Hockey, but there are No Rules - Tape to Tape

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Today I'm playing Tape to Tape. Tape to Tape is a absurd roguelite hockey game where you build the best hockey team possible with some of the craziest upgrades and mechanics you have ever seen in a hockey game. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Tape to Tape, thanks for watching and liking.
    More Tape to Tape: Coming Soon?
    About Tape to Tape:
    Explore a gorgeous roguelite hockey world where every choice matters on your journey to restore hockey to its former glory. Hire unique players, manage your benchwarmers, discover synergies between them, choose new abilities, bribe the referees, visit the Blademaster for upgrades and a lot more.
    Take charge of a ragtag group of hockey players in a roguelite journey across a mysterious land. As the newly appointed captain, every choice matters on your path to discover the secret of hockey's last bastion. Hire superstars, utilize the synergy found between players, and harness ruthless abilities, all in favor of crafting an unbeatable team.
    Easier said than done, as the ultimate dream team doesn’t appear out of thin air. Use losses as an opportunity to visit the mighty Blademaster in between runs and permanently upgrade your hero for the battles ahead. When the Center is still flubbing every single face-off, there’s no shame in lining the ref’s pockets with some sweet “maple syrup.”
    Combining modern precision with fast-paced 90s-inspired action, Tape to Tape offers a unique experience in the form of a simcade hockey experience. Bone-crushing body checks and stellar saves will keep players shaking in their skates, but mastering the dynamic puck physics system will secure the victory. Players and goalies will react to the puck bouncing off sticks and ricocheting off faces creating organic and emergent battles on the ice. Thankfully, there is no penalty when a tooth is lost.
    The Tape to Tape can be played online with a total of up to 4 players using Steam remote play or locally. The fast-paced gameplay and tight controls makes for memorable matchups. We also invite you to join our Discord server to play with the dev team or to find other player amongst our wonderful community. The Roguelite campaign is also playable cooperatively with some friends for a truly unique experience.
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    #TapetoTape #HockeySim #Drae


  • @tapetotapegame
    @tapetotapegame Рік тому +146

    What a pleasant watch! What struck us at the start of the video is how well you explained that even if it's hockey, it doesn't play just like regular hockey! Thank you so much for playing our game. Don't hesitate to share your feedback, we're all ears! Much love

    • @MrMustachieo
      @MrMustachieo Рік тому +2

      Question.. as a fellow Canadian, like Drea, this art style, did we have a cartoon back in the day with characters that looked like these people ? Why do they look so familiar?

    • @tapetotapegame
      @tapetotapegame Рік тому +9

      @@MrMustachieo To be fair when we ask our artist what's his inspiration, it's so unclear. We figured it was some Lucky Luke inspiration but he says just any general EU Comics/Sunday Comics back on the old Quebec cable TV!

    • @UnderPaah72
      @UnderPaah72 Рік тому +3

      @Tape To Tape Any chance this awesome looking game will be coming to PS5? 🙏

    • @MrMustachieo
      @MrMustachieo Рік тому +4

      @tapetotapegame ahhhhh... yeah the main (ish) characters look familiar.. & I watched alot of Canadian cartoons back in the day.. great looking characters.. ♡

    • @Cory_Springer
      @Cory_Springer Рік тому +2

      I grew up in Minnesota but close enough to Canada to pick up a few Canadian channels. The only Canadian cartoon I remember watching was Chilly Beach

  • @JadeFenix
    @JadeFenix Рік тому +168

    I am worried about Drae's Canadian citizenship after watching his hockey games.

    • @ramtigerfalcon8387
      @ramtigerfalcon8387 Рік тому +3


    • @EvelynnWinters2000
      @EvelynnWinters2000 Рік тому +5

      It's okay, I know nothing of the rules of hockey, my knowledge is basically just "puck goes in net" and I'm still a citizen
      Drae will be fiiiiiine

    • @Kidge.6081
      @Kidge.6081 Рік тому +1


    • @LawrenceOakheart
      @LawrenceOakheart Рік тому +1

      Being good or knowledgeable isn't required. A total love is. If your answer to "favorite sport" isn't related to maple syrup, moose, or hockey, then it becomes an issue.

      @TECHNOTHEBLADE23 Рік тому +1

      yeah same, i want him to play more void train, watchng the demo a couple years back, it was by far my favorite game hes played, so im super exited to watch him hopefully make a series of it, same for gas station sim

  • @CSX_7026
    @CSX_7026 Рік тому +96

    as someone who plays hockey i can confrim this is what the game is like with terrible refs

  • @Elusivecamel31
    @Elusivecamel31 Рік тому +10

    This is without a doubt the most excited I've been about a new game. This is so good!!! MORE... MORE... MORE!!!

