"It's over Anakin! I have the high voltage!" "You underestimate my power! My resistance is greater than yours, and by the equation P = (R)(I^2), my power is greater than yours!"
@@Shijaru64 Ah dang you're right. I'm usually quite a stickler for punctuation, so thanks for correcting me. However, typically, I'm not one to edit my comments, so I'm just gonna leave it as is
I have been thinking. Midichlorian if worded better on their appereance can be somewhat acceptable. Instead of the nonsense of how they allow people to use the force or what not, how about it is a microorganisms that thrives in the presence of the force and naturally attracted to force users and how much a person naturally attracts them is an indication of their talent in the force.
"If they could manipulate..." SW Nerd time: According to various [Legends] sources (I think the first one to dig into this was the Star Wars Roleplaying game), one of the tests a Jedi would need to complete included manipulating atoms/particles to filter gases or separate materials. The complexity of the material being filtered, and how precise the filtering had to be, was based on the training level of the Jedi and the rank they were testing for.
Random thought: Force lightning only works against Jedi because their positive charge attracts the negative electrons. It's useless against other negatively charged Sith. Plot twist: Yoda can resist force lightning because he's secretly evil.
@@BigUriel the force isn't bound to such limitations Also yoda doesn't resist it, he absorbs and redirects it, (and it had been used against other sith 😂)
@@shinobifujin yes but in order to do that in the first place you have to be powerful, and to reflect palpatines you need to be incredibly powerful, even mace and yoda struggled against it. and then here comes fucking nobody girl like yeah fuck the established lore How about I do it anyway?
Headcanon: Kyle has officially fallen to the dark side because mastery of physics is not the same as mastery of the Force, and the Council called him on it.
The origins of both that manga and starwars 'force' is the same - both are based on eastern philosophy, religion and martial arts. Thats why theres a connection. Have a read into Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism. Theres a hell of a lot of modern popculture based on these ideas.
Speaking of 🔥bending have you noticed that Rey in the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker move Rocks like she was a earth bender the series is becoming like Avatar The last airbender
I think any force lightning user needs to be manipulating the charge not only on himself but also on his target, so that the lighting actually goes where he wants. This means removing electrons via the force from said target whilst gaining electrons and maintaining them on yourself, to the point where your target is literally the most positively charged target possible in the room , this is important because electricity / lightning takes the path of least resistance , and if a sith lord was only going to accumulate charge on himself, his current would get redirected to other objects that were closer to him, or things like metals which had a greater ability to take up electrons than his target in the vicinity. I think this was missed out in the video, sorry for making this comment long. This is still overly simplified in the sense that we have just written things off the force, and haven't considered how so much charge can be accumulated on the human body like a superbattery, or how so many electrons can be removed from a target without the objects in their surroundings / the ground they are standing on neutralising them
i was gonna say this but you beat me to it. im actually using this basic idea in my science-like magic system in a book im trying to write. where the particals that allow for magic manipulate the electrons of both the target and the starting location (whether that be the caster or the sky or where ever the spell needs to originate from).
Given how rare direct force manipulation of another force user is, it seems they can defend their immediate vicinity quite easily. Otherwise every jedi duel would start and end by an instant force choke or making the opponents skull implode. They almost always use external things to throw at the opponent instead of throwing the opponent into a wall/floor. Instead, maybe they can heat/compress the air in a line between themselves and the target making the conductivity of the air along that line higher.
@@darcraven01 that's really cool man , I'd love to read what you've written someday !, I live for cool well thought out magic systems and world physics in fantasy worlds !
@@shermuhammadkhan3383 if i can ever get it done i will definately try to publish it.. though, given that im building a magic system from the particle up (magic will be the 5th force of the universe, along side gravity, electromagnatism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces).. its going slow so far. lol. but yeah, ive always believed magic to be a science, not an art.. thus should be able to be explained through scientific means. like, you're not just saying a little phrase and waving your hands to create a fireball but you're actually gathering combustable gasses together and exciting their molecules, making them vibrate faster to create heat and eventually combust into fireball form..
@@magister343 In the extended universe that's no longer canon. It's a shame though, because I would have loved to see Dark Jedi on the big screen, too.
Surprised you didn't mention it, but... even if you could charge yourself up how are you going to direct that voltage? (w/o space magic) It's going to want to take the path of least resistance. Ol' Palpatine might just be tossing off random lightning bolts every which way to whatever conductor is closest. (Assuming it doesn't just bleed out his feet.) His target wouldn't need a faraday cage, just insulated shoes. (Found that out the hard way when trying to figure out why our electric fence wasn't 'working'.)
Not only that, but from kyles description, it sounds like the emperor would only sustain it for a few seconds, as it discharges & equalizes itself. But we see the emperor sustain his force lightning for quite a while when fighting Yoda. So, wouldn't the voltage need be much higher to sustain it longer?
They have Telekinesis though so they can make more conductive channels towards the target by concentrating any moisture in the air, making a partial vacuum and/or partially ionizing the air before the bulk of the voltage arrives.
@@void_hunter94 Yoda was absorbing and redirecting it like a lightning rod so at that point they were acting as a circuit. As long as Palpatine could keep generating the current it pass from him to Yoda to the neutral ground of the senate pod and floor they were standing in. He doesn't need to produce more /sec then before. It's a test of how long could he stand the strain of producing that much for much longer then he expected.
4:20 "I'm not a force ghost anymore." Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Kyle the Wise? The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities that some consider to be... Unnatural.
It wasn't any where near what we know hes capable of. He can conjure force storms in space to tear apart capital ships. What we say was actually pretty lame.
@@lildemon6816 well, that is Legends Palatine, and he did just get back in shape in that scene, so he likely didn't have full power, if he survived, he likely would reach Legends Palpatine power
@@Alovon he literally previously had had an entire monologue scene on how hes soooo powerful now that he absorbed their power. He even states that he has the power of all the sith. As awful as a line as it was....it served to make that connection (for younger audiences I assume 🙄) of just how powerful he is. His power was so great at that moment he was affecting an entire fleet of capital ships and star fighters. They didn't want to portray palps in full glory cuz it would've been even harder to believe they could all survive. Yet again they demonstrated a lack of writing ability. Everyone looves to praise them for using material from legends, yet attempt to justify the lack luster implementation of these materials. He was very clearly a product of legends inspired Palpatine. So to fall so short of his typically well written character is just sad.
Man Bun: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Mane-Tain The Fabulous? Mr. Hill: No. Man Bun: I thought not. It's not a story the Super Nerds would tell you. It's an Argan Oil legend. Darth Mane-Tain was a Dark Lord of the Science, so powerful, so wise and so Fabulous he could use the Science to influence the Super Nerds to create Frickin' "LASER" BEAM Sharks… He had such a knowledge of the Mane-Tain, he could even keep the ones he cared about from getting bald. Mr. Hill: He could actually save people from baldness? Man Bun: The dark side of the Science is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Mr. Hill: What happened to him? Man Bun: He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his hair, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice shaved him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from baldness, but not himself. Mr. Hill: Is it possible to learn this power? Man Bun: Not from a Super Nerd.
Hey, Kyle. Love the show. Now that you swalloved the bait, read on. Legends Palpatine could do something even cooler: Summon and control a massive storm. Now, how could he make it go trough space and use it as a wormhole to transport Luke accros space, i will leave that to you. Thank you once again
5 Things you should know. 1. I love your show. 2. At STP, 3mm of air insulates against 1000 Volts and 60 Hz. 3. Frequency plays a significant role in insulation break-down. For example some motor manufacturers will give a lifetime winding warranty on frequencies of 3600 Hz or less. One year up to 10000 Hz. No warranty over that because even with billions of ohms, the breakdown at 22 kHz is crazy fast. 4. At low frequencies you won't see the electricity in normal light, so the frequency must be in the kHz at least. 5. If you want to make a cool spark off a bonded metal surface, hold onto a table knife and bring it close to a switch cover screw in the dark. This does two things, first of all you won't feel the burn (because the shock doesn't hurt, it's the thousand degree Arc that burns you), and it focuses the Arc to one extremity. I've had arc's up to an inch across and the feeling of all the electrons moving through your body to your hand is spectacular.
"rise of skywalker spoiler alert!" imagine how much voltage rey had to producefor her lightling to reach the ship mid flight. it must have been further away than the distance between yoda and dooku surely.
