Beautiful inside and out side. The Spirit of God, is her guidance full of trust and love for Jesus Christ. My deepest condolences for the loss of her father Ravi Zacharias.
@Naomi: next time you speak to a lady that is asking you that question, you can let her know she is more then welcome in Victory Outreach Amsterdam. We are a church that specially reach out to hurted woman like Annie. God Bless you in your beautifull work you do
Naomi got me thinking again. I keep saying and I am aware that whenever we call people to Christ we tell them to come as they are but what we really mean is come as we are . There are things about their past history they can't change but once in Christ we should encourage them to see the newness in themselves . May God also help me not to forget this as I reach out to the lost souls
I would never belong to a church that would cast haughty eyes at a woman like that. I wish I could bring her to my church. That really breaks my heart.
I was lifted up from death by the Spirit of the Lord when i tried to end life.That's my relationship... I survive because of Grace of God..Help from people is not genuine.When someone is going through a huge crisis,only God is there standing tall in their life so that their faith should stand in the power of God.Even Apostle Paul went through such situations still he didn't complain because he felt Jesus closer in those times..
AMEN = Saved by His Grace & the Blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin! The only life worth living ! Glad He revealed His Truth to me on my attempt at suicide! Watching for Him to bring me Home for almost 50 years now ... any day now =D !
Its easy for you to sit back and call this 'lame'. But it takes courage and love, to go and reach out to hopeless people and help them out of their horrific struggles of life.
What she says is very true. We often are only trying to give to another person what WE want to give them rather than what they NEED. That is selfishness and not generosity, not mercy.
Core message need to take note of......How Christians would look at a person when they walk in to our church from a prostitute background.......what Naomi spoke is excellent ..................see how her family brought her up ro show the world her faith in a contrast how Jesus would see. may god bless Naomi and her work.
@@vickibaker8372 Hi, unfortunately no. We're extremely limited on data in general, so videos are a rarity. I am so sorry for the loss though... He trained Nabeel for apologetics as well and he also passed away of cancer... I hope you did get to see it! I'm sure it was moving, but also encouraging, despite the pain.
I almost took my life, the night before I called upon Him and /he saved me. Jesus is so awesome. Keep your heart on Him always expressing your love to Him He will reveal many wonderful things to you. Was a pleasure conversing. God bless you friend.
That reminds me... Rahab the prostitute is a hero in the Old and the New Testaments. She is also in the lineage of Christ. Perplexingly, the Bible (the Old and the New) does not deal with her profession. The Bible only talks about her heroic act of faith...
Her last words are very true, but yet women, men who do prostitute themselves/take drugs etc., homeless, "less" worthy by society for one reason or another still need Christ, His redemption, and our love as Christians despite of where they have been or what they have done. God is love. So we have to be love.
There is always brokenness behind the anger and that brokenness can lead us in places we dont want to be. Annie didn't have a choice and God's people are missing the point of their lives. Jesus came for the broken, the lost and the hurt not for the healthy. God this just makes me weep.
What a solemn reminder of the truth behind the brokenness of mankind. Too often we preach pleasant watered down messages to the church and hard hitting in your face messages to the world. Jesus did the polar opposite! He preached hard hitting condemning, life altering messages to the religious people and love filled pleasant messages to the lost world. It would do us a world of good to follow Christ's example in our preaching! A wake up call for the church and a loving embrace for the wor
Given the poignant nature of Annie, probably the question, "Have you ever considered going to church?" shows how much we ourselves think of Jesus Christ. Church??? Of all the places! The very place that Jesus came to breakdown (John 4:19-26). When has the church been a reflection of Jesus Christ? It's a quagmire for anyone, a place that God does not live anymore (Acts 7:48, 17:24). The offer for Annie should've been "Have you ever considered Jesus Christ?". Jesus Christ today lives in each one of us (Galatians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 6:19). When we are born-again each one of us (not the church building or organisation) is empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to be a reflection of our Savior Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).
THOUGHT PROVOKING WORDS: The problem with your people is, " you tell me that i should leave but you never want to let me forget where i came from either"
How heartbreaking is Annie’s story. Wake up church! Shame on us! Do ‘ all things become new’ just for us? May God forgive us for our blinded eyes! Thank you for telling this story, may the Lord give you His strength and His Peace. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yes,Jesus is a personality worth living for and I do look at his face daily despite overwhelming problems.May God Bless You Too and prepare us all for Christ's imminent return...
