Pushing the limits = more crashes at Snow Summit Bike Park | Mountain Biking Big Bear, California

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheOutsiderMTB
    @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +14

    Had such a fun riding day with Alan on this one! Some crashing, but that was secondary to the wins. Really felt like I progressed here at the park. Thanks for tuning in y'all! - Tony

    • @srich8251
      @srich8251 5 років тому

      If you don crash every so often your not pushing yourself! Great riding, Nothing like a bike park to take you out of your comfort zone and take your skills to the next level.

    • @gagepreston2067
      @gagepreston2067 3 роки тому


  • @lagwall
    @lagwall 5 років тому +19

    Y'all got more cases then a Budweiser truck. 😜

  • @lagwall
    @lagwall 5 років тому +1

    Love to watch you guys ride. You two have become my new favorite UA-cam calab.

  • @Chess_Pros
    @Chess_Pros 2 роки тому +1

    I used to ski here.

  • @mrlucifer4
    @mrlucifer4 5 років тому

    Can't wait to get up there,recovering from hand surgery but couple more weeks,love both you guys videos,hope to run into you guys this summer,keep them coming,gives me something to do while i'm recovering !

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Heal up bud and thanks for tuning in! 👊

  • @BrianVaughn
    @BrianVaughn 5 років тому +3

    finally got to ride some park here. It was a lot more fun than I expected. I'm not very good at the jumps but I'll keep at it.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      The more you go the more fun it gets too. Good stuff Brian. 👊

  • @mikesavicky503
    @mikesavicky503 5 років тому +1

    Awesome video man! I'm diggin the collaboration with you and MTB Alan 🤙🏼

  • @all-starproductions
    @all-starproductions 2 роки тому

    WOW! You guys are good, really enjoyed watching!

  • @Planetone.
    @Planetone. 5 років тому

    What an accomplishment to move on to that next level of riding! That was awesome and I can feel the stoke you guys where feeling at the moment, good job as always👍

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Glad that came across! It's a great feeling!

  • @davidswenson1723
    @davidswenson1723 5 років тому

    Absolutely one of your best videos ever, great overall story an awesome footage an editing! That secret trail is like a lot of our trails here in Co. spectacular day bro 🤟 keep pedalin

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Thanks David! I think there's more trails just waiting to be ridden up there.

  • @dank3823
    @dank3823 5 років тому +1

    Good times. You two push yourselves to that limit well. 🤙

  • @Daniel-pe7ff
    @Daniel-pe7ff 5 років тому

    This my favourite video of yours bro! Love it. Just ordered myself the jeffsy aswell and it’s nice seeing you shred with it!
    Ride on brother

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Thanks Daniel! You're going to love it man. 💥

  • @PJJ205mtb
    @PJJ205mtb 5 років тому

    Nice riding, gentlemen! Progression always feels good! I saw you both out there, but didn't get a chance to introduce myself.
    Tip for that last jump on muscle beach: when you hit the small table before it, make sure you’re swinging out wide enough to carve a straighter line to the last one so you don't have to turn as hard/sharply when you're going up the face. If you stay loose and draw a wide line up it by landing far left on the landing before it then you'll make it over every single time with no effort!

  • @youngmtber9951
    @youngmtber9951 5 років тому

    Man your vids are super entertaining love them!!!!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Thank you! Appreciate you tuning in and the feedback. 💥

  • @BikesTrailsandGreenways
    @BikesTrailsandGreenways 5 років тому

    Great job, that place looked really fast and you guys were getting lots of air! I'm liking the footage from the 7, more and more.

  • @NoBrakes23
    @NoBrakes23 5 років тому

    Would love to see you hit up Skyline Trail behind summit, as well as Pine Knot, and Seven Oaks. Hanna Flat/Gray's Peak over on the Fawnskin side are worth checking out, but not sure how camera friendly they are, (Plenty of Appreciation Stations, though.)

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      I’ve ridden all of those trails. Just have to bring the camera next time. 😉

  • @dotanswisa1442
    @dotanswisa1442 5 років тому +3

    Very nice video!
    Hero 7 video quality is much better and i think it will be even better with the gimbel. Stabilizer is good but not like with gimbal

  • @jasoncapecod
    @jasoncapecod 5 років тому

    dude your riding and jumping are off the hook!!

  • @RogueMonk3
    @RogueMonk3 5 років тому

    Tony, (if you don’t mind sharing) what gimbal are you using and how do you like it?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      I’ve been using the EVO SS gimbal, but recently started using the 7.

  • @skiMTB
    @skiMTB 3 роки тому

    Hey Tony... YOU GOT DROPPED!
    But DANG! That's SOME good!

  • @mtbtv900
    @mtbtv900 5 років тому +1

    Hey what are the conditions like I’m thinking of going for my birthday btw awesome vid

  • @5492sparky
    @5492sparky 5 років тому

    Great riding Tony.