In universe, force lightning is when a sith uses the force to rub molecules together in order to generate static electricity. The technique has to be used with pinpoint precision or it could kill the user.
I was thinking about what theory you would go with for this video and how that would align with my theory (and the physics problems I see). Consider that the Sith can create an electron imbalance in themselves (possibly their fingertips). The big question is: Against what would they create an imbalance, and where would their electron buildup be located? If we assume that they can store and control electrons in themselves to create a large imbalance against, say the ground (or the metal floor of the spaceship). The problem is that once their imbalance (the voltage potential) overcomes the breakdown voltage, the electricity will arc towards the closest place to the Siths fingertips, which would most likely be themselves or possibly the ground. If the arc was to obey the laws of physics, it would not be able to travel further away from the Sith than the Sith is tall, because the voltage potential will reach breakdown between the Sith and the ground way before it reaches the breakdown voltage between the Sith and the Jedi. This might explain why Cound Doku can use effective lightning at a longer distance than Emperor Palpatine; He's simply taller. Kyle hinted on the way to solve this problem by saying "Siths can control individual electrons". This might actually not be the answer. It's well-known that Darth Vader cannot generate force lightning, because he has robotic hands. If they could control individual electrons, Darth Vader would be able to use some kind of force lightning, by just creating local pockets of extremely high electron content, then just throw these at the target. From what we see in the movies, this means that the electron imbalance should be within the Sith, conducted out of their finger tips. Vader cannot do that, as he would likely fry the electronics of his robotic hands or suit (which actually does happen when he saves his son!). The reason why I think that force lightning works is that Siths can create a large electron imbalance in themselves, then they stretch out their hands to shorten the distance to the target. In addition to this, I think they are also able to mentally create a path of lower resistance through the air for the electrons to travel through (since they don't want it to go into themselves). In a universe where space wizards can move stuff with their minds, this is probably not too farfetched.
I started wearing one of those silly looking rubber bands around the wrist that you would see advertised on TV, and noticed I stopped getting zapped all the time from metal objects.
I'm reminded of one of my favourite biology facts. Electric eels (which arent actually eels) certainly have a similar power, though on much smaller scales (which they dont have. On their skin, I mean, no scales.) Their shocks tends to be around 860 volts. But the fun question is "how do they avoid shocking themselves?" And the answer. They dont. I realize that a magic space wizard that can control individual electrons in order to hand craft lightning might have mechanisms to protect themselves, but it is funny to think of the emperor blasting a jedi and then just seizing up and flopping to the ground like a fish. "UNLIMITED POW-" Kzk! Thump. Movie over.
Except the voltage that electric eels can produce can’t hurt anyone. The fact that they can produce up to 1 amp of current is what makes them deadly. Voltage doesn’t kill.
Hey Kyle, Great episode but I do have a few things to add that you did not mention. Even though the one on the receiving end of the force lightning would get badly burned from the heat produced, the one conjuring said lighting would be burned as well, though not as much due to the polarity. Polarity is actually a large consideration in welding because it determines the amount of penetration goes into the metal and where the majority of the heat produced by the arc is directed. For example; with the electrode being negative and the work positive, the electrode will burn slower and you will get more penetration into the weld but you also run a higher risk of burning straight through the metal. With the polarity reversed, there will be less penetration making a weaker bond, and the electrode will burn up much faster. So this would mean that by using force lightning you could take down your enemy but also take yourself out as well. You also skipped over amperage as well and that is the most lethal when it comes to electricity. 22 million volts does sound impressive but you can buy handheld tasers with higher ratings. Consider this though, the average home in the US runs on 15 - 20 amps, doesn't sound like a lot does it? Well it only takes 0.01 amps to create a painful shock, 0.1 amps for uncontrolled muscle spasms, 0.2 amps for severe burns and injury, and at .5 amps is almost instant death. From this you could conclude that force lightning must be at a max of 0.01 amps or even less because they are still able to move around and speak clearly. I would suggest that in order to make it safer for the one conjuring the lightning and less so for the other, lessen the volts and increase the amps. This would lessen the burn you would receive but also make it into a one zap kill.
This isn't even the most powerful force feat, in Legends, Sith Lords like Darth Nhilus and Vitiate could drain the force from entire planets and Luke Skywalker could manipulate artificial black holes in the Yuuzhan Vong War... meanwhile Canon Luke at a similar point couldn't even maintain a short use of force projection, how the mighty Jedi Master has fallen.
oh, you look well versed in Star Wars, so may I ask a question? I don't follow Star Wars, I haven't seen any movie yet. but now I'm baffled cause the new lightsaber seems to have a switch to turn it on, but I was under the impression that you have to use the force to activate it and it wasn't some kind of tech that anyone could use. so, it was always like that or is something the new ones pull out of their ass?
@@ZielAmerak No Lightsabers always had a switch to turn them on. There might be some Legends Content with Lightsabers witzout buttons but that would be special stuff.
@@ZielAmerak Lightsabers are entirely mechanical. Anyone can wield them. The only thing is that the Kyber Crystal that powers the saber and gives it its laser plasma blade is a force artifact. The Kyber Crystals react to the flows of the force and even radiate their own energy. So, a non-Force cannot utilize a lightsaber to its full potential because they cannot draw upon and control its energy Did you know that the red lightsabers that are used by the Sith and those allied with the Dark Side of the Force have to be corrupted to be made that way? A darksider pours their dark force energy into the Kyber Crystal and transforms it
@@ZielAmerak non force users have always been able to use them (eg: Grevious from Revenge of the Sith and Han Solo in Empire Strikes Back) but the force is needed to build them.
Great episode Kyle, however I can’t help but think of one problem: When you shuffle around on carpet and build up electrons then touch something metal, the forces equalizes like you say and you feel a shock. So if you apply this to the context of force lightning, a Sith Lord is able to draw electrons to him at will, like shuffling along a carpet. Him discharging the lightning at the hapless Jedi then is the equivalent of touching metal, to discharge the forces (again like you say). This implies that in the process of the Sith Lord trying to electrocute someone, they would also electrocute themselves, thus rendering the power somewhat redundant. However, a possible work around might be the Sith Lord to wear a Faraday suit.
I think The Emperor would somehow use the Force to protect himself (such as moving it along himself and not through if you understand what I'm trying to say) from such pain or endure it considering he's a Sith Lord (those guys enjoy pain).
This won't work as a Faraday suit would ground the sith lords themselves. Ultimately you can survive your body having a voltage of millions of volts, as Kyle left out other methods of working on hot power lines. For starters, not all powerline workers will use Faraday suits and instead some will use a method called bare handing, this works by raising the voltage of the body to that of the powerlines and then they connect their body to the powerline so that there is no potential difference between the worker and the powerline making it so no current will flow through the worker. If palpatine was in a Faraday suit then he would be grounded and any voltage he generates would go to ground, this is why demonstrations of people shocking others with van de graaf generators have the person doing the shock being insulated from the ground on something like a plastic stool. Add in that palpatine could safely discharge, if he had control over electrons, by taking into account the skin effect of high frequencies you would result in him just having to insulate himself from the ground.
Love the show Kyle! I’ve experienced breakdown voltage while petting my cat - when I stroke her with my hand starting at her head and ending at her tail, and then go back to stroke her again, her nose usually gets shocked from my hand 😂 Speaking of cats, when are you gonna do a cat-themed episode?? About force lightning - if someone using it is similar to shuffling your feet on a carpet and then touching a doorknob, the shock should go both ways... so if Palpatine tried to kill Luke, he would kill himself also. What if instead of creating an arc between themselves and the person/object they are electrocuting, the lightning user force-manipulated the electrons in the air directly in front of them, creating the arc to the target but preventing the bolt from actually touching their own skin, thus preventing electric shock?
Hi Kyle, love the show! So force lightnings are similar to regular lightnings in terms of released power. The typical power of an Earth lightning is around 10 gigawatts but they usually only last for a very short amount of time, a few microseconds or so. On the contrary, in Star Wars, the force lightnings last much longer. In Return of the Jedi, Palpatine shocks Luke for more than 10 seconds conservatively, hence a total energy of more than a 100 gigajoules (E=PT). For comparison, and despite Luke’s amazement in that scene, Yoda lifting the X-wing could not have required more than 1 megajoule (potential energy difference E=mgh assuming 10 tons for the X-wing mass, a height of circa 10 metres and a gravitational field on Dagobah similar to Earth). Kyle, is the dark side stronger?
