You are so right Linda, she has always been a inspirational person, who is well spoken, great public speaker, and raised with Christian values.... She is on HER path that she has Chosen that is her Destiny ❤️, God, herself, Husband, kid's, family, community, USA!
@Josh Lynn don’t talk about women and their husbands like that. You don’t know anything about their union and their marriage. Respect people and their marriages.
Sadie, I’m a 54 yr old women who is a believer and I thank the lord in how he is moving through you to reach a generation that needs Jesus more now than ever!! What a gift you are to this world!! PS: I even cried at the end, it was that moving!! Keep doing what you are doing!! Amen!!
I couldn't agree more with P Bro, you took the words right out of my mouth, I too am in my 50's. Sadie, thank you for your obedience unto the Lord and abiding in Him! This was so deep and SOOOO good! I'm plan on sharing this my young adult daughters and granddaughter. May the Lord bless you and continue to guide you!!
I'm 58 and a believer and feel the same as P Bro. You are a blessing Sadie. Your whole family has blessed me through your podcasts. You are such an encouragement to me. This is one of your best messages ever!
@@sharonr2121 Jesus commissioned Christians to go and share the gospel, to teach, preach, and tell the whole world about his Glorious name! God is glorified when we talk about his son Jesus, you know what he doesn’t like- self righteous men, religious people who think they have the right to hush others for proclaiming the Name! Reading in context is important when reading the Bible... if not many men would have their eyes taken out by now for looking at a woman lustfully according to Matthew 18:9. (Ouch!!!) Lucky for you there’s context. 😉 Also she’s at a WOMANS CONFERENCE! Speaking to women...
FR! Just had my homie yell at me, act like a monkey and tell me to leave his house when I told him that Jesus is real . . . Then tried to "prove" evolution with an animated CGI Monkey bone documentary, liiike sure if they found ancient monkey bones COOL! But that does not PROVE anything other than that their might have been an ancient monkey that has now gone extinct . . If no animal has the brain lobe that allows for language to be spoken, then how could you "evolve" this skill without being "taught" by a "teacher" hence . . . God. . . *Science is real, God is real. -Llama Dhali G
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."
@@bipslone8880 you need to realize the context of that. That was written to a church that was very young in the faith and the women in that church were using their freedom in Christ as an excuse to dress immodest, assume power and live sinful, moral lives. They were abusing and perverting and taking advantage of Christ's forgiveness, so Paul addressed those women specifically. That being said, Paul had many women who helped him in ministry and church affairs and Jesus had women in his group too. Paul wrote a similar message in Romans that addressed men and women. The Bible also says that in Christ there is neither man nor women, but all are one in Christ.
I felt so convicted while listening to this. I have avoided god at all costs for the past few months. I blamed him for all that was going wrong in my life. I started getting sucked into this community of “self love” and of course there’s nothing wrong with that but they were telling me all these things to create my own happiness and things like that. I have decided to recommit my life to Christ today 😊
That's so great! You are being a whole lot more loving to yourself in the long run by going after God, and you will start to feel the benefits looooong before you get to heaven. There is so much joy and peace that comes as you get to know God that it's hard to even fathom. He is amazing, and He loves you (and all of us) more than you can comprehend.
Sadie. Sadie. Sadie. Wow. I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard a more powerful, gripping and life changing message. I’m going to listen to this over and over. I am going to be praying for you- bc He is using you SO BIG.
YES YES YES I fullyyyy agree. I find it so obvious that God speaks to me through Sadie’s preachings. She will discuss EXACTLY what I am struggling with and I will receive such clarity by listening to her. She has Jesus inside of her and he is using her big time for sure.
@@Kevin-sp7wp Jesus himself used parables to explain to people what he was trying to say. Sadie is also using stories and parables to explain biblical scripture.
I grew up without a Father. So many walk that same path of life, never knowing the TRUE guidance a Father can provide, the sense of protection, the unwavering love a Father is supposed to extend to his children. It only got harder once I had children of my own, HOW do I be a Father, when I don’t even know what it means…so many abandon their children asking that same question to themselves. God changed everything, God began showing me what it meant to love, to care, to nurture…but not just my children, but those around me “thy neighbor”. I realized I knew no Father, just so I could come to know THE FATHER, when the time was right 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 We are going to have “Moments of Uncertainty” But that is not as important as the element you use to relieve yourself. Many followers of Christ are still indulging in our vices and addictions to relieve our “Uncertainties” Lean on God in your darkest moments, lean on the word that says you were created with meaning and purpose, lean on the Grace of God…let it steady your mind, your heart and your body. I don’t know who I’m writing to, who’s reading this, but God is ready, and waiting for you to seek him, through Jesus Christ, whom he sent to die the death meant for you and I. Not just on Sunday, not just when you “need” him, not just when you’re desperate…but every day, hour, minute and second of your life. Develop consistency in Christ, and you will come to know what it means to “Be still, and know, that he is God” Glory be to God 🩸🩸🩸 If I still have you here, God bless you, join me as I take you inside a moment of my own personal “Uncertainty” in life, while never forgetting God has me always 🙏🏽🕊 🩸
I just want to say, my kids were Baptized like 3 years ago or so and I was so happy for them. I have twins a boy and girl and they do their devotionals and read their Bibles every night. I’m so proud of them. They love our Lord Jesus up in Heaven!!
