(1983) Albanian dictator, Enver Hoxha celebrates a labour day with his slaves - May Day parade

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • This video features Enver Hoxha, the communist dictator of Albania, celebrating May Day, also known as International Workers' Day, in what is likely the 1983 May Day parade in Tirana, Albania. Under Hoxha's rule, May Day was used as a significant propaganda event to demonstrate the regime's control and to glorify the "achievements" of socialism. The parade, attended by thousands of workers, was meticulously orchestrated to present an image of unity, strength, and unwavering loyalty to Hoxha and the communist ideology.
    In this footage, Hoxha appears before large crowds, accompanied by high-ranking party officials and military leaders, as workers march in carefully coordinated displays. The event portrays a false sense of joy and celebration, masking the harsh reality of life under one of the most repressive regimes in Eastern Europe. In reality, the Albanian people, portrayed here as "slaves" to Hoxha's will, were subjected to years of political oppression, economic hardship, forced labor, and surveillance by the state.
    The May Day parade served multiple purposes for the regime: it was a tool to demonstrate Hoxha's power, reinforce the cult of personality around him, and ensure that the public remained visibly compliant with his rule. The celebration would often include patriotic songs, choreographed dances, military parades, and speeches glorifying the regime and its leaders. Workers were required to participate in these demonstrations, showcasing their supposed dedication to the ideals of communism and their submission to the party's authority.
    For those who suffered under Hoxha's dictatorship, this video is a stark reminder of how propaganda events like these were used to enforce subservience and suppress dissent in a country that had become increasingly isolated and impoverished under his rule.
    Ky video tregon diktatorin Enver Hoxha, udhëheqësin komunist të Shqipërisë, duke festuar Ditën e Punës, që njihet gjithashtu si Dita Ndërkombëtare e Punëtorëve, në atë që me shumë gjasë është parada e 1 Majit të vitit 1983 në Tiranë. Gjatë regjimit të Hoxhës, 1 Maji u përdor si një ngjarje e rëndësishme propagandistike për të treguar kontrollin e regjimit dhe për të glorifikuar "arritjet" e socializmit. Parada, e ndjekur nga mijëra punëtorë, ishte e organizuar me kujdes për të paraqitur një imazh të unitetit, forcës dhe besnikërisë së palëkundur ndaj Hoxhës dhe ideologjisë komuniste.
    Në këto pamje, Hoxha shfaqet para turmave të mëdha, i shoqëruar nga zyrtarë të lartë të partisë dhe udhëheqës ushtarakë, ndërsa punëtorët marshojnë në rreshta të organizuar me kujdes. Ngjarja paraqet një ndjenjë të rreme gëzimi dhe festimi, duke fshehur realitetin e vështirë të jetës nën njërin nga regjimet më shtypëse të Evropës Lindore. Në të vërtetë, populli shqiptar, i portretizuar këtu si "skllevër" të vullnetit të Hoxhës, ishte i nënshtruar ndaj viteve të shtypjes politike, vështirësive ekonomike, punës së detyruar dhe mbikëqyrjes së vazhdueshme nga shteti.
    Parada e 1 Majit i shërbente disa qëllimeve për regjimin: ishte një mjet për të treguar fuqinë e Hoxhës, për të përforcuar kultin e personalitetit rreth tij dhe për të siguruar që publiku të mbetej i përulur dhe i bindur ndaj sundimit të tij. Festimi shpesh përfshinte këngë patriotike, valle të koreografuara, parada ushtarake dhe fjalime që lavdëronin regjimin dhe udhëheqësit e tij. Punëtorët ishin të detyruar të merrnin pjesë në këto demonstrata, duke treguar përkushtimin e tyre të supozuar ndaj idealeve të komunizmit dhe nënshtrimin ndaj autoritetit të partisë.
    Për ata që vuajtën nën diktaturën e Hoxhës, ky video është një kujtesë e ashpër se si ngjarjet propagandistike të tilla u përdorën për të imponuar nënshtrim dhe për të shtypur çdo kundërshtim në një vend që ishte bërë gjithnjë e më i izoluar dhe i varfër nën sundimin e tij.


  • @nektariosorfanoudakis2270
    @nektariosorfanoudakis2270 Рік тому +66

    The projection in the description has me in tears. Imagine someone showing clips from a Western nation, with parades and such, with description "American Capitalist Dictator so-and-so celebrates American Independence Day together with his expendable wage slaves" etc. This is absolutely hilarious.

    • @boi9842
      @boi9842 Рік тому

      none of the communist leaders were dictators, it's all propaganda from the west.

    • @jochannan7379
      @jochannan7379 6 місяців тому +3

      Except that there are no "western capitalist dictators". Show me a western head of state ruling their country with an iron fist for four decades. Hoxha had converted all of Albania into an open air prison. About a third of Albania's population was incarcerated, sent to labour camps, exiled, etc. When in 1973 Western rock music was performed at an Albanian music festival, the organisers were sentenced to 25 years of forced labour. Hoxha had no qualms executing even his long time allies and erasing them from the history books. Albania was totally surreal, a giant labour camp, a place right out of George Orwell's playbook.

