And thus began, the downfall of ADC's. Many players had tried to rescue the role from it's inevitable doom, some even resorting to bot lane ziggs. However all of these efforts failed. In the end, only one man would save us from defeat, only one man had the courage to stand up and take back the pride of being a carry. He came running, eyes on the nexus, one shotting the shitty junglers ganking at level three. Our Hero, Tyler1. hehexd.
Adc right now is so trash. 9 of 10 games you win or loose your lane because the jungler or the midlaner, not because your individual skill. Also is hard to kill a sunfire/gauntlet poppy being any adc with less than 3 items..
Everardo Corrales Zazueta most of the time you even need 4 items to deal with the tanks since you need 3 damage items (ie + 2 zeal or er + zeal + ie) and a last whisper and then boots. So you only have one slot for a defensive item which you generally can't get since you would not have enough damage so you are forced to go a bloodthirster
Yeah if they don't change the current meta or kinda give some love to ad's and their items, ad will stay the least useful or impactful role, for a whole fuckin season. AGAIN.
they need to be 13/0 in 10 minutes to do that stuff reliably...and even then all you need is one good dive with a mage/assassin and boom goes the fed adc
No point of the damage if you're fed and nobody protects you from assassins. In this meta I've realized that if my duo premade support protects me only, chances are we might not manage to keep me alive. I'm not a ballsy adc either. It's just that they've given assassins too much roam and escape potential. Before I know I'm getting dived by a Rengar, not even able to CC him cause nowadays he just has this "balance" to get a spell immune feature, or a wild Talon jumps the wall, ults me and kills me and just walks away the same way he got in... I really feel like I don't have a place this meta
8 років тому+1
I will forever love you editor, castle crashers music was and still is the best
the overall base dmg was just increased little by little, can't tell if it's because of the new items, runes, masteries or champions, but any role deals more dmg right now. The problem with ADCs is that they were already on the edge of being dangerously low healthed before this new dmg output, and this new condition made them eventually fell off. Now probably 90% of the non-ADCs champions can kill them within a rotation from lvl 6 on.
Omoshi 2009 full stack mejai's, mobi boots and lich bane...all items that boost your movement speed, mejai's gives you 10% with 15 or more stacks and lich gives you 7%, combine that with sona's E which also boosts your movement speed and mobi boots..legit! also pretty sure that any other mid lane champ can oneshot an adc with full those items so is sona still bused...yeah but not really, with champs like LeBlanc, Fizz, Zed and so on she's ok compared to them...Sona is like support assassin, can be a really gr8 support bot lane and can be a oneshot wonder assassin mid lane as well
Fucking hell, Sneaky. Every time I think "the dude's a god, let's give his vids another chance," only to find you yelling whenever something doesn't work out for you. *Again.*
this is why i main vayne rn. she deals the most dmg so she has the most impact. right now i find myself carrying games with a 70 percent winrate in plat with her
Ill tell you the reason why ADCs mostly suck this season. Autofill. Yeah autofill. How can i play the game when 50% of time when its autofilled supp he trolls or goes afk, other 25% he plays like support but not with right champs (like Lux, Annie, Ivern etc.). When its autofilled supp you have 25% to get a guy who knows to support well. ADC cant carry his lane alone except its Draven. Assassins are problem for ADC's but not as much as autofill is.
And thus began, the downfall of ADC's. Many players had tried to rescue the role from it's inevitable doom, some even resorting to bot lane ziggs. However all of these efforts failed. In the end, only one man would save us from defeat, only one man had the courage to stand up and take back the pride of being a carry. He came running, eyes on the nexus, one shotting the shitty junglers ganking at level three. Our Hero, Tyler1. hehexd.
Truman Oakes lol nice poem
Truman Oakes *cries* That's so WONDERFUL!!
... and Legendz27
hehe xd
You're my favourite transgender streamer
^You assumed "it's" gender
Umaru same
transgender rly ?
Laeni nah, its just a joke
You are the guy who gets the most one shot I've ever seen in my life
he deserves it
Feelsbadman :p
i cant tell u how much it brightens my day to hear the tilted sounds of sneaky's wohoooo
Adc right now is so trash. 9 of 10 games you win or loose your lane because the jungler or the midlaner, not because your individual skill. Also is hard to kill a sunfire/gauntlet poppy being any adc with less than 3 items..
Everardo Corrales Zazueta most of the time you even need 4 items to deal with the tanks since you need 3 damage items (ie + 2 zeal or er + zeal + ie) and a last whisper and then boots. So you only have one slot for a defensive item which you generally can't get since you would not have enough damage so you are forced to go a bloodthirster
"not because your individual skill" You should not forget it's a team game after all.
