Something similar to this happened to my nephew. He would always vomit his food back up and they said that he was doing it on purpose. After more than a month in the hospital on a feeding tube they determined that his intestines hadn't caught up with his series of growth spurts so he wasn't able to digest food.
This seems to be a trend when doctors can't figure out what's wrong with a kid or teenager. They immediately jump to "They're probably just faking it."
I went to high school with a girl with similar issues and was incredibly sick. Turns out she had undiagnosed Lyme disease for 10 years. She passed away last year from it.
MyPassionFurPaws I nearly ended up in the same state as this patient and it was actually C. Difficile twice, and extreme lack of probiotics the rest of the time. I was 16, 5ft7, and 85lbs. Now I'm a whopping 133lbs after relentless research and efforts to change what is happening within my body. Hopefully something similar proves useful to this girl.
As someone who has been suffering from this condition for about 7 years, I fully understand the pain she's gone through. There are currently not many treatment options available in my country (Canada) but I'm glad she is able to get help and raise awareness about this difficult condition. Her story has given me hope that maybe one day treatment options will become more recognized and affordable.
Just hypothetical thinking, any food that enters her mouth, the brain reacts like "hey what's this, this needs to go" her brain has been conditioned, and the stomach reacts. Maybe some exposure therapy, with some cognitive behavioral exercises. Hope she gets better 🙏🏽
Default that is not bulimia... bulimia, while a mental disorder, involves the person making themselves throw up, not it being an involuntary action like most other times one would throw up. This girl cannot eat, her brain has conditioned itself to throw up food due to a bad illness she went through, making it out of her control. Bulimia is different
I have exactly the same life!! I can’t eat without throwing it up since the age of 14 and I’m now 20. I lost too much weight. I was diagnosed with rumination syndrome but also severe gastroparesis. I now live with a feeding tube too. I’m so tired of this condition.
I feel so sad for this girl. It must be absolutely awful. Can't even imagine what she goes through every day. Such a strong young woman! Sending her all my love.
Melissa0774 i have the same condition,only difference between this young lady and myself is that my brain signals go missing reaching my gi tract.they diagnosed me with gastroparisis January of this year (paralization of gastro intestinal tract).i had my entire large intestines removed as a result.there is no cure, debilitating, symptoms intensified over time,and diminished quality of life.There is 3 known treatments to help symptoms,ALL the treatments eventually become less effective over time and some treatments have a very high risk of causing permanent brain and heart damage .treatments are as follows: medications like reglan which work to stimulate the brain & vagus nerve( all the oral medications causes this high rate of having heart &brain damage) ..... temporary and/or permanent feeding tube placed any where between stomach and small intestines (permanent feeding tubes are surgically placed in the abdomen into the small intestines,while SOME temporary feeding tubes can be placed by the patient thru the nose and into the gi tract with the goal of having" liquid meals",(feeding tubes placed in & taken with every meal!,)(i refuse to have to place a temporary feeding tube 4-8 times a day down my nose!).....then there is the vagus nerve stimulator which can also send signals to the gi tract to stimulate digestion-which has a high rate of a horrible 'reversal effect' ,sending impulses at the wrong times, due to the large amount of complex steps of brain signals it takes from hunger,to eating, swallowing, digestion etc, potentially incorrectly training the brain just like this young ladys brain did to her on its own.all the treatments suck
samantha sparks samantha sparks not trying to be rude but i want people to be more educated about my disease, not misinformed. Gastroparesis is not paralyzed intestines. Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach. Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract. But if you have gastroparesis, your stomach's motility is slowed down or doesn't work at all, preventing your stomach from emptying properly. Also if you did your research, they use the gastric stomach stimulator more often than anything else.
@Markel Minions samantha sparks said she was diagnosed with the condition so it's not just your condition it's her's too. You can educate people without the condescension. For all you know she's a kid or just someone who's gastroenterologist didn't explain the condition well enough to her. You don't need to act like she's an outsider talking about the condition. ~Another person with gastroparesis.
Sort of.know what your going through. I am 55 and deal with this in a similar way. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis and have the feeding tube too but a j tube. I don’t know where I would be with out it. My doctors keep telling me my blood is normal and you cant be vomiting but I am several times a day. Its frustrating. Its not in your head. My family is what keeps me going. Don’t give up.
I stumbled on this video. I struggle with almost the same thing. Severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargic, weak. And I saw a gastroenterologist most of my life. They gave up on me. And more of recently my pain and nausea increased to the point I lost over 50 pounds. I’m starting to see a endocrinologist and she has been a blessing, because she is already starting to run tests which a gastroenterologist never did. I’ve dealt with this my entire life and it was blamed on anxiety. But with my anxiety and mental health under control it is obvious it is a physical issue. I wish I understood what is happening to me, to the point I can’t stand to shower, drive, or do simple tasks because of exhaustion. Feeding tube was never offered because I’m at a healthy weight for my height. I lost 50 pounds but am barely scraping over underweight. I don’t know if it would improve my energy level at all to get that type of nutrition.
Have they tested this poor girl for gastroparesis? I have that my stomach is unable to digest food and makes me nauseated to the point I have to vomit along with a lot of gastric pain.
Donna Howard yes she often tired and that is one of Lyme borreliosis but other other symptoms she mentioned doesn't relate to this disease you mentioned
Donna Howard Donna Howard It can’t be she didn’t get a bite or anything near it. She doesn’t have any disease it’s just that her brain won’t let her eat it sends signals to her stomach that she needs to throw it up.