Keep speaking truth in Christ, Sadie. Narrow is the gate to heaven, only a few will accept the truth that is found in Jesus! Let's not compromise the Word of God!
Few. I think he saying that only a few get into heaven past the gate. Few that included you. You don't know Jesus he don't know you. Is Jesus happy with your life ? There's your clue, faker.
@@random5274 I don't have sin. go reread it. Jesus paid the price for my sins I'm sinless and in right standing with his father. I guess Jesus didn't die for your sins, cause you still have them.
How does Faith lead you to truth if its just "things hoped for with evidence not seen"? Isn't this just "your Truth"? Truth means the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact. Shouldn't you be able to prove truth in some way?
Wow I love how you spoke to so many real things that we often don’t talk about as Christian women. You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being real and sharing wisdom
Wow, Sadie has grown so much in her speaking. Awesome message for the times we are in. She is definitely an Esther. *Shout out to the Unashamed podcast that gave Sadie props for this message and led me here to hear it for myself. :)
Sadie, I cried, I laughed, & I praised God for the work He did through you on this night!!! You are an inspiration in your courage & obedience. Your platform is powerful, & God is using you in a mighty way. I am so grateful for this message of truth, and am encouraged by your unapologetic boldness in our Savior. May God continue to greatly bless you, Christian, Honey, & your entire family. Love you all in Christ!! ❤️🙏🏻
Sadie you surprised me! This is what you were born to do. Also, the Bible's wisdom has definitely stood the test of time. It fit then and it still fits now. That's how you know it's the truth.
I've been looking for a young woman to speak to my daughter. She has two little girls...and two car seats!! Carry on. It will help so many young people. GOD BLESS!
Sadie you are such an inspiration to my 2 daughters we just converted to Christianity. Jesus is my lord and saviour now. I’ve also watched you grandpa talk I really like he’s no bs Christianity. May Jesus bless you and your family please continue to inspire us with the word of god. Bless you
Obedience? More like rebellion. The Bible is clear on this- women aren't allowed to be Christian preachers. In fact the Bible says it's shameful for a woman to speak in Church. Bible says women aren't suppose to lead or teach me, yet here we are watching Sadie fueled by a jezebel spirit recreating the Christian faith in her own image.
Thank you God for a good role model for my teenage daughters. Jesus is always our primary role model but praise God for young men and women walking boldly and unapologetically with Jesus. We need The Truth more than ever before, His truth will set us free!
Although I am an atheist I do believe in the Ten Commandments and the teaching of the Bible. Sadie puts it out there so younger Generations will understand. This is much needed in our younger generation! Thank you God bless
Sadie that was awesome my wife and I have watched duck dynasty forever and to watch you from a young girl to become the sister in the Lord is totally moving we need more of you for this lost generation to bring them to the Lord thank you for all you do and God bless you
I’m an almost 50 year old grandmother and THIS is absolutely wonderfully said. I’m crying so hard! Very well said! You can tell that Sadie is lead by the spirit. #iChoseJesusChrist as I buckle my belt just a little tighter❗️
I needed to hear this word so bad!! Not every truth sets you free that includes my truth or what ever seems true to me but God's truth will set me free. This year and the past year have been tough years for me in which I have been trying to rebuild myself emotionally after carrying years of emotional baggage. Im currently 27 soon to turn 28 and I was reading the word of God and going to therapist for some time now because I had reached my breaking point. For some odd reason I believed in my heart that if I understood the root of my behavior in other words my truth I would be able to withstand the darts of insecurity. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! The Lord is my rock and strong place that keeps me from the doubting spirit that questions who he has stated in HIS word that I am.
I know this is for women. But as a young believer and leader of my family and a strong black man. This really touched me. Continue to allow God to use you!
Sadie, this wrecked me in the best way! Jesus is using you! I just passed this on to many to listen! Thank you for letting God use you as a vessel… what a gift He has given you! So happy so many girls got saved and baptized!