  • @companylovesmisery1463
    @companylovesmisery1463 Рік тому +2

    Occam's Shaving Products- very cool reference.

  • @chines53015
    @chines53015 Рік тому +9

    I miss the old school hockey games like hitz. This would be so much fun. Thank you Drae!

  • @projectzomboidfan517
    @projectzomboidfan517 Рік тому +2

    This is why I love Drae, he plays my favorite types of games. Dave the Diver, Suchart, hard space ship breaker. All games I've downloaded because of Drae!

  • @kristianhill6442
    @kristianhill6442 Рік тому +2

    I NEED you to play the whole campaign!! This was such a good watch

  • @Mysteriousquestionmark
    @Mysteriousquestionmark Рік тому +10

    seems really good cant wait to see more

  • @BigJessGaming
    @BigJessGaming Рік тому +1

    I'm really digging this... love the old hockey games, glad to see another fun one ..

  • @Wolven20511
    @Wolven20511 Рік тому +3

    Would love to see more but also wouldnt mind seeing more of the hockey play

  • @silvernuggets1285
    @silvernuggets1285 Рік тому +3

    Offsides! Love hockey, love games like these, instant buy.

  • @redecterthomsonshadowascen5177

    I'd love to see more of this game

  • @BenjiDubss
    @BenjiDubss Рік тому

    This game is ridiculous yes but it also makes for some sick hockey plays and I am all here for it

  • @connor9207
    @connor9207 Рік тому +7

    Id watch 100 episodes of this. Amazing

  • @awesomebinj4398
    @awesomebinj4398 Рік тому

    7:12 "Can we get the hat trick? *desperate gasp of air*"

  • @Tepig_V
    @Tepig_V Рік тому +3

    Glad to see you playing this game! Tried out the demo during NextFest, curious to see where the development went!

  • @joe125ful
    @joe125ful Рік тому

    More of this fun game Drae!!!

  • @DragoNate
    @DragoNate Рік тому +1

    "Everything in this game is randomly generated"
    * _Faces the same teams with the same characters every single run..._

  • @Drawfill
    @Drawfill Рік тому

    That game is the best hockey game ive played since 94. Says a lot about the current state of sports games.

  • @zachashley8064
    @zachashley8064 Рік тому +2

    I love this vid! I'm a big fan of hockey and Drae!

  • @EvanPorter-e4y
    @EvanPorter-e4y Рік тому

    I believe this is a perfect time to quote Steve dangle. “If you’re a goaltender…, TEND THE GOAL!”

  • @ericstearns170
    @ericstearns170 Рік тому

    Can't wait to see more of the McShaggy brothers🏒

  • @DragoNate
    @DragoNate Рік тому

    New game: exists
    Drae: "hopefully hopefully hopefully i hope hopefully i'm hoping i hope hopefully"

    • @DragoNate
      @DragoNate Рік тому

      throw in a bunch of "assuming"s, "actually"s & "possibly/as _ as possible"s as well :D

  • @BigJessGaming
    @BigJessGaming Рік тому

    This is so much fun. Love it

  • @gilestrudeau8055
    @gilestrudeau8055 Рік тому +1

    Much love from Minnesota bud!

  • @isaacvale1269
    @isaacvale1269 Рік тому

    Im really getting inazuma 11 flashbacks here
    And nice Video drae, as always!

  • @GuyPrimevil
    @GuyPrimevil Рік тому +1

    Would love to see some more of this game on your channel

  • @dirtandsoul2081
    @dirtandsoul2081 Рік тому +1

    Keep this series up!

  • @joshuajohnson9594
    @joshuajohnson9594 Рік тому

    More of this. Fantastic!

  • @yorkiequeen
    @yorkiequeen Рік тому

    Drae, please play more!!! I know nothing of hockey, but this was fun to watch. Also, will you play Bramble?

  • @tylersaylor463
    @tylersaylor463 Рік тому

    This feels like SCP-2206 but with hockey. And I like it!

  • @Matin_M
    @Matin_M Рік тому

    I actually want to play this game it's so good, please play lots of this!!

  • @gregdegennaro4511
    @gregdegennaro4511 Рік тому

    This could possibly be the best game of the year

  • @ramtigerfalcon8387
    @ramtigerfalcon8387 Рік тому

    Who woulda thunk that this here Canadian would enjoy Hockey?!
    Raise your hand
    Great vid Drae!!