  • @KevinCruz-qv4mf
    @KevinCruz-qv4mf 4 роки тому

    Hoping this park opens up in late May! How possible is it for me to take my hard tail Trek Marlin 6 on any of these trails? I know I have the option to rent out their bikes so I’m weighing my options. Dope video man.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  4 роки тому +1

      Anything’s possible - just ease into things. 👍✔️

  • @alexdesignz09
    @alexdesignz09 5 років тому

    Heading to Irvine and searched trails to ride. The luge brought me to you.... Fellow YT Family person!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Nice - welcome to the channel Alex!

    • @alexdesignz09
      @alexdesignz09 5 років тому

      @@TheOutsiderMTB If you ever make it to Marin, i can take you on some good trails

  • @junhoryutube
    @junhoryutube 5 років тому +1

    Great jumps! What does “case” mean in subtitle after some jumps?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Case means I hit the top end of the jump and didn't clear the entire thing into the next transition. Need more speed. Still learning these so soon I hope the "cases" are gone. Thanks Junho!

  • @OKZK_Bros
    @OKZK_Bros 5 років тому

    solid video brotha. how longs it take to get there from OC?

  • @craigaguilar3932
    @craigaguilar3932 5 років тому

    Good stuff, Tony!

  • @Frost-n-Criss
    @Frost-n-Criss 5 років тому

    Nice riding Tony! I'll be up there and Skypark this weekend and next!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Good stuff - you've got that cabin I think right?

    • @Frost-n-Criss
      @Frost-n-Criss 5 років тому

      The Outsider MTB yea I have a cabin in Arrowhead this weekend and I got a cabin in Bear next weekend and I’m thinking about entering the DH race there on Sat the 22nd. There’s a long jump competition that day too! Should be a good time and I have plenty of space if you wanna come up

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Awesome - thanks man. 👊

  • @jrobles19
    @jrobles19 5 років тому

    where would you recommend for a beginner. just bought my first full suspension bike. been going to my local trail in Pasadena and went to skypark once.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Just keep doing what you’re doing. The more time ok the bike the better. Look up green or blue trails on Trailforks and Mtb projects as well. ✔️

    • @jrobles19
      @jrobles19 5 років тому

      @@TheOutsiderMTB thanks for the info

  • @Jesse_Carreon
    @Jesse_Carreon 5 років тому

    Do you buy your lift tickets online or at the booth when you get there? Never been mountain biking but planning to try it out this season here at summit

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      I have a season pass but you can do either. A little cheaper online beforehand though.

    • @Jesse_Carreon
      @Jesse_Carreon 5 років тому

      Thank you, do you have any recommendations of where to rent bikes?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      You can rent them there.

    • @Jesse_Carreon
      @Jesse_Carreon 5 років тому

      You dont know of any local shops?

  • @chrisnelson6991
    @chrisnelson6991 5 років тому

    Looked like a fun day. You know the tires are what belong on the ground right? As always thanks for sharing.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Haha thanks Chris! I didn’t know that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @EricHollanderAcu
    @EricHollanderAcu 5 років тому

    The Hero 7 looked really good. More comparisons on rides would be cool. Also, nice jumping!

  • @tonyayala4192
    @tonyayala4192 2 роки тому

    Dude!! I live in Vegas… you more than welcome to come visit, I will take you to the best trails around here.
    I would also love to go explore cali too.
    Peace ✌🏻

  • @pauldominick3945
    @pauldominick3945 5 років тому

    Geez u guys were flying (literally) and having just too much fun!
    More collab videos with you both would be great. Trip planning time maybe. Do miracle mile on a tandem 🤔😱
    Hero 7 looked good.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Haha thanks Paul. All of the things. 👌

  • @BudoDave76
    @BudoDave76 5 років тому

    hah tha's badass. I wanna try that hit now. Did you have to jump it or can you just launch and sort of huck it?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      You can just launch but just stay in control. It’s smooth!

    • @BudoDave76
      @BudoDave76 5 років тому

      @@TheOutsiderMTB Nice! Gonna try it this weekend.

  • @alexskrttt8053
    @alexskrttt8053 4 роки тому

    Hey I’m going here next week and I need some advice on trails to ride, I was last here abt 2 years ago and I rode beginner trails, I would like to move up from beginner but not to high, if you have any idea on what I should ride, pls lmk

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  4 роки тому

      Check out my last 2 videos from here. Exactly what you’re asking. 👍

    • @alexskrttt8053
      @alexskrttt8053 4 роки тому

      The Outsider MTB thanks so much man sorry for the late response but we had a blast on those trails! we are going up this week again just from how much fun we had!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  4 роки тому


  • @guillermoperez5654
    @guillermoperez5654 5 років тому

    Can you do a guide on “Powder Cayon” trail when you get back ?

  • @skyemorgan1943
    @skyemorgan1943 5 років тому

    Hi Tony,
    Any news for Pip?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      His stitches are out and he just started his meds. He seems to be doing great. Playing and back to his old self. Thanks for asking!

  • @caseyhannigan2796
    @caseyhannigan2796 5 років тому +1

    Dude I live in crestline right next to there, would love to ride with you someday!!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      I’m there all the time - say hello! ✔️

  • @sendingitsoftly3560
    @sendingitsoftly3560 5 років тому

    Great looking trail, Nice riding🤙 Glad we found your channel, Subbed🤘

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Thanks and appreciate you being a part of the channel! Welcome!