I’m tube fed and have been for over 10 years. If you are truly unable to digest any food this includes tube feeding. The fact she tolerates this type of feeding well is a great hope that things may improve. I have a peg which means I don’t have a tube on my face 24/7. I wish her well for a brighter future.
Yoran blame things on god and the devil and you get nowhere. I suppose as long as you don’t do things like those retarded anti vaccine and chemotherapy people. See things as they are and not through that ridiculous veil.
my partner has been going through this for the last 2 years. it's pure hell on earth. her teeth are rotting away from the constant vomiting, her self esteem shot to pieces. constant hospitalization.
I had a feeding tube for maybe a month and it's disgusting. It's literally drinking super sweet processed warm vanilla, chocolate or strawberry milk all day non-stop.
So sorry she is going through that. 11 years ago, I started having severe abdominal pain after I ate and it didn't matter if I ate small portions, I would feel full and have that excrutiating pain. I had already had my gallbladder removed in January of 2000, so that was ruled out. It took another year and a half and many tests, to include a hospital stay to find out what I had. Everytime I ate it would feel like someone was stabbing me in the right side of my abdomen, right under my ribcage, I would develop a cold sweat (drenching ones) and my blood pressure would bottom out to 65/50 and would be in the floor, writhing in pain. I did a test for gastric emptying and it came back that my stomach didn't empty properly, called Gastroparesis. I would have constant pain, extreme pain afer eating and feeling full after only a few bites and stayed nauseous and wanted to throw up constantly (thank goodness I can will myself to not throw up because I hate it). So after taking the only one medication that's out to help with it, I ended up being allergic it to it. Still dealing with the pain and other symptoms, I was sent to a special gastroenterologist who said it was a possibility that I had Sphincter ODDI Dysfunction but he also said that he highly doubted it because my liver enzyme tests came out normal. So he prescribed me a medication that was previously used in the US for nursing mothers but was banned because of cardiac problems that some women developed and it had to be purchased from Canada, wasn't covered by insurance and very expensive! So I ordered the medication and used it for a month, which didn't work anyway, which he said is a medication that one will get results immediately! So he went on to have me do a test to check the pressure in my bile duct for the dysfunction he didn't think I have. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with that dysfunction and during the test, he did what was called a Sphinterotomy of the bile duct to open the duct wider, to allow the bile to flow better. Well that didn't help and during that procedure he knicked my Duodenum, the part of the small intestine that is near the portion of the stomach that opens into the small intestine, which caused an air leak and earned me a week in the hospital! So by the end of 2010 I had lost 75 pounds and looked anorexic. I'm a nurse and I would have these attacks at work, which effected me in being able to perform my job! So for other medical problems that developed in my back and knees and had to quit working to have a spinal fusion and eventually a knee replacement. Please keep in mind, I was only 38 when this started. I got to the point where I started drinking protein shakes and ate nothing else, which kept the severity of the pain to go down to where I wasn't crying in agony but I still had pain. But as soon as I tried to eat meat and vegetables, the horrific symptoms returned. So I figured that the symptoms were triggered by meat and most vegetables. So now all I eat is starchy foods like massed potatoes, oatmeal, pasta and rice. I put all of that weight back on and few more over! The last gastric emptying study I had done showed that it was normal. I highly rejected that because I still can't eat much, when I eat and I still have pain in that area, which is compounded by eating and they started doing the scan with me standing up after eating radioactive food and taking the scans at different times. Well, I disagree with the results because who immediately stands and stays standing after eating? There might be some but I'm sure that are more who don't versus those who do stand! I feel there is something more going on there but I feel like no one listens and I get brushed off as a drug addict and no one will help! I hate taking pain medications, all it does is make me want to sleep and does a mediocre job with my pain relief! I know this is long but I would like to know if anyone has had these problems and if they were able to find out exactly what was going on!?! Thank you all for your patience and God Bless!
Rumination is not vomiting, the food isnt diegested yet so its not vomit. It tastes the same as when u ate it and it comes up whole instead of a smelly, gross puke. (I have rumination syndrome aswell but not near as severe) not every meal comes up for me
I have the same thi g but not to the severity of her luckily. Mine is more anxiety based and I am currently doing cbt therepapry (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help change this. So far I am making great progress and getting better
wow it amaze me so much. have been trying to get help with my skin from the doctors show for the pass six years. Still love the show and is a big fan. good show good job I have learned so much from the show.
I wish someone would help me. I have lived almost 3 years in hospitals and feed g tubes. I've list all 38 teeth due to malnutrition and I'm so sick. I've lost my home, career, love life, friends and even family. NO ONE deserves to live like this, IT'S MISERABLE AND I'M IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN 24/7. I go to sleep hoping to not wake up. I'm 43 and ready to give up! My family has spent THOUSANDS of dollars to keep me alive and I feel like a burden. My mom is my 100% Caregiver and is becoming resentful saying I'm not "trying enough" to get better. I don't enjoy this, I would never inhibit myself from getting better??? I need help, my family needs help!
Nadine Miller I know it's been 4 months since you commented but I want to see how you are doing??? I am SO SORRY you were going through that! It breaks my heart 😢 I hope you are feeling better!
