A new definitive recording of the timeless classic. -- www.tapspace.c... -- Produced with: Panasonic S5 Sigma 40mm 1.4 DG DN Tascam DR-40X AT 2035 Davinci Resolve Studio
this is maybe the nicest sounding recording of tenor drums I've ever heard. no doubt due to a combination of great tuning, musicianship, and excellent recording quality. literally sounds beautiful.
this is maybe the nicest sounding recording of tenor drums I've ever heard. no doubt due to a combination of great tuning, musicianship, and excellent recording quality. literally sounds beautiful.
That was great! Really consistent stroke quality throughout, super groovy! 👏🏻
the pockets were insane 🔥
amazing work my dude
Mouthful of cherry-chocolatey goodness
dynasty quads always have a crisp sound when tuned right yours sound great
FACTS. Makes me miss Glassmen
Sounds great
2:23 how does the stick smell travis?
Nice, what was your tuning process?
From 4 to 1; E G A C (or C#)
On average how long does a solo take you to learn
For one of this difficulty I'd say a week to a month depending how focused you are on it
What camera and microphone do you use?
Did you march somewhere?
SCV 2015-2017