【The Forest】ふーたんとキャンプだ!#2 Camping amongst Carnivores w/ Flare

  • Опубліковано 29 січ 2025


  • @jeanjacques8515
    @jeanjacques8515 День тому +18

    希望の光 IRyS
    0:07:10 ゲーム開始 【1日目 (Day 16)】
    0:07:32 「これからでもさ~人間を焼いて食べるんだよ?」「うまそ~!」
    0:14:12 なにもかも忘れちゃったIRySにふーたんが一言「終わるか今日!」
    0:14:50 首都高バトルの話「ふれあしってるよ!」
    0:16:59 IRyS「足うめぇ」
    0:21:02 ふーたんの仇!
    0:22:47 IRyS「股間あた~っく!」
    0:26:14 エンディングを迎えられるか考えちゃう2人
    0:28:39 ふーたん「びっくりした~IDOL (IRyS)」
    0:32:36 ヤバそうな敵に「すごい!何か足いっぱい!おっぱ・・・えーと足いっぱい!」
    0:33:55 大泣きするふーたん
    0:37:33 命名「足パラダイス」
    0:37:48 IRySが言わなかったことを大声で言うふーたん
    0:39:03 足パラダイス撃破
    0:40:06 【2日目 (Day 17)】
    0:42:14 足パラダイスの素材で作れる不気味な装備
    0:43:03 燃えろ♪燃えろ♪
    0:48:21 もぐもぐIRySとHAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAP (尖った壁の罠)
    0:50:23 「2人ならプリキュア!」→敵もプリキュア
    0:54:39 自分の仕掛けた罠にかかるIRyS
    0:57:42 洞窟の探検についてリスナーにアドバイスを求める2人
    1:02:26 罠が効果抜群で喜ぶIRyS
    1:04:02 世界が変わるカラー設定「TEXAS」
    1:05:07 【3日目 (Day 18)】
    1:05:57 達観したIRyS「それも人生」
    1:09:54 満を持して洞窟探索へ出発
    1:13:02 襲ってくる敵が人間なのか考える2人
    1:18:51 虹!
    1:19:25 足パラとヤバいやつと逃げ足が速いふーたん
    1:34:53 「竜宮城案件なくなった」
    1:36:23 玉手箱の話からデビルメイクライの話に
    1:42:05 IRyS「一緒に行動しようよ~」
    1:42:28 洞窟を発見、探索開始
    1:43:23 ふーたん「置いてかないで」
    1:44:52 【4日目 (Day 19)】
    1:46:12 大空洞に抜ける
    1:50:56 道を照らす者 IRyS
    1:53:49 ふーたん「酒ありがとう、じゃ飲むね」IRyS「シラフでやって!」
    1:56:09 焚き火を壊しちゃうふーたん 1回目
    1:57:51 焚き火を壊しちゃうふーたん 2回目
    1:59:26 手を焼きながら「これがほんとの手料理ってね」
    1:59:45 「スパイスなんて私達の愛情だけ」
    2:00:10 ピッケルを入手 / 壁を登る
     └2:00:36 AAAAH!
    2:14:17 ダイナマイト (発煙筒)に火を付け忘れて投げるIRyS
    2:15:54 穴の抜けた先で敵襲
    2:22:50 探索の成果に満足げな2人
    2:25:32 コナンくんも喜ぶバラバラ手足事件
    2:26:12 「おいら工藤新一」「おいら?!」
    2:26:48 チェーン・ソー入手
    2:28:35 良い感じのアドバイスをリスナーに求める2人
    2:28:58 水中を探索する
     └2:34:07 真っ暗すぎて道がわからない2人→ふーたん全ロス(?)
    2:35:32 ふーたんと合流するために地上を目指すIRyS
    2:36:12 外にたどり着いたIRyS
    2:38:22 Bless you
    2:40:05 ふーたんと合流
    2:41:35 荷物の回収を試みる
     ├2:42:26 道案内してくれるIRyS
     ├2:43:02 飲み物もくれるIRyS
     ├2:44:35 希望の光 IRyS
     └2:45:54 荷物回収成功「感謝永遠に~」
    2:51:17 次の目標についてリスナーに相談する2人
    2:53:39 The Forestのストーリーが気になる2人
    2:56:54 IRySのことが心配で夜しか眠れないふーたん
    2:57:52 【5日目 (Day 20)】
    2:58:52 マリーゴールド
    2:59:34 ストーリーに対して「この写真で何がわかるんだ!」
    3:01:49 結構やんちゃなIRyS
    3:03:41 本日ラストの洞窟
    3:08:42 地図とコンパスを発見 / 英語がわからないIRyS
    3:15:15 IRyS「力が漲るじんにく~」
    3:21:37 足パラダイスの正式名称は「バージニア」らしい
    3:22:41 次回アイテムが消えている可能性がこわいIRyS
    3:24:32 人間ピニャータ
    3:25:13 根性登山
    3:28:06 明らかにボス戦な部屋
    3:28:31 ボス戦:足パラダイス
    3:34:16 「IRyS怒ってます」
    3:40:24 【6日目 (Day 21)】
    3:43:49 焚き火を壊しちゃうふーたん 3回目
    3:45:41 形容しがたい姿のIRyS
    3:45:58 見えているものが違うIRySとふーたん
    3:47:42 無限にやってくる敵
    4:01:23 The Forestの主な要素が洞窟だったことに気づいた2人
    4:06:55 【7日目 (Day 22)】
    4:11:38 敵が罠にかかって大喜びするIRyS
    4:13:21 ゲームおしまい
    4:13:55 おつフレアイリス~
    4:15:31 シークレットエンディング