Dear Precious brothers & sisters, We love you because God is love. That is why we desire your eternal happiness. To live happily you must require peace and happiness in your hearts and it comes through goodness, righteousness and uprightness with meekness in your character. God created man upright to do only good(Ecclesiastes 7:29) and this is the only way and only standard for you to feast upon that peace and happiness. The way is simple and the standard is straightforward if you could realize the purpose of your creation and existence. There is not even an inclination of sin in this way. No lies, no robbings, no fornication(sex before marriage), no adultery, no murder, no hatred, no anger, no envy, no physical assaulting, no enmity, no foul language, no backbiting, no gossiping, no pornography, no lewdness, no greed, no lasciviousness, no pride, no idolatry, no worship of false gods, no cheating, no beguiling, no smoking, no alcohol drinking, no jesting, no jeering, no joking, no fooling, no respecting of persons, no favoratism, no partiality , no unlawful judgment, no false accusations no homosexuality nothing unclean but only loving, giving, donating, sharing, praying, forgiving, long suffering, dealing with kindness, being gracious and even sacrificing our life in righteousness and holiness. This way is the CHARACTER of CHRIST. No mole or scar is present in His Character. Simply THE ONLY PERFECT SAVIOR. (Galatians 5:17-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Peter 2:22) This is the only way to reach God. No other person in this universe had walked in this way of righteousness except Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal bliss of peace and happiness. If we worship wrong gods, are we not accepting both the truth and false are same? Will the two opposite directions lead to same destination? No Way! So also the way of true God Jesus Christ is completely different and is the solemn way and no other god have not even reached half a mile in this way. If you don’t repent and reject this way it’s because you hate and your works are vile and not good. And you are in darkness and that is why you are not able to come to light.(John 3:19-20) The solemn warning for your preparation is God ordained 7 day weekly cycle and commanded seventh day(Saturday) should be completely dedicated to His worship and to remember Him as a creator forever. And so the enemy strongly attacks on this day and will attack more with the soon coming National Sunday Law. In the first place Sunday laws will be enforced in America and after this Satan comes as false Messaiah, claims Himself as Jesus Christ will be worshipped by the people. Then worldwide Sunday law will be enforced to control the people’s rights to buy and sell and will be followed by a death decree to behead the Saturday Sabbath keepers. Then comes Battle of Armageddon where all the world will be gathered to kill remnant 144000 Saturday Sabbath keepers.(Revelation 13,14,15,16,17) And Jesus Christ comes and punishes the people who persecuted righteous and holy saints of God saving the remnant 144000. Only way to fight this spiritual battle is to preach the Word of God as written in the Bible. And you will be gifted with eternal peace and happiness in the New Earth, where there is no place for tears and pains. Truth Prevails! God Bless you!(Revelation 21:4)
Actually, you are wrong. He "remembers them no more". I heard it explained that he does not "forget" our sins, but chooses not to remember them. If we humans had that same capacity, think how much better our world would be!
Ravi; He is God's courageous Saint. Look at India! His roots. The odds were against his ministry when Christians were a small flock and on the run! Look now! Amazing grace! Brother Ravi stood up for Jesus Christ against all odds! He risked all and was a outsider among his own people. God called him out and he went like father Abraham. And God has blessed him. This channel is a blessing! You are a faithful minister who sows the seed of the Word of God. 2 Samuel Chapter 22: Verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." - God's life insurance : "Jesus Christ Is Lord & only He Saves". "AMEN " - There is no greater praise than the blessed truth of God's word to the glory of God. - God the Son has given us the gospel to share with the world. Ravi did! - Mark 16: Verse 15: And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans chapter 10: verse 17 Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10: 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! - Isaiah chapter 7: verse 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal, the body was mutilated, the blood was poured out, but the bones were not broken, buried and risen on the 3rd day. - John Chapter 3: Verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans chapter 3: verse 23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans chapter 6: verse 23 - "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14.6) - "1 Corinthians 15: 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: - "7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1: 7 - "Because it is my blood that comes from the New Testament, which has been shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew chapter 26: verse 28 - Ephesians 2: 8: "Because you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you. This is the gift of God. - Romans 10: 9 If you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart man believes in righteousness; And a confession by mouth is given to salvation. 13 For the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. - Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John chapter 3: verse 16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Rev.21: 8. - Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”Romans 5: 1
If more Christians were as honest with themselves and others about their own mistakes, a lot of people would trust them more. The sad fact is that many who call themselves "believers" are more interested in self-promotion, instead of being an example for the love of the God who made us all, and the Son that He sent to pay our penalty.