    • @ScrubbaDubDub
      @ScrubbaDubDub 2 місяці тому

      The communist propaganda is working exactly as intended.

    • @IK-kb9jo
      @IK-kb9jo 23 дні тому

      ​@@jochannan7379Hmm, Lee Sung Man, Pinochet, Salazar, Park Jung hee. Are these dictators in your opinion?

    • @jochannan7379
      @jochannan7379 22 дні тому

      @@IK-kb9jo all of them were pretty awful, yet nowhere near as awful as Enver Hoxha.

  • @aminapigeon3491
    @aminapigeon3491 2 роки тому +17

    Southern Albania was depopulated in a war in 1997 and the population hasn't recovered. Entire towns and streets still lay in ruins. The north is still heavily backwards and impoverished. In Tirana 2€ an hour is like a really good job, but a set of eyeglasses is 200€. People are protesting about high gas prices even though Albania has the most oil reserves of any European country, it's just all owned by Canadian companies. There are people here who live in houses without roofs or windows. Anyone can go down any road in the country and see the ruins. Albania is literally in ruins, while under Enver Hoxha they could rebuild all of Shkodra after an earthquake in 6 months.
    Now you're "free" to "criticise the government". It won't do anything though. Rather have a house, myself.

    • @omertoso8956
      @omertoso8956 3 місяці тому

      Pse këta që qeverisin sot nuk dolën nga shkollat e Enferrit !!!

  • @emerpus01
    @emerpus01 13 років тому +62

    That Stalin poster at 1:43! Keep in mind this is 1983, more than 20 years after Stalin was denounced in the USSR.

    • @danielvojtik6331
      @danielvojtik6331 3 роки тому +18

      Yep...I think Albania rested to be the last one Stalinist country in the 80s

    • @evannesbitt7852
      @evannesbitt7852 3 роки тому +53

      Denounced by the revisionists, not by the Soviet people themselves

    • @mikedavies3361
      @mikedavies3361 3 роки тому +5

      I’m sure the Russians would rejoice at the return of the gulag camps. Fascist Totalitarianism or Stalinist Totalitarianism both evil ideologies

    • @evannesbitt7852
      @evannesbitt7852 3 роки тому +34

      @@mikedavies3361 totalitarianism isn't a thing and "evil" is a moral subjective best fit for children and your blathering only serves the ruling class that taught it to you and has no congruency with the actual popularity that the architect of socialism actually has in Russia alone. Look at the polls

    • @MrLowrevia
      @MrLowrevia 3 роки тому +2

      @@evannesbitt7852 all were massmurderers, its conviniant for you expressing your opinion now, i think you would not like the reality of communism if you really lived there at that time

  • @이동연-c6d
    @이동연-c6d 7 років тому +55

    4:26 What is the name of that song?

  • @popaybugi9443
    @popaybugi9443 2 роки тому +25

    Enver Hoxga has made modern Albania. He separated religion from everyday life. Look at the Albanians in Macedonia or Kosovo ...they have become a religil fanatics

    • @kennethkuehnle9872
      @kennethkuehnle9872 11 місяців тому

      Yep......I heard that many of them are religious muslims...what a shame really!!!

    • @omertoso8956
      @omertoso8956 3 місяці тому

      Non so di dove sei ,ma se quelli sarebbero fanatici ,immagino intendi che serbi ,slavi della Macedonia e greci sono popoli moderati che non ostentano affatto l'appartenenza religiosa ,giusto ?

  • @SOYUZ1968
    @SOYUZ1968 12 років тому +14

    Slaves in a pianified economy????? Slaves are in the capitalistic economy! Try to have a job in socialistic pianified economy based on quinquennal plans: you'll have a lot of free time to spend for yourself!!!

    • @pavlusha2288
      @pavlusha2288 2 роки тому +7

      Фашистским капиталистическим пропагандистам выгодно очернять социализм и марксизм-ленинизм, а также верного защитника этих идей - товарища Энвера Ходжу.

  • @enversulejmani7498
    @enversulejmani7498 11 місяців тому +12

    Paraqitia e jashtme tregon kush je, gjithcka qe ke brenda trupit: shpirtit- zemres. Legjendar, i paharruar.

    • @steliokuci4604
      @steliokuci4604 10 місяців тому +1

      Krimineli me i madh i te gjitha kohrave por i la kulishet e tij pas 🐕

  • @vadimbrilliant1118
    @vadimbrilliant1118 3 роки тому +79

    "with his slaves" Of course, a worker of capitalist isn`t slave. (lol)

    • @dejv1239
      @dejv1239 3 роки тому

      All the people who are against him today got their ass fucked by the sistem before. The one who made Albania a real state

    • @Gina-xf2mq
      @Gina-xf2mq 3 роки тому +2

      @@dejv1239 hajvan

    • @dejv1239
      @dejv1239 3 роки тому +1

      @@Gina-xf2mq You former prisoners destroyed Albania. You all deserved the punishment we all know. Make useless propaganda, now you can deceive foreigners but not Albanians

    • @oliverbengtsson9198
      @oliverbengtsson9198 2 роки тому +5

      Both are slaves. Hoxha was a state capitalist.