Wow what a powerful sermon. You brought me to tears. You talked about the power of God moving in someone and at times don't even realize it. At 11 years old I was saved. My friend I went to church with told me I was standing in the isle..out of the pew. I didn't even realize I was in the isle. She said they were all praying for me to take that next step to go down and talk to the preacher and give my life to God. I did and a couple of weeks later was baptized. I remember that overwhelming feeling inside to this day. I have fallen a lot in the many years since but as a 64 year old woman I know God was always with me. If he hadn't been I'm positive I wouldn't have made it to my 64th birthday. Thank you for that powerful sermon. God bless you and keep you and your family safe.
I do need Jesus he deals in my heart everyday he knows I know right from wrong please keep me in your prayers Sadie so much need it thank you and God bless you
Sadie, thank you for standing for truth even though it is unpopular. You are so wise at a young age. You have a ministry to all ages. God bless you honey ❤️
Sadie I watched you grow up on tv into this wonderful woman of God. I have 2 daughters who have walked away from Gods truth snd believes the worlds. Their dad and I ‘s hearts have been broken over this but we know we serve an awesome redeeming God. They are if your generation , please pray for my Katie and Noelle. Especially Noelle who does not believe in God any more. God bless you in your ministry for Him
I'm 13, from Alabama and I just wanted to say that I love your Live Original Tour videos and I am so thankful that I have you as a role model to look up to.
This is so good! I’m going through the worst time of my life . I wasn’t leaning on god for a second. I realized I just need to be still And let god and peace came over me ! Love this word ❤️
Listen to paul washer and you will hear "The Truth" there are many Godly preachers after Billy Graham who talked against sin maybe you didn't hear them.
This is exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. I am in tears because of the TRUTH in this. This is food for the soul. Not because you’re a great speaker (which you are). Not because of anything worldly or humanly created. But because GOD HIMSELF is using you to spread His truth. The spirit was in this message! And I can feel it. Even watching it from my couch in NC on my TV while I get work done. He is moving and using you to move mountains!
This video was such a blessing to me. So much wisdom, such a timely message, so many great analogies... God is speaking through you for sure, and I’m thankful. I want to show this to the girls’ Bible study group that my daughter and I meet with weekly! Thank you, Sadie!
I love how Sadie reads from the actual Bible and not off a phone or iPad . I really can't watch someone doing that. Thank you Sadie for sharing this. God bless.🙏🙏
Please pray for my kids with me. They are lost right now and still looking to the world even though they have been taught since birth about Jesus. Please pray that they would answer this call and fully commit to Christ, no longer ashamed.
Man I am impressed!! She’s is doing a GREAT JOB!! Way to go Sadie!! I last saw her on the duck dynasty show years ago and hadn’t seen her since. This just popped up on my suggestions and I’m just floored with how Gods moving in this new generation!! Hallelujah, it’s coming! The wave is coming!! Praise God for the wisdom given to this new generation!! I’m jumping for joy listening to this!!! Yea!!
I like the way you use Gods word about lying to where the youth an many adults can understand it. You did a great job and i hope more youth watches your videos. Lord knows we all need to hear it. God Bless.
I also want to note something, a weight belt for strength training is for all of those things, but it also helps for posture. It helps support proper form TO lift those heavy weights. Just like like being equipped with the armor of God can help provide the right posture to stand firm in the day of evil, in the face of know. I love that!
I have a young adult daughter that I pray for daily that has had the two truths and a lie scenario happen in her life. I love her beyond words. I feel the only thing I can do is pray over her. She is God's first. I'm forwarding this to her and believing that this word would soften her heart and open her eyes. Thank you Sadie for speaking the truth to this generation. Gods best to you.
Sadie, I followed your channel few years ago. It was because I heard you speak of the Word of God so passionately and relatable for such a young age. This sermon passed by like a minute because of how good it is! I am so delighted and enlightened at the same time. I thank God for your life and how HE uses you for our generation. May He bless you more wisdom and strength to keep reaching out to more of us and even the non-believers.
Powerful message Sadie! You are quite a remarkable young woman. It's easy to see you know the prince of peace and the Lord of truth. The world needs to hear more about Jesus! You not only speak to your generation that is desperately seeking for answers but to everyone. I am a follower of Jesus myself for many years. I am a 65 year old Nana from Texas .God bless you Sadie. I love your whole family and I am so proud of you all! Best wishes to you and keep up the great work. Hugs to and Kisses from Texas!
I was praying to God and He put on my heart to fallow Him and not of this world. Also fallow the music 🎶 🎵. I did and found amazing worship. And miracles and online Biblestudy. I need to be baptized not to rid me of sin, expecting Jesus and Confessing my sin takes care of that. But to join me with God the way Jesus did. Hallelujah praise the Lord in Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌. Hugs.