We taste a glimpse of eternal life now,not fully.1st Corinthians 13:12 KJV. He forgives we did and still does,doesn't mean he forgets.If we backslide fully again,he is going to sharpen the sword more.That's why many are going to hell thinking its license.Christian life is repent, repent till death for the sins we commit even if we are Christians,so that grace may abound and take us to eternity. And that is a fact to rejoice when we see him face to face because he will forget our sins eternally.
Christ Himself says when we repent of our sins & ask4 forgiveness we are 4given. He remembers them no more. If we contimue in our sins doing the same sins over & over, something is wrong. Either we not born again or one is but needs not only counseling but the ministry of deliverance.
Reading a book The cover has the image of John. G. Lake in color. I have the paper back copy. On the left hand side it says: His life. His sermons . His boldness of faith. While we all have a ministry 2 the unsaved those who are 'In the Ministry" it is a MUST read. We Christians R missing out of what God intends for we Who love Him.
Hope you dont mind me asking but what is your relationship with Christ like? Are you in love with Him Is it intimate from the heart. Do you experience Him everyday of your life.Do you literally feel His love in you? I ask cause not all Christians have come to this point and i like to help those who are still lacking to be able to fully experience Him.
Hebrews 8:7b...“The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. 9 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant,and I turned away from them,declares the Lord..........
@@oneshot2028 everyone knows she is more brown than white .. Indian genes are awesome .. you can check on quora ... Mixed kid categories. Indians always top when comes to genes exchanges ..😊😊
@@oneshot2028 white means who are you .. British ,american , German ,italy .. white is broader term to comprise ..if I say I'm from Malay we all know where is Malaysian ,we are mostly south Asian ,middle East ,chinese orgin .. so who you are ? Don't tell me just white .. white can just color not gene can't compare 5000years history with 300years of years material development ..
@@Goodchennai "White" means "European". Not just physical appearance, even skin color is controlled by "genes". Indians are not "attractive" people. This "Naomi" is attractive only because she is mixed race. Another good example is Diya Mirza. She is attractive only because she got those attractive genes from a her German father.
B. We should learn to forgive others like God forgives our trespasses.But that's not forgetting.Even God doesn't forget our sins.Its in eternity that he forgets our(Christians) sins and takes us to him like we never sinned.And its all because we are washed by the blood of the lamb.So the real problem is we have a HUGE pride to forgive others.That's why Jesus said:(Mathew 21:31 KJV).Its applicable in every generation. I do wish and pray that people like her find the Lord where she is.
Hebrews 8:13 KJV. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.Its not gone... Do you know when this new covenant is going to be put in practice? Its in eternity...Here we struggle to move forward in Christian life so that none may boast that they made it by their own righteousness.. He forgives doesn't mean he forgets..
10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord.I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.I will be their God, and they will be my people. 11 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord, because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.12 For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
A. Yes,its true that the church people will treat her in a mean way.She is better off in where she is than being in the midst of people who think they are Christians or forgot God Lord in the long run.I have heard sometime back Nazareth was filled very kind of filth including prostitution.Jesus lived in the midst of them and even though lived sinless.People in church should open their eyes and get back to first love of Christ to see a sinner as a human and also care.We should learn to forgive..
I would have handled that situation with the prostitute differently. First i would not have offered her a church unless I already knew of a good church who doesn't judge and second I would have led her to Christ by seeing if she would spend some time with me. Have a 2 person church. Christ would be right there.Plus she needed someone to tell her they loved her and prob needed a hug. i wish I could have been there.
@AkasakaS2000 Hypocrasy has always been a problem with all religions, all world views and all people. The difference is when you have a relationship with Christ you begin to change and it becomes easier to do the right thing and turn away from hypocrasy
Real Love is what matters not Prostitution or Sex ,Sex kills you in the end it is only by to realize it who long it will take for everyone to realize it it is by everyone different . In the End , Real Love is what matters.
Well, hypocrisy has always been the main problem of Christians... but I'm glad that this lady is not. The world would have been much better if someone realizes that they have been acting like Pharisees and thought that they are following their God's will...
