My Modded Maxima's Gas Mileage

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @samjeanbaptiste775
    @samjeanbaptiste775 2 роки тому +5

    Keep uploading bro! I got my own maxima your vids inspire me to mod it

  • @FearGod_NotSpeeed
    @FearGod_NotSpeeed 2 роки тому +3

    I average almost the same numbers and I’m not lowered or modded (just yet)😈 your a huge motivation with me doing videos as well.. keep grinding bro your bud is sick

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks family. I wanna see us take over the car community if possible

    • @FearGod_NotSpeeed
      @FearGod_NotSpeeed 2 роки тому

      @@ThisBGama Yessirrrrr!!!!!!!!!

  • @peacekeeper5690
    @peacekeeper5690 2 роки тому +5

    You should paint your headliner black

  • @TeriyakiDior
    @TeriyakiDior 2 роки тому +2

    Lmaooo the beginning of this video already hilarious

  • @damnimhigh
    @damnimhigh 9 місяців тому

    I miss mine. Had a 2012 sv. Unfortunately crashed it 2 days after getting some mods and new rims.

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  9 місяців тому

      2 days, unfortunate. Glad you still here

  • @theteving2
    @theteving2 2 роки тому +2

    You should’ve put in it cruise mode for that road trip gotta maxima 2011 S tho I wanted the SV but I’m happy with the S anyway been using cruise a lot lately & it helps on gas a Lil bit not go lie

  • @michaeljameson3652
    @michaeljameson3652 2 роки тому +1

    My average MPG doesn’t even update.. it just sits at 13mpg.. shits wack. I drive like 250miles before I need gas.
    I bought a 2009 Sv premium package. Already replaced the AC compressor, alternator and harness plug.
    I Need to replace my rack and pinion, motor mounts and find out where my coolant leak is coming from. 😵‍💫
    Everyone telling me to trade it in, but my dad always says new car more problems. Might as well pay off the rest of my loan and fix any issues along the way. It’d probably be cheaper and better than getting a newer car way over MSRP. (Thanks inflation) because I’d have Higher car payments, higher insurance, and if something goes wrong it cost more to fix it.

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому

      If it’s not updating it’s because that’s really the Eve rage, it’s going to take a lot of time before it resets

  • @darkingofhearts
    @darkingofhearts 2 роки тому +3

    Bro, I got a completely stock ‘12 and I average like 13 mpg

  • @joecrosby7810
    @joecrosby7810 2 роки тому

    What's the name of the company that did some of your interior in your car and you're steering wheel the reason why I'm asking cuz I need to get my doors armrest and my center console armrest redone

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому

      On Instagram at @Rl_steering_wheel_covers

  • @ColdChills01
    @ColdChills01 2 роки тому +1

    👍🏾😁 I have a 2010 Max fully loaded w/panoramic roof, just hit 78k miles no accidents, 1 owner besides me... And I have to replace my transmission sadly... Nissan dealer quote me nearly 6k to replace and my mechanic was $30 less and I never told him the dealer price... Still not sure what to do and have been looking for another vehicle like the 2010 - 2013 Lexus is350 but I may just fix it not sure yet... 😭 Thanks for the video.. Been watching you for 1-2 years now

    • @raysmith2080
      @raysmith2080 2 роки тому +2


    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому +1

      Happy to hear you e been watching along for over a year. Much love ❤️

    • @ColdChills01
      @ColdChills01 2 роки тому +1

      @@ThisBGama I sold it and got 1k more then what the trans was going to cost lol 😂 I'm now looking for a 2020 - 2022 Toyota Rav4 /2021 - 2022/2023 Lexus IS 350/IS 500 since I have a Lexus RX350 to drive for now.. No more Nissan for me.. That transmission let me down! It's true what articles blogs videos forums and word of mouth 👄 says... I just can't and couldn't bother... I'll be happy with all new tech, safety features and if I get either Lexus, I'll definitely have more HP 🚤 🐎🏎️🚗🚦 time to upgrade 🚀

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому +1

      I respect it

    • @ColdChills01
      @ColdChills01 2 роки тому

      @@ThisBGama thanks, I'm still watching, leaving likes and comments.. You got my support. I wanna see your journey with the Max! 👍🏾

  • @TeriyakiDior
    @TeriyakiDior 2 роки тому

    Damn, on a boat in Miami is vibes

  • @LTXQR
    @LTXQR Рік тому

    Does anyone’s Maxima slightly lurch at low speed when you let off the gas?

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  Рік тому

      Sometimes but not really. You having that issue? Did you fix it?

  • @taytay2289
    @taytay2289 2 роки тому

    Should dye the brake Calibers another color

  • @ernie305g9
    @ernie305g9 2 роки тому

    I got 24mpg on my stock 10’ going up to Orlando and coming down , I wish it was like that in city :’)

    @MATRIXRAIN 2 роки тому +1

    I get 32 on my 8th gen. I can get it to 40 if I really feather it. I get 20 in the city

  • @MilkCurds
    @MilkCurds 2 роки тому

    Why is your engine light on

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому

      Misfire in cylinder 5, think it’s wiring related

  • @naswitdaclout1182
    @naswitdaclout1182 Рік тому

    damn how much did a new tranny and engine cost ?

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  Рік тому

      New trans and labor was about 4800. New motor and labor was around 2k

  • @NotGoodAtRaving
    @NotGoodAtRaving 6 місяців тому

    Holy hell 218k on the clock

  • @playboiiismoove8623
    @playboiiismoove8623 9 місяців тому

    I have a 09 max

  • @frann5918
    @frann5918 2 роки тому

    I’m gonna buy one of these soon tbh and then after save for 12-14 Chrysler 300 and have the cars cars 😂 I want this more for economical but it is a v6 so it’s not as economical but whatever it’s too nice of a vehicle in all honesty

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  Рік тому

      Solid plan. Hope it all works out

  • @ShippingKrushelRecords
    @ShippingKrushelRecords 6 місяців тому

    I got to mod my Maxima SV

  • @playboiiismoove8623
    @playboiiismoove8623 9 місяців тому

    You put 87 ooo we use 93 lol why the low grade ?

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  9 місяців тому

      I’m a 93 boy now.

  • @occckid123
    @occckid123 2 роки тому

    by looking at the video I feel your cvt isn't behaving correctly

  • @dallas3719
    @dallas3719 2 роки тому

    2011 20.6mpg in the city

  • @etofoya8217
    @etofoya8217 2 роки тому

    2014 23.7mph

    • @etofoya8217
      @etofoya8217 2 роки тому

      I try to keep it 70 . But 2 grand at 65mph

    • @etofoya8217
      @etofoya8217 2 роки тому

      Does the aftermarket k@n help gas mileage

    • @ThisBGama
      @ThisBGama  2 роки тому +1

      Not really

  • @newboyzinthehouse
    @newboyzinthehouse 2 роки тому

    i’m bone stock my shits 20 mpg i got a 14’ maxima

  • @occckid123
    @occckid123 2 роки тому

    my altima does over 80mph at 2k rpm