's only debated because she pled guilty and got max. Which is crazyyyyy.
The family, meaning her mother, or the husband who was the love of her life? The mother is now trying to delegitimize the marriage between her daughter and her daughter’s husband because it wasn’t consummated. The mother wants the money.
Blaming "media attention" is so dishonest. B.S.
She only pled guilty because there was no way a jury was coming back with not guilty
She was hoping they'd see how sorry she is ( eye roll) self absorbed but her words say differently!
No! She should serve the full 25 years for taking the life of a young woman, and forever changing the lives of others. This lawyer would feel differently if it were his daughter were killed.
Listening to the husband speak deeply breaks my heart
This guy should listen to her phone calls to her dad.
It may have been the first time she killed someone while driving drunk but I would guarantee it’s not the first time she drove while intoxicated. This girl did a horrific thing and still wants to be treated like a Princess. Honey, you did the crime now sit down and do the time and that’s 25 years!
It's wasn't the first time
The only loss of life she feels remorse for is her own, that much is very clear.
They gave Sarah Boone life in prison, and in my opinion, this was faaaar worse.
Sarah declined a 15 year plea
She should be grateful that it’s not first-degree murder, and that the sentence she got is what it is. This defendant sentenced Sam’s family, her husband, their future children, her friends, and every single person that would come in contact with her to a life sentence. 25 years is a slap on the wrist for what she did that night. Not to mention that she sat in jail on the phone with her father exclaiming “why me!”. That doesn’t sound like taking personal responsibility to me. She did this, she chose this! To now sit back and say “I didn’t make the family go through a trial” reward me?!? YOU MADE THE FAMILY GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! To say “I saved the state money” reward me?! YOU WASTED THE TAXPAYERS MONEY TO BEGIN WITH! “I don’t have a history of DUI’s” reward me?! WHAT? SO YOU NEVER GO CAUGHT BEFORE? BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT IT WAS OK TO DRIVE 3x THE LEGAL LIMIT! She murdered a bride on her wedding night in front of her husband and wedding party. You want things equal per defendants, then we should also take into consideration the victims and their families. The totality of the situation and not just looking at things through a microscope of each defendant. I know it’s the the defense attorneys job to bring up these arguments, but damn it’s freaking heartbreaking for those who are left behind from Samantha 💔
I wonder if that attorney would be saying a sentence was too high if it was his wife that she hit 🤔
Your victim got a life sentence that she didn't deserve, Jamie. Your selfishness and disregard for others show you deserve more than your entire 25 year sentence.
Part of entering a guilty plea includes acknowledging and accepting the possibility that you may receive the maximum sentence.
Perhaps this judge believes this type of sentence is one way to get potential drunk drivers in the future to seriously reconsider their actions.
Just because she accepted responsibility doesn’t mean she should get a lighter sentence.
Guessing her lawyers maybe incorrectly advised her that pleading guilty would help with sentencing?
She didn't accept responsibility. She just read words that were written for her.
Your guest is insane. I guarantee this wasn’t the first time she drove drunk. This is more than likely a pattern based on her lack of accountability on those phone calls. She took a life. Her sentence should stand.
It was obvious in her calls that she has no accountability, she only pleaded expecting a slap in the hand. Samantha is gone forever and the other two victims are disabled forever, with severe TBI. Any sentence she gets is not long enough, her victims will be paying longer for what she did. They should sue her too and her wealthy daddy o, since working is harder for them now with the TBI SHE caused them.
Poor guy... It's just awful.
Can’t imagine that man’s pain….. it’s like something out of a movie so so sad
Yeah, but she's clearly not remorseful.
Somebody that doesn't miss a beat in asking for less of a sentence AND states that she will carry guilt all her life speaks a lot bout her rotten soul.
Here we go again. The current social neurosis-that the criminal is the real victim here. Her parents hire expensive lawyers, and she cries well. I am glad that we are finally acknowledging that taking the wheel while drunk and killing someone is homicide.
Pleading guilty isn't "taking responsibility". She was advised by her lawyers that this is the best decision to try reduce her own sentence. The only remorse she has is for herself
The sentence should stand. She murdered someone, she should never be allowed out of prison. She chose to drink a lot then she chose to drive, she murdered now she needs to serve her sentence that’s her responsibility at this point.
A girl I knew in college was killed by a drunk driver, and her killer was sentenced to 24 years in prison. I’d say her sentence is about right. It’s not harsh at all.
The grief of their faces is almost unbearable
But she doesn’t accept responsibility and she isn’t remorseful. Her jail calls are being released and she’s been heard blaming the victim and only worried about HER life changing. I wish she would’ve got 50 years.
She deserves exactly the sentencing that she got. Someone’s life is gone and entire families have been destroyed. It’s so unfortunate but you must pay the price because it was a serious tragedy! She gets to make her positive contribution in 25 years.
STOP calling her Samantha Miller, she is Samantha Hutchinson, Samantha would be upset about this if she were alive.
THIS!!!! Thank you for bringing this up!
Those phone calls shows she has no remorse. She spewed those words of remorse because she was playing the game.
You can't take full responsibility for your actions and also think you deserve a shorter sentence. These type people are delusional. What nerve. 25 years is fair compared to the other sentences.
She literally turned the happiest day of their lives into a tragedy. 😢 .This broke my heart.