Look into EOSINOPHILC ESOPHAGITIS (Eoe) a form of Eosinophilic Gastric Intestinal Disorders (EGID's), of which there are a few, ie Eoe, EG, EGE, etc...] Her symptoms are common amongst the EGID disorders. There are only a few good centers in the US for this disorder, these include the following: - the best being Cincinnati Children's Hospital (but ONLY in their EGID clinic, headed by Dr Putnam). -There is also National Jewish Hospital/Children Hospital in Colorado. (Dr Faruta). (In their EGID clinic) -And Children's Hosp of Phildelphia . (Dr Spergal) (Their EGID clinic) San Diego Rady's hospital in California ( Dr Aceves) (Their EGID clinic) There are comorbidities with the EGID disorders, Gastrophoresis is just one of many. --------- Also look into having an LLMD doctor ("Lyme Literate MD") run testing for Lyme and Coinfections. (Unfortunately, a regular MD or Infectious Disease MD will most likely not be effective or run the correct tests, as it is, unfortunately, still controversial). So, again, a LLMD is one's best bet when looking into Lyme and coinfections. Good luck.
Beautiful girl inside and out. Sometimes our bodies can be cruel to us. Hell I had colon cancer and never did anything what so ever to bring it on. Keep on thing in mind, things like this don't define who you are. You do that all on your own with no outside help at all. Stay positive things will get better. I know how bad it sucks to be sick every time you eat or drink anything. it weighs on you mentally and physically. I stayed exhausted and sick on my stomach every day all day during my treatments. It will get better and it will get easier. I went through allot of doctors and specialists before things got any easier or better. Keep that pretty head up you'll beat this and come out a stronger person because of it. You've already got a winners attitude and that will carry you a long long way. Youve got this all but concurred already. Off subject a little to close out, you've got the sexiest southern sounding accent I've ever heard, and I'm from the south.
It is true. I was seeing a specialist in Canada for over 5 weeks and my 5 different meds were covered and my specialist appointments were too. I ended up with a severe viral infection that caused me to develop anemia and rheumatoid arthritis and I was in so much pain. I ended up only paying for my supplement drinks. Health care is free here to an extent. 1 time I ended up having to pay the difference on my meds because my prescription was larger than the average coverage. I couldn't imagine paying so much to have someone essentially tell me I have a common cold. We do however pay for airlifts, ambulances, etc. Animal bills are more pricy than people bills here. lol.
I had cancer twice. I've had 4 surgeries total. was in the hospital a good portion of my teenage life. I've also had chemo and radiation. would have been millions of dollars. I never paid a penny for it. and taxes aren't that bad.
A boy in my old school passed away. From Lyme disease I think it was. he was younger than ten. And in his memory my school made a Garden on the yard for him " Danny's Garden"
I have a hard time believing it's simply a "learned behavior" from the brain (though it almost assuredly is a brain-body communication issue). The sounds to me more like gastroparesis or a pseudo-obstructive motility disorder involving partial tract paralysis or delayed gastic emptying. I've had gastroparesis since I was four, though thankfully I'm still able to eat.
did they even test for gastroparesis? if you don't know what that is, it's a problem where the motility of your gut stops working. It can cause vomiting, bloating, and ect. The treatment they have suggested for her just doesn't seem right!
I know what's going on with her!!! Her stomach is turned around. I have a friend like this who cannot eat food. She has this and mabe this girl has it too!!!☺ Perhaps very sorry for that family😭😭😭
Look into EOSINOPHILC ESOPHAGITIS (Eoe) a form of Eosinophilic Gastric Intestinal Disorders (EGID's), of which there are a few, ie Eoe, EG, EGE, etc...] Her symptoms are common amongst the EGID disorders. There are only a few good centers in the US for this disorder, these include the following: - the best being Cincinnati Children's Hospital (but ONLY in their EGID clinic, headed by Dr Putnam). -There is also National Jewish Hospital/Children Hospital in Colorado. (Dr Faruta). (In their EGID clinic) -And Children's Hosp of Phildelphia . (Dr Spergal) (Their EGID clinic) San Diego Rady's hospital in California ( Dr Aceves) (Their EGID clinic) There are comorbidities with the EGID disorders, Gastrophoresis is just one of many. --------- Also look into having an LLMD doctor ("Lyme Literate MD") run testing for Lyme and Coinfections. (Unfortunately, a regular MD or Infectious Disease MD will most likely not be effective or run the correct tests, as it is, unfortunately, still controversial). So, again, a LLMD is one's best bet when looking into Lyme and coinfections. Good luck.
I wake up at like noon or even later on weekends, but I also wake up at 6:15 for school, but I go to bed at like 12:00, so I miss out on a lot of sleep during the week. And I go to bed at the same time on the weekends. I also have TOO MUCH energy.
Whenever I eat any fruits or vegtables I throw it up almost instantly, started when I was 10, I'm 17 now and I'm only now able to start eatting those foods again, only in small quantities though.
Rlee But if you make yourself throw up, you have to stick your fingers down your throat or something, and i’m sure her parents would catch her doing that.
Ellie Munholland Not always. Bulimic and anorexic people can just mean over and throw up after doing it long enough. I'm not saying she was taking, far from it, but it is possible to force purge without using your fingers
People dislike that they lied to this poor girl saying it's all in her head. That is so clearly a lie. She has something physically wrong with her and is dying. It happens a lot in this country. They say it's all in their head because their insurance sucks.
Her brain has been conditioned to associate vomiting and eating together, meaning although she can digest food her brain won't allow it causing her to throw up. Just because her brain has been conditioned to do this as a reaction to contracting a bug, doesn't mean she is willingly throwing up. It is a real syndrome, and your too quick to judge. The father may have simply wanted to not be on camera, and despite everyday misconceptions of teenagers they're not all attention-seeking and faking illnesses.