  • @jsublett8871
    @jsublett8871 Рік тому

    😆 this is the reverse of happy gillmore

  • @metern
    @metern Рік тому +1

    The funniest hockey game i ever played was on a NES.
    It was without any rules, and you could fight with your opponent 😂

  • @funguy398
    @funguy398 Рік тому

    This is like Mutant League Hockey for Sega Genesis

  • @SonGoku0089
    @SonGoku0089 Рік тому

    I would love to see more

  • @faffy2632
    @faffy2632 Рік тому

    Drae also hockey players will play golf in the off season, so losing a playoff round is sending the team to play golf

  • @grantrawson85
    @grantrawson85 Рік тому +1

    I hope this comes out on switch! This looks amazing

    • @novitrix9671
      @novitrix9671 Рік тому +1

      And xbox and playstation and phone!

  • @erichogan5291
    @erichogan5291 Рік тому

    Mutant League Hockey is the best hockey game of all time.

  • @Sir-Raids
    @Sir-Raids Рік тому

    this is a new spin to the classic rouge like game, pls more of this

    •  2 місяці тому


  • @Spicy6969
    @Spicy6969 Рік тому +1

    More please 👍

  • @loganware5525
    @loganware5525 Рік тому


  • @wilko2494
    @wilko2494 Рік тому +1

    This reminds me of the time I went to see a fight, then a hockey game broke out...

  • @RoryVanBeek
    @RoryVanBeek Рік тому

    God, it was so weird hearing Drae say my name so much.

  • @loerichson
    @loerichson Рік тому

    Now I wanna buy a PS2 and play the NHL 2K games. Had such a good time playing them

  • @agr0nianTV
    @agr0nianTV Рік тому

    Dope af! I hope to see more gameplay of this on multiple channels too 😁

  • @bloodymartini9878
    @bloodymartini9878 Рік тому

    I need more !!!

  • @SadSpaceDuck
    @SadSpaceDuck Рік тому

    Please play more and make the eps longer! Thanks

  • @mizu_the_floatzel
    @mizu_the_floatzel Рік тому

    It's a hockey fan. This game makes me think if the XFL became a hockey league xD

  • @SJPlayGames
    @SJPlayGames Рік тому

    Hey this will be good to watch 😊

  • @briarfox637
    @briarfox637 Рік тому

    yeah this game seems cool

  • @Ryal89
    @Ryal89 Рік тому

    This is most Canadian you'll ever see drae

  • @anthonysantos3629
    @anthonysantos3629 Рік тому

    Play this more!

  • @B0x3rN1n7a
    @B0x3rN1n7a Рік тому

    Just wait until Blitz gets his hands on this game...

  • @Xanderbenson
    @Xanderbenson Рік тому

    please do more of this game

  • @vs-iw6rc
    @vs-iw6rc Рік тому

    Hope u keep going with it

  • @Y.A.A.E.G._Games
    @Y.A.A.E.G._Games Рік тому

    Was hoping to see this but didn't think it would happend

  • @cricrimc
    @cricrimc Рік тому

    Very nice game! i like it! :O

  • @notdomtoretto925
    @notdomtoretto925 Рік тому

    “Who calls himself the meatballs” my name in FIFA ultimate team is huevos rancheros

  • @vandoor8
    @vandoor8 Рік тому

    So did anybody else notice Dwight Shrute in the crowd holding a beet? He's in the corner front row.

  • @bug_the_bug
    @bug_the_bug Рік тому

    Here Draegast, have one for the algorithm

  • @tomsxd691
    @tomsxd691 Рік тому

    more more more!

  • @samdavies5314
    @samdavies5314 Рік тому

    its like happy gilmore but the other way round lol

  • @a.8874
    @a.8874 Рік тому +1

    Love the game but would love to see the matches from start to finish. It's a little too dull just seeing the endings :)

  • @PFCIceman
    @PFCIceman Рік тому

    Before even watching, I’m hoping this is like Blitz. Only sports game I ever liked because you could cause injuries to the players.

  • @romanpetrowski8917
    @romanpetrowski8917 Рік тому

    Another Canadian life simulator

  • @metern
    @metern Рік тому +1

    Selecting skills and don't use them is just bad playing 😂

  • @unchartedgamingxangel2196
    @unchartedgamingxangel2196 Рік тому

    i hope it has dynamic camera

  • @billynollii7396
    @billynollii7396 10 місяців тому

    Looks more realistic than the EA games.

  • @AussieBoyLloyd
    @AussieBoyLloyd Рік тому

    hahahaha showing my age when that first red character card popped up i naturally moved the mouse to click it like youtubes old oooolllld ad pop ups lol .... i miss those easy ads that didnt take up an entire screen half the time they'd stay on screen till they naturally disappeared if i wasnt near the mouse... these days i ignore the adds completely unless their movie trailers or music or game trailers lol haha

  • @levimcgill7929
    @levimcgill7929 Рік тому

    When will you play the hotel game again? Do you haven't played it for ages.