Judgmental overly abused word, we are free to express our opinion, we don’t mean to judge people to go to hell or heaven, that’s God’s business, express your Godly opinion
My own reputation was certainly not spotless..... yet when I met my Savior and His Blood cleansed me and saved me .... I never experienced any true born again Christian ever being judgmental... at all - ever! Was that difference because of location ? I think NOT ! The difference is the Blood of Jesus. Anyone saved by the Blood = knows 'from whence they came', and can not 'look down their nose' at anyone ! Pride is a major sin, believers should not entertain pride, and generally DON"T! Perhaps the difference is in 'Born Again' (truly forgiven/redeemed/saved) OR 'christian' - most church go-ers sadly fall into this category of very Unsaved and = in name only!) All are welcome in true believer's fellowship !
God is NO respecter of persons---He sees the heart. The prodigal son in the Bible shows the way one should rejoice over someone who stepped away from God and came back!!! We are all in the family of God and none have been without sin except for Jesus Christ.
@lucy9359 Sounds to me like you need to find another body of believers *now* who accept you for who you are now, not who you were then. Tragically, there ARE those who claim to follow Christ, but act like Pharisees, seemingly forgetting that in God's eyes, they're no better than anyone else.
Jesus is the new covenant. It was the prophecy that was fulfilled in Christ When you repent He remembers your sins no more. Not just forgives you. Its like the old testament covenant when they sacrificed the animals God accepted that as payment for sin and washed away their transgressions But in Christ its even bigger than that. Rejoice He remembers your sin no more and neither should you. Eternal Life starts right now not later.But if your more comfortable believing that its ok. Just love Jesus
+pray4jericho Keep your hands in front of your face and blow on it; the sensation you feel on your hands is called air, and you can always repeat this experiment. Now, how do you prove God exists? Or, do you expect me to be gullible and believe it just because a primitive book claims itself to be the holy truth?
well, you can blow air on your palm or wherever you want the air to pass, and then let us have the sensation of the faith we share. our faith makes us feel the worth of our existence while enjoy the air you enjoy, too. the primitive book that claims the Truth is changing our lives, and altogether that gives us sense of direction that you probably should try to pass, other than just the usual air you breathe. Faith worth the try, too.
+dyek Thanking a God for choosing you to have good health & ignoring hundreds of handicapped babies, is the show of your narcissism, arrogant, ignorance, & intellectual dishonesty which making you believe you are special in your delusional mind.
+Baruch Sharma Him?? What makes you think God is male? How do you know there aren't two Gods (a male God & a female God)? The reason the two Gods scenario sound ridiculous to you is because you have already been brainwashed to believe there is only a male God.
Dear Annie, may she seek the saving grace of Jesus Christ. She is right about many people, but mistaking them for God. How is turning away from Christ’s free invitation somehow better than the sins of her fellow human beings. She must ask Christ to break those chains.
What a sad story and what a beautiful young lady Ravi Zacharias and his wife raised
Naomi is beautiful. Inside and out. God bless her and her dad, Ravi.
Beautiful inside and out side.
The Spirit of God, is her guidance full of trust and love for Jesus Christ. My deepest condolences for the loss of her father Ravi Zacharias.
Beautiful..INSIDE OUT! Praise JESUS !&GOD BLESS the parents. Amen
Wonderful! I appreciate your tenderness. God bless your labors.
@Naomi: next time you speak to a lady that is asking you that question, you can let her know she is more then welcome in Victory Outreach Amsterdam. We are a church that specially reach out to hurted woman like Annie. God Bless you in your beautifull work you do
She is sooooo beautiful!!!! God Bless her always!!!!
Naomi got me thinking again. I keep saying and I am aware that whenever we call people to Christ we tell them to come as they are but what we really mean is come as we are . There are things about their past history they can't change but once in Christ we should encourage them to see the newness in themselves . May God also help me not to forget this as I reach out to the lost souls
I would never belong to a church that would cast haughty eyes at a woman like that. I wish I could bring her to my church. That really breaks my heart.
All of Ravi’s children are beautiful! May God continue to bless this family!🙏
Brilliant so glad l watched this moved to tears.
Thank you Naomi for being the bridge to these.
What an absolutely wonderful human being this lady is, seriously. The nature of Christ flows from this women. God Bless You and your family naomi.
I was lifted up from death by the Spirit of the Lord when i tried to end life.That's my relationship...