A few corrections, first lightning strikes have an average peak power of Terawatts (10^12 to 10^13 watts) not gigawatts (10^9). Given that the voltage of lightning strikes are in the gigavolt territory and the current is in the kiloamp territory. For force lightning due to the maximum voltages within those distances we can expect currents of around 10kA meaning at 22GV the power would be 220 GW or 2.2 TJ released over 10 seconds Lightning on earth at 10^13 watts and lasting 30 microseconds is about 300 GJ. So while force lightning does release more energy, the description you were providing was misleading. Second, assuming degobah has the same density as earth then it's gravity will be 1.13 times stronger. To lift a 10 tonne xwing 10 meters (which I think is a bit excessive) would require 1.1 MJ (within 10% of your estimate) but this is ignoring that he had to pull roughly 1 meter of that through the mud. Ultimately I would argue though that the mass of the x wing would fall closer to around 5 tonnes and instead of lifting 10 meters it would be lifted around 5 meters which would reduce the energy required to around 2.8 KJ which fits with your position that force lightning would release far more energy.
I was only considering orders of magnitude but thanks for providing more accurate numbers! One quick note though, I think you meant 280 kJ for the x wing lifting (5 tons x 5 m x 9.8 gravity x 1.13 Dagobah scaling factor). In any case, the force lightning is a much more impressive feat!
@@Brendakye2468 Given it's the same size and shape of a Light Jet fighter and mostly the same materials ie Titanium, It's not unreasonable it'd be 10 tons. Disney Canon also says it's 10 tons now. Height sounds about right though.
@@Citrakite me saying the mass is 5 tonnes relates to its relative volume to that of a Lockheed martin F-22. Since they should have similar densities then the estimated mass drops down to just above 5 tonnes. Note that I am not the only one that came to similar conclusions. The 10 tonne canon value comes from a "junior" book meant for kids. Using the complete free body volume of each would put the mass down to 4600 kg which is less than the 5 tonnes. So in this instance I am going to go on rejecting the canon value given that it doesn't exactly make sense (especially since the x wings take up much less of the space of their free body volume than an f22)
4:02 Actually, he’s not dead. He took a fatal blow, which automatically means he will come back alive in a later episode. That sith should’ve aimed for the shoulder
That part where Kyle made the suggestion to the Jedi Council at 9:49 either was him trying to screw up his supervillain competition or it was his actual supervillain origin story. Also I love that the Coucil's members are just different colored Baby Yodas
Right?! I've never heard of the galaxy called Britain. And what ate the odds that they also had a person named Faraday, that also created an anti force lightning cage...
The plot thickens... Perhaps the Void is a pocket universe. Kyle Hill, Gallifrean "super-villain" time traveling void user-- I wonder if he also has two hearts?
kyle, 1 love the show 2 if they make lighting in this manner the user of force lighting hurt them self when they use it? 3 if a light saber has a magnetic field around it and its hit with force lighting wouldn't that mess up said field and cause the lightsaber to break?
@@thegingerkingshanks7587 and wouldn't it compress the air and cause a air blast that would damage the area around the attack even more? sorry if there's any misspellings.
Hey Kyle! Dad fan here (my son Elijah loves the show too). I was just doing laundry when I had a couple experiences with static electricity that I thought were kinda cool. 1. I got shocked when my lounge pants touched my dryer, and the pants are loose so they were kinda floating off my legs. 2. Decided to keep my leg against the dryer door while I was finishing my laundry and I got shocked further down my leg where my pants weren't making contact with my leg! I was pulling out some particularly static-friendly clothes when it happened. I thought both were intriguing and figured you know some cool way to explain what happened. (Pants are 100% polyester according to tag)
Love the stuff and the reason why I subscribe to this channel. This is going from the top of my head: If force lightning is anything like how electricity behaves they want to find the fastest way to ground/earth. If Palpatine were to fire lightning from his fingers it would just arc down to his feet or to the nearest conductor. Let's say that force lightning is shooting towards you, there is an alternative to the Faraday suit if one forgets to put it on. If you could somehow put a makeshift lighting rod in between you and Palpatine then the lightning rod could just take the hit for you.
"The robe was too hot" If that's the case, whats the temperature in the void? You would think It shouldn't even have temperature, but all things have a level of kinetic energy therefore, everything would have a temperature.
Hi Kyle, really love the show! Now that I have you're attention, wouldn't the lightnight hit the ground first if it his the least resistant path to ground? Plus, wouldn't the ionised air be much more conductive, only requiering 22 000 000 V to initially ionise the air, than the sith would be able to lower the voltage. Just a thought.
1.Well wouldn't lightning as it is an electric current rather travel strength to ground, choosing a path of less resistance. 2. wouldn't quick bursts of lightning mean high frequency ? So there would acure something called skin effect... electricity would flow on surface of someones skin or at last close to surface of it... I love the show. Keep up the good work
It looks to me like he's wearing something black over a black background green would simply make him look invisible or the part that's covered in green anyway
At 7:02 should there not be a positive charge around Palpatinе? And around the target is negative. That the target would receive a charge, and not the one who casts?
Hey Kyle! This theory only further proves that your theory of how a lightsaber is a magnetically contained plasma is correct. When Mace Windu faces the Emperor he negates the dark lord lightning by simply using his lightsaber like a lightning rod. The strong magnetic field of the blade would attract the bolts towards it instead of going through the jedi master. Perhaps the lightning is then reflected back at the emperor because of the charge he's built on himself now far out balances the combination of plasma and a moving magnetic field which would then create a charge of it's own?
Mr Kyle sir, relatively new viewer here (1 year) but I have binge watched all (and I mean ALL) your content and love it. Question - you have made multiple references to the fact that heroes like Captain America and the Hulk are scientifically unrealistic because of their increase in mass from seemingly no where... but I was pondering Einsteins theory of relativity (E=MC2) and it occurs to me... what if they converted ENERGY... INTO MATTER?! Surely if there was a large enough chemical reaction that generated "incredible" amounts of energy, the superhero universe could condense that energy INTO muscle mass?
Do remember the full equation. E=MC^2 Captain America is getting 50 kg heavier and the hulk is getting 300kg heavier. Captain America would have to pull 50*300,000,000*300,000,000 joules from somewhere to gain that mass.450,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules is a lot and would require energy greater than that of a nuclear bomb explosion. Plus, in the case of the hulk he grows instantly bigger when angry but we must respect conservation of energy. Where is this energy coming from? Plus energy can’t always be converted into mass, what E=MC^2 is saying is that they are equal, not convertible, but they can be converted on the quantum scale of reality or at high speeds where your mass increases relative to other observers in the universe.
How fast would you have to spin a basketball on your finger and touch it to a person's nose to cause a carpet burn type effect on that said person's nose??? I wonder...
Hey Kyle, love your show. As in your demonstration of how you can get shocked by rubbing your feet over the carpet and getting close to a doorknob, use the force lightning wouldn't get you shocked as well, just like a recoil attack. XO from Brazil 🇧🇷
Okay, Kyle using Force lightning.... a skill only usable by the users of the dark side of the force. Jotting that down and saving this video as possible evidence for the eventual conviction of super villainy that is coming his way.
@@Blaze-zm7zt Plo koon uses Force lightning but a weaker version called Electirical/Force Judgement, weak enough so he doesn't get pulled through the darkside or get tempted
So i work in a plastics factory and this is easily one of the biggest annoyances epically during the winter when the air is cold and dry. We regularly have to handle large containers full of plastic or large rolls and then at some point pick up our metal tools or touch the metal machines. And some of the arcs created are insane. Were talking half inch to inch long arcs with very aduiable pops. To compensate we attached some "static bars" which are like exposed teala coils, and xmas tinsel to minimize the static cling by quite a bit. If not for these we wold leave covered in plastic scrap.
hey kyle, i really enjoyed the episode and genuinely feel like i learned a good bit. i do have 2 questions though. if a sith or jedi could use the force on a molecular or atomic level could they not just pluck electrons from the atoms in the air or ground around them and fling them at the target? of course i'm no expert but it would seem like this approach would act more like a taser or stun gun as you would be flowing electrons directly into the body. my second question is with your approach, if the idea is to make a charge imbalance wouldn't the resulting arc just go into the ground they are standing on before the body of a target because it is closer and possibly more conductive?