    • @slobo9813
      @slobo9813 2 роки тому +16

      @@oliverbengtsson9198 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAH

  • @sitedesco
    @sitedesco 8 років тому +30

    Does anybody know the name of the last song (after "The Internationale")?

    • @aboveduality1300
      @aboveduality1300 3 роки тому +4

      It's a pioneers song about the Albanian Labor Party. I doubt any good mp3 version of it exists.

    • @mmsherzad6352
      @mmsherzad6352 Рік тому

      The Internationale "Интернационал" - Russian Version

  • @hollandcommunist
    @hollandcommunist 11 років тому +21

    go ahead and believe in god i really dont care, but god is not going to raise life expectations whipe out desises give equal rights industrialize or make a country powerfull enver hoxha can and he did
    have some respect for the man who saved millions!

    • @DavidSmith-oh3re
      @DavidSmith-oh3re 4 роки тому +2

      Fuck Communism

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      @@DavidSmith-oh3re Communism involves a stateless, classless, moneyless society with the means of production held in common. The nations which you would most likely classify as having featured or established "Communism" were only Socialist, most of the time, State-Socialist, Marxist-Leninist nations which were merely in the transitory stage between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism has done many good things such as improve literacy, healthcare, education, housing, standards of living, qualities of life, increased lifespan such as in China, turned feudal backwaters into economic superpowers, won the Second World War, industrialized nations, increased rights for minorities and women, improved democracy, etc. According to the study from 1986 by S Ceresto and H Waitzkin PhD called "Capitalism, Socialism, and the Physical Quality of Life" given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations on average had higher standards of living than Capitalist nations, also, according to that same study, given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations had higher levels of caloric intake, meaning contrary to popular belief, people in socialist nations actually eat more food than capitalist ones. Socialism has evidently greatly increased prosperity.

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому +3

      @@DavidSmith-oh3re Fuck Capitalism!

  • @sas2951
    @sas2951 2 роки тому +35

    I like his anti religion policy

    • @WagePeace
      @WagePeace Рік тому

      Same, religion was wiped out in 1967 but unfortunately, it returned after the fall of the government with all the old habits and filthy old stuff. Today, the Albanian government is just a puppet of the US.

    • @jakesuper6447
      @jakesuper6447 Рік тому +7


    • @arthurleegis1333
      @arthurleegis1333 11 місяців тому +1

      I'm a life long atheist, and I see nothing to celebrate about backing your viewpoint by sending opponents into the gulag. Hoxha had his own theocracy.

    • @omertoso8956
      @omertoso8956 3 місяці тому

      ​@@arthurleegis1333perché l'ateismo non è una religione ?

  • @jnichols69
    @jnichols69 3 роки тому +34

    I used to listen to Radio Tirana back in 70s. It was 24/7 non-stop "Our great leader Enver Hoxha is the greatest most wonderful most fantastic most awesome most etc etc" - when I first heard it I thought it was a joke. But it wasn't. Except for Albanians I guess.

    • @fabiojr8082
      @fabiojr8082 2 роки тому +33

      based Albania

    • @pedroguimaraes3113
      @pedroguimaraes3113 2 роки тому +1

      Based albania

    • @daschmartin1844
      @daschmartin1844 2 роки тому

      He was the crook of all times and all the little crooks surrounding him ..they all made up so called the government…..
      Mate crimes that they did are endless ….
      Albania was one open prison …..
      He killed every opponent even if someone made a small argument against the regime he got him killed …not only him but the whole family will spend their lives in prison camps in worst areas of Albania….
      Those who cheer for him are sons of bitches

    • @vladilenkalatschev4915
      @vladilenkalatschev4915 2 роки тому +2

      In the USSR we didn’t have such a personal cult after 1953. It was really too much in Albania

    • @daschmartin1844
      @daschmartin1844 2 роки тому

      @@vladilenkalatschev4915 I know but our dog was more leery then the rest of komunist ideologists ….he thought he can take dictatorship and harsh rule into a next level of the nightmare…it’s a total diabolical system all his administration were crooks rapists etc killers….trained to do so in Russia … they were all educated in Russia…they plunged Albania into extreme poverty…

  • @Angjelo98
    @Angjelo98 13 років тому +11

    we were the country of 0% unemployment, of milk, oranges and honey. Of patriotism and Skenderbe-cognac. Of homemade bread and Of beautiful nature and fine music and arts. Of skillful army and fast industrial development. Of people invested in science and not in religion. Of 100% literate and no homeless people.Look at us now. And cry for the love of our hearts: THE ONCE UPON A TIME GLORIOUS ALBANIA

