The red blob represents the raw radar data detected by Walabot's antennas. This blob indicates the presence of an object in a specific area. Sometimes, these objects are common building materials like studs or pipes, which you can also identify using Walabot's image mode. However, the radar readings can also reveal hidden objects, such as air ducts, that are not identifiable in image mode.
What does that expert mode detect? Like what was that red blotch?
The red blob represents the raw radar data detected by Walabot's antennas. This blob indicates the presence of an object in a specific area. Sometimes, these objects are common building materials like studs or pipes, which you can also identify using Walabot's image mode. However, the radar readings can also reveal hidden objects, such as air ducts, that are not identifiable in image mode.
Thank you for explaining that further for me
Does this work if there’s tile then drywall?
The Walabot will not work on tile