Electrical engineer here. For your first question, they could in theory pluck electrons off of basically anything and hurl them at the Target. This however is apparently not done because of movie Magic. For your second question, the answer would depend on the electro-magnetics of the setup. Well it's not easy to predict more complex problems, the Force lightning user would have to make sure that breakdown voltage would only occur between him or herself and the target, and not anything else such as the ground.
Hey Kyle, love the show. We all know your supervillain tendencies, and force lightning would certainly be a fine addition to your collection of villainous powers. Sadly we haven’t figured that out yet, so a more practical solution is required. No need to worry, for I have designed the perfect system to grant you lightning powers by answering one question: how much do you have to rub your feet on the carpet in order to shoot lightning? This is caused by the Triboelectric Effect, which is the phenomenon where certain substances pass off electrons when they come into contact with other substances. The Triboelectric Series ranks the most common of these substances against each other by how likely they are to give or receive electrons in these exchanges. Picking two extreme examples from the list, if you hypothetically wore Teflon shoes and walked on a floor of polyurethane foam (like and egg crate mattress) you could achieve a differential of 250nC per Joule of friction. Next think of the human body as a capacitor, storing up energy to be released in one massive discharge. The capacitance of the average human body is roughly 200pF. The relationship between capacitance, charge, and voltage is C=FV. In order to discharge that massive 22MV of lightning, you need a total charge of 0.0044 Coulombs. Going back to the triboelectric effect, the total amount of friction needed to obtain the necessary charge is given by J=(0.0044C)(250nC/J), which gives us a total of 17,600 Joules of friction. This doesn’t sound like much, but sliding your feet on the floor doesn’t take much energy. Now we just figure out the total sliding friction we need. The average human stride is 78cm and the average width of a human foot is 10cm so that the total area of one stride to be 780cm^2. Using a friction value of 0.001J/cm^2 (this was the value used in the study I based all the calculations on) this gives a total of 22,565 strides to build up the necessary voltage. Swap some units around, and this winds up as a grand total of 10.7 miles of sliding around in Teflon shoes under completely ideal conditions at 100% efficiency. TL;DR - You would have to slide around for just short of a half marathon before you get on Palpatine levels. Or build a sock-carpet treadmill, you can stay in one spot and build up the charge. Just make sure your target stays in one spot for two hours, you can’t pick your feet up or else you gotta start over. P.S. - I know the science makes no sense, but it was a fun thought experiment. Plus I haven’t done circuits since college, so it was nice to re-learn all that.
Hey Kyle, love the show! You consistently pictured earlier in the video, the electricity flowing from positive to negative which is, in fact, not fact. The negatively charged electrons flow from high concentration to low, like most things. Although you may have meant a positive amount of electrons by drawing a plus sign the charge of an electron is negative so the lightning should have been drawn the ther way around or the signs for negative and positive should have been switched depending on the scene
Thanks for watching, Super Nerds! Please, no spoilers for the new movie in the comments, at least for a few days. Thanks! -- kH
Wasnt count dooku on a desert planet while battling Yoda? Could that cause a significant change in the calculations?
Why Super Nerds, Sith Lords are our speciality!
Spoiler - Rey is hotter than Kyle, lolol......
@@anthonyhodap1949 he didn't like sand. It was course, rough, and it got everywhere
"It's over Anakin! I have the high voltage!"
"You underestimate my power! My resistance is greater than yours, and by the equation P = (R)(I^2), my power is greater than yours!"
Thats obi wan not palpatine
''It's over, Anakin''.
Commas save lives. Your sentence means something different.
@@Shijaru64 Ah dang you're right. I'm usually quite a stickler for punctuation, so thanks for correcting me. However, typically, I'm not one to edit my comments, so I'm just gonna leave it as is
Who's Anakin?
Kyle: "I'm not a supervillain."
Also Kyle: Shouts "Bleh!" while shooting force lightning.
Heh, at first I thought you intended to write Kylo.
@@powerofanime1 Nah, he's not wide enough and too mentally grown up and developed to be comparable to kylo ren.
@@Orillion123456 But of course! That's how I realized my mistake.
Hmmm shouting " *Unlimited Power !* "or "bleh!" When using force lighting. Decisions decisions.
* reads title *
"Midichlorians are the powerhouse of the Sith?"
Yeah, this is big brain time
I have been thinking. Midichlorian if worded better on their appereance can be somewhat acceptable. Instead of the nonsense of how they allow people to use the force or what not, how about it is a microorganisms that thrives in the presence of the force and naturally attracted to force users and how much a person naturally attracts them is an indication of their talent in the force.
If you deep press the quotation mark you can place proper quotation's
[ „ “ ” « » ]
"If they could manipulate..."
SW Nerd time:
According to various [Legends] sources (I think the first one to dig into this was the Star Wars Roleplaying game), one of the tests a Jedi would need to complete included manipulating atoms/particles to filter gases or separate materials. The complexity of the material being filtered, and how precise the filtering had to be, was based on the training level of the Jedi and the rank they were testing for.
This makes sense, and explains why the Jedi focus on deep meditation as part of their training.
Gooooood, let the science flow through you...
To do list:
Join the dark side,
Think “negative” thoughts,
Shoot lightning.
*feeling not thoughts
@@namelessguy5491 yes
Edit: Avalanche Electrons
Random thought: Force lightning only works against Jedi because their positive charge attracts the negative electrons. It's useless against other negatively charged Sith.
Plot twist: Yoda can resist force lightning because he's secretly evil.
@@BigUriel the force isn't bound to such limitations
Also yoda doesn't resist it, he absorbs and redirects it, (and it had been used against other sith 😂)
Kyle: "And that's not even the longest force lightning in star wars!"
Disney : *Hold my lightning, Imma bout to do some crazy shit with film montage*
*palpatine shoots lightning in rise of Skywalker that emps thousands of ships*
@@thelades7219 Palpatine: also gets killed by the embodiment of girl power
@@mrhalfwit972 not really though. Wasn't the blade used to reflect it back to the emporer
@@shinobifujin yes but in order to do that in the first place you have to be powerful, and to reflect palpatines you need to be incredibly powerful, even mace and yoda struggled against it. and then here comes fucking nobody girl like yeah fuck the established lore How about I do it anyway?
@@mrhalfwit972 tbf Rey struggled at first... then she pulled out a second Lightsabre! Mace and Yoda didn't have 2 sabres! kinda stupid though lol
Kyle: I'm not evil guys.
Also Kyle: lets discuss the powers of the DARKSIDE Hehehehehe blèh
u misread. he is actually a low budget versionof thor
Headcanon: Kyle has officially fallen to the dark side because mastery of physics is not the same as mastery of the Force, and the Council called him on it.
All this balance talk is starting to sound like Firebending lighting.
The origins of both that manga and starwars 'force' is the same - both are based on eastern philosophy, religion and martial arts. Thats why theres a connection. Have a read into Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism. Theres a hell of a lot of modern popculture based on these ideas.
Speaking of 🔥bending have you noticed that Rey in the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker move Rocks like she was a earth bender the series is becoming like Avatar The last airbender
Lighting is Just the 4th Phase of matter
Kyle: "I'm going to give myself a little static shock to demonstrate."
Me: *Do it*
who else heard "do it" in palpetines voice?
SilenTree 12th lol i heard and said it like palpatine 😂
Dew it dew it
Dooku no longer shoots force lightning
Kyle: Please consider the following
* Bill Nye has entered the chat*
You noticed! -- kH
As did I.
Jeez, I knew it sounded familiar. Thanks.
Dooku no longer has the largest strike of electricity
Yeah, I do say Rise does have some of the coolest shots and effects in Star Wars
Ben Holmes yeah Rey has it now ;)
@@__TK___ Nope palpatine does
@@__TK___ You've seen the last movie? Palpatine had force-lighting hundred of meters, if not kilometers long. And that spread out on multiple targets.
menno graafmans
It was a literal tree of lightning.
7:34 Ironic, a Negative charge is building up around the Dark Sith Lord.