@@jamesjones4406 she's preaching to women... a shame you felt the need to show up on this thread to whine about something that has nothing to do with you in the first place. we'll see how God feels about women preaching one day I think he would be happy the word reached people it might not have other wise. not everyone wants to hear from crotchety old men all the time.
@@Sara-fv8hg your feminist spirit is noted. Sadie isn't just "preaching" to women there's always men there in the audience. Don't be mad at me, be mad at the Bible. Women aren't allowed to be Christian preachers.
motherhood has done you well, miss sadie. your voice is strong, brave and powerful. don't hesitate in your pursuit to share THE truth so we can dismantle the world our version is clinging to. amen, girl. amen.
Sadie, this is your calling. Stay on this path and honor the Lord. You’re a blessing.
@Linda is this her calling she has a Destiny what is it
You are so right Linda, she has always been a inspirational person, who is well spoken, great public speaker, and raised with Christian values.... She is on HER path that she has Chosen that is her Destiny ❤️, God, herself, Husband, kid's, family, community, USA!
@Josh Lynn don’t talk about women and their husbands like that. You don’t know anything about their union and their marriage. Respect people and their marriages.
Her calling is defined by Titus 2:3-5
DONT encourage this bad behavior
Sadie, I’m a 54 yr old women who is a believer and I thank the lord in how he is moving through you to reach a generation that needs Jesus more now than ever!! What a gift you are to this world!! PS: I even cried at the end, it was that moving!! Keep doing what you are doing!! Amen!!
As a 23 year old woman and new mother- I can definitely say she was a part of my new found love of Christ !!! She’s great! ❤️
Love ❤️
I couldn't agree more with P Bro, you took the words right out of my mouth, I too am in my 50's. Sadie, thank you for your obedience unto the Lord and abiding in Him! This was so deep and SOOOO good! I'm plan on sharing this my young adult daughters and granddaughter. May the Lord bless you and continue to guide you!!
I'm 58 and a believer and feel the same as P Bro. You are a blessing Sadie. Your whole family has blessed me through your podcasts. You are such an encouragement to me. This is one of your best messages ever!
She’s disobeying 1 Timothy 2:12.
“We’re so entitled to our opinion that we change it to ‘our truth’ so that no one can tell me that it’s wrong” 👏🏻 love hearing Sadie speak truth!!
Truth here .
Especially considering the fact that she’s contradicting 1 Timothy 2:12 which forbids women from being pastors 🤭
Jesus commissioned Christians to go and share the gospel, to teach, preach, and tell the whole world about his Glorious name!
God is glorified when we talk about his son Jesus, you know what he doesn’t like- self righteous men, religious people who think they have the right to hush others for proclaiming the Name!
Reading in context is important when reading the Bible... if not many men would have their eyes taken out by now for looking at a woman lustfully according to Matthew 18:9. (Ouch!!!)
Lucky for you there’s context. 😉
Also she’s at a WOMANS CONFERENCE! Speaking to women...
@@sharonr2121 She is sharing a Truth where a Man cannot.
FR! Just had my homie yell at me, act like a monkey and tell me to leave his house when I told him that Jesus is real . . . Then tried to "prove" evolution with an animated CGI Monkey bone documentary, liiike sure if they found ancient monkey bones COOL! But that does not PROVE anything other than that their might have been an ancient monkey that has now gone extinct . . If no animal has the brain lobe that allows for language to be spoken, then how could you "evolve" this skill without being "taught" by a "teacher" hence . . . God. . . *Science is real, God is real. -Llama Dhali G
When she said, “the Bible was written in a different time but the effects of sin are still the same.” That hit me in the spirit!
Same! I never looked at it that way before but that couldn't be more true
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."
@@bipslone8880 you need to realize the context of that. That was written to a church that was very young in the faith and the women in that church were using their freedom in Christ as an excuse to dress immodest, assume power and live sinful, moral lives. They were abusing and perverting and taking advantage of Christ's forgiveness, so Paul addressed those women specifically. That being said, Paul had many women who helped him in ministry and church affairs and Jesus had women in his group too. Paul wrote a similar message in Romans that addressed men and women. The Bible also says that in Christ there is neither man nor women, but all are one in Christ.
@@bipslone8880 *immoral lives
@@bipslone8880 Paul was not saying all women should never preach, he was saying those specific women should not because they were not ready
I felt so convicted while listening to this. I have avoided god at all costs for the past few months. I blamed him for all that was going wrong in my life. I started getting sucked into this community of “self love” and of course there’s nothing wrong with that but they were telling me all these things to create my own happiness and things like that. I have decided to recommit my life to Christ today 😊
That's so great! You are being a whole lot more loving to yourself in the long run by going after God, and you will start to feel the benefits looooong before you get to heaven. There is so much joy and peace that comes as you get to know God that it's hard to even fathom. He is amazing, and He loves you (and all of us) more than you can comprehend.
