Pickleball Drills: Dinking Lower and Longer

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @cherijackson2454
    @cherijackson2454 2 дні тому

    Great example! I will continue to keep my dinks deep on or behind the kitchen line. Very helpful and well explained!

  • @ju9piter
    @ju9piter 8 днів тому +1

    I see this all the time. People don't get immediate results from dinking so they give up on it and go back to banging. I really like the way you explained the purpose of dinking and the importance of keeping it low and farther out.

  • @nadinafiveland3266
    @nadinafiveland3266 4 дні тому

    Love it! Never thought of it before! Thanks

  • @kevinandmaryretherford2298
    @kevinandmaryretherford2298 4 дні тому

    Excellent tips!

  • @Yurumarquino
    @Yurumarquino 6 днів тому

    Thank you very much for the explanation keep up the great work.

  • @awangsafrisafri476
    @awangsafrisafri476 7 днів тому

    Good info. TQ coach

  • @straightshooter6309
    @straightshooter6309 8 днів тому

    VERY helpful…thanks!

  • @straightshooter6309
    @straightshooter6309 8 днів тому

    VERY helpful…thanks!