+sven Hassel yeah it s so sad but there are worser things in the world than an attention seeking girl who made herself sick and a bad mother that allowed this! and Laura thx for your observation but we can handle it from here!
Really? Can you handle it? You haven't got anything to do with it. You are making an assumption that she is attention seeking girl making herself sick and that she has a bad mother. You don't know them and yet you dismiss them so quickly? Sure, there are worse things in the world but is that really the way to address it? No. If you were diagnosed with a disorder that prevented you from eating and leading a 'normal' life; to would you want people to think you were faking it. Wouldn't that make you frustrated? That people didn't understand, and didn't sympathise? It is so easy to assume that they're faking it, ra understand that it could be real and that you've probably just never heard of it. The brain is a complicated thing, and just because you don't understand. doesn't make it any less real.
You clearly didnt hear me! I know that for her it might seem real but in actuality it isnt real! Its all going on in her head which makes it real to her only! She wasnt born with a hormonal inbalance or another birth defect! She conditioned herseqlf into thinking this way and so did her mother! This is a clear example of nurture vs nature! If this girl was not raised in this society and was raised somewhere remote, Im a 100% sure she wouldnt be like this! I may come off across harsh but im jsut telling things how it is! I save my compasion and sympathy for people that really in need! This is a 1st world problem that luxary and abundance of freedom has created! So even though i do not sympethize with her, I do understand that she thinks its real so I do respect that but i do not acknowledge her so called self induced illness!
damn vomitting is uncomfortable af it must be hell to do it every day..
i know ie done it for like 10 min befor aww it was soo bad
I vomit every time I eat something 😥😢
Unicorn Cupcake me too😊 i have something a little milder than this girl but it’s pretty bad but i’m sorry you have this
Elana Kerlin thank you I’m doing much better now ☺️ I’ve gotten better
I used to throw up everyday (sometimes multiple times a day) because if food allergies
the doctors told her she was faking? the hell?
Doctors are commonly shitty when it comes to treating teenagers unfortunately 😒
Something similar to this happened to my nephew. He would always vomit his food back up and they said that he was doing it on purpose. After more than a month in the hospital on a feeding tube they determined that his intestines hadn't caught up with his series of growth spurts so he wasn't able to digest food.
PrincessCelestia19 My doctors say the same about me. I hate them but there is nothing i can say that will change their minds.
This seems to be a trend when doctors can't figure out what's wrong with a kid or teenager. They immediately jump to "They're probably just faking it."
Exactly, Megan!!! It's terrible. God-syndrome.
I went to high school with a girl with similar issues and was incredibly sick. Turns out she had undiagnosed Lyme disease for 10 years. She passed away last year from it.
MyPassionFurPaws...that's so sad. So sorry.😢
MyPassionFurPaws omg that's horrible . May she rest peacefully 😔❤️💝
MyPassionFurPaws - So sorry, may she Rest In Peace 🙏🏻
Im so sorry, may she Rest In Peace
MyPassionFurPaws I nearly ended up in the same state as this patient and it was actually C. Difficile twice, and extreme lack of probiotics the rest of the time. I was 16, 5ft7, and 85lbs. Now I'm a whopping 133lbs after relentless research and efforts to change what is happening within my body. Hopefully something similar proves useful to this girl.
So she's physically able to digest but mentally her brain won't allow her too?
SI B Yes, exactly.
SI B yes , her brain is telling her that when food goes to the stomach it comes back
SI B hoooo
SI B jeez what did she ever do to her brain?
My friend has this and spent two weeks inpatient at a hospital for special treatment to teach her brain not to react that way about food.
Marieke D do you know what was the treatment?
NadyuLife no, it was a series of breathing exercises, and I don't know what else.
Marieke D oh, I see. Thanks anyway
Marieke D I've prayed for this person. Jesus loves him/her.
It doesn't exist
Dr. Travis is a great listener. His patients are very lucky!
He always looks so "involved" in he cases that they show on this program, I absolutely love him!
don't give up baby girl...your pretty and unique😊
Kimani you're*
Default thank you
Default it's people like you who get they're asses kicked outside of the internet.
Hydro _star lol😂😂 thank you for backing me up
Kimani no problem bro,those kind of people have no life outside of UA-cam.
She's actually very beautiful regardless.
Omnipresencii Its not about whether she's beáutifull or not SHE CANT FUCKING EAT!!!!
James Right
Omnipresencii l
joeonhislow true, I mean yea she can’t eat
@air pods lmao I said same thing
As someone who has been suffering from this condition for about 7 years, I fully understand the pain she's gone through.
There are currently not many treatment options available in my country (Canada) but I'm glad she is able to get help and
raise awareness about this difficult condition. Her story has given me hope that maybe one day treatment options will
become more recognized and affordable.
Just hypothetical thinking, any food that enters her mouth, the brain reacts like "hey what's this, this needs to go" her brain has been conditioned, and the stomach reacts. Maybe some exposure therapy, with some cognitive behavioral exercises. Hope she gets better 🙏🏽
Nataly Perez thats exactly bulimia...which is what she was diagnosed with
Default that is not bulimia... bulimia, while a mental disorder, involves the person making themselves throw up, not it being an involuntary action like most other times one would throw up. This girl cannot eat, her brain has conditioned itself to throw up food due to a bad illness she went through, making it out of her control. Bulimia is different
Nataly Perez or avoid the mouth
I have exactly the same life!! I can’t eat without throwing it up since the age of 14 and I’m now 20. I lost too much weight. I was diagnosed with rumination syndrome but also severe gastroparesis. I now live with a feeding tube too. I’m so tired of this condition.