So proud!
It's great that we can listen to truth and we can be forgiven and recommit to Jesus! God Bless you !
In hope things are still going really good for you! He loves you so muchhh!❤
I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard a more powerful, gripping and life changing message.
I’m going to listen to this over and over.
I am going to be praying for you- bc He is using you SO BIG.
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AMEN 👏🙌✝️❤
YES YES YES I fullyyyy agree. I find it so obvious that God speaks to me through Sadie’s preachings. She will discuss EXACTLY what I am struggling with and I will receive such clarity by listening to her. She has Jesus inside of her and he is using her big time for sure.
@@غزمن-ظ4ص yes
This hit different, I never heard God speak through Sadie like this before. Go off sis, we need it.
God doesn't speak like this in story telling, he speaks through his word, this whole message was a story not found in scripture
@@Kevin-sp7wp Jesus himself used parables to explain to people what he was trying to say. Sadie is also using stories and parables to explain biblical scripture.
I love the robertson fam!!!...sadie is the epitome of what we need as christians in the young community this is what kool is💯
“Everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial” was said for a reason!!!
I grew up without a Father. So many walk that same path of life, never knowing the TRUE guidance a Father can provide, the sense of protection, the unwavering love a Father is supposed to extend to his children.
It only got harder once I had children of my own, HOW do I be a Father, when I don’t even know what it means…so many abandon their children asking that same question to themselves.
God changed everything, God began showing me what it meant to love, to care, to nurture…but not just my children, but those around me “thy neighbor”.
I realized I knew no Father, just so I could come to know THE FATHER, when the time was right 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
We are going to have “Moments of Uncertainty”
But that is not as important as the element you use to relieve yourself. Many followers of Christ are still indulging in our vices and addictions to relieve our “Uncertainties”
Lean on God in your darkest moments, lean on the word that says you were created with meaning and purpose, lean on the Grace of God…let it steady your mind, your heart and your body.
I don’t know who I’m writing to, who’s reading this, but God is ready, and waiting for you to seek him, through Jesus Christ, whom he sent to die the death meant for you and I.
Not just on Sunday, not just when you “need” him, not just when you’re desperate…but every day, hour, minute and second of your life.
Develop consistency in Christ, and you will come to know what it means to “Be still, and know, that he is God”
Glory be to God 🩸🩸🩸
If I still have you here, God bless you, join me as I take you inside a moment of my own personal “Uncertainty” in life, while never forgetting God has me always 🙏🏽🕊
I just want to say, my kids were Baptized like 3 years ago or so and I was so happy for them. I have twins a boy and girl and they do their devotionals and read their Bibles every night. I’m so proud of them. They love our Lord Jesus up in Heaven!!
I’m older and you make a strong Christian women very proud! You make your family proud I promise!
Keep speaking truth in Christ, Sadie. Narrow is the gate to heaven, only a few will accept the truth that is found in Jesus! Let's not compromise the Word of God!
Few. I think he saying that only a few get into heaven past the gate.
Few that included you. You don't know Jesus he don't know you.
Is Jesus happy with your life ?
There's your clue, faker.
@@danelobe2524 stop. that's not kind and no one needs too hear it.
@@random5274 truth hurts your sinful nature ? Ouch.....
@@danelobe2524 umm everyone has sinful nature lol. Go read the bible
@@random5274 I don't have sin. go reread it. Jesus paid the price for my sins I'm sinless and in right standing with his father.
I guess Jesus didn't die for your sins, cause you still have them.
Sadie, I’m 64, you are awesome. Jesus set women free, run with it ❤️
Wow had I had the faith as a believer as she does at that age my life would look so much different now. 🙏🔥❤️
Young adults listen up.
Ain't that the truth!
How does Faith lead you to truth if its just "things hoped for with evidence not seen"? Isn't this just "your Truth"? Truth means the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact. Shouldn't you be able to prove truth in some way?
Wow I love how you spoke to so many real things that we often don’t talk about as Christian women. You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being real and sharing wisdom
Wow, Sadie has grown so much in her speaking. Awesome message for the times we are in. She is definitely an Esther.
*Shout out to the Unashamed podcast that gave Sadie props for this message and led me here to hear it for myself. :)
Oh Truth here
Same here! Unashamed podcast led me here.
Sadie, I cried, I laughed, & I praised God for the work He did through you on this night!!! You are an inspiration in your courage & obedience. Your platform is powerful, & God is using you in a mighty way. I am so grateful for this message of truth, and am encouraged by your unapologetic boldness in our Savior. May God continue to greatly bless you, Christian, Honey, & your entire family. Love you all in Christ!! ❤️🙏🏻
Sadie you surprised me! This is what you were born to do. Also, the Bible's wisdom has definitely stood the test of time. It fit then and it still fits now. That's how you know it's the truth.