And yet her mother is making the husband’s happiest day into a nightmare.
She killed someone! She did have previous convictions! She has ruined the husbands life, injuring him and leaving numerous people devastated at the loss of this poor girl and the fiture this couple would have had together. Selfish, entitled, and spoilt.Never thought she would be caught out, repeating this reckless behaviour over and over. SHE GOT OFF LIGHT!❤❤❤
If people know they may get 25 yrs for drunk driving and kill someone, they’ll think twice about it
No, unfortunately, they won’t!
@@tluddenPeople need to fear going to prison. No one does anymore.
That’s not how the law works.
@ are you a career felon?
I live in Massachusetts, my husband and his best buddy were killed by a drunk driver a few years ago, what was suppose to be a fun day of fishing turned into a tragedy the bish only got 3 1/2 years for killing two people! That's Ma for you!!
Hugs. Uncle killed decades ago on an LA freeway.
She didn’t just kill someone she hospitalized 3 people and killed one. 4 people. She hurt 4 people. The hospitalized deserve their justice as well. It’s not just a dui death it’s harming a whole group of people 4 people I hope the judge keeps the sentence
I just paused this video and walked into my living room to ask my son a question. My son is 10 yrs old, and the question I asked him was, "What happens if you drink alcohol and drive a car?" His response." You will crash your car and could kill someone. " This is word for word what he said. We all know that no matter what you may be using, if you drive intoxicated at some point, you are most likely going to hurt or kill someone. Why are they not punished the same as anyone who would go out and shoot a gun into a crowd? Yet they are not only repeatedly let go when caught not hurting people, but then get sentences that are light compared to someone who murders someone. Why? If I knowingly do something that I knew could results in someone death, why wouldn't I be sentenced the same as punishment as someone who shoots someone?
14:49 This guy's ridiculous with his "how do you punish someone who pleads guilty?" question. Everybody who pleads guilty is due a substantial discount then?
Unwarranted and grossly disproportionate????? 3x the legal limit, only showed remorse when she knew she was going to serve major time.......GTFOH Just like the mom said- The murderer gets to live her life after she does her time. The family doesn't get a second chance at normalcy, and certainly not the victim.
No remorse whatsoever, evidently...
That thumbnail compared to her IG photos is wild
She has booze in her hands in every photo . She needs to go away for a long time.
@ One of her last photos was captioned about Tequila .
@@MsTigerpaw2012 She needs to go away for a long time because she has booze in her IG photos or because of the crimes she committed? Just curious.
@@TitaniumTurbineboth, they meant both!
I know!!!!
She chose to get into a vehicle when she was drunk drunk drunk- now she must pay pay pay- Her actions equal second degree murder, she used that car as a deadly weapon. Life in prison doesn't even touch the heinousness of her decision. The US has got to get serious about DUI convictions
Why are these two presenters expressing and trying to build to build empathy for this defendant, who was old enough to know better when she got behind the wheel drunk, killed people and then said, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
I can’t believe that her defense is actually trying to get a reduced sentence on the merits of “unlikely to reoffend” and “not struggling with addiction” and “no priors”.
She still made the selfish, idiotic choice to get behind the wheel and drive. And it cost a lovely newlywed her life. And now she’s blabbering and crying to try and get a reduced sentence. Makes me sick.
Give her the 25 years and make sure she serves all of them.
Never, never, never should she get a reduced sentence!!!!!
“absence of intent to cause death” ???? She drove while absolutely obliterated, she knew she could kill someone, this isn’t a new theory. She worked in a bar, she was well aware of the risk and she did it anyway.
Those others should have got higher sentences too
This lady never once had any sympathy for the person she killed while locked up. All her tears are for herself!
she might get out early though right? she def didnt write that statement......what a sham
I think it sends a strong message to people who do offend. I don’t think it is a system problem but a societal problem of selfishness. Losing your freedom for most of your life may appeal to a selfish person
Similar offence? 4x legal legal limit behind the wheel, speeding 30+ miles over the limit and catapulting a bride to her death from an open ride on her wedding day? Seriously? I'd LOVE to see the stats!
Her jail call with her dad did her in!
no matter of what she still wasnt going to win
10:25 I wonder how this man would feel if it was his daughter that was killed on her wedding night by a drunk driver that clearly pled guilty thinking the judge would go easy on her.
She deserves the 25 years.
6:52 Your honor, my client was innocent for many years until she drove drunk and k1lled someone. She also acknowledges the fact that the person she k1lled is indeed d3ad and that the cause of death is my client's car. She accepts full responsibility and in return asks for 12 hours of community service as her punishment.
... I guess I don't understand the legal system and how lawyers think 🤡
She agreed to this Plea Deal!!!! They should have argued all of this before she was sentenced. She deserves every bit of those 25 years! She knew that she could face the full 25 years. She isn't sorry for anyone but herself. She is a spoiled little brat that doesn't believe she did anything wrong and should not be in there. Just listen to those Jailhouse phone calls!! That says it all!
*Vehicular homicide while under the influence should always be a 25 year sentence.* The legislators are often people with no legal education mixed with those that do and in states of less population status and national influence, they tend to rely on other states like California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, New York etc as guidelines for how they author their own laws, and this is the disaster.
*Listening to this ambulance chaser really just made me sick.*
They should sue her for wrongful death if they haven’t