The diseases spread, and sometimes the marriages destroyed as a result, just might be of concern to some. Prostitution isn't only engaged by single lonely men, and prostitutes rarely stick to a single person. A disregard for the law can result in underage participants. Not a problem?
@@juliogonzalez4764 Excuse me, this is a reply to justify low morality and hypocrite Christian values. You should be ashamed of yourself. Many a times they are not adults. They are children giving birth to children. I Could mind my own busines but I care for Philipina's and don't want poverty
This is an interesting topic....its not just the Philippines, this is world wide, women know how to use their bodies to entice men....even women that have been married for years to the same guys....
Hahaha. What a thematic. I am German. Didn’t grow up in the nicest area in Mannheim. Across our apartment building, there was a strip bar, and yes, some apartments on top of the bar. Only for explanation of what I am writing now. My dad, always drunk, my mom working in the night, cleaning offices until 2AM. So I had my football and playing in the night mostly by myself. Ones in a while, a “young lady” walking by and stopping to pick me up: “