I've been looking for a young woman to speak to my daughter. She has two little girls...and two car seats!! Carry on. It will help so many young people. GOD BLESS!
I'm so grateful for young ministers of truth, like SADIE!! Our younger generation needs more leaders like this one. ❤🙏
Sadie you are such an inspiration to my 2 daughters we just converted to Christianity. Jesus is my lord and saviour now. I’ve also watched you grandpa talk I really like he’s no bs Christianity. May Jesus bless you and your family please continue to inspire us with the word of god. Bless you
It's so inspiring to hear from someone so young be so devoted to our savior. Thank you for your obedience. May God richly bless you.
Obedience? More like rebellion. The Bible is clear on this- women aren't allowed to be Christian preachers. In fact the Bible says it's shameful for a woman to speak in Church. Bible says women aren't suppose to lead or teach me, yet here we are watching Sadie fueled by a jezebel spirit recreating the Christian faith in her own image.
She is speaking at a women's conference. Your comment is pretty judgemental. The whole part about a Jezebel spirit, really!!
@@jamesjones4406 I rebuke you satan! Get off this thread now in the name of Jesus!!
Waw... thank God for people like you who is speaking the truth of God over our generation.
Thank you God for a good role model for my teenage daughters. Jesus is always our primary role model but praise God for young men and women walking boldly and unapologetically with Jesus. We need The Truth more than ever before, His truth will set us free!
@@girlnextdoorgrooming That’s a great podcast, too ;)
Although I am an atheist I do believe in the Ten Commandments and the teaching of the Bible.
Sadie puts it out there so younger Generations will understand. This is much needed in our younger generation! Thank you God bless
Sadie that was awesome my wife and I have watched duck dynasty forever and to watch you from a young girl to become the sister in the Lord is totally moving we need more of you for this lost generation to bring them to the Lord thank you for all you do and God bless you
None of us are perfect in ourselves. But we stand in Christ Jesus as if we have never sinned. Thank you Jesus Christ for your blessings. ❤❤❤🇺🇸🙏😎
I’m an almost 50 year old grandmother and THIS is absolutely wonderfully said. I’m crying so hard! Very well said!
You can tell that Sadie is lead by the spirit. #iChoseJesusChrist as I buckle my belt just a little tighter❗️
"Not all truth sets your free the TRUTH who died for your sins sets you Free!!!" Praise God!!!
I needed to hear this word so bad!! Not every truth sets you free that includes my truth or what ever seems true to me but God's truth will set me free. This year and the past year have been tough years for me in which I have been trying to rebuild myself emotionally after carrying years of emotional baggage. Im currently 27 soon to turn 28 and I was reading the word of God and going to therapist for some time now because I had reached my breaking point. For some odd reason I believed in my heart that if I understood the root of my behavior in other words my truth I would be able to withstand the darts of insecurity. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! The Lord is my rock and strong place that keeps me from the doubting spirit that questions who he has stated in HIS word that I am.
You’re speech on truth needs to be broadcast right now.
We need you in this generation to continue speaking truth to the deceived, lost and blinded! Standing firm in the Lord with you!
I know this is for women. But as a young believer and leader of my family and a strong black man. This really touched me. Continue to allow God to use you!
The way she articulates her words to get the point across is truly amazing. I'm a guy and this message truly spoke to me. God bless you Sadie!
Thanks lord for this strengthening spiritual food!fed my brain with spirituality
Sadie, this wrecked me in the best way! Jesus is using you! I just passed this on to many to listen! Thank you for letting God use you as a vessel… what a gift He has given you! So happy so many girls got saved and baptized!
WADR, I have a hitch in my spirit about using the language of death to describe spiritual life.
Wow what a powerful sermon. You brought me to tears. You talked about the power of God moving in someone and at times don't even realize it. At 11 years old I was saved. My friend I went to church with told me I was standing in the isle..out of the pew. I didn't even realize I was in the isle. She said they were all praying for me to take that next step to go down and talk to the preacher and give my life to God. I did and a couple of weeks later was baptized. I remember that overwhelming feeling inside to this day. I have fallen a lot in the many years since but as a 64 year old woman I know God was always with me. If he hadn't been I'm positive I wouldn't have made it to my 64th birthday. Thank you for that powerful sermon. God bless you and keep you and your family safe.
That carseat metaphor was so brilliant, thank you.