Jesus with you my friend, don't worry ok. One year before I have also some GI problem like ibs but now ok Jesus touch me & cured me
same i have gp and rumination too it sucks
OMG I know how she feels with people say you're faking your illness, the teams of the hospital, and the depression after
I feel so sad for this girl. It must be absolutely awful. Can't even imagine what she goes through every day. Such a strong young woman! Sending her all my love.
how can anyone say to someone with severe illness like her that she is faking it. That's terrible. No one fakes to be sick if they aren't.
She is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty
mia wilson she looks familiar to me
I'm praying for you God will make you better I'm so sorry
I wonder if a vagus nerve simulator would help a problem like this?
Melissa0774 i have the same condition,only difference between this young lady and myself is that my brain signals go missing reaching my gi tract.they diagnosed me with gastroparisis January of this year (paralization of gastro intestinal tract).i had my entire large intestines removed as a result.there is no cure, debilitating, symptoms intensified over time,and diminished quality of life.There is 3 known treatments to help symptoms,ALL the treatments eventually become less effective over time and some treatments have a very high risk of causing permanent brain and heart damage .treatments are as follows: medications like reglan which work to stimulate the brain & vagus nerve( all the oral medications causes this high rate of having heart &brain damage) ..... temporary and/or permanent feeding tube placed any where between stomach and small intestines (permanent feeding tubes are surgically placed in the abdomen into the small intestines,while SOME temporary feeding tubes can be placed by the patient thru the nose and into the gi tract with the goal of having" liquid meals",(feeding tubes placed in & taken with every meal!,)(i refuse to have to place a temporary feeding tube 4-8 times a day down my nose!).....then there is the vagus nerve stimulator which can also send signals to the gi tract to stimulate digestion-which has a high rate of a horrible 'reversal effect' ,sending impulses at the wrong times, due to the large amount of complex steps of brain signals it takes from hunger,to eating, swallowing, digestion etc, potentially incorrectly training the brain just like this young ladys brain did to her on its own.all the treatments suck
Melissa0774 I
Why don't you go the GJ tube route? or a NJ tube that you don't place and remove yourself?
samantha sparks samantha sparks
not trying to be rude but i want people to be more educated about my disease, not misinformed. Gastroparesis is not paralyzed intestines.
Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles (motility) in your stomach. Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract. But if you have gastroparesis, your stomach's motility is slowed down or doesn't work at all, preventing your stomach from emptying properly.
Also if you did your research, they use the gastric stomach stimulator more often than anything else.
@Markel Minions samantha sparks said she was diagnosed with the condition so it's not just your condition it's her's too. You can educate people without the condescension. For all you know she's a kid or just someone who's gastroenterologist didn't explain the condition well enough to her. You don't need to act like she's an outsider talking about the condition. ~Another person with gastroparesis.
Sort of.know what your going through. I am 55 and deal with this in a similar way. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis and have the feeding tube too but a j tube. I don’t know where I would be with out it. My doctors keep telling me my blood is normal and you cant be vomiting but I am several times a day. Its frustrating. Its not in your head. My family is what keeps me going. Don’t give up.
Monica Engeler sending tummy love. Im have a peg.
I stumbled on this video. I struggle with almost the same thing. Severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargic, weak. And I saw a gastroenterologist most of my life. They gave up on me. And more of recently my pain and nausea increased to the point I lost over 50 pounds. I’m starting to see a endocrinologist and she has been a blessing, because she is already starting to run tests which a gastroenterologist never did. I’ve dealt with this my entire life and it was blamed on anxiety. But with my anxiety and mental health under control it is obvious it is a physical issue. I wish I understood what is happening to me, to the point I can’t stand to shower, drive, or do simple tasks because of exhaustion. Feeding tube was never offered because I’m at a healthy weight for my height. I lost 50 pounds but am barely scraping over underweight. I don’t know if it would improve my energy level at all to get that type of nutrition.
Have they tested this poor girl for gastroparesis? I have that my stomach is unable to digest food and makes me nauseated to the point I have to vomit along with a lot of gastric pain.
Being sick to your stomach is one of the most horrible things that can happen to someone I hate it
Has she been tested for Lyme Disease?
Donna Howard I don't think it's Lyme disease , her symptoms are not similar
Donna Howard yes she often tired and that is one of Lyme borreliosis but other other symptoms she mentioned doesn't relate to this disease you mentioned
Donna Howard l
Donna Howard Donna Howard It can’t be she didn’t get a bite or anything near it. She doesn’t have any disease it’s just that her brain won’t let her eat it sends signals to her stomach that she needs to throw it up.
I’m tube fed and have been for over 10 years. If you are truly unable to digest any food this includes tube feeding. The fact she tolerates this type of feeding well is a great hope that things may improve. I have a peg which means I don’t have a tube on my face 24/7. I wish her well for a brighter future.
The Purifier Oh that’s really sweet! Thank you.
I have a peg to . sending tummy love.
Did they ever check for gastroparesis whatsoever? That causes endless vomiting and an inability of digesting food for pretty much life.
Sounds like gastroparesis.
YoSoyAlley i have gastroparesis and if it is it is VERY severe my stomach can digest food but it doesn’t want to lol
I've had a condition where I have lived off of liquid meal replacements my whole life similar to this girl it's really hard for me to have solid foods
I've had gastroparesis most of my life. It can be unbearable sometimes, but it can be controlled.