  • @rozamehmeti4030
    @rozamehmeti4030 3 роки тому +15

    Sa Bukuri sa dilte ne Tribune Pushonte Shiu
    Ndreconte Dielli me Rezete e tije Te Arta

    • @Gina-xf2mq
      @Gina-xf2mq 3 роки тому

      Të dalçin syte më keq se të kan dal

    • @lirard
      @lirard Рік тому +2

      te lumt Roza ✊🏻✊🏻

    • @SeksolloguRevolucionar
      @SeksolloguRevolucionar Рік тому

      ​@@Gina-xf2mqVdeksh me vuajtur o pleher

    • @Gina-xf2mq
      @Gina-xf2mq 10 місяців тому

      ​@@SeksolloguRevolucionarma hanksh ate qe s'thuhet.

    • @omertoso8956
      @omertoso8956 3 місяці тому

      Sdm me 11 Prill "85 kur e këputi ...qan qielli thoshin skllevërit 😂😂😂

  • @sas2951
    @sas2951 2 роки тому +6

    Iran's new leader should be like him

  • @nicolyn1124
    @nicolyn1124 3 роки тому +16

    Where can I find the full parade?

  • @bluecat243
    @bluecat243 13 років тому +16

    What is the name of the song from 4:25 to 4:34?

  • @ojohsahn762
    @ojohsahn762 Рік тому +4

    His flower throwing gestures reminds me of my grandma. Quite cute...

    • @omertoso8956
      @omertoso8956 3 місяці тому

      Il suo carisma e gesticolare ,sono elementi che non possedevano i suoi cadaveri intorno a lui ,su cui lui faceva largo uso in pubblico.

  • @jamesg8907
    @jamesg8907 15 років тому +18

    To see how was albania than you can do only one thing
    compare it to the kosovo witch are albanians but were a Yugoslavian republic.
    Every young albanian from Albania is about 10 times smarter than a Kosovar kid!
    Because we were somehow isolated from the world made us more curious to learn
    what's outside the world. In fact every albanian now speaks 2-3 foreign languages.
    (I speak 6)
    I was so happy when Enver was alive.
    Now mothers cryin because of their sons killed by greeks.
    I hani karin

    • @jjgreek1
      @jjgreek1 28 днів тому

      Greeks saved your nation

  • @ramizx69
    @ramizx69 13 років тому +19

    Peace From Bosnia!

  • @IrenaTancica
    @IrenaTancica 2 місяці тому +1

    Ah o Enver kthehu dhe njiher amon se vetem ti i boje zap shqiptaret

  • @teodorkaskiewicz8423
    @teodorkaskiewicz8423 5 років тому +24

    What name of music on 4:27 ?

  • @Fizzy332
    @Fizzy332 12 років тому +9

    And what now look at them.. We live good in here.

  • @hollandcommunist
    @hollandcommunist 11 років тому +6

    do you like democratic albania the poorest country in europe together with belorus, ill say again he raised the life expectaitions from 40 to 70 whiped out desises such as malaria, gave the country industry and gave woman equal rights and destroyed religion
    have some respect for this man!!
    I dont live in albania but admire him and wish that i could meet him and learn of his ways

  • @clirimallceniku860
    @clirimallceniku860 Рік тому +6

    Ti qofsh i gjehnetit se veq ti ishe per ket popull ,ndersa sot ka poshtersi nga qdo drejtim

  • @skenderilekaj8533
    @skenderilekaj8533 4 роки тому +21

    Long live me

  • @IS-ke3ck
    @IS-ke3ck 2 місяці тому +1

    Nje femi i vogel isha dhe une atere .....shkoja ne shkoll pore isha e lumture .....

  • @michalimrich9347
    @michalimrich9347 11 років тому +7

    Please what is name of the song from 0:00 - 1:32 ? Can I download it somewhere? Thank you.

  • @Elcollpohorrible
    @Elcollpohorrible 11 років тому +5

    Amen to that.

  • @rukeye
    @rukeye 13 років тому +6

    @pejsek201010 ahh ta lumsha kenke shqiptar vertet, pershendes nji djal prej Malesis

  • @100notsaying
    @100notsaying 13 років тому +8

    that's why almost half of albania's population immigrated to fyrom,greece,serbia etc...this is your proud country?an albania without albanians??

  • @Sismiques
    @Sismiques 11 років тому +21

    One bunker per child!