I do need Jesus he deals in my heart everyday he knows I know right from wrong please keep me in your prayers Sadie so much need it thank you and God bless you
Sadie, thank you for standing for truth even though it is unpopular. You are so wise at a young age. You have a ministry to all ages. God bless you honey ❤️
I’m crying. Just texted my dad my thankfulness for him. Thank you God. Thank you Sadie.
This little Angel is incredibly sweet and smart about life, GodBless you Sadie and your wonderful family.
Angel? Surely this is an adjective. Because angels are not the same as humans. Not sure about this comment
@@sallymason9032 pop your head out of your as ,find something good about yourself so you can relate to humans
@@stevegardner221 brother, gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit.
Sadie I watched you grow up on tv into this wonderful woman of God. I have 2 daughters who have walked away from Gods truth snd believes the worlds. Their dad and I ‘s hearts have been broken over this but we know we serve an awesome redeeming God. They are if your generation , please pray for my Katie and Noelle. Especially Noelle who does not believe in God any more. God bless you in your ministry for Him
I'm 13, from Alabama and I just wanted to say that I love your Live Original Tour videos and I am so thankful that I have you as a role model to look up to.
Wow. 24. That’s truly God using this beautiful Christian soldier. ✝️🤍🙏🏼🌈🔥🤗🥰
This is so good! I’m going through the worst time of my life . I wasn’t leaning on god for a second. I realized I just need to be still And let god and peace came over me ! Love this word ❤️
Amazing, trully, love you sisters of Crist!
Such a great words for all generations! This 61 year old woman is sharing this like crazy!!! God bless you sister!
Thank you Sadie!!! This is my top fav sermon. Thank you thank you thank you !
"effects of the car crash are still the same... the effects of sin are still the same."
"When I pray to God, it is not for me to feel empowered, but for his power to come alive in me."
I haven't heard anointed preaching against sin since Billy Graham! Wow!!!! That was powerful!!!!
Listen to paul washer and you will hear "The Truth" there are many Godly preachers after Billy Graham who talked against sin maybe you didn't hear them.
Sadie is way better than me. I wish I had the emotional stability she has. God bless you, Sadie!
This is exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. I am in tears because of the TRUTH in this. This is food for the soul. Not because you’re a great speaker (which you are). Not because of anything worldly or humanly created. But because GOD HIMSELF is using you to spread His truth. The spirit was in this message! And I can feel it. Even watching it from my couch in NC on my TV while I get work done. He is moving and using you to move mountains!
Sadie your amazing and I pray that God continues to bless you and guide your ministry into a whole new era ...Amen praise the Lord Almighty..
I thank God for her! She's touching souls that no female has touched before.
Sadie, as a mother of a young woman, I am so grateful to and for you. Thank you for being the vessel you are.
Touchdown, bullseye, home run, ringer, goal, hole in one, ....... Perfect. We need a bunch of you in our lives...thank you Dear
Please pray for my soul and Salvation, and maybe, God allow me some of my dreams, but Salvation first.
This video was such a blessing to me. So much wisdom, such a timely message, so many great analogies... God is speaking through you for sure, and I’m thankful. I want to show this to the girls’ Bible study group that my daughter and I meet with weekly! Thank you, Sadie!
She began speaking as a teen of the world. But she began speaking as a young woman of God when she got into her preaching. That is where she shined!
So full of truth.
God, I wish my daughter would hear this message, but even if she doesn't I know You can reach her.
I watched Sadie grow as a child and learn. I watched Sadie dance with the Stars. Now, today Sadie is my teacher. God bless you!
Amazing. I'm 60 yrs young and you speaking truth to your generation brought me to tears. You go girl!
Amen. Love to see a young godly woman telling THE truth.
Sadie, I pray for you and your boldness! God is changing lives through the messages you are preaching! Keep on being lead by the spirit of God!
"Not all truth sets you free. THE truth sets you free"
In the words of Sadie Rob Huff, “ WHOA, THAT’s GOOD!!! I am praying my daughter hears this. What an amazing message!
Wooooo girl! God is using you mightily! Anointed to preach TRUTH! Praying for you my beautiful sister in Christ!
Amazing. This is so needed in our world right now. Loved this and teared up. Great job Sadie. Jesus is love. 🤍🤍🤍
I love how Sadie reads from the actual Bible and not off a phone or iPad . I really can't watch someone doing that. Thank you Sadie for sharing this. God bless.🙏🙏
Sadie is the best. She always has the best messages. Thank you Sadie.
So thankful for this powerful young woman, standing for truth in a culture that constantly goes against Him. ❤💯
So much wisdom from a young person. Refreshing
Thank you for being obedient Sadie. You are a true blessing. 💜
Please pray for my kids with me. They are lost right now and still looking to the world even though they have been taught since birth about Jesus. Please pray that they would answer this call and fully commit to Christ, no longer ashamed.