Olordrin I get it
I think any force lightning user needs to be manipulating the charge not only on himself but also on his target, so that the lighting actually goes where he wants. This means removing electrons via the force from said target whilst gaining electrons and maintaining them on yourself, to the point where your target is literally the most positively charged target possible in the room , this is important because electricity / lightning takes the path of least resistance , and if a sith lord was only going to accumulate charge on himself, his current would get redirected to other objects that were closer to him, or things like metals which had a greater ability to take up electrons than his target in the vicinity. I think this was missed out in the video, sorry for making this comment long. This is still overly simplified in the sense that we have just written things off the force, and haven't considered how so much charge can be accumulated on the human body like a superbattery, or how so many electrons can be removed from a target without the objects in their surroundings / the ground they are standing on neutralising them
i was gonna say this but you beat me to it.
im actually using this basic idea in my science-like magic system in a book im trying to write. where the particals that allow for magic manipulate the electrons of both the target and the starting location (whether that be the caster or the sky or where ever the spell needs to originate from).
Given how rare direct force manipulation of another force user is, it seems they can defend their immediate vicinity quite easily. Otherwise every jedi duel would start and end by an instant force choke or making the opponents skull implode. They almost always use external things to throw at the opponent instead of throwing the opponent into a wall/floor.
Instead, maybe they can heat/compress the air in a line between themselves and the target making the conductivity of the air along that line higher.
@@darcraven01 that's really cool man , I'd love to read what you've written someday !, I live for cool well thought out magic systems and world physics in fantasy worlds !
@@jesperjohansson2464 that is indeed also very plausible, i hope Kyle wi look into these/ such options in his because science footnotes !
@@shermuhammadkhan3383 if i can ever get it done i will definately try to publish it.. though, given that im building a magic system from the particle up (magic will be the 5th force of the universe, along side gravity, electromagnatism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces).. its going slow so far. lol.
but yeah, ive always believed magic to be a science, not an art.. thus should be able to be explained through scientific means. like, you're not just saying a little phrase and waving your hands to create a fireball but you're actually gathering combustable gasses together and exciting their molecules, making them vibrate faster to create heat and eventually combust into fireball form..
Kyle: "I'm not a super villian"
Also Kyle "Jedi and *Sith* are the *superheroes* of the Star Warsverse"
@@tuna5618 idk man, slaughtering a bunch of children seems a little evil
@@tuna5618 There were some Light Sith in legends. Darth Gravid FTW!
@@Dreadwing1000 I second that.
@@Dreadwing1000 I have a reliable source that says that a Jedi slaughtered all the younglings as well.
@@magister343 In the extended universe that's no longer canon. It's a shame though, because I would have loved to see Dark Jedi on the big screen, too.
Surprised you didn't mention it, but... even if you could charge yourself up how are you going to direct that voltage? (w/o space magic) It's going to want to take the path of least resistance. Ol' Palpatine might just be tossing off random lightning bolts every which way to whatever conductor is closest. (Assuming it doesn't just bleed out his feet.) His target wouldn't need a faraday cage, just insulated shoes. (Found that out the hard way when trying to figure out why our electric fence wasn't 'working'.)
Not only that, but from kyles description, it sounds like the emperor would only sustain it for a few seconds, as it discharges & equalizes itself. But we see the emperor sustain his force lightning for quite a while when fighting Yoda. So, wouldn't the voltage need be much higher to sustain it longer?
They have Telekinesis though so they can make more conductive channels towards the target by concentrating any moisture in the air, making a partial vacuum and/or partially ionizing the air before the bulk of the voltage arrives.
@@void_hunter94 Yoda was absorbing and redirecting it like a lightning rod so at that point they were acting as a circuit. As long as Palpatine could keep generating the current it pass from him to Yoda to the neutral ground of the senate pod and floor they were standing in. He doesn't need to produce more /sec then before. It's a test of how long could he stand the strain of producing that much for much longer then he expected.
I thought it was obvious but I guess not... They slowly steal electrons from their opponent and then give it back all at once. 😆
@@Citrakite nah, it's just something called fictional liberty
Earth Born Thor: Why do I keep making lightning?
Be even worce if only happened when got excited or moved to vigorously.😋
Because he is still worthy
4:20 "I'm not a force ghost anymore."
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Kyle the Wise? The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities that some consider to be... Unnatural.
"Be careful, he can create sparkles from his fingers" Thor Ragnarok thor vs hulk ahhahajaja
No spoilers - Kyle a new force lightning feat needs to be considered for your footnotes episode. It really NEEDS to be, because.. science
Carl Chesser
God, (I’m pretty sure I know what you are reffering to), that was such an incredible act of sheer unlimited power
It wasn't any where near what we know hes capable of. He can conjure force storms in space to tear apart capital ships. What we say was actually pretty lame.
@@lildemon6816 well, that is Legends Palatine, and he did just get back in shape in that scene, so he likely didn't have full power, if he survived, he likely would reach Legends Palpatine power
@@Alovon he literally previously had had an entire monologue scene on how hes soooo powerful now that he absorbed their power. He even states that he has the power of all the sith. As awful as a line as it was....it served to make that connection (for younger audiences I assume 🙄) of just how powerful he is.
His power was so great at that moment he was affecting an entire fleet of capital ships and star fighters. They didn't want to portray palps in full glory cuz it would've been even harder to believe they could all survive.
Yet again they demonstrated a lack of writing ability. Everyone looves to praise them for using material from legends, yet attempt to justify the lack luster implementation of these materials. He was very clearly a product of legends inspired Palpatine. So to fall so short of his typically well written character is just sad.
You can’t fry a baby yode
-Kyle 2019
I think pewdiepie would be very disappointed to hear that.
Why can't you fry a Cousin Oliver, oops, I mean baby yoda?
Pewdiepie left the chat
Watch me
5:12 It makes me feel good knowing the even the emperor can have problems with mosquitos.
Man Bun: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Mane-Tain The Fabulous?
Mr. Hill: No.
Man Bun: I thought not. It's not a story the Super Nerds would tell you. It's an Argan Oil legend. Darth Mane-Tain was a Dark Lord of the Science, so powerful, so wise and so Fabulous he could use the Science to influence the Super Nerds to create Frickin' "LASER" BEAM Sharks… He had such a knowledge of the Mane-Tain, he could even keep the ones he cared about from getting bald.
Mr. Hill: He could actually save people from baldness?
Man Bun: The dark side of the Science is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Mr. Hill: What happened to him?
Man Bun: He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his hair, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice shaved him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from baldness, but not himself.
Mr. Hill: Is it possible to learn this power?
Man Bun: Not from a Super Nerd.
No, but I heard about Darth-Ligma, Apprentice to Darth-Sugma
@@xenofranz :)
Xeno Franz I heard his home planet was sucondese controlled by the dictator joe
Did this happen before or after the battle of hair-d'or?
@@kensosaramos 🤔
I guess you can say they are strong with the dark side because they are so negative, negatively charged that is. Yessssssdddhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
That... actually makes more sense than you'd think
Therapist: slow motion Science Thor isn't real, he can't hurt you
Slow motion Science Thor: *shouts*
Hey, Kyle. Love the show. Now that you swalloved the bait, read on. Legends Palpatine could do something even cooler: Summon and control a massive storm. Now, how could he make it go trough space and use it as a wormhole to transport Luke accros space, i will leave that to you. Thank you once again
I love that you pulled a Bill Nye on us with the " Consider the following "
5 Things you should know.
1. I love your show.
2. At STP, 3mm of air insulates against 1000 Volts and 60 Hz.
3. Frequency plays a significant role in insulation break-down. For example some motor manufacturers will give a lifetime winding warranty on frequencies of 3600 Hz or less. One year up to 10000 Hz. No warranty over that because even with billions of ohms, the breakdown at 22 kHz is crazy fast.
4. At low frequencies you won't see the electricity in normal light, so the frequency must be in the kHz at least.
5. If you want to make a cool spark off a bonded metal surface, hold onto a table knife and bring it close to a switch cover screw in the dark. This does two things, first of all you won't feel the burn (because the shock doesn't hurt, it's the thousand degree Arc that burns you), and it focuses the Arc to one extremity. I've had arc's up to an inch across and the feeling of all the electrons moving through your body to your hand is spectacular.
Hello ElectroBOOM
@@davicorosello1588 I subscribe to Electroboom too.
the best part of this video are all the Palpatine impersonations
"They can levitate things with their hands"
Well to me it looks like you're levitating your own hands.
(Because of the robe you were wearing)
3:13 he sacrificed himself for science
Wait, if Kyle stored enough static charge would he have the power of void lightning. Would he be dark Thor
He does look like thor though
How to defeat Palpatine:
Weaponize a powerline worker, who is also an actor.