  • @asamusic1
    @asamusic1 14 років тому +3

    @asamusic1 Sepse është frigu që ,mos rastësisht,dhëndri mund të flas për dobësitë e Enverit(avanturist që është kujdesë pë garderobë,klube t natës femra etj)

  • @drtitan1234
    @drtitan1234 12 років тому +5

    ate ngiheshe nje here

  • @Christabbaword
    @Christabbaword 3 роки тому +2

    Nana li is asking where is their Enver Hoxha and their Tirana they used to kill Albanian babies in the womb to give blood to their president 5 kilograms a month for 50 years 600 months huh
    Wisdom 12
    4 you hated for their loathsome practices, their acts of sorcery, and unholy rites.
    5 Those ruthless murderers of children, those eaters of entrails at feasts of human flesh and of blood, those initiates of secret brotherhoods,
    6 those murderous parents of defenceless beings, you determined to destroy at our ancestors' hands,

  • @nebli
    @nebli 15 років тому +5

    does anyone know the name of the music 1:33

  • @MrRJS27
    @MrRJS27 11 років тому +4

    I agree with Friedrich, otherwise Shehu would be up there too.

  • @hollandcommunist
    @hollandcommunist 11 років тому +8

    you dont know what your talking about

  • @selmanbllacaku7397
    @selmanbllacaku7397 7 років тому +4

    Nuk po di ket demokraci si ne shqipri po si ne kosov e kan mar se kush qka don me ba si kuvendi si qeverit e si ni pjes e popullates nuk jon kah e kuptojn demokracin po qka po dojn po bajn

  • @RebelSonBand
    @RebelSonBand 13 років тому +3

    @Mrdie I like what you wrote..Its nice to see somebody reflecting about the issues from then to now..Im all for the socialist ideas,but we perhaps need to take a different approach to the matter.. :)

    • @prizren0404
      @prizren0404 Рік тому

      bro said this 11 years ago.. you have my respect

  • @Leticia_Roldan
    @Leticia_Roldan 12 років тому +4

    Hey popcontest, why do you write a contra propaganda from your own video? if you find comunism so bad, you don't need to uploud it. For me you are just an ignorant. Take care from your own problems and let be the history. Viva Enver Hoxha!!!!

    @HTCEVOSONGS 10 років тому +7

    Song at the end?

  • @gentjanamacmillan6503
    @gentjanamacmillan6503 2 роки тому +9

    i cant beleive that now in my 40s i'm watching this and my memories are coming back. i was in the front row of children holding my fits up for hours for this evil person who was getting high on his dictator ship. I lived in a one bedroom house with my family going to the bathroom in a hole in the ground having barely anything to eat my whole childhood in albania under his dictatorship. I cant beleive North Korea is still getting away with treating people the same way.

  • @kokswriter
    @kokswriter 17 років тому +4

    edhe une jem emigrante por realisht te flasim po punojme dhe po jetojme sipas punes qe bejme, kush ishte punetor apo fshatar dhe punon ne profesion te tij vetem ka fituar, intelektuali eshte me i humbur.

  • @Gabyocat
    @Gabyocat 3 роки тому +4

    The "North Korea of Europe" is not a lie.
    That announcer doesn't seem to be there.

  • @stasostergelj869
    @stasostergelj869 Рік тому +2

    Rrofte ppsh 🇦🇱🌹

  • @kirgiz1981
    @kirgiz1981 13 років тому +1

    @FriedrichHeinrich many thanks for your comment.

  • @nitekilla
    @nitekilla 12 років тому +5

    Shoku Tarras!

  • @XhevdetMustafa
    @XhevdetMustafa 14 років тому +5

    Ku i ka shoket Enveri?
    Kunatin ku e ka?
    Komunizmin ku e ka?
    Njriun e ri ku e ka?
    Dy poujt miq ku i ka?

  • @GoldenLocks42
    @GoldenLocks42 9 років тому +8

    Captain I need the name of first song!

    • @eonijos
      @eonijos 6 років тому +2

      Nje figurant asgje me shum , sa per dieni e kishim peshesh nga francezet...

    • @sonofnyx9437
      @sonofnyx9437 5 років тому +2

      arben carcani
      E qa ishte emri i kenges?

    • @ScrubbaDubDub
      @ScrubbaDubDub 2 роки тому +1

      Me too, 6 year old comment.

  • @kokswriter
    @kokswriter 17 років тому +5

    ne punetoret e shqiperise ankohemi per duar me kallo qe kemi por e kemi kuptuar gabim, pa punuar nuk te mban njeri, leku qe merr nuk e ka te shkruar cfare pune ben e rendesishme eshte qe me ate qe fiton cfare ti arrin te besh, gjate kohes se enverit eshte punuar aq shume pa shperblim, me punen e bere nje punetor mezi arrinte fundin e muajit

    • @valentinaverdhi5630
      @valentinaverdhi5630 2 роки тому +1

      Gjerat i kishe falas dentistin qe sot te keput koken per nje dhemb mjeksin plus te tjera ete tjera

    • @bolognaitaly2830
      @bolognaitaly2830 2 роки тому

      @@valentinaverdhi5630 Te pakten atehere buzeqeshnim me shpirt . Tani jan ber njerzit si egersira e te pa shpres

  • @fuccdemhaterscuz101
    @fuccdemhaterscuz101 10 років тому +13

    There is nothing and I mean nothing in this world that you should cherish more than your freedom!