Lord help the children. ❤️
Wishing you all the best, love.
Man I am impressed!! She’s is doing a GREAT JOB!! Way to go Sadie!! I last saw her on the duck dynasty show years ago and hadn’t seen her since. This just popped up on my suggestions and I’m just floored with how Gods moving in this new generation!! Hallelujah, it’s coming! The wave is coming!! Praise God for the wisdom given to this new generation!! I’m jumping for joy listening to this!!! Yea!!
I like the way you use Gods word about lying to where the youth an many adults can understand it. You did a great job and i hope more youth watches your videos. Lord knows we all need to hear it. God Bless.
I also want to note something, a weight belt for strength training is for all of those things, but it also helps for posture. It helps support proper form TO lift those heavy weights. Just like like being equipped with the armor of God can help provide the right posture to stand firm in the day of evil, in the face of know. I love that!
Woo! This is a PERFECT MESSAGE for today. So many are choosing Barabbus. 😔 But Jesus is the truth!! THE truth prevails! ❤️
The sweet words of God. He continues day after day to give us an opportunity to come to him. This is pure undeserved love. What a privilege
I'm a 55 year old man , I heard so much real truth my spirit rejoiced. Thank you Jesus for your word and being the word .
Amen! So proud of this lady influencing young women and guiding them into THE truth 💗
I have a young adult daughter that I pray for daily that has had the two truths and a lie scenario happen in her life. I love her beyond words. I feel the only thing I can do is pray over her. She is God's first. I'm forwarding this to her and believing that this word would soften her heart and open her eyes. Thank you Sadie for speaking the truth to this generation. Gods best to you.
Sadie, I followed your channel few years ago. It was because I heard you speak of the Word of God so passionately and relatable for such a young age. This sermon passed by like a minute because of how good it is! I am so delighted and enlightened at the same time. I thank God for your life and how HE uses you for our generation. May He bless you more wisdom and strength to keep reaching out to more of us and even the non-believers.
Amazing word from an Amazing Daughter of the King! 👑
Tears are just flowing from my eyes
Sadie-you are wonderful with your thoughts and words! You shine a lot of light!! Keep it up!
Powerful message Sadie! You are quite a remarkable young woman. It's easy to see you know the prince of peace and the Lord of truth. The world needs to hear more about Jesus! You not only speak to your generation that is desperately seeking for answers but to everyone. I am a follower of Jesus myself for many years. I am a 65 year old Nana from Texas .God bless you Sadie. I love your whole family and I am so proud of you all! Best wishes to you and keep up the great work. Hugs to and Kisses from Texas!
I was praying to God and He put on my heart to fallow Him and not of this world. Also fallow the music 🎶 🎵. I did and found amazing worship. And miracles and online Biblestudy. I need to be baptized not to rid me of sin, expecting Jesus and Confessing my sin takes care of that. But to join me with God the way Jesus did. Hallelujah praise the Lord in Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌. Hugs.
At 37 I wasn’t sure I would be able to relate to your message, but wow! Life changing! Thank you, Sadie! ❤️
Sadie, you are so wise at such a young age. I am amazed with you.
We need to be preaching this to people who don't know this truth. Awesome word Sadie!
Sadie you are amazing simply beautiful jesus is our champion our God is outstanding. always Graham O'neill
This sweet girl is phenomenal!!! I learned so much and she’s half my age.. so proud ❤️
Amazing Sadie - wow girl - way to speak truth and let the spirit of truth flow through you. Jesus is so good! Amen amen!
This is one of the best sermons I've ever heard
shameful to see young women trying to be what only males are allowed to be - Christian preachers.
@@jamesjones4406 she's preaching to women... a shame you felt the need to show up on this thread to whine about something that has nothing to do with you in the first place.
we'll see how God feels about women preaching one day I think he would be happy the word reached people it might not have other wise. not everyone wants to hear from crotchety old men all the time.
@@Sara-fv8hg your feminist spirit is noted. Sadie isn't just "preaching" to women there's always men there in the audience. Don't be mad at me, be mad at the Bible. Women aren't allowed to be Christian preachers.
@@jamesjones4406 She is doing what young males are too weak to do.
@@Sara-fv8hg Preach it Sara.
So good. I think they're is a difference between fact & TRUTH. The thing God requires of us is Holiness.
Sadie you are so smart wise and beautiful. Willie & Corie did A wonderful job raising you.😊😎
Sadie, God bless you! I am grateful for your life and glad to be in this Kingdom journey with women like you!
motherhood has done you well, miss sadie. your voice is strong, brave and powerful. don't hesitate in your pursuit to share THE truth so we can dismantle the world our version is clinging to. amen, girl. amen.
Wise beyond your years! God bless you for this wonderful message❤️