That’s what I thought looking at the video title
I've had gastroparesis for 10 years and it sounds just like what I went through when finding answers
I've prayed for you.. Jesus loves you. Hold tight, ok? Everything's going to be fine.
Tara N there is not only a God, there is also a Devil. Who has also power.
Jesus Loves her and will never give up on her
Yoran blame things on god and the devil and you get nowhere. I suppose as long as you don’t do things like those retarded anti vaccine and chemotherapy people. See things as they are and not through that ridiculous veil.
Bexy Evans ahhhh good ol jebis Christopher
@Tara N if Jesus doesnt love you , you'd be dead homeboi , now stop questioning and start respecting
she so clean and smart she doesn't deserve the disease she been taken care of very well
my partner has been going through this for the last 2 years. it's pure hell on earth. her teeth are rotting away from the constant vomiting, her self esteem shot to pieces. constant hospitalization.
My sister has to eat food the same way, just because she got cancer when she was three, she has constant phnemonia, and scoliosis.
I hope she gets better :( she's in my prayers
I had a feeding tube for maybe a month and it's disgusting. It's literally drinking super sweet processed warm vanilla, chocolate or strawberry milk all day non-stop.
She’s such a strong girl
So sorry she is going through that. 11 years ago, I started having severe abdominal pain after I ate and it didn't matter if I ate small portions, I would feel full and have that excrutiating pain. I had already had my gallbladder removed in January of 2000, so that was ruled out. It took another year and a half and many tests, to include a hospital stay to find out what I had. Everytime I ate it would feel like someone was stabbing me in the right side of my abdomen, right under my ribcage, I would develop a cold sweat (drenching ones) and my blood pressure would bottom out to 65/50 and would be in the floor, writhing in pain. I did a test for gastric emptying and it came back that my stomach didn't empty properly, called Gastroparesis. I would have constant pain, extreme pain afer eating and feeling full after only a few bites and stayed nauseous and wanted to throw up constantly (thank goodness I can will myself to not throw up because I hate it). So after taking the only one medication that's out to help with it, I ended up being allergic it to it. Still dealing with the pain and other symptoms, I was sent to a special gastroenterologist who said it was a possibility that I had Sphincter ODDI Dysfunction but he also said that he highly doubted it because my liver enzyme tests came out normal. So he prescribed me a medication that was previously used in the US for nursing mothers but was banned because of cardiac problems that some women developed and it had to be purchased from Canada, wasn't covered by insurance and very expensive! So I ordered the medication and used it for a month, which didn't work anyway, which he said is a medication that one will get results immediately! So he went on to have me do a test to check the pressure in my bile duct for the dysfunction he didn't think I have. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with that dysfunction and during the test, he did what was called a Sphinterotomy of the bile duct to open the duct wider, to allow the bile to flow better. Well that didn't help and during that procedure he knicked my Duodenum, the part of the small intestine that is near the portion of the stomach that opens into the small intestine, which caused an air leak and earned me a week in the hospital! So by the end of 2010 I had lost 75 pounds and looked anorexic. I'm a nurse and I would have these attacks at work, which effected me in being able to perform my job! So for other medical problems that developed in my back and knees and had to quit working to have a spinal fusion and eventually a knee replacement. Please keep in mind, I was only 38 when this started. I got to the point where I started drinking protein shakes and ate nothing else, which kept the severity of the pain to go down to where I wasn't crying in agony but I still had pain. But as soon as I tried to eat meat and vegetables, the horrific symptoms returned. So I figured that the symptoms were triggered by meat and most vegetables. So now all I eat is starchy foods like massed potatoes, oatmeal, pasta and rice. I put all of that weight back on and few more over! The last gastric emptying study I had done showed that it was normal. I highly rejected that because I still can't eat much, when I eat and I still have pain in that area, which is compounded by eating and they started doing the scan with me standing up after eating radioactive food and taking the scans at different times. Well, I disagree with the results because who immediately stands and stays standing after eating? There might be some but I'm sure that are more who don't versus those who do stand! I feel there is something more going on there but I feel like no one listens and I get brushed off as a drug addict and no one will help! I hate taking pain medications, all it does is make me want to sleep and does a mediocre job with my pain relief! I know this is long but I would like to know if anyone has had these problems and if they were able to find out exactly what was going on!?! Thank you all for your patience and God Bless!
oh my gosh that sounds terrible!
@@tangyjenna It has been! But I just have to continue on the best I can!
@@danafidler8815 I truly hope one day you get better, stay strong for now
@@tangyjenna Thank you! I'm going to do my best!
Wow :(
I have the same problem but no particular answers how can I get help??
She’s actually such a beautiful girl.. it’s so terrible that she had to suffer from something so terrible :(
I have gastroparesis and it’s kinda similar to this but it’s caused from a weak nerve
I have a similar conditon and vomit almost every day. It is so hard to live with.
She is so much beautiful, pretty little girl.
Hope for the best and best wishes for her.
Rumination is not vomiting, the food isnt diegested yet so its not vomit. It tastes the same as when u ate it and it comes up whole instead of a smelly, gross puke. (I have rumination syndrome aswell but not near as severe) not every meal comes up for me
Is it safe i also face little rumination after treatment
I feel so bad for her good pls bless this girl
I have the same thi g but not to the severity of her luckily. Mine is more anxiety based and I am currently doing cbt therepapry (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help change this. So far I am making great progress and getting better
Sounds like gastroparesis, not an eating disorder.
wow it amaze me so much. have been trying to get help with my skin from the doctors show for the pass six years. Still love the show and is a big fan. good show good job I have learned so much from the show.
aw I feel so bad for this girl. I can't imagine what she is going through and I hope she can get better.