    • @lirard
      @lirard 9 років тому +5

      Marcos Haklaj some Albanians though, people should know, have developed in these "new days" a very peculiar concept of freedom.
      Sort of that, that embraces anarchy, refuses any governance, and rejects rational collective coexistence. You know, the one we are so well known for in the western world today ;)

    • @boi9842
      @boi9842 Рік тому +4

      hoxha brought freedom to albania

  • @JONI20062007
    @JONI20062007 17 років тому +2

    he ahd more then one i think some say that the real one never even came out in public taht really raises teh question if it really was him that died in april 1985 hum??/

  • @n3w0973
    @n3w0973 12 років тому +4

    Albania is and always will be strong without ISLAM. WE ARE ALBANIANS AND WE WILL ALWAYS BE UNITED AND STRONG

  • @BVargas78
    @BVargas78 14 років тому +3

    Are there any actual Albanians here of 50 years old? What was life there really like? Do tell.

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL Рік тому

      Pretty crappy from what I know.

  • @rzgjanjolli
    @rzgjanjolli 11 років тому +1


  • @NuJoiseyMAN
    @NuJoiseyMAN 16 років тому +4

    I'm not Albanian what did Enver Hoaxa do? or what is he most known for?

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому +15

      He was a strong Marxist-Leninist, he had greatly improved Albania, taking it from a feudal backwaters to an industrialized society, he provided power to everyone, improved women's rights, healthcare, education, etc.

    • @ScrubbaDubDub
      @ScrubbaDubDub 2 роки тому

      He was a communist dictator, a psychopath. Like many other communists, he murdered anybody who opposed his party.

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL Рік тому

      He was a brutal stalinist dictator that made Albania into North Korea of Europe. During his 41 years in power , Albania become the poorest country in Europe.

  • @Teuta25Teuta
    @Teuta25Teuta 11 місяців тому +2

    slaves?!!to day we are slaves ..

  • @dolippa
    @dolippa 16 років тому +2

    before you start talking you should be sure to know what you are talking about son...
    Before any albanians, serbs, bulgarians, romanians etc etc arrived to the balkan it was greeks there, your people came there around the middle ages and called the place yugoslavia (south slavia, ie south russia more or less), i know that albanians is not 100% slavs but you are a mixture of slavs, romans and other cultures, so basically you are in our land that was our land since 5000 years ago... peace.

  • @mirlindthedon
    @mirlindthedon Рік тому +2

    Song name? 04:26

  • @animegalc4
    @animegalc4 13 років тому +3

    @FriedrichHeinrich I can't see any benefit to building over 700,000 air-raid shelters all over the country. The last thing I want to see driving home on a sunny afternoon, is clusters upon clusters of large ghastly looking concrete domes everywhere I look.

    • @Midshipman_Vlores
      @Midshipman_Vlores 6 років тому +2

      Ghastly? In my opinion bunkers make a great addition to the already beautiful Albanian countryside.

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      There is plenty of reason for them being so isolated and for them building their bunkers for example, it was part of their sovereign right to self-defense, they were at risk of invasion by several nations such as Yugoslavia, China, and the Soviet Union. The bunkers were to protect citizens and help them defend the country.

  • @ZyraMemini
    @ZyraMemini 10 місяців тому


  • @radurambo
    @radurambo 14 років тому +3

    How are the times now in Albania? Better or worse that in socialist time?

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому +3

      Statistically they were better under Socialism, improved lifespan, improved literacy, electricity to every house, a higher GDP, etc.

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL Рік тому

      Far better now , but Albania still strugges due to her communist past.

  • @animegalc4
    @animegalc4 13 років тому +1

    @FriedrichHeinrich Yes there was no unemployment, no inflation (that's because they planned the economy, not because of economic wizardry), no foreign debt, no taxes and had universal healthcare for all of its' citizens paid by the state. All these things are great, but I would also love the right to criticize Hoxha and the PPSH when they do things I don't agree with, have more political party choice and not to have to live in fear of the Sigurimi.

  • @JosephStewart-ng9yb
    @JosephStewart-ng9yb 4 місяці тому

    Bro’s cooking 🗣️🔥🔥🇦🇱🇦🇱

  • @walterlesina3313
    @walterlesina3313 Рік тому +3


  • @flori480
    @flori480 13 років тому +2

    @FriedrichHeinrich You clearly didn't live in Albania during this particular time period. My parents, and relatives did. And yes, there were lines in the morning in which people would have to wait to get their ration of milk. To deny this is to deny history. You're ignorant we have nothing in common.

  • @michaelcraig9449
    @michaelcraig9449 8 років тому +3

    slaves? They had slavery in Albania? Did he run the country with a senate or something or just by himself? Did they have a huge military like North Korea, how similar was Albania to North Korea in style? Such as cult of personality, total control, and all that?

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому +1

      The huge military in North Korea was necessary to defend it from Imperialism and outside threats and is a part of their sovereign right to self-defense.