    • @qua414
      @qua414 19 годин тому

      Thank you for the time stamps

    • @YipCindy0701
      @YipCindy0701 10 годин тому

      Thank you for the timestamps~

  • @SamWrit3-R
    @SamWrit3-R День тому +6

    That was a wonderful stream! I love your collabs with Flare and there were so many highlights where I appreciated what you were doing, but my favourite moment was definitely you acting as a DPS with her tanking thanks to the turtle shell!
    Usually the strategy is to explore the caves, get more items an then focus on building the base but I think the way you both played was still practical and today there was so much progress getting the chainsaw and the pickaxe on the first cave was a very good catch! ^^
    I was feeling so tense when Flare dropped her items underwater but thanks to you she managed to get it back and also don’t worry, the save points in the multiplayer work as long as you both save together so your inventory will keep the stuff that you stored today.
    Not gonna lie, I have a crush on you xD when you eat snacks on stream, it sounds like you enjoy your food and cooking for you must be a dream! Also thank you for being so active with us on chat and for following the various tips, it’s always a good time with you dear nephilim :), added with many small things I think I keep liking you more and more every time (especially for taking the check ups and looking after your health).
    I really enjoy it the most when I listen to your Japanese it’s so crystal clear and it always makes me want to learn the language. I just never get tired of listening to you, but yeah, I’m simply proud of what you do and I really love the way you are! I think I’ll never get tired of saying that you’re my favorite person :D
    Both you and Flare have a nice gaming sense in combo and I can’t wait already for the next The Forest collab. This game have so much more to offer and you both will see it ^^ there are more weapons and interesting things to build. For now I think you’re like half way of the items to unlock (when you will get the rebreather with the air canisters you will have access to all areas in the island so you can unlock everything).
    Take and eat well, also get a good rest in doing what you love the most :) you deserve it!
    PS: Worth to mention that if you combine 1 Raccoon Skin + 1 Rabbit fur + 6 Deer Skin + 4 boar skin +2 cloth +2 ropes you should be able to craft the warm suit (it doesn’t make you wear armor but you never get cold from what I remember).
    PPS: I hope you will snack more during the next streams too, it's always so appealing when you do that

  • @Garahel
    @Garahel День тому +8

    My favorite part about night streams is all the adorable mogu moguRyS sounds we get! Surprisingly short FlaRyS stream but you did get a lot done action wise. NGL I was hoping you'd yap more about DMC until I realized you didn't finish 4 yet!

  • @qua414
    @qua414 День тому +5

    OtsuFlaraIt seems like we've learned how to deal with strong mutants more easily now, instead of relying on water! There was a brief moment of crisis during the exploration, but you guys managed to overcome it and safely returned with valuable items like the map. What a relief!and since the game provides very few hints, I’m all for you guys checking guides if necessary Either way, the adventures of Flare will keep us entertained! BTW 今日はなんだかIRySの食いしん坊な一面を垣間見たような気がする!

  • @Yi_Xuan_Tan
    @Yi_Xuan_Tan День тому +4

    Man that was fun The cave was a little bit scary, and it even had the tense part where Flare drowned and all the progress was hanging on your survival, and the relief that came soon after that as you survived the water and the way out was just a bit away from the water, and Flare even got her items back as the "reward" of the story Tbh I thought the cave was going to be some super hard mission / boss fight or something, didn't expect it to be mostly exploration. You two made a lot of progress today Thanks for the fun stream, おつフレアイリス~

  • @SubNil04
    @SubNil04 День тому +6

    Lots of progress today, chainsaw and map get! Cave exploration really went well especially when Flare recovered her items from the first cave. IRyS is OP now, killing mutants with ease . Thank you for another lovely and comfy stream! cant wait for the next collab

  • @Wrixne
    @Wrixne День тому +1

    Gotta eat those snacks to replenish that blood loss both in game and out game. From stranded passengers to bonafide survivalists, I feel pretty confident FlareRyS can make it to the end how things look. Looking forward to the next episode (if not final) episode!

