Krásna skladba, super hudba, ktorá nesie chamtivu myšlienku, morbidnost má tiež svoje odvetvie humoru, čierny humor je krásny, podľa mňa skvelá pesnička, komu to vadí, nemá to počúvať ... Veľký palec hore Karpina
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Ako je možné, že mám 14 a toto je pieseň môjho detstva? Bola som fakt divné dieťa, keď som mala osem, počúvala som toto, Zelený tulipán, Iné kafe a toto xD
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Ta gitara nema chybu!!???!( Slash aj 4not blonds by závidel taky kalap....👍😂) neskutočna piesen...dakujem chlapci obohatili ste moj život...👍👍⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️💀💀💀💀
odporný text, bez pointy, odporná anit-slovenská kapela .............váš posratý slovan hrá slovenskú ligu prečo ? to hovorím ako rodný občan paštékova a fanúšik slovana
Krásna skladba, super hudba, ktorá nesie chamtivu myšlienku, morbidnost má tiež svoje odvetvie humoru, čierny humor je krásny, podľa mňa skvelá pesnička, komu to vadí, nemá to počúvať ... Veľký palec hore Karpina
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Hudebně podané, super rock rool, příběh písně a nápad tak originální, nápaditý. Nemám rád násilí, agresivitu, tady je to jinak, snad expresionismus.
To je tak čierne až mi to ujebalo bicykel :D
mne to roky, ba az desatrocia, obera bavlnu.
Na Karpinu jsem přišel na rádiu Antena Rock, i v Čechách si to rádio na netu ladím a je to super rádio a kapela Karpina je MEGA!!!!
pocuvamy to ai v Polsce
Bože ľudia...veď je to recesia.. super pesnička,milujem ju❤
Moc se mi líbí, hrozněmoc. nápad i písnička.
Topka, pocula som to na antena rock a som skoro zomrela od smiechu 😀😀😀😀😀
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Total disgusting jewel of slovak music. Absolutely brilliant band.
Neviem preco sa tu niektori ludia tak pohorsuju, je to mozno trochu morbidne, ale lepsiu skladbu o chamtivosti som uz dlho nepocul....
to sa rozčuľujú práve tí chamtivci ;)
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
predstava masrumov na babke je naozaj delikat
Chlapci, ste géniovia! Ihneď do televízora!
Skladba ktora neomrzi 🗽🤠
Najlepsia pesnicka,ale este jedna je pred nou 😆Hospital Bukra-Stara pani 😂
Maximális tiszteletem!Hibátlan zene és klipp!
Toto chcem na mojom pohrebe😀😀
Ty si babka?😂
milujem refreeeen
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
2:01 s respiratormi predbehli dobu
Krásna skladba😆😄
pecka :) tento aspoň vie spievať
Babku sme zabalili do koberca, vyniesli predvčerom na balkón :D Milujem túto pesničku :D
Aj ja 😂
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
najlepšie sa má asi babka. Na balkóne si tíško kvapká top...
Stále to je ono 2021 :D
Absolútna topka 😂 dlho som sa tak dobre nezasmial
Najlepšia pesnička aká v tejto skurvenej krajine vznikla :D
brutality :D niekde som to pocul na zivo, ale bol som tak spolocensky naladeny, ze sa mi iba slova zarili do pamate :D :D :D text na hovado :D :D
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Ked som tu hudbu pocul prvy krat skoro som skapal od smiechu😂😂
Aj jaaaa
Ešte že si neskapal.😂 Kvapkal by si aj ty z balkóna 😂😂😂
na rádiu anténa rock :D už asi 2roky späť, nechápem odteraz :D
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Véd presne 🤣🤣🤣
Pouštím párkrát doroka..
Tíško kvapká 😂... Asi som umrela😀
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Bolo to aj na MTV!