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      The cults of personality weren't caused by the leaders of those nations but the people within.

  • @nonkonformist2058
    @nonkonformist2058 Рік тому +2

    en büyük anti revizyonist çok yaşa hocaizm

  • @xhenimyftari4905
    @xhenimyftari4905 11 місяців тому +1

    Lavdi Marksizem Leninizmit🇦🇱✊

  • @shkoder123
    @shkoder123 16 років тому +2

    It was good, but before he died he left his people in paverty.
    "Enver o lule me trise e fildhove me talone na le".

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому +2

      He had lifted many people out of poverty.

    • @Lucas_07-PL
      @Lucas_07-PL Рік тому +1

      @@hoxhacat8195 Yea , by making Albania the poorest country in Europe.

  • @Tokopol
    @Tokopol 15 років тому +1

    how bourgeois nationalist... i have to be albanian for praise of him to be legitimate? envers ideas were thoroughly larger than albania.

  • @SamsungM33-uz9pj
    @SamsungM33-uz9pj Рік тому +3


  • @MegaFutureShow
    @MegaFutureShow 12 років тому +1

    Enver wasn't shot in Denver.

  • @potsy5656
    @potsy5656 12 років тому +2

    Hello fellow comrade,
    I have to make a statement though, yes Albania was working hard and progressive, but the leader had 10% of the country in prison for "political" crimes. I am not too sure if he cared about the people.

    • @armandovaiandando6472
      @armandovaiandando6472 3 роки тому +6

      Where did you get those numbers?

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      Obviously yes he cared about the people he took it from a feudal backwaters and industrialized it, he provided power to everyone, improved women's rights, healthcare, education, etc.

  • @nikvukaj1911
    @nikvukaj1911 12 років тому +1

    mega me fal jeni gabim interneti esht shpik pa lind ti edhe un ka 50 vite ose me shum

  • @vikingdave8225
    @vikingdave8225 2 роки тому +2


  • @haxhiaga4267
    @haxhiaga4267 8 місяців тому

    Sado qe poulli brohoriste per Enver Hoxhen por atij nuk i bante pershtypje kjo gje. Ai ishte i thjesht.

  • @isebito
    @isebito 12 років тому +6

    GDP ( Purchasing Power Parity) per capita of Albania
    $1846.53 (1980) → $6901.01 (2008)

    • @armandovaiandando6472
      @armandovaiandando6472 3 роки тому +9

      But what is the rate of poverty? What is the rate of child malnutrition? What is the rate of unemployment? Did it Albania become less corrupt and with less criminality after the end of Socialism?

  • @ValiVali-j8t
    @ValiVali-j8t 16 днів тому

    Lavdi PPSH 💪💪💪💪👏👏✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👑👑👑👑👑👑👑🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Sismiques
    @Sismiques 11 років тому +9

    Albania was also poorest in Hoxhas time.

  • @Kevin-ps9yf
    @Kevin-ps9yf 3 роки тому +7

    The dictator kim il sung southern europe version

  • @pootahall
    @pootahall 17 років тому +1

    facts are that Albania was saved from neighbooringh Hyenas maybe not the best way, but what it maters most is saved. In that Time was thanks to him, never forget that even if you suffered!! couse you would have suffered any ways probably more and you wouldn't be calling your self Albanian this day, or more likely anything.

  • @DonEnverHoxha
    @DonEnverHoxha 12 років тому +2


  • @animegalc4
    @animegalc4 13 років тому +1

    @emerpus01 30 years.

  • @amirhussein2710
    @amirhussein2710 6 років тому +7

    Big brother!!!

  • @texnolisi
    @texnolisi 14 років тому +2

    @merjot nga je ti ??? dhe sa vjec je ??? po te me pergjigjesh sic duhet , ose me mire do kuptoj nivelin tend ,dhe te families tende vetem nga pergjigja . falimnderit........

  • @breizhcatalonia1993
    @breizhcatalonia1993 12 років тому +2

    Well, I agree with you in some things, Albania was much secure and egalitarian and richer with enver hoxha ( images clearly show and who not wants to see it is a moron) but at what price? at the price to being the european North Korea and Having almost no freedom.

    • @lirard
      @lirard 5 років тому +2

      the isolation, the closure and sanctions were all imposed from you abroad, nobody wanted to extend a hand of cooperation to that country until late '80s by German Federal Republic. Western Europe has always been like this, never lending a helpful hand to anybody around, and communism argument was just one more excuse to ignore the other.

  • @ErmalMujaj69
    @ErmalMujaj69 15 років тому +8

    he put my whole family to jail because he accused them of being a spy, i havent seen my parents in 20 years

    • @daanmollema6366
      @daanmollema6366 6 років тому +4

      Are they free now or did they die?

    • @aminapigeon3491
      @aminapigeon3491 2 роки тому +3

      He wasn't alive in 1990 so that's not even him.

