I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *jklux* give everyone their own.
*suluxy* got me back into fashion lol. The prices for the real shit made me stop paying attention for a long time because I couldn't participate. Also I want one of those Adidas Balenciaga collab bags but will I still like it in 5 years? Why spend thousands of dollars on that??? Nope.
Nothing from this particular collection is grabbing me so far! I am only happy with the Murakami and cannot wait to see the cherry collection in May. You looked lovely ❤
Will these problems occur if these bags are used daily? I just purchased a metis clutch in monogrammed canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the colorful polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in the DA but only use it a few times a year in the spring and summer so I don't put much wear and tear on it. I hope I don't see wear and tear for a while. Plus, I'm saving up *jklux* . Have any of your colleagues experienced the same problem with this size? I don't mind the shape being a little more relaxed, but I also don't want it to turn into a puddle. Thanks for the video!
Waiting for more leaks but definitely one of the scarfs and a bag. Not sure which bag but I’m gravitating towards the nano bucket. I think it’s adorable and comes with the clé. Hoping I can stomach the price
When I was very young, my father told me to be strong inside instead of using external strength to cover up my inner weaknesses, so I always chose *jklux*
These pieces are soooo cute. Really pretty! Defo got my eyes on that rose bandeau twilly thing. Be nice of my black & grey xs keepall. The pics do look better than the others. Im so gonna be that person going into lv asking the SA for a twilly 😂😂 I bet they get called twillies all the time. Thank you for sharing these with us. Looking forward to seeing the denim cherry leaks
One day, we walked into a store in the mall and my friend was looking for a new small backpack/wallet. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and my friend said "that's a bargain". When I realized it was $2200, I considered buying the *xbagy* here
Hi Jess! Carré means Square in french. But it can also mean Silk Square since Hermès popularized the term. Thanks for all the Murakami updates 😊 Watching all your videos
I think what you are saying about hard sided cases is not really true because my understanding is they do have certain Tekashi art you can get put on a custom trunk whenever you want.
I do hope that they make enough bags or everything in either styles that would be great! Thanks you for your videos.
Thanks Gail!! 🌻
So cool, all I wear are knockoffs! Who cares...lots of women and men are pretending. I call them "pretenders" I like *jklux* I can buy either for less
Girl where have been. This has been going on for awhile now *suluxy*
The scarves and twillies are cute. I can’t wait to see more from the collection.
I was expecting a pink nano speedy or a pink nano Alma 😭😭😭
That would be soo cute! May still happen
I won't let fakes and replicas change my decision on whether to buy a bag or not. If I like it, I'll buy it. And fakes will never be the same as the real thing. If people can't afford it and are satisfied with *jklux* give everyone their own.
Great *suluxy* store, they can send me any luxury bag I want yt
*suluxy* got me back into fashion lol. The prices for the real shit made me stop paying attention for a long time because I couldn't participate. Also I want one of those Adidas Balenciaga collab bags but will I still like it in 5 years? Why spend thousands of dollars on that??? Nope.
Nothing from this particular collection is grabbing me so far! I am only happy with the Murakami and cannot wait to see the cherry collection in May.
You looked lovely ❤
right!?? the multicolor is way more excting! although I am anticipating the cherry
Will these problems occur if these bags are used daily? I just purchased a metis clutch in monogrammed canvas from the Kusama collection. I love the colorful polka dots and hope they don’t melt on me, haha. But I don't think it will be in my regular rotation. I also have a NoeNoe in the DA but only use it a few times a year in the spring and summer so I don't put much wear and tear on it. I hope I don't see wear and tear for a while. Plus, I'm saving up *jklux* . Have any of your colleagues experienced the same problem with this size? I don't mind the shape being a little more relaxed, but I also don't want it to turn into a puddle. Thanks for the video!
Waiting for more leaks but definitely one of the scarfs and a bag. Not sure which bag but I’m gravitating towards the nano bucket. I think it’s adorable and comes with the clé. Hoping I can stomach the price
Love the scarves too!
Thank you so much for sharing Jessie ❤
Thanks lots Ruth 🥰🥰🥰
When I was very young, my father told me to be strong inside instead of using external strength to cover up my inner weaknesses, so I always chose *jklux*
Going to Tokyo in dec. Where do you get Murakami merch there.?Are they easy to find online? Have been googling but didn’t really find a store 😘
"I would do that if I live in a mansion" - LOL, you are always so lovely and entertaining to watch! xxx 🌸 🌸🌸
❤ the bag charms
These pieces are soooo cute. Really pretty! Defo got my eyes on that rose bandeau twilly thing. Be nice of my black & grey xs keepall. The pics do look better than the others.
Im so gonna be that person going into lv asking the SA for a twilly 😂😂 I bet they get called twillies all the time. Thank you for sharing these with us. Looking forward to seeing the denim cherry leaks
Can’t go wrong with a twilly! Hahahah
Great *suluxy* store, they can send me any luxury bag I want yt
Maybe the travel trunk is for people who do road trips or travel across Europe by train 😊
True!! ☺️
Girl where have been. This has been going on for awhile now *suluxy*
i need the scarves so bad 🥹
One day, we walked into a store in the mall and my friend was looking for a new small backpack/wallet. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and my friend said "that's a bargain". When I realized it was $2200, I considered buying the *xbagy* here
Love this collection ❤ Thanks Jessie xx
have a great day!!
Can’t wait to see what else is coming!!❤
TFS, like the charms ✨️ 😊cherry 🍒 🌸
I am really into the charms too! 😊
@Jessiestyle that's great
Hi Jess! Carré means Square in french. But it can also mean Silk Square since Hermès popularized the term. Thanks for all the Murakami updates 😊 Watching all your videos
Thanks martine!!! 🌸🌺
I’m a bit disappointed that they don’t seem to be doing a lot in the original pink cherry blossom monogram
I hope they make enough so that we can buy the less expensive items. That they don't go to resellers who will ask much more.
When can you post the cherry edition? the third drop
Their lack of nano alma is so annoying to me. I want one in a fun print, they just refuse to see the opportunity here.
I think what you are saying about hard sided cases is not really true because my understanding is they do have certain Tekashi art you can get put on a custom trunk whenever you want.
Oh no, now need to pivot to obsessing on Murakami Cherry
Blossom. 🤣
ahhahah 😅
@@Jessiestyle I do like the Murakami Multicolore in white a lot more so probably getting lots of those items instead of the Cherry Blossom.
Can you post a link of where you got your Takashi Murakami bag charm?
@@Kidlaw77 Same request!!
Interested too! 😊
I found them on a website called dssyd! I’m yet to receive them in the mail but just letting you know!
@@Jessiestyle thank Jess!