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Halloweenska hymna :D
Ako je možné, že mám 14 a toto je pieseň môjho detstva? Bola som fakt divné dieťa, keď som mala osem, počúvala som toto, Zelený tulipán, Iné kafe a toto xD
Andy P kolko mas teraz?
Gašpo ty beťár :D
v skole ta este slovne ulohy neucili? spravna odpoved je cca 18.
najlepší part, najhoršie zo všetkého ,boli tie dlhé zimné mesiace :D
Ten Elvis je iný pánko :D
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Morbidnost prevedená do dokonalosti 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
... a stále sa to dá :D
hahahahaha dobra pecka a najlespi je akoze Guns N Roses gitara v metrovom klobuku a este aj tie pohyby
nie ma co pierdolić dobra kapela jest i huj. pozdrowienia z polski a dokladnie Grudziądz
O kurwa polak
No ten zááááver :D :D :D :D
Viktória Kapsdorferová presne😂
no...tí ostatní asi majú zmysel pre humor :)
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
18 vdovcom sa to nepáči
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw theese girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
... najlepšie sa má asi babka ,na balkóne si ticho kvapká,,,,
Spravte prosim aj instrumentalku tohto songu.
A video I made for a film crew in Zagreb, who made fun out of rape and murder. About two girls, Irena and Iris, that were raped and murdered in 1969, in Slovenia. And I saw these girls, in heaven. Who knows, maybe one of them will judge your work.
Ako neviem či daný človek vie ale Celý zoznam pesničiek od InéKafe je punk-rock
Ať žije dekadence... :) Nevím proč, ale hodí se to na Miloše Zemana... :D
Terchovský Budzogáň 2K18 😏
doteraz som pocuval horkyze slize a pokaca a su tak isto dobry ako horkyze slize mozno lepsi
Doba je zla.... no comment
2019 xDD
2022, dako to bezi docerta 😒
Zachvilu budem ja tiect na balkone sakra
Má to něco společného s dílem Najvacsiech kriminalnych pripadov Slovenska "Žena na balkoně"? :D
Tiež som nad tým vždy uvažoval, že sú v tej pesničke paralely s tým prípadom
Kluci a fungujete? Přijeli byste sonprahy?
Ta gitara nema chybu!!???!( Slash aj 4not blonds by závidel taky kalap....👍😂)
neskutočna piesen...dakujem chlapci obohatili ste moj život...👍👍⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️💀💀💀💀
to by chcelo anglicke titulky a urobim z vas celosvetove hviezdy :D
lubi sa mne to
to by chcelo kolabo coach a odpalit to na half time show hahaaa
Dobrá skladba chalani
bylo to : prijeli byste do Prahy?
hniloba tkanivo napadáááá :D
Vtedy s nimi už hral aj Victor?
Pekne XDDD
Je to morbídne ale vynikajúca pesnička aj keď som skoro skapala od smiechu keď som to prvý raz počula a aj teraz sa trochu smejem na tom 😂😂
Omega Lena
Eto česky band?
no, it's Slovak
To otialto ma môj kamoš že stará mama tíško leží pomali sa rozklada
Sranda, že... Kam sme sa dohnali.
o_O :DDD
Podla mojho nazoru taketo slova moze vymysliet iba psychicky chory clovek a len taky clovek to moze aj spievat na koncertoch
126 ľudí vynieslo svoju babku v koberci na balkón
A po arbaite do komyna!!
Füstifecskék jobb
toto je pičovina tisícročia :D
Miért írják ki magyarul nagyobb betűkkel?
Ez engem is érdekelne
Tak se spojme.... vždyť tohle je absuolutni humus a devastace lidství
Ticho bud :D
idiotina na x-tu
Komu je toto vtipne, tak toho cloveka mi je uprimne luto, strasne trapne a primitivne...
tak to nepocuvaj
odporný text, bez pointy, odporná anit-slovenská kapela .............váš posratý slovan hrá slovenskú ligu prečo ?
to hovorím ako rodný občan paštékova a fanúšik slovana