  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Inspired by Petrarch's Ascent of Mont Ventoux, the KOR'SIA collective seeks answers from the humanist past for the conflicts being proposed to us by a 21st-century
    paradigm shift: the construction of an individual capable of rebuilding themselves and the planet.
    Everything is overcome by obstinate work.
    Francesco Petrarca (1336)
    With Mount Ventoux, the Kor'sia Collective revisits the work that Francesco Petrarca wrote in 1336, Ascent to Mont Ventoux, apparently just a letter recounting the ascent
    to a mountain in any other April afternoon.Through an ascent disguised in simplicity, Petrarca offers an alternative to the faith of the world, an ascending journey for
    humanity to elude and leave behind the dark years of the Middle Age; bringing about a paradigmatic shift to the world to come, humanism.
    As the Kor'sia Collective perceives it, this story, Mont Ventoux, still offers us the possibility of learning from the past, which can be transformed into a better experience of
    the present, and therefore in the construction of a better future for all and all.
    Today, we, the people who live together on the planet, seven centuries later and in greater acceleration, typical of the times we live in, we also perceive the urgent need
    for a change. We are facing the destabilization of the structures that up to now supported us as a community and as humanity, and witnessing the transformation of a too
    uncertain future.Petrarca, already warned: "We have to wake up from lethargy, get out of the molds!". Under this mantra, the Kor'sia Collective wants to collaborate in
    giving voice again to these words that today resonate with importante:
    Ascend the mountain.
    Recover our values.
    Do a mass philanthropic exercise.
    Put humanity and the nature that precedes back in the center. What a better way to do so than through dancing bodies.