Everardo Corrales Zazueta ur just bad mate 👌
I thought soloq was for showing your individual skills
Also doesn't help that the same Poppy is likely going to somehow be able to two shot you
Yeah if they don't change the current meta or kinda give some love to ad's and their items, ad will stay the least useful or impactful role, for a whole fuckin season. AGAIN.
fed adc's still carry games
they need to be really fed to carry, an assasin like lb even if not feed can oneshot an adc easyli
they need to be 13/0 in 10 minutes to do that stuff reliably...and even then all you need is one good dive with a mage/assassin and boom goes the fed adc
Start building BT, Phantom, Banshee builds ;]
No point of the damage if you're fed and nobody protects you from assassins. In this meta I've realized that if my duo premade support protects me only, chances are we might not manage to keep me alive. I'm not a ballsy adc either. It's just that they've given assassins too much roam and escape potential. Before I know I'm getting dived by a Rengar, not even able to CC him cause nowadays he just has this "balance" to get a spell immune feature, or a wild Talon jumps the wall, ults me and kills me and just walks away the same way he got in... I really feel like I don't have a place this meta
I will forever love you editor, castle crashers music was and still is the best
2017, the year of the best bot lane, Thresh adc and Blitzcrank support.
Another Gamer 2 i have tried that with my friend i was thresh full ad i got really feed like 12/0 then i fell off and ended the game 17/5
Holy fuck this is just sad lol. How could Riot fuck up their game so bad? I miss the S1-S5 days where the game was actually fun.
that happens when u ignore a role for a 4 seasons
It's about perspective, from ADC's perspective it's sad, but from person that is killing the ADC it is fun
well I still love adc and when less people wanna play that role I can get it more often which is nice.
ADC in 2017 LUL
Nilo Nimus it's pretty shitty tho because then the quality drops since nobody wants to play it it's going to be a fiesta modest of the time
wanna hear a joke
adc in 2017
nevr heared that before...jk i have
TheThresh Main wanna hear a joke
Andres Rodriguez gj
League is the exact opposite of wine, it gets worse with time.
TechNick upvoted
Just make an AD Zhonyas, Riot.
Reno or ad seraph (for the shield)
trinity force reno jackson
LMAO i love that Sneaky uploads these kind of games
It's his editor not sneaky ..
I could watch a gif of people getting oneshoted for an entire day, it's really satisfying
You haven't seen the real adc experience until you had to run as a 3-0 adc from a 0-2 bruiser/assassin
7:33 THAT CASTLE CRASHER SONG reminds me of so many good moments with my friends ^_^
That Banjo-Kazooie music brings back memories yo
love the castle crashers music editor :)
choose a role
1:top lane
2:mid lane
4:support role
5:paper role
how is the out music not monster musume at this point lol
This vid should be called SneakyInLane LUL
Haven't even thought about league in months...why did I just watch a 12 minute compilation of sneaky getting one shot?
after every wohoo you can see how he's suffering on the inside :(
i feels like every sneaky video starts off with sneaky dying in lane
When sneaky got chased down by that sona and one-shot I could actually hear the jaws song
Permaban Sneaky for Feeding Kappa
the editing is fucking gorgeous!! keep that shit up :D
its not the fact that ADC is dead, its the fact that sneaky is garbo.
the castle crashers music for the ziggs game got me nostalgic lol
Roses are red
watching this is pain
i only say this
because i am an adc main
That moment when supports are scary to ad carries
literally anything in the game is scary to ad carries D:
Neawor Taha mate even fuking lissa is scary to adcs and she is so bad
Neawor Taha lmao i saw a braum support 1v1 2 2 3 twitch on lvl 8
I'm not sure if what's lacking is adc power or player skills
Telmo Silva in the tank meta where riot gives a 10% hp shield that procs each 30 sec u can geuss how much its painfull to play that role
the overall base dmg was just increased little by little, can't tell if it's because of the new items, runes, masteries or
champions, but any role deals more dmg right now. The problem with ADCs is that they were already on the edge of being dangerously low healthed before this new dmg output, and this new condition made them eventually fell off. Now probably 90% of the non-ADCs champions can kill them within a rotation from lvl 6 on.
pretty good montage snacky
What was that devil Sona? WutFace
Banjo Kazooie music??
Season 8: Perma Autofilled as Adc
Pexxel oh god no......
is all music made by ( Rare ) copyright free?
i hear a lot of Banjo Kazooie music on LoL vids
"A Wild AP Sona appeared and oneshot you, what do you do?"
