American Bridge Full Game ~ Bidding & card play explained - 4 Hearts

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rafajahinhossain
    @rafajahinhossain Рік тому +2


  • @joepitt1192
    @joepitt1192 3 роки тому +1

    I usually play ACOL which seems more natural. But what I gather from what you’re saying is that in SAYC an opening 1C or 1D must be forcing to avoid the risk of no intervening bid? Especially if it’s the weak phoney club bid

    • @learnmodernbridge101
      @learnmodernbridge101  3 роки тому +1

      Hi Joe,
      If you are playing better minor then a 1 minor opening needn't be forcing as it is essentially natural (you will rarely only have 3 cards in your opened suit). Playing a 'phoney club' system is a bit trickier, and you will often stretch to respond over a 1C opener playing this system to avoid a disastrous 1C contract by your side. In practice it is very rare that this problem rears its head as you will often have a sufficient hand to respond over a 1 minor opener.
      Hope that helps,

  • @tuxtommy69
    @tuxtommy69 Рік тому

    The 2 club bid by responder is "New Minor Forcing" NOT Checkback Stayman!

    • @learnmodernbridge101
      @learnmodernbridge101  Рік тому

      This depends on what system you have agreed in your partnership. I would recommend Checkback Stayman after any NT rebid by the opener. There is a video on Checkback Stayman on my website if you would like to learn more (

    • @d95mback
      @d95mback Рік тому

      The 2C bid is what you've agreed it is.
      Unless anything is agreed 2C would be natural with a weak unbalanced hand, five hearts and four clubs, asking partner to choose.

    • @learnmodernbridge101
      @learnmodernbridge101  Рік тому

      @@d95mback I agree! Partnership agreement always comes first!

  • @candicegunter9098
    @candicegunter9098 9 місяців тому

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