I survive because of Grace of God..Help from people is not genuine.When someone is going through a huge crisis,only God is there standing tall in their life so that their faith should stand in the power of God.Even Apostle Paul went through such situations still he didn't complain because he felt Jesus closer in those times..
AMEN = Saved by His Grace & the Blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin! The
only life worth living ! Glad He revealed His Truth to me on my attempt at suicide!
Watching for Him to bring me Home for almost 50 years now ... any day now =D !
That’s why our personal realationship is soooooo important because people are not perfect only a Jesus could loves us the why we need him too
Its easy for you to sit back and call this 'lame'. But it takes courage and love, to go and reach out to hopeless people and help them out of their horrific struggles of life.
What she says is very true. We often are only trying to give to another person what WE want to give them rather than what they NEED. That is selfishness and not generosity, not mercy.
Core message need to take note of......How Christians would look at a person when they walk in to our church from a prostitute background.......what Naomi spoke is excellent ..................see how her family brought her up ro show the world her faith in a contrast how Jesus would see. may god bless Naomi and her work.
I never noticed that before!... good words!... blessings to you in Jesus name....
What a powerful testimony 🙏🙏💕
very thought provoking, thankyou
Wow! Thank you for sharing!!
Did u watch Ravi Zacharias memorial service ???
@@vickibaker8372 Hi, unfortunately no. We're extremely limited on data in general, so videos are a rarity. I am so sorry for the loss though... He trained Nabeel for apologetics as well and he also passed away of cancer... I hope you did get to see it! I'm sure it was moving, but also encouraging, despite the pain.
I almost took my life, the night before I called upon Him and /he saved me. Jesus is so awesome. Keep your heart on Him always expressing your love to Him He will reveal many wonderful things to you. Was a pleasure conversing. God bless you friend.
That reminds me... Rahab the prostitute is a hero in the Old and the New Testaments. She is also in the lineage of Christ. Perplexingly, the Bible (the Old and the New) does not deal with her profession. The Bible only talks about her heroic act of faith...
Her last words are very true, but yet women, men who do prostitute themselves/take drugs etc., homeless, "less" worthy by society for one reason or another still need Christ, His redemption, and our love as Christians despite of where they have been or what they have done. God is love. So we have to be love.
I love listing to Ravi, talk about the love of Jesus our Father.
God bless all those women! i dont think a lot of people know the pain a woman goes through when she has been violated. God bless them!
There is always brokenness behind the anger and that brokenness can lead us in places we dont want to be. Annie didn't have a choice and God's people are missing the point of their lives. Jesus came for the broken, the lost and the hurt not for the healthy. God this just makes me weep.
What a solemn reminder of the truth behind the brokenness of mankind.
Too often we preach pleasant watered down messages to the church and hard hitting in your face messages to the world.
Jesus did the polar opposite! He preached hard hitting condemning, life altering messages to the religious people and love filled pleasant messages to the lost world.
It would do us a world of good to follow Christ's example in our preaching!
A wake up call for the church and a loving embrace for the wor
Given the poignant nature of Annie, probably the question, "Have you ever considered going to church?" shows how much we ourselves think of Jesus Christ. Church??? Of all the places! The very place that Jesus came to breakdown (John 4:19-26). When has the church been a reflection of Jesus Christ? It's a quagmire for anyone, a place that God does not live anymore (Acts 7:48, 17:24).
The offer for Annie should've been "Have you ever considered Jesus Christ?". Jesus Christ today lives in each one of us (Galatians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 6:19). When we are born-again each one of us (not the church building or organisation) is empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to be a reflection of our Savior Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).
The problem with your people is, " you tell me that i should leave but you never want to let me forget where i came from either"
How heartbreaking is Annie’s story. Wake up church! Shame on us! Do ‘ all things become new’ just for us? May God forgive us for our blinded eyes! Thank you for telling this story, may the Lord give you His strength and His Peace. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Sister Naomi is real.
Yes,Jesus is a personality worth living for and I do look at his face daily despite overwhelming problems.May God Bless You Too and prepare us all for Christ's imminent return...
I reject this: the people of the faith will NOT condemn a person or keep them down. She would be welcomed into a church, just not a fake one.
Dear Precious brothers & sisters,
We love you because God is love. That is why we desire your eternal happiness. To live happily you must require peace and happiness in your hearts and it comes through goodness, righteousness and uprightness with meekness in your character.