  • @Charodiy_UA
    @Charodiy_UA Рік тому

    That game is interesting to watch :)

  • @how2pick4name
    @how2pick4name Рік тому

    Clearly offside is not a thing in this. 😂

    • @drae
      @drae  Рік тому +1

      icing, icing right? I think? haha

  • @ricardojvindasb1693
    @ricardojvindasb1693 Рік тому

    I've always wondered, how do these guys play soccer on ice, with a pickle jar lid, using Mayan war clubs, and wearing knives on their feet, nothing of that sounds safe, especially if you fall, I'd imagine your first action must be close your hands and get them close to your body to avoid someone accidentally giving you a manicure, or is there something that prevents accidents like those?

    • @joelface
      @joelface Рік тому

      pickle jar lid? lol. Is that the puck? They prevent injury by wearing pads and gloves and helmets, so they don't have to worry that much. There can be accidents with the skates, but it's actually really rare. Growing up playing the game helps a lot... you couldn't just put a soccer player, or any other athlete into a hockey game an expect them to do okay. I do think it's difficult for people who watch hockey to get much excitement from watching other sports, though: "What so these guys just run around a giant field and pass the ball a lot and get a shot on net once every 10 minutes? What so, these guys throw a giant ball around and score literally every 5 seconds? So this game is mostly just watching the athletes standing around, and then they play for 20 seconds before they wait around for another couple minutes?"

  • @thomasprice995
    @thomasprice995 Рік тому

    another good game dont get me wrong but im seriously missing Sons of the forest

  • @NinjaHikage
    @NinjaHikage 10 місяців тому

    Is there an option to play a custom skirmish game against ai and be able to turn off the abilities and artefacts?

  • @Bigtree4544
    @Bigtree4544 Рік тому +1

    Is there no off sides

  • @alexvibes84
    @alexvibes84 7 місяців тому

    This game have shootout mode multiplayer?

  • @jessicahunt6569
    @jessicahunt6569 Рік тому

    Canadian, check.

  • @ItsRatHead
    @ItsRatHead Рік тому +1

    Play more please drae

  • @sedat4151
    @sedat4151 Рік тому

    Is it possible to play this on ps5?

  • @AncientSkie789
    @AncientSkie789 Рік тому

    Video 9 asking for a new season of gold rush

  • @harrietlillyratcliffe7427
    @harrietlillyratcliffe7427 Рік тому +1

    You should do more ship graveyard 2

  • @Valkya-Blizz
    @Valkya-Blizz Рік тому +1

    c'Est vraie que le jeu est incroyable juste moi j'avais un problème c'est que quand je jouait en campagne et que je me fesait battre ben sa recommencait tout la campagne. Je sais pas si c'est a cause que j'ai mis le jeu en facile mais bon. si vous savez disez le moi

  • @fernandomarti7589
    @fernandomarti7589 Рік тому

    where would Drae be without Wiener?

  • @Tigerpanzer6666
    @Tigerpanzer6666 Рік тому

    dont worry none sport fans this sport games dosent involve sports

  • @wileecoyoteee9416
    @wileecoyoteee9416 Рік тому

    I really want this on Xbox! 😩. Anyone know if there's plans to bring it to console?

  • @zerebusgarago
    @zerebusgarago Рік тому

    Where is ep2 of ship graveyard simulator?

  • @ceilingwasp1883
    @ceilingwasp1883 Рік тому

    Wassip drae

  • @georgedownes8395
    @georgedownes8395 Рік тому

    Please more sons of the forest

  • @TheFirstUnstopable
    @TheFirstUnstopable Рік тому

    Drae the Colorado avalanches won the NHL tournament and I am form Colorado let's go avalanches and if I'm correct they didn't have upgrades

  • @michakrupski9071
    @michakrupski9071 Рік тому

    PowerWash Simulator?

  • @Wolfe_Blue
    @Wolfe_Blue Рік тому


  • @chickenwarfare1481
    @chickenwarfare1481 Рік тому

    Do more wwII bunker simulator

  • @rottenapple_
    @rottenapple_ Рік тому +1

    Man, the jump cut edits really ruin the fun of this video.

  • @MikeJones-uv8ld
    @MikeJones-uv8ld Рік тому

    Rogue lite

  • @tero2535
    @tero2535 Рік тому

    i want good icehockey game for pc i guess this have no league with stats and all