I wish someone would help me. I have lived almost 3 years in hospitals and feed g tubes. I've list all 38 teeth due to malnutrition and I'm so sick. I've lost my home, career, love life, friends and even family. NO ONE deserves to live like this, IT'S MISERABLE AND I'M IN EXCRUCIATING PAIN 24/7. I go to sleep hoping to not wake up. I'm 43 and ready to give up! My family has spent THOUSANDS of dollars to keep me alive and I feel like a burden. My mom is my 100% Caregiver and is becoming resentful saying I'm not "trying enough" to get better. I don't enjoy this, I would never inhibit myself from getting better??? I need help, my family needs help!
Nadine Miller I know it's been 4 months since you commented but I want to see how you are doing??? I am SO SORRY you were going through that! It breaks my heart 😢 I hope you are feeling better!
God bless you😔😘😘
Look into EOSINOPHILC ESOPHAGITIS (Eoe) a form of Eosinophilic Gastric Intestinal Disorders (EGID's), of which there are a few, ie Eoe, EG, EGE, etc...]
Her symptoms are common amongst the EGID disorders.
There are only a few good centers in the US for this disorder, these include the following:
- the best being Cincinnati Children's Hospital (but ONLY in their EGID clinic, headed by Dr Putnam).
-There is also National Jewish Hospital/Children Hospital in Colorado. (Dr Faruta).
(In their EGID clinic)
-And Children's Hosp of Phildelphia . (Dr Spergal)
(Their EGID clinic)
San Diego Rady's hospital in California ( Dr Aceves)
(Their EGID clinic)
There are comorbidities with the EGID disorders, Gastrophoresis is just one of many.
Also look into having an LLMD doctor ("Lyme Literate MD") run testing for Lyme and Coinfections. (Unfortunately, a regular MD or Infectious Disease MD will most likely not be effective or run the correct tests, as it is, unfortunately, still controversial). So, again, a LLMD is one's best bet when looking into Lyme and coinfections.
Good luck.
God is the ultimate healer.God loves to him..he will listen..praying for you and your familly.God loves you
@@TheMizzDD I've prayed to this guy for years where to fuck has he been lmao
She’s so pretty and brave
Beautiful family.
I have gastroparesis this is exactly what ive been trough it took a year just to get diagnosed
I do the same thing. Eating disgusts me
This girl is gorgeous no matter what
Beautiful girl inside and out. Sometimes our bodies can be cruel to us. Hell I had colon cancer and never did anything what so ever to bring it on. Keep on thing in mind, things like this don't define who you are. You do that all on your own with no outside help at all. Stay positive things will get better. I know how bad it sucks to be sick every time you eat or drink anything. it weighs on you mentally and physically. I stayed exhausted and sick on my stomach every day all day during my treatments. It will get better and it will get easier. I went through allot of doctors and specialists before things got any easier or better. Keep that pretty head up you'll beat this and come out a stronger person because of it. You've already got a winners attitude and that will carry you a long long way. Youve got this all but concurred already. Off subject a little to close out, you've got the sexiest southern sounding accent I've ever heard, and I'm from the south.
shes preety nice....dont give up ..
fuck.. move to Canada. That shit would be free.
You guys have free healthcare ?!
Grace Ntihinyuka yup
In Canada you get the checkups and stuff free, specialist stuff like this you would pay for
It is true. I was seeing a specialist in Canada for over 5 weeks and my 5 different meds were covered and my specialist appointments were too. I ended up with a severe viral infection that caused me to develop anemia and rheumatoid arthritis and I was in so much pain. I ended up only paying for my supplement drinks. Health care is free here to an extent. 1 time I ended up having to pay the difference on my meds because my prescription was larger than the average coverage. I couldn't imagine paying so much to have someone essentially tell me I have a common cold. We do however pay for airlifts, ambulances, etc. Animal bills are more pricy than people bills here. lol.
I had cancer twice. I've had 4 surgeries total. was in the hospital a good portion of my teenage life. I've also had chemo and radiation. would have been millions of dollars. I never paid a penny for it. and taxes aren't that bad.
She is so beautiful and strong. My brother has nemaline rod myopathy and he has to use a feeding tube as well.
Lunar Moon Gamer *Mya
Lina Twin look at the desc. I just followed the desc
Omg she is looking so good god bless her and cure her
A boy in my old school passed away. From Lyme disease I think it was. he was younger than ten. And in his memory my school made a Garden on the yard for him " Danny's Garden"
Was she ever tested for Gastroparesis?
I have a hard time believing it's simply a "learned behavior" from the brain (though it almost assuredly is a brain-body communication issue). The sounds to me more like gastroparesis or a pseudo-obstructive motility disorder involving partial tract paralysis or delayed gastic emptying. I've had gastroparesis since I was four, though thankfully I'm still able to eat.
did they even test for gastroparesis? if you don't know what that is, it's a problem where the motility of your gut stops working. It can cause vomiting, bloating, and ect. The treatment they have suggested for her just doesn't seem right!
lulu I lol okay
it hurts me to see this
My mom has this. Shes talked to this girl on online support groups.
My granddaughter has the same disease plus four different types of Lupus since age 4. Faith is now seventeen. She's so sad!
OMG the same thing has been happening to my friend!! She hasn't been able to eat food for like 3 months. She is 12.
She's so pretty. I feel so bad for her.
may the bless this child
Jeez that sucks ☹️ it just goes to show that even some the ER staff can’t figure out what’s wrong with you, it doesn’t mean nothing is.