Still gotta worry 'bout Force choke, broken necks, telekinesis, and a fancy red lightsaber... D:
@@d.dementedengineerc99isurf26 r/whooosh
@@jannikschmidt8511 It isn't exactly easy to detect tone/sarcasm/humor on the INTERNET with text alone. Give me a break!
@@d.dementedengineerc99isurf26 *No.*
@@jannikschmidt8511 Your generosity is noted. Good bye.
"rise of skywalker spoiler alert!"
imagine how much voltage rey had to producefor her lightling to reach the ship mid flight. it must have been further away than the distance between yoda and dooku surely.
One better is how much voltage Darth Sidious had to generate to cook an entire fleet hundreds of feet in the air. Unlimited power indeed.
can we all just take a moment to realise how good Kyle's impression is?
I guess The Emperor didn't suffer from a low charge on his smartphone
He'd have to convert the voltage and amperage or the charging circuit would melt
@@tonyhinders4429 bruh dont read too deep
@@OzzyTheRaven true
In universe, force lightning is when a sith uses the force to rub molecules together in order to generate static electricity. The technique has to be used with pinpoint precision or it could kill the user.
Why is there a pole in the void? Someone pole dances to stay in shape!!
Evil pole dance
@@garrettflaherty5440 *MENACING POLE*
Seems troublesome to have in the workplace...
@@matthewnelson5293 it's only troublesome if you disrespect your dancing coworker.
I ask for a pole dance from kyle in the next episode.
I was thinking about what theory you would go with for this video and how that would align with my theory (and the physics problems I see).
Consider that the Sith can create an electron imbalance in themselves (possibly their fingertips). The big question is: Against what would they create an imbalance, and where would their electron buildup be located? If we assume that they can store and control electrons in themselves to create a large imbalance against, say the ground (or the metal floor of the spaceship). The problem is that once their imbalance (the voltage potential) overcomes the breakdown voltage, the electricity will arc towards the closest place to the Siths fingertips, which would most likely be themselves or possibly the ground. If the arc was to obey the laws of physics, it would not be able to travel further away from the Sith than the Sith is tall, because the voltage potential will reach breakdown between the Sith and the ground way before it reaches the breakdown voltage between the Sith and the Jedi. This might explain why Cound Doku can use effective lightning at a longer distance than Emperor Palpatine; He's simply taller.
Kyle hinted on the way to solve this problem by saying "Siths can control individual electrons". This might actually not be the answer. It's well-known that Darth Vader cannot generate force lightning, because he has robotic hands. If they could control individual electrons, Darth Vader would be able to use some kind of force lightning, by just creating local pockets of extremely high electron content, then just throw these at the target. From what we see in the movies, this means that the electron imbalance should be within the Sith, conducted out of their finger tips. Vader cannot do that, as he would likely fry the electronics of his robotic hands or suit (which actually does happen when he saves his son!).
The reason why I think that force lightning works is that Siths can create a large electron imbalance in themselves, then they stretch out their hands to shorten the distance to the target. In addition to this, I think they are also able to mentally create a path of lower resistance through the air for the electrons to travel through (since they don't want it to go into themselves). In a universe where space wizards can move stuff with their minds, this is probably not too farfetched.
Kyle: for some reason I keep getting shocked.
Could that reason, perhaps, be... because science?
You piece of @#$% just stop step away from the keyboad
Well played Sir
I started wearing one of those silly looking rubber bands around the wrist that you would see advertised on TV, and noticed I stopped getting zapped all the time from metal objects.
Those Emperor impressions are the best! I need a supercut of all of them!
I'm reminded of one of my favourite biology facts. Electric eels (which arent actually eels) certainly have a similar power, though on much smaller scales (which they dont have. On their skin, I mean, no scales.) Their shocks tends to be around 860 volts. But the fun question is "how do they avoid shocking themselves?" And the answer. They dont. I realize that a magic space wizard that can control individual electrons in order to hand craft lightning might have mechanisms to protect themselves, but it is funny to think of the emperor blasting a jedi and then just seizing up and flopping to the ground like a fish.
"UNLIMITED POW-" Kzk! Thump. Movie over.
Except the voltage that electric eels can produce can’t hurt anyone. The fact that they can produce up to 1 amp of current is what makes them deadly. Voltage doesn’t kill.
I don't recall mention of the eels hurting themselves.
@@zamorakcoa1357 that's a fair point, my grasp on electro dynamics isnt that strong. The point stands, however. It would still be hilarious.
When Kyle makes a video making multiple palpatine jokes but doesn’t say the iconic dewit even once :((
3:14 "Let me play you the song of my people."
Hey Kyle,
Great episode but I do have a few things to add that you did not mention. Even though the one on the receiving end of the force lightning would get badly burned from the heat produced, the one conjuring said lighting would be burned as well, though not as much due to the polarity. Polarity is actually a large consideration in welding because it determines the amount of penetration goes into the metal and where the majority of the heat produced by the arc is directed. For example; with the electrode being negative and the work positive, the electrode will burn slower and you will get more penetration into the weld but you also run a higher risk of burning straight through the metal. With the polarity reversed, there will be less penetration making a weaker bond, and the electrode will burn up much faster. So this would mean that by using force lightning you could take down your enemy but also take yourself out as well.
You also skipped over amperage as well and that is the most lethal when it comes to electricity. 22 million volts does sound impressive but you can buy handheld tasers with higher ratings. Consider this though, the average home in the US runs on 15 - 20 amps, doesn't sound like a lot does it? Well it only takes 0.01 amps to create a painful shock, 0.1 amps for uncontrolled muscle spasms, 0.2 amps for severe burns and injury, and at .5 amps is almost instant death. From this you could conclude that force lightning must be at a max of 0.01 amps or even less because they are still able to move around and speak clearly.
I would suggest that in order to make it safer for the one conjuring the lightning and less so for the other, lessen the volts and increase the amps. This would lessen the burn you would receive but also make it into a one zap kill.
i'd love to see Kyle talk about Dr Stone. Literally science anime FeelsGoodMan
My favorite Star Wars trivia is that it all happens in the past (A long, long time ago...)
This isn't even the most powerful force feat, in Legends, Sith Lords like Darth Nhilus and Vitiate could drain the force from entire planets and Luke Skywalker could manipulate artificial black holes in the Yuuzhan Vong War... meanwhile Canon Luke at a similar point couldn't even maintain a short use of force projection, how the mighty Jedi Master has fallen.
Malachore was underwhelming in the new canon.
oh, you look well versed in Star Wars, so may I ask a question?
I don't follow Star Wars, I haven't seen any movie yet. but now I'm baffled cause the new lightsaber seems to have a switch to turn it on, but I was under the impression that you have to use the force to activate it and it wasn't some kind of tech that anyone could use. so, it was always like that or is something the new ones pull out of their ass?
@@ZielAmerak No Lightsabers always had a switch to turn them on. There might be some Legends Content with Lightsabers witzout buttons but that would be special stuff.
@@ZielAmerak Lightsabers are entirely mechanical. Anyone can wield them. The only thing is that the Kyber Crystal that powers the saber and gives it its laser plasma blade is a force artifact. The Kyber Crystals react to the flows of the force and even radiate their own energy. So, a non-Force cannot utilize a lightsaber to its full potential because they cannot draw upon and control its energy
Did you know that the red lightsabers that are used by the Sith and those allied with the Dark Side of the Force have to be corrupted to be made that way? A darksider pours their dark force energy into the Kyber Crystal and transforms it
@@ZielAmerak non force users have always been able to use them (eg: Grevious from Revenge of the Sith and Han Solo in Empire Strikes Back) but the force is needed to build them.
being stuck in the void while being continually shocked for no apparent reason would be enough to turn anyone into a supervillain!
Great episode Kyle, however I can’t help but think of one problem:
When you shuffle around on carpet and build up electrons then touch something metal, the forces equalizes like you say and you feel a shock. So if you apply this to the context of force lightning, a Sith Lord is able to draw electrons to him at will, like shuffling along a carpet. Him discharging the lightning at the hapless Jedi then is the equivalent of touching metal, to discharge the forces (again like you say). This implies that in the process of the Sith Lord trying to electrocute someone, they would also electrocute themselves, thus rendering the power somewhat redundant. However, a possible work around might be the Sith Lord to wear a Faraday suit.
I had the same thought just not in so many words thankyou.
That wouldn’t work because electricity wouldn’t be able to pass out of the faraday suit in the first place
I think The Emperor would somehow use the Force to protect himself (such as moving it along himself and not through if you understand what I'm trying to say) from such pain or endure it considering he's a Sith Lord (those guys enjoy pain).
