Focal Scala utopia em Evo pair up with boulder 1160 stereo amplifier and 1110 preamp or for space saver an integrated amplifier is a great choice. Like a vitus SIA 030 with built in streaming. It a pure class A power amplifier. Or Macintosh MA12000 is also a great choice. It great looking at the same time great sounding. Or audionet Humboldt integrated amplifier is an excellent choice for Scala utopia em Evo.
Naim with Grande utopia em Evo doesn't pair up great. I own grade utopia em Evo currently I replaced Naim top gears with boulder 3000 series electronics. Sounded top notch when playing loudly, unlike Naim out of breath.
我常說一些天價的器材莫名其妙的貴其實不是為了賺錢,它的出現只是為了創造品牌價值還有麻痺消費者!例如這FOCAL DIVA Utopia和Focal Grande Utopia EM Evo對比,它真的不貴!只是128萬它真的不貴聽在普通的我們是真的有一些刺耳...XD!
但也沒關係,因為即使好聽,這個價位 (128 萬) 已超出很多人的預算。
最近配合新家.這套和burmestet phase 3, avantgarde uno itron, beolab 50請問比較推薦那一套.
我覺得這個價錢而且大牌子,基本不會太差,我覺得外形和裝潢風格搭可能更重要 XD,最近我就有可能選 Steinway Lyngdorf Model B 因爲裝潢的關係
Focal Scala utopia em Evo pair up with boulder 1160 stereo amplifier and 1110 preamp or for space saver an integrated amplifier is a great choice. Like a vitus SIA 030 with built in streaming. It a pure class A power amplifier. Or Macintosh MA12000 is also a great choice. It great looking at the same time great sounding. Or audionet Humboldt integrated amplifier is an excellent choice for Scala utopia em Evo.
Naim with Grande utopia em Evo doesn't pair up great. I own grade utopia em Evo currently I replaced Naim top gears with boulder 3000 series electronics. Sounded top notch when playing loudly, unlike Naim out of breath.
照我所知 所有外國人都念Fo "cal" 不念 Fo"co" . (ie: Cal-cu-lator)😊
focal 真的需要正音一下, 幾乎所有人都念錯了. 連台灣代理商的人員都念錯.
說得好,正確念法是 Fo-'ca-l,重音在第二音節,而不是影片裡面我念的 Fo-cal,問題是,假如我按照正確的法文來念,恐怕超過一半以上的人不知道我在講哪一個品牌,也只好積非成是了