  • @hopesoaprope4940
    @hopesoaprope4940 День тому +4

    Thanks for the nice stream.🔥💎
    I'm glad you two got to the caves and progressed the plot a bit. I was wondering if we we're ever going to find Timmy

  • @duy6822
    @duy6822 День тому +4

    thanks for the stream IRyS. Lots of progress today. That clutch in the cave sure was something, glad Flare didn't zenloss

  • @miguelespinoza33
    @miguelespinoza33 День тому +2

    After exploring the caves and getting so much loot, I think you're both very strong now! You defeated a Legs Paradise so easily and also got a chainsaw for better meat collecting! I'm excited to see what you get from other caves and more FlaRyS surviving next! Also you escaping and helping Flare recover her items in the cave was so clutch! No zenloss It was super fun and comfy listening to you two! Thank you for the stream!! OtsuFlaRyS!💎🔥

  • @yuu_kyaruchan
    @yuu_kyaruchan День тому +4

    おつフレアイリス~ Thank you so much for the stream Nice progress today exploring some caves and hunting down some leg paradises Almost got zenloss but you did save it by surviving and helping Fuutan to retrieve her items! It's really a lot of fun with you and Flare everytime and looking forward to more in the future Goodnight and have a good rest IRyS~ Take care and see you again

  • @Tyldar
    @Tyldar День тому +2

    Thank you for the stream! FInally we have a map, would recommend marking places you already have gone to, looking foward to more! 🦇

  • @Anthi7
    @Anthi7 День тому +2

    What a progress! And the map looks really helpful! The teamwork with Flare was really great too!

  • @CZero_K
    @CZero_K День тому

    I could only watch the first 3 hours in live time, but you two already made so many progress especially the map! With the map, you can explore different caves and places more efficiently and progress the story And I really love the teamwork combat that Flare being the tank and you being the DPS

  • @JMHenry
    @JMHenry День тому +2

    The cave diving part was super good, and they finally got the chainsaw out of it! Also, I vote IRyS snacks more often on stream

  • @oveRayster
    @oveRayster День тому

    おつふれあいりす!Thanks for the collab today! Yeah, it was a huge progress after searching the caves! Good job IRyS! Btw there are 12 caves in total, so cave adventures can be a good goal for the next stream!
    The cave parts were really fun! I like the joy you two had when finding something new and every surprise in those dark, bloody caves. The diving part was a close one! You almost Zenloss. It was really as terrifying as in the real world! This part wasn't my favorite but definitely is the most memorable for today. I hope you will never have the zenloss experience in this game. I can imagine how frustrating it would be if it happened.
    Looking forward to the next collab! Hope it happens soon (P.S. You can watch Flare's POV at 3:53:30 to see how you look! You look like a c-cool skeleton oji-san! xD)

  • @KMeads_IRyStocrat
    @KMeads_IRyStocrat День тому +3

    Thanks for the stream. Thanks YXT for the TLing. And thank you IRyS for sprinkling in eigo for us nihongo jouzu folks!

  • @DougBrighTan_o7
    @DougBrighTan_o7 День тому +1

    Wohoo that was an enjoyable stream of Forest with FlareRyS exploring around the tunnels and other good progress building the defense , otsu otsu !! Thanks for the stream

  • @kalen.
    @kalen. День тому +2

    Happy lunar new year IRyS!

  • @YipCindy0701
    @YipCindy0701 День тому +1

    Otsu Fla! Thank you for the fun stream Got a lot of useful items~ Leg paradise (37:35) really made my day

  • @KaimanDororo
    @KaimanDororo День тому +1

    Thank you both for the stream! Love me some comfy, cannibal FlaRyS streams!

  • @政諺-j7j
    @政諺-j7j День тому +3

  • @Ignyouz
    @Ignyouz День тому +2

    OtsuFlaRyS, Thanks for the stream! Nice progress today, it was fun exploring and getting new items. Have a nice rest and good night, take care!

  • @Kotelski
    @Kotelski День тому +2

    OtsuFureArisu~! Nice progress today and the most important you got the map! Thank you so much for another fun FlaRyS stream and I'm looking forward to the next episode!

  • @carlosyee4988
    @carlosyee4988 12 годин тому

    Nice Collab I was at work and could only listen to the giggles, laughs, cute jp noises and **intense** mogu mogu must've been very hungry after fasting. It was a productive day, good job Waiting for next part! Gracias por el stream~

  • @Majadi7
    @Majadi7 День тому +1

    Thank you thank you for the stream, it was a blast, true friendship build upon bone harvesting, cannibalism, and turtle dining :’(, XD, time really did flew too fast, looking forward to FlaRyS’s next adventures in the mines, and I hope you enjoy a very delicious meal, how about some steak :D hehe j/k until next time

  • @jRitz08
    @jRitz08 День тому +1

    another fun, comfy, camping trip with FlaRyS! thanks for the stream!

  • @ghostering8
    @ghostering8 День тому +3

    Thank you for stream!!

  • @arwinartwell
    @arwinartwell День тому +2

    Thanks for the stream!

  • @hantakorys
    @hantakorys День тому +10

    おつフレアイリス!EchoRyS. We couldn't beat the record from last stream but I think there was a lot of progress today. Blessed crunchRyS sounds

  • @Catchphrase
    @Catchphrase 13 годин тому

    i just want to say tuning into this and immediately seeing a corpse used as a table for your fruit was uhhhh picasso

  • @Potato0fDoom
    @Potato0fDoom День тому +1


  • @killercart
    @killercart День тому

    Good work on making a lot of progress with Flare. Thanks for the stream, IRyS. See you next stream.

  • @5210702
    @5210702 День тому +2


  • @Ahhthur
    @Ahhthur День тому +1

    Great progress today!
    Was it fun living in legs paradise?