This won't work as a Faraday suit would ground the sith lords themselves. Ultimately you can survive your body having a voltage of millions of volts, as Kyle left out other methods of working on hot power lines.
For starters, not all powerline workers will use Faraday suits and instead some will use a method called bare handing, this works by raising the voltage of the body to that of the powerlines and then they connect their body to the powerline so that there is no potential difference between the worker and the powerline making it so no current will flow through the worker.
If palpatine was in a Faraday suit then he would be grounded and any voltage he generates would go to ground, this is why demonstrations of people shocking others with van de graaf generators have the person doing the shock being insulated from the ground on something like a plastic stool. Add in that palpatine could safely discharge, if he had control over electrons, by taking into account the skin effect of high frequencies you would result in him just having to insulate himself from the ground.
Love the show Kyle!
I’ve experienced breakdown voltage while petting my cat - when I stroke her with my hand starting at her head and ending at her tail, and then go back to stroke her again, her nose usually gets shocked from my hand 😂
Speaking of cats, when are you gonna do a cat-themed episode??
About force lightning - if someone using it is similar to shuffling your feet on a carpet and then touching a doorknob, the shock should go both ways... so if Palpatine tried to kill Luke, he would kill himself also.
What if instead of creating an arc between themselves and the person/object they are electrocuting, the lightning user force-manipulated the electrons in the air directly in front of them, creating the arc to the target but preventing the bolt from actually touching their own skin, thus preventing electric shock?
Hi Kyle, love the show!
So force lightnings are similar to regular lightnings in terms of released power. The typical power of an Earth lightning is around 10 gigawatts but they usually only last for a very short amount of time, a few microseconds or so. On the contrary, in Star Wars, the force lightnings last much longer. In Return of the Jedi, Palpatine shocks Luke for more than 10 seconds conservatively, hence a total energy of more than a 100 gigajoules (E=PT).
For comparison, and despite Luke’s amazement in that scene, Yoda lifting the X-wing could not have required more than 1 megajoule (potential energy difference E=mgh assuming 10 tons for the X-wing mass, a height of circa 10 metres and a gravitational field on Dagobah similar to Earth).
Kyle, is the dark side stronger?
A few corrections, first lightning strikes have an average peak power of Terawatts (10^12 to 10^13 watts) not gigawatts (10^9). Given that the voltage of lightning strikes are in the gigavolt territory and the current is in the kiloamp territory.
For force lightning due to the maximum voltages within those distances we can expect currents of around 10kA meaning at 22GV the power would be 220 GW or 2.2 TJ released over 10 seconds
Lightning on earth at 10^13 watts and lasting 30 microseconds is about 300 GJ.
So while force lightning does release more energy, the description you were providing was misleading.
Second, assuming degobah has the same density as earth then it's gravity will be 1.13 times stronger. To lift a 10 tonne xwing 10 meters (which I think is a bit excessive) would require 1.1 MJ (within 10% of your estimate) but this is ignoring that he had to pull roughly 1 meter of that through the mud. Ultimately I would argue though that the mass of the x wing would fall closer to around 5 tonnes and instead of lifting 10 meters it would be lifted around 5 meters which would reduce the energy required to around 2.8 KJ which fits with your position that force lightning would release far more energy.
I was only considering orders of magnitude but thanks for providing more accurate numbers!
One quick note though, I think you meant 280 kJ for the x wing lifting (5 tons x 5 m x 9.8 gravity x 1.13 Dagobah scaling factor).
In any case, the force lightning is a much more impressive feat!
You are correct I did mean 280 KJ my bad. Thank you for correcting that!
@@Brendakye2468 Given it's the same size and shape of a Light Jet fighter and mostly the same materials ie Titanium, It's not unreasonable it'd be 10 tons. Disney Canon also says it's 10 tons now. Height sounds about right though.
@@Citrakite me saying the mass is 5 tonnes relates to its relative volume to that of a Lockheed martin F-22. Since they should have similar densities then the estimated mass drops down to just above 5 tonnes.
Note that I am not the only one that came to similar conclusions. The 10 tonne canon value comes from a "junior" book meant for kids. Using the complete free body volume of each would put the mass down to 4600 kg which is less than the 5 tonnes.
So in this instance I am going to go on rejecting the canon value given that it doesn't exactly make sense (especially since the x wings take up much less of the space of their free body volume than an f22)
4:02 Actually, he’s not dead. He took a fatal blow, which automatically means he will come back alive in a later episode. That sith should’ve aimed for the shoulder
4:18 Told you so
Did you ever hear the tradegy of Darth Plagueis of the Wise?
I thought so, it's not a story the jedi would tell you
It's a stupid legend.
You were the chosen one! It was said you would continue the thread, not end it!
@@izzycast5511 calm yourself young padawan, he might not be well versed in the ways of the reddit
That moment when the Force lightning isn't electricity, but the power of pure evil...
10:24 so this is how your supervillain thing started...
The science is cool, but I’m actually more impressed by the impressions
"Please, consider the following."
Thought I was watching bill nye for a second 😂
Do not sully Kyle's name by comparing him to Bill.
@@azraelf.6287 Meant nothing of the sort mate, just watched a lot of science guy back in the day so it kinda hit me 😂
@@senor_frosty I did as well. But that was before Bill jumped the sharks. All of them. I doubt I would go see him today unless the ticket was free.
That part where Kyle made the suggestion to the Jedi Council at 9:49 either was him trying to screw up his supervillain competition or it was his actual supervillain origin story. Also I love that the Coucil's members are just different colored Baby Yodas
"Because a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away called Britain,---" -Kyle Hill, 2019
Brexit from Milky Way, TBA.
Right?! I've never heard of the galaxy called Britain. And what ate the odds that they also had a person named Faraday, that also created an anti force lightning cage...
So the void is a galaxy and Kyle are from future?
The BS plot intensifies.
The plot thickens... Perhaps the Void is a pocket universe. Kyle Hill, Gallifrean "super-villain" time traveling void user-- I wonder if he also has two hearts?
I heard their neighbor Galaxy dump all of their tea into s black hole
4:02 now that's a proper SUPRISE LIGHT SABER
What would the protomolecule be like from the expanse
Not exactly on the topic of Force and SW in general.
@@davidbutler1366 doesn't have to be
@@davidbutler1366 And?
Im guessing it's a sentient nanobot swarm that liquidifies things, that's what the shows implied.
0:49 Mr. Sith right here
1 love the show
2 if they make lighting in this manner the user of force lighting hurt them self when they use it?
3 if a light saber has a magnetic field around it and its hit with force lighting wouldn't that mess up said field and cause the lightsaber to break?
It would just cause everyone near it to die instantly from the ensuing heatwave
@@thegingerkingshanks7587 and wouldn't it compress the air and cause a air blast that would damage the area around the attack even more? sorry if there's any misspellings.
Hey Kyle! Dad fan here (my son Elijah loves the show too). I was just doing laundry when I had a couple experiences with static electricity that I thought were kinda cool.
1. I got shocked when my lounge pants touched my dryer, and the pants are loose so they were kinda floating off my legs.
2. Decided to keep my leg against the dryer door while I was finishing my laundry and I got shocked further down my leg where my pants weren't making contact with my leg! I was pulling out some particularly static-friendly clothes when it happened.
I thought both were intriguing and figured you know some cool way to explain what happened.
(Pants are 100% polyester according to tag)
Note to self: create a band and call it "Puppet Swamp."
Love the stuff and the reason why I subscribe to this channel.
This is going from the top of my head: If force lightning is anything like how electricity behaves they want to find the fastest way to ground/earth. If Palpatine were to fire lightning from his fingers it would just arc down to his feet or to the nearest conductor. Let's say that force lightning is shooting towards you, there is an alternative to the Faraday suit if one forgets to put it on. If you could somehow put a makeshift lighting rod in between you and Palpatine then the lightning rod could just take the hit for you.
I thought You were saying
“THORS lightning”
He keeps that to himself... and his enemies.
10:00 Honored members hmm? Seems like the Child is the only one who is honored here.
"The robe was too hot"
If that's the case, whats the temperature in the void?
You would think It shouldn't even have temperature, but all things have a level of kinetic energy therefore, everything would have a temperature.
It's probably like the Hyperbolic time chamber where it changes at random depending on what spot he's filming that day.