God created man upright to do only good(Ecclesiastes 7:29) and this is the only way and only standard for you to feast upon that peace and happiness. The way is simple and the standard is straightforward if you could realize the purpose of your creation and existence.
There is not even an inclination of sin in this way. No lies, no robbings, no fornication(sex before marriage), no adultery, no murder, no hatred, no anger, no envy, no physical assaulting, no enmity, no foul language, no backbiting, no gossiping, no pornography, no lewdness, no greed, no lasciviousness, no pride, no idolatry, no worship of false gods, no cheating, no beguiling, no smoking, no alcohol drinking, no jesting, no jeering, no joking, no fooling, no respecting of persons, no favoratism, no partiality , no unlawful judgment, no false accusations no homosexuality nothing unclean but only loving, giving, donating, sharing, praying, forgiving, long suffering, dealing with kindness, being gracious and even sacrificing our life in righteousness and holiness. This way is the CHARACTER of CHRIST. No mole or scar is present in His Character. Simply THE ONLY PERFECT SAVIOR. (Galatians 5:17-21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Peter 2:22)
This is the only way to reach God. No other person in this universe had walked in this way of righteousness except Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal bliss of peace and happiness.
If we worship wrong gods, are we not accepting both the truth and false are same? Will the two opposite directions lead to same destination? No Way! So also the way of true God Jesus Christ is completely different and is the solemn way and no other god have not even reached half a mile in this way.
If you don’t repent and reject this way it’s because you hate and your works are vile and not good. And you are in darkness and that is why you are not able to come to light.(John 3:19-20)
The solemn warning for your preparation is God ordained 7 day weekly cycle and commanded seventh day(Saturday) should be completely dedicated to His worship and to remember Him as a creator forever. And so the enemy strongly attacks on this day and will attack more with the soon coming National Sunday Law.
In the first place Sunday laws will be enforced in America and after this Satan comes as false Messaiah, claims Himself as Jesus Christ will be worshipped by the people. Then worldwide Sunday law will be enforced to control the people’s rights to buy and sell and will be followed by a death decree to behead the Saturday Sabbath keepers. Then comes Battle of Armageddon where all the world will be gathered to kill remnant 144000 Saturday Sabbath keepers.(Revelation 13,14,15,16,17)
And Jesus Christ comes and punishes the people who persecuted righteous and holy saints of God saving the remnant 144000.
Only way to fight this spiritual battle is to preach the Word of God as written in the Bible. And you will be gifted with eternal peace and happiness in the New Earth, where there is no place for tears and pains. Truth Prevails! God Bless you!(Revelation 21:4)
She is Gorgeous
Half Indian tho 😂
actually the bible says that when you repent he actually forgets all our sins because he no longer sees our sins but instead sees Christ.
Actually, you are wrong. He "remembers them no more". I heard it explained that he does not "forget" our sins, but chooses not to remember them. If we humans had that same capacity, think how much better our world would be!
AMEN!!! - Oh Lord, help us to love others with the same love you have shown us ... who live without love, who feel unloved, unloving, and unlovely.
Ravi; He is God's courageous Saint. Look at India! His roots. The odds were against his ministry when Christians were a small flock and on the run! Look now! Amazing grace! Brother Ravi stood up for Jesus Christ against all odds! He risked all and was a outsider among his own people. God called him out and he went like father Abraham. And God has blessed him.
This channel is a blessing! You are a faithful minister who sows the seed of the Word of God.
2 Samuel Chapter 22: Verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name."
God's life insurance : "Jesus Christ Is Lord & only He Saves". "AMEN "
There is no greater praise than the blessed truth of God's word to the glory of God.
God the Son has given us the gospel to share with the world. Ravi did!
Mark 16: Verse 15: And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans chapter 10: verse 17 Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Isaiah chapter 7: verse 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal, the body was mutilated, the blood was poured out, but the bones were not broken, buried and risen on the 3rd day.
John Chapter 3: Verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans chapter 3: verse 23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans chapter 6: verse 23
"I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14.6)
"1 Corinthians 15:
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
"7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1: 7
"Because it is my blood that comes from the New Testament, which has been shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew chapter 26: verse 28
Ephesians 2: 8: "Because you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you. This is the gift of God.
Romans 10:
9 If you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart man believes in righteousness; And a confession by mouth is given to salvation.