I really hope someone evaluated her for any eosinophilic disorders. I know eosinophilic diseases are rare, but vomiting is a common symptom.
What if she had gastroparesis?
I am struggling with the same thing for 20 odd years and at first it was not bad...but this year it's so difficult than before I need help
I will be praying
That must really suck barfing everyday since 6th grade
She’s beautiful😍😍
I know what's going on with her!!! Her stomach is turned around. I have a friend like this who cannot eat food. She has this and mabe this girl has it too!!!☺ Perhaps very sorry for that family😭😭😭
I hope she gets better
Look into EOSINOPHILC ESOPHAGITIS (Eoe) a form of Eosinophilic Gastric Intestinal Disorders (EGID's), of which there are a few, ie Eoe, EG, EGE, etc...]
Her symptoms are common amongst the EGID disorders.
There are only a few good centers in the US for this disorder, these include the following:
- the best being Cincinnati Children's Hospital (but ONLY in their EGID clinic, headed by Dr Putnam).
-There is also National Jewish Hospital/Children Hospital in Colorado. (Dr Faruta).
(In their EGID clinic)
-And Children's Hosp of Phildelphia . (Dr Spergal)
(Their EGID clinic)
San Diego Rady's hospital in California ( Dr Aceves)
(Their EGID clinic)
There are comorbidities with the EGID disorders, Gastrophoresis is just one of many.
Also look into having an LLMD doctor ("Lyme Literate MD") run testing for Lyme and Coinfections. (Unfortunately, a regular MD or Infectious Disease MD will most likely not be effective or run the correct tests, as it is, unfortunately, still controversial). So, again, a LLMD is one's best bet when looking into Lyme and coinfections.
Good luck.
i have a non related illness but medications have virtually destroyed my ability to cope with solids.
This resonates with me, My problem isn't food but intimancy
Since sounds like miracles from heaven
I wake up at like noon or even later on weekends, but I also wake up at 6:15 for school, but I go to bed at like 12:00, so I miss out on a lot of sleep during the week. And I go to bed at the same time on the weekends. I also have TOO MUCH energy.
Don't give up young teen! Live your dreams and live free 😇😇😇😇
Whenever I eat any fruits or vegtables I throw it up almost instantly, started when I was 10, I'm 17 now and I'm only now able to start eatting those foods again, only in small quantities though.
How can you tell someone who is clearly sick, that they are faking?
She's pretty. I hope there's a cure one day
How can she fake it? You can't magically throw up..
LidseyLooLps You can choose to throw up, you can make yourself do it
Rlee But if you make yourself throw up, you have to stick your fingers down your throat or something, and i’m sure her parents would catch her doing that.
Ellie Munholland Not always. Bulimic and anorexic people can just mean over and throw up after doing it long enough. I'm not saying she was taking, far from it, but it is possible to force purge without using your fingers
She's soo beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍
omfg im not lying I swear down I had this for a year when I was seven
but I went to hospital soon it goes I hope it leaves for you god bless
This sounds like the same story from "miracles from heaven "😢😭
What did she say this condition was called? I couldn't understand her and I would like to do more research on it.
Insurance not covering this makes me think it’s a scam
I hope they find a cure🙏🏻
FairyTail With_LucyHeartfilia l
People dislike that they lied to this poor girl saying it's all in her head. That is so clearly a lie. She has something physically wrong with her and is dying. It happens a lot in this country. They say it's all in their head because their insurance sucks.
Where's the dad in all this?
Yeah that's what I'm thinking.
Her brain has been conditioned to associate vomiting and eating together, meaning although she can digest food her brain won't allow it causing her to throw up. Just because her brain has been conditioned to do this as a reaction to contracting a bug, doesn't mean she is willingly throwing up. It is a real syndrome, and your too quick to judge. The father may have simply wanted to not be on camera, and despite everyday misconceptions of teenagers they're not all attention-seeking and faking illnesses.
+sven Hassel yeah it s so sad but there are worser things in the world than an attention seeking girl who made herself sick and a bad mother that allowed this! and Laura thx for your observation but we can handle it from here!
Really? Can you handle it? You haven't got anything to do with it. You are making an assumption that she is attention seeking girl making herself sick and that she has a bad mother. You don't know them and yet you dismiss them so quickly? Sure, there are worse things in the world but is that really the way to address it? No. If you were diagnosed with a disorder that prevented you from eating and leading a 'normal' life; to would you want people to think you were faking it. Wouldn't that make you frustrated? That people didn't understand, and didn't sympathise? It is so easy to assume that they're faking it, ra understand that it could be real and that you've probably just never heard of it. The brain is a complicated thing, and just because you don't understand. doesn't make it any less real.
You clearly didnt hear me! I know that for her it might seem real but in actuality it isnt real! Its all going on in her head which makes it real to her only! She wasnt born with a hormonal inbalance or another birth defect! She conditioned herseqlf into thinking this way and so did her mother! This is a clear example of nurture vs nature! If this girl was not raised in this society and was raised somewhere remote, Im a 100% sure she wouldnt be like this! I may come off across harsh but im jsut telling things how it is! I save my compasion and sympathy for people that really in need! This is a 1st world problem that luxary and abundance of freedom has created! So even though i do not sympethize with her, I do understand that she thinks its real so I do respect that but i do not acknowledge her so called self induced illness!
My mom had the same thing, and what they found out is that she suffer for hippo tiroides
This video was posted on my birthday!
She doesnt deserve this , She is So beautiful !