Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Happy Anniversary. Love your dress. However, your belt should be black since your dress is black and white. Wear your brown belt with plain white dress or white T-shirt and jeans👍
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *luxrul*
Beautiful gift. Missed you vlogs
Gorgeous pochette Métis it’s spacious inside and also a color too. Happy 7th anniversary to you both ❤.
Really missed your posts! My wife is a Filipina and we think your a lovely couple, your so blessed. We are from the UK but live in St. Cloud Florida.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of kislux gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
Happy Anniversary. Love your dress. However, your belt should be black since your dress is black and white. Wear your brown belt with plain white dress or white T-shirt and jeans👍
Thank you so much