Sneaky: Is this a glitch?!
Sin the dude has like sion ult with sona e xd
Omoshi 2009 full stack mejai's, mobi boots and lich bane...all items that boost your movement speed, mejai's gives you 10% with 15 or more stacks and lich gives you 7%, combine that with sona's E which also boosts your movement speed and mobi boots..legit!
also pretty sure that any other mid lane champ can oneshot an adc with full those items so is sona still bused...yeah but not really, with champs like LeBlanc, Fizz, Zed and so on she's ok compared to them...Sona is like support assassin, can be a really gr8 support bot lane and can be a oneshot wonder assassin mid lane as well
At the end when he says "If I keep this up... uh huh", he thinks twice about clicking the Match History kappa
castle crashers music?
Isnt ADC terrible just because of the lethality update thingy? kinda feel sad for adc's lul
Sean McCormack didnt you see the 1 shot combos from mages
can you play corki adc pls i like him
the intro gets me everytime! xd
Why dont you play adc in jungle instead? Maybe kindred or something like that
Time for meta change?
how did pantheon ult came in 1sec? isnt it 3?
the first time i ever made someone afk was yesterday when i picked quinn, their poor jhin got so depressed he cried in the chat and left
LOL 4:17 you got something in your throat there Sneaky?!!! xD
This is why I went from maining arc and top to maining top and support this season BBC of this shit.
Fucking hell, Sneaky. Every time I think "the dude's a god, let's give his vids another chance," only to find you yelling whenever something doesn't work out for you. *Again.*
5:00 the manliest sound
that intense castle crashers music tho
The feel, when you got Bjergsen and Sneaky on your team, but still lose because Sneaky picks Ziggs :P
Meteos cosplay?
If you wanna knw about adc in season 7, look on Sneaky. KDA in S6 - 4.4. Now - 0.8
Why is every editor using banjo kazooie music now
why is there banjo kazooie music?
Because Banjo Kazooie is amazing
why are you not playing ziggs adc every game? he's tier 1, twitch and jhin are more made for support role
I Guess its up to the other Bot lane AP Carry.
That fuckin castle crashers music though
Love dem full ap sona right
He will go crazy...
heelooooooow BRAZIL!
Ayyyyyy 60 sec afte4 upload
this is why i main vayne rn. she deals the most dmg so she has the most impact. right now i find myself carrying games with a 70 percent winrate in plat with her
yes my new years wishh came true sneakys finally washed up
Holy shit i love castle crashers music
5:14 in chat "adc in 2016". it's 2017 now so it should be over Kappa
what the easiest server to play on?
Janminator ph garena or lan/las
I feel like the flash @10:17 i short but I'm not sure lol
When adcs get's deleted
Yeah. I cant even support my adc's well in ranked lmao.
its acctually A Dead Carry
Song in min 7:25¿?
I miss season 4 when Adc actually meant something...
I just imagine you screaming so loud in the worlds xD
Ill tell you the reason why ADCs mostly suck this season. Autofill. Yeah autofill. How can i play the game when 50% of time when its autofilled supp he trolls or goes afk, other 25% he plays like support but not with right champs (like Lux, Annie, Ivern etc.). When its autofilled supp you have 25% to get a guy who knows to support well. ADC cant carry his lane alone except its Draven. Assassins are problem for ADC's but not as much as autofill is.
I was playing adc
But this one Player kept 1 shoting my ass
Is it the assasin27?
you know it's bad when the supp oneshots your ass
Vhio Martix where?
I had a feeling that 2017 will be the downfall of Adc's.
Help I can't choose a good ad carry champion
Ngô Ân urgod
I love you sneaky
Im early
Adc in 2017 kappa
ADC: A Dangeling Carrot
Mmmmm dem deletes 👌🏻 What a sick role Kappa
Hi, dad.
That moment when top challenger player doesnt know that sona's E movement speed scales with AP
Dat scream at 5:05 hahahah
It is Wednesday my dudes, 10:19
They buff adcs then Sneaky can carry to lcs championship and preform well globally.
Doublelift chilling with vayne
wait what how can this guy be challenger? Is challenger in NA like bronze or silver in EUW or something?
That's how Sneaky moved to Bronze
Aye castle rashers music I used to love that game
Someone free Justin once more
We need his amazingly memed voice to make the game more enjoyable
o sneaky boladao heuaheuaheua
adc 2016 = death
That castle crashers music tho
anyone else recognize the castle crashers music when he was playing ziggs
Please change the music