@@Citrakite touche, much needed void canon
6:33 nein! protect the baby yoda with your last breath!
Hi Kyle, really love the show!
Now that I have you're attention, wouldn't the lightnight hit the ground first if it his the least resistant path to ground? Plus, wouldn't the ionised air be much more conductive, only requiering 22 000 000 V to initially ionise the air, than the sith would be able to lower the voltage. Just a thought.
1.Well wouldn't lightning as it is an electric current rather travel strength to ground, choosing a path of less resistance.
2. wouldn't quick bursts of lightning mean high frequency ? So there would acure something called skin effect... electricity would flow on surface of someones skin or at last close to surface of it...
I love the show. Keep up the good work
does anyone feel like he’s wearing a green jacket in front of a green screen at the start
It looks to me like he's wearing something black over a black background green would simply make him look invisible or the part that's covered in green anyway
At 7:02 should there not be a positive charge around Palpatinе? And around the target is negative. That the target would receive a charge, and not the one who casts?
I feel like this video could have just 10 seconds and just be Kyle saying "space magic" and then signing off
The proper phrase is, "Midichlorians"
Kyle Hill's finger: Martyr to Science.
Hey Kyle!
This theory only further proves that your theory of how a lightsaber is a magnetically contained plasma is correct. When Mace Windu faces the Emperor he negates the dark lord lightning by simply using his lightsaber like a lightning rod. The strong magnetic field of the blade would attract the bolts towards it instead of going through the jedi master. Perhaps the lightning is then reflected back at the emperor because of the charge he's built on himself now far out balances the combination of plasma and a moving magnetic field which would then create a charge of it's own?
10:30 Hasn't Kyle already grown his hair out?
This is what you call Star Wars references with comedy combined with science.
This was hilarious as well as educational, very much.
I want to see him talk about volts of electricity after the latest movie lol
0:28 how dare you drop baby yoda
1:45 (pictures of Peter Griffin in his foot pajamas, shocking everyone)🙈🤣
Mr Kyle sir, relatively new viewer here (1 year) but I have binge watched all (and I mean ALL) your content and love it.
Question - you have made multiple references to the fact that heroes like Captain America and the Hulk are scientifically unrealistic because of their increase in mass from seemingly no where... but I was pondering Einsteins theory of relativity (E=MC2) and it occurs to me... what if they converted ENERGY... INTO MATTER?! Surely if there was a large enough chemical reaction that generated "incredible" amounts of energy, the superhero universe could condense that energy INTO muscle mass?
Do remember the full equation. E=MC^2
Captain America is getting 50 kg heavier and the hulk is getting 300kg heavier.
Captain America would have to pull 50*300,000,000*300,000,000 joules from somewhere to gain that mass.450,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules is a lot and would require energy greater than that of a nuclear bomb explosion.
Plus, in the case of the hulk he grows instantly bigger when angry but we must respect conservation of energy. Where is this energy coming from?
Plus energy can’t always be converted into mass, what E=MC^2 is saying is that they are equal, not convertible, but they can be converted on the quantum scale of reality or at high speeds where your mass increases relative to other observers in the universe.
How fast would you have to spin a basketball on your finger and touch it to a person's nose to cause a carpet burn type effect on that said person's nose??? I wonder...
To much work... just lob it at an angle point blank.
Hey Kyle, love your show.
As in your demonstration of how you can get shocked by rubbing your feet over the carpet and getting close to a doorknob, use the force lightning wouldn't get you shocked as well, just like a recoil attack.
XO from Brazil 🇧🇷
Okay, Kyle using Force lightning.... a skill only usable by the users of the dark side of the force. Jotting that down and saving this video as possible evidence for the eventual conviction of super villainy that is coming his way.
Actually light siders can the Jedi just banned/forbid it's use
@@Blaze-zm7zt Exactly. Force Choke is dark side, Lightning is neutral... in KOTOR.
@@Blaze-zm7zt Plo koon uses Force lightning but a weaker version called Electirical/Force Judgement, weak enough so he doesn't get pulled through the darkside or get tempted
@@pavia1960 yea, but weren't there older Jedi who did use the pure form? Old republic or older
So i work in a plastics factory and this is easily one of the biggest annoyances epically during the winter when the air is cold and dry. We regularly have to handle large containers full of plastic or large rolls and then at some point pick up our metal tools or touch the metal machines. And some of the arcs created are insane. Were talking half inch to inch long arcs with very aduiable pops. To compensate we attached some "static bars" which are like exposed teala coils, and xmas tinsel to minimize the static cling by quite a bit. If not for these we wold leave covered in plastic scrap.
hey kyle,
i really enjoyed the episode and genuinely feel like i learned a good bit. i do have 2 questions though. if a sith or jedi could use the force on a molecular or atomic level could they not just pluck electrons from the atoms in the air or ground around them and fling them at the target?
of course i'm no expert but it would seem like this approach would act more like a taser or stun gun as you would be flowing electrons directly into the body.
my second question is with your approach, if the idea is to make a charge imbalance wouldn't the resulting arc just go into the ground they are standing on before the body of a target because it is closer and possibly more conductive?
Electrical engineer here. For your first question, they could in theory pluck electrons off of basically anything and hurl them at the Target. This however is apparently not done because of movie Magic. For your second question, the answer would depend on the electro-magnetics of the setup. Well it's not easy to predict more complex problems, the Force lightning user would have to make sure that breakdown voltage would only occur between him or herself and the target, and not anything else such as the ground.
This video was more entertaining than Rise of Skywalker by a large margin. Anyone else agree?
Yes! Yes, Young Kyle. Let the negative charge flow through you!!
That little 'the cloak was too hot' joke was small enough that i'm sure almost no one would mention it, but i found it funny. especially the delivery.
Solution: MIDICHLORIANS! Midichlorians everywhere!
Hey Kyle, love the show.
We all know your supervillain tendencies, and force lightning would certainly be a fine addition to your collection of villainous powers. Sadly we haven’t figured that out yet, so a more practical solution is required. No need to worry, for I have designed the perfect system to grant you lightning powers by answering one question: how much do you have to rub your feet on the carpet in order to shoot lightning?
This is caused by the Triboelectric Effect, which is the phenomenon where certain substances pass off electrons when they come into contact with other substances. The Triboelectric Series ranks the most common of these substances against each other by how likely they are to give or receive electrons in these exchanges. Picking two extreme examples from the list, if you hypothetically wore Teflon shoes and walked on a floor of polyurethane foam (like and egg crate mattress) you could achieve a differential of 250nC per Joule of friction.
Next think of the human body as a capacitor, storing up energy to be released in one massive discharge. The capacitance of the average human body is roughly 200pF. The relationship between capacitance, charge, and voltage is C=FV. In order to discharge that massive 22MV of lightning, you need a total charge of 0.0044 Coulombs.
Going back to the triboelectric effect, the total amount of friction needed to obtain the necessary charge is given by J=(0.0044C)(250nC/J), which gives us a total of 17,600 Joules of friction. This doesn’t sound like much, but sliding your feet on the floor doesn’t take much energy.
Now we just figure out the total sliding friction we need. The average human stride is 78cm and the average width of a human foot is 10cm so that the total area of one stride to be 780cm^2. Using a friction value of 0.001J/cm^2 (this was the value used in the study I based all the calculations on) this gives a total of 22,565 strides to build up the necessary voltage. Swap some units around, and this winds up as a grand total of 10.7 miles of sliding around in Teflon shoes under completely ideal conditions at 100% efficiency.
TL;DR - You would have to slide around for just short of a half marathon before you get on Palpatine levels. Or build a sock-carpet treadmill, you can stay in one spot and build up the charge. Just make sure your target stays in one spot for two hours, you can’t pick your feet up or else you gotta start over.
P.S. - I know the science makes no sense, but it was a fun thought experiment. Plus I haven’t done circuits since college, so it was nice to re-learn all that.
Evil Kyle confirmed he literally builds up negative energy in the void. 😋
Hey Kyle, love the show!
You consistently pictured earlier in the video, the electricity flowing from positive to negative which is, in fact, not fact. The negatively charged electrons flow from high concentration to low, like most things. Although you may have meant a positive amount of electrons by drawing a plus sign the charge of an electron is negative so the lightning should have been drawn the ther way around or the signs for negative and positive should have been switched depending on the scene
So does that mean if the Emperor used force lightning against a Mandolorian like Boba Fett he would be fine?