  • @flori480
    @flori480 13 років тому +1

    @100notsaying no Albanians definitely didn't go to macedonia, or serbia (confusing Kosovo)..We are proud of our country, luckily as an adaptable people, once communism fell, we've been able to catch up quickly to the world. so watch out.

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      Communism involves a stateless, classless, moneyless society with the means of production held in common. The nations which you would most likely classify as having featured or established "Communism" were only Socialist, most of the time, State-Socialist, Marxist-Leninist nations which were merely in the transitory stage between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism has done many good things such as improve literacy, healthcare, education, housing, standards of living, qualities of life, increased lifespan such as in China, turned feudal backwaters into economic superpowers, won the Second World War, industrialized nations, increased rights for minorities and women, improved democracy, etc. According to the study from 1986 by S Ceresto and H Waitzkin PhD called "Capitalism, Socialism, and the Physical Quality of Life" given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations on average had higher standards of living than Capitalist nations, also, according to that same study, given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations had higher levels of caloric intake, meaning contrary to popular belief, people in socialist nations actually eat more food than capitalist ones. Socialism has evidently greatly increased prosperity.

    • @aminapigeon3491
      @aminapigeon3491 2 роки тому

      Poorly aged youtube comments.

  • @KeegTech
    @KeegTech 17 років тому +7

    One of the most hilariously paranoid men ever.

    • @superboss1715
      @superboss1715 4 роки тому +6

      He knew that we have many enemies

  • @isebito
    @isebito 12 років тому +1

    See "IMF - world economic outlook databases". Of course, I know the riot in 1997. But Albania hasn't experienced such a big riot after 1997.

  • @augustineminimbi5668
    @augustineminimbi5668 3 роки тому +1

    Michael, you were a good cricketer, but little else

  • @andiandrea7662
    @andiandrea7662 2 роки тому +1

    Ti e boje zap at vend

  • @DivisionSkanderbeg
    @DivisionSkanderbeg 17 років тому +4

    This was Stalin favorite gay.

  • @ozmandiusdrakes
    @ozmandiusdrakes 12 років тому +1

    @radmilitant It wasn't that great. Now like any other Anti-Zionist Ideology, Communism gets a bad rap but Albania was meh tier. Hoxa lacked Gravitas.

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      Communism involves a stateless, classless, moneyless society with the means of production held in common. The nations which you would most likely classify as having featured or established "Communism" were only Socialist, most of the time, State-Socialist, Marxist-Leninist nations which were merely in the transitory stage between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism has done many good things such as improve literacy, healthcare, education, housing, standards of living, qualities of life, increased lifespan such as in China, turned feudal backwaters into economic superpowers, won the Second World War, industrialized nations, increased rights for minorities and women, improved democracy, etc. According to the study from 1986 by S Ceresto and H Waitzkin PhD called "Capitalism, Socialism, and the Physical Quality of Life" given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations on average had higher standards of living than Capitalist nations, also, according to that same study, given equal levels of economic development, Socialist nations had higher levels of caloric intake, meaning contrary to popular belief, people in socialist nations actually eat more food than capitalist ones. Socialism has evidently greatly increased prosperity.

  • @NuJoiseyMAN
    @NuJoiseyMAN 14 років тому +1

    Why did he fall from grace?

  • @NatashaRama-o3l
    @NatashaRama-o3l 3 місяці тому +1


  • @Yook_Seongjun
    @Yook_Seongjun 4 роки тому +3

    North Korea in Europe

  • @flori480
    @flori480 13 років тому +2

    @FriedrichHeinrich seriously bro? You know nothing of Albanian history, yeah no debt, taxes, etc..because there was no work period. The state told you what job to do (literally) and to get the most basic necessities such as milk you had to queue (line up) in the morning and wait for hours...He was a monster and ruthlessly in cold blood killed and oppressed his people. It is due to the long unfortunate rule of Enver Hoxha that left Albania behind in many ways..

    • @hoxhacat8195
      @hoxhacat8195 2 роки тому

      American politicians order the CIA to assassinate people who don't agree with them such as the CIA attempting to assassinate nearly any Socialist leader such as Fidel Castro which just shows American Imperialism and hypocrisy. We as Communists, believe in a nation's right to self-determination by its citizens and not to interfere with it or its politics and we heavily oppose Imperialism. The CIA had literally planted landmines in South American villages and also supported Right-wing nationalistic dictatorships in opposition to Socialist Democracies, the US claims to be spreading Democracy and freedom, but it has only sabotaged and attempted to sabotage such and interferes with them. If they cared so much about Democracy they should've been supporting those Socialist nations, their people, and respected their right to self-determination as well as their sovereign right to self-defense which also includes nuclear weapons such as in the DPRK which only exist because America has nuclear weapons, Iraq for example, was invaded as a result of their LACK of nuclear weapons. The US has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and has actually used them, yet they think other nations that possess them and express their sovereign right to self-defense are the enemies and the threats. The DPRK has nuclear weapons to DETER war and invasion and to ultimately maintain peace.