13 For the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John chapter 3: verse 16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Rev.21: 8.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”Romans 5: 1
A sad story indeed. And that's true what Naomi said. Let God be the judge, not us. 🙏
If more Christians were as honest with themselves and others about their own mistakes, a lot of people would trust them more. The sad fact is that many who call themselves "believers" are more interested in self-promotion, instead of being an example for the love of the God who made us all, and the Son that He sent to pay our penalty.
We taste a glimpse of eternal life now,not fully.1st Corinthians 13:12 KJV.
He forgives we did and still does,doesn't mean he forgets.If we backslide fully again,he is going to sharpen the sword more.That's why many are going to hell thinking its license.Christian life is repent, repent till death for the sins we commit even if we are Christians,so that grace may abound and take us to eternity.
And that is a fact to rejoice when we see him face to face because he will forget our sins eternally.
Christ Himself says when we repent of our sins & ask4 forgiveness we are 4given. He remembers them no more. If we contimue in our sins doing the same sins over & over, something is wrong. Either we not born again or one is but needs not only counseling but the ministry of deliverance.
Reading a book The cover has the image of John. G. Lake in color. I have the paper back copy. On the left hand side it says: His life. His sermons . His boldness of faith. While we all have a ministry 2 the unsaved those who are 'In the Ministry" it is a MUST read. We Christians R missing out of what God intends for we Who love Him.
Agree, Amen !
I would have given you a thumbs up but someone disabled that feature on this video.
Hope you dont mind me asking but what is your relationship with Christ like? Are you in love with Him Is it intimate from the heart. Do you experience Him everyday of your life.Do you literally feel His love in you? I ask cause not all Christians have come to this point and i like to help those who are still lacking to be able to fully experience Him.
Hebrews 8:7b...“The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
9 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt,
because they did not remain faithful to my covenant,and I turned away from them,declares the Lord..........
She's beautiful
Shes the beautiful version of Ravi. She has his eyes.
That is because Ravi's wife was a White woman. It's the White genes.
@@oneshot2028 everyone knows she is more brown than white .. Indian genes are awesome .. you can check on quora ... Mixed kid categories. Indians always top when comes to genes exchanges ..😊😊
@@oneshot2028 white means who are you .. British ,american , German ,italy .. white is broader term to comprise ..if I say I'm from Malay we all know where is Malaysian ,we are mostly south Asian ,middle East ,chinese orgin .. so who you are ? Don't tell me just white .. white can just color not gene can't compare 5000years history with 300years of years material development ..
@@Goodchennai "White" means "European". Not just physical appearance, even skin color is controlled by "genes". Indians are not "attractive" people. This "Naomi" is attractive only because she is mixed race. Another good example is Diya Mirza. She is attractive only because she got those attractive genes from a her German father.
Lord bless you as well!
Very true and may W E as the body corprate never forget that.
We should learn to forgive others like God forgives our trespasses.But that's not forgetting.Even God doesn't forget our sins.Its in eternity that he forgets our(Christians) sins and takes us to him like we never sinned.And its all because we are washed by the blood of the lamb.So the real problem is we have a HUGE pride to forgive others.That's why Jesus said:(Mathew 21:31 KJV).Its applicable in every generation.
I do wish and pray that people like her find the Lord where she is.
Hebrews 8:13 KJV.
Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.Its not gone...
Do you know when this new covenant is going to be put in practice?
Its in eternity...Here we struggle to move forward in Christian life so that none may boast that they made it by their own righteousness..
He forgives doesn't mean he forgets..
10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord.I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.I will be their God, and they will be my people.
11 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord, because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.12 For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
Yes,its true that the church people will treat her in a mean way.She is better off in where she is than being in the midst of people who think they are Christians or forgot God Lord in the long run.I have heard sometime back Nazareth was filled very kind of filth including prostitution.Jesus lived in the midst of them and even though lived sinless.People in church should open their eyes and get back to first love of Christ to see a sinner as a human and also care.We should learn to forgive..
I would have handled that situation with the prostitute differently. First i would not have offered her a church unless I already knew of a good church who doesn't judge and second I would have led her to Christ by seeing if she would spend some time with me. Have a 2 person church. Christ would be right there.Plus she needed someone to tell her they loved her and prob needed a hug. i wish I could have been there.