  • @TheLAKERSareGodsTeam
    @TheLAKERSareGodsTeam 5 років тому

    That guy is one of the first MTB'ers I've seen with the full Silence of the Lambs mask.

  • @howlieboy
    @howlieboy 5 років тому

    the hero 7 is really good. I couldn't tell much of a difference if any. Good stuff.

  • @DroppingIn
    @DroppingIn 5 років тому

    The hero 7 footage looks great! How did you like it?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      Thanks! I liked it. It's much easier riding without the gimbal as well. I think more super chunky trail rides I may use the gimbal but glad to have the 7 in the mix now too.

  • @jeremyglenn1552
    @jeremyglenn1552 5 років тому

    Miracle mile! Haha great vid!

  • @jamesdream468
    @jamesdream468 2 роки тому

    Hello, september si a god month to do montáin bike ?

  • @TheBikingViking
    @TheBikingViking 5 років тому

    Where does Fall Line start?

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      When you get off the lift head right towards Skyline.

  • @lagwall
    @lagwall 5 років тому

    I like the look of the Hero 7

  • @allenkvextreme
    @allenkvextreme 5 років тому +1

    *no gimbal 7 all the way*

  • @TonyFernandezjkdjedi
    @TonyFernandezjkdjedi 5 років тому

    Awesome video, thourally enjoyed this one, Alan and you just click well.

  • @chiefkirby9982
    @chiefkirby9982 5 років тому

    That was good stuff!

  • @Chess_Pros
    @Chess_Pros 2 роки тому +1

    Seriously? That’s my name

    @DHOBSESSIONS 5 років тому

    proper channel mate, sick progression on the jumps, u should try it on DH bike....

  • @bonham4994sts9
    @bonham4994sts9 5 років тому

    Freaking sweet man!

  • @junhoryutube
    @junhoryutube 5 років тому

    I think physical gimbal records more stable image and gives more information about trails.

  • @azdirtlife4280
    @azdirtlife4280 5 років тому

    Dudes, you can't have videos go live at the same time!!!! I dont know which one to watch first 😬. Nice job on 650b 👏👏. That sucker has a bucky lip 😯

  • @golookexplore6154
    @golookexplore6154 5 років тому


  • @shaunevans1960
    @shaunevans1960 5 років тому

    Great vid! You gotta hit up China Peak this summer if you’re ever in the area!

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Thanks! Where’s that?

    • @shaunevans1960
      @shaunevans1960 5 років тому

      @@TheOutsiderMTB It is about an hour and 45 mins north of Fresno. They just had the California Enduro Series there this weekend. Also some great trails around Bass Lake area

  • @Frost-n-Criss
    @Frost-n-Criss 5 років тому +1

    Next time up there take Skyline over to Pine Knott and Cabin 89, super fun trails

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому +1

      I've climbed up that way and over to skyline but I think your way sounds more fun.

    • @Frost-n-Criss
      @Frost-n-Criss 5 років тому

      The Outsider MTB yea I’ve climbed it too lol it’s pretty tough hahahaha

  • @logwest8737
    @logwest8737 5 років тому +1

    Keep the hero 7

  • @DuhVibehunter
    @DuhVibehunter 5 років тому


  • @allenkvextreme
    @allenkvextreme 5 років тому

    *try pointing your camera a bit lower for better perspective*

  • @elimartin1214
    @elimartin1214 5 років тому

    ya bud im not quiet as good as you soo good job

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Doesn’t matter. Just have fun on that bike of yours. 👊

    • @elimartin1214
      @elimartin1214 5 років тому

      mine is 949 246 2654 so ya keep riding!!!!

  • @efrenm8826
    @efrenm8826 5 років тому

    First camera picture quality was way better tony

  • @stuartpilling6190
    @stuartpilling6190 5 років тому

    The Hero 4 and gimble was definitely better than the 7. While still good, the Hero 7's seem to suffer quality wise in low light, ie, in heavy wooded areas. Sound was also better on the 4. Something to do with the waterproofing I'm told.

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Interesting - thanks for the feedback. The 4 always will sound better because of the mic placement. I think I'll mix them in and out and try some new things.

  • @lagwall
    @lagwall 5 років тому +1

    YOOO!!! You got Mo Cases then a Family Court of Law Yo!
    I just like that joke

    • @TheOutsiderMTB
      @TheOutsiderMTB  5 років тому

      Getting a law degree with the cases I’m getting this week. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @stevencole7331
    @stevencole7331 5 років тому

    It just shows when something is in your head there is a reason for that . Even though he did not crash on the exact thing he was worried about he did not much longer after it . So be wary when you feel like this as there is a reason for why you feel this way .

  • @lagwall
    @lagwall 5 років тому

    I'm off work early, board, and commenting way too much. Sorry. 🤣

    @MTBMOR 4 роки тому

    LOL I thought this was for this season 2020

  • @Wilddyna4life
    @Wilddyna4life 4 роки тому