NOW FOR THE DEEP THEOLOGICAL & PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTION : Is she married? Is there still hope for mankind lol.
lol...ok, you made me laugh.
So tell me who is perfect. Why are we here? To walk a better life(although short) along with Jesus.
Beautiful Naomi, wise
Show the verse..
Amsterdam is traumatizing
@AkasakaS2000 Hypocrasy has always been a problem with all religions, all world views and all people. The difference is when you have a relationship with Christ you begin to change and it becomes easier to do the right thing and turn away from hypocrasy
Real Love is what matters not Prostitution or Sex ,Sex kills you in the end it is only by to realize it who long it will take for everyone to realize it it is by everyone different .
In the End , Real Love is what matters.
M6Alex7871992 you are right, real love does matter, but it doesn't come from any human being it comes from God.
She's got movie-star looks! She's prettier than Angelina Jolie!!
Naomi unfortunately speaks the truth, we must change our way of thinking and be more like Jesus, in so many ways.
Jesus give me that boldness
Well, hypocrisy has always been the main problem of Christians... but I'm glad that this lady is not. The world would have been much better if someone realizes that they have been acting like Pharisees and thought that they are following their God's will...
Judgmental overly abused word, we are free to express our opinion, we don’t mean to judge people to go to hell or heaven, that’s God’s business, express your Godly opinion
You should read Hebrews in general it covers a lot
My own reputation was certainly not spotless..... yet when I met my Savior and His Blood cleansed me and saved me .... I never experienced any true born again Christian ever being
judgmental... at all - ever! Was that difference because of location ? I think NOT ! The
difference is the Blood of Jesus. Anyone saved by the Blood = knows 'from whence they
came', and can not 'look down their nose' at anyone ! Pride is a major sin, believers should
not entertain pride, and generally DON"T! Perhaps the difference is in 'Born Again' (truly forgiven/redeemed/saved) OR 'christian' - most church go-ers sadly fall into this category
of very Unsaved and = in name only!) All are welcome in true believer's fellowship !
God is NO respecter of persons---He sees the heart. The prodigal son in the Bible shows the way one should rejoice over someone who stepped away from God and came back!!! We are all in the family of God and none have been without sin except for Jesus Christ.
She is Very pretty
@lucy9359 Sounds to me like you need to find another body of believers *now* who accept you for who you are now, not who you were then. Tragically, there ARE those who claim to follow Christ, but act like Pharisees, seemingly forgetting that in God's eyes, they're no better than anyone else.
Christians need to love unconditionally like Jesus did.
Jesus is the new covenant. It was the prophecy that was fulfilled in Christ When you repent He remembers your sins no more. Not just forgives you. Its like the old testament covenant when they sacrificed the animals God accepted that as payment for sin and washed away their transgressions But in Christ its even bigger than that. Rejoice He remembers your sin no more and neither should you. Eternal Life starts right now not later.But if your more comfortable believing that its ok. Just love Jesus
we christians have to do better!
...Wats ironic is dat sumthing as gangster as the holy spirit is in this beautiful woman lol
How do the people who make a living by promoting an invisible God know that God exists?
atam mardes how do you prove air exist? It's invisible as well.
+pray4jericho Keep your hands in front of your face and blow on it; the sensation you feel on your hands is called air, and you can always repeat this experiment. Now, how do you prove God exists? Or, do you expect me to be gullible and believe it just because a primitive book claims itself to be the holy truth?
well, you can blow air on your palm or wherever you want the air to pass, and then let us have the sensation of the faith we share. our faith makes us feel the worth of our existence while enjoy the air you enjoy, too. the primitive book that claims the Truth is changing our lives, and altogether that gives us sense of direction that you probably should try to pass, other than just the usual air you breathe. Faith worth the try, too.
+dyek Thanking a God for choosing you to have good health & ignoring hundreds of handicapped babies, is the show of your narcissism, arrogant, ignorance, & intellectual dishonesty which making you believe you are special in your delusional mind.
+Baruch Sharma Him?? What makes you think God is male? How do you know there aren't two Gods (a male God & a female God)? The reason the two Gods scenario sound ridiculous to you is because you have already been brainwashed to believe there is only a male God.
Dear Annie, may she seek the saving grace of Jesus Christ. She is right about many people, but mistaking them for God. How is turning away from Christ’s free invitation somehow better than the sins of her fellow human beings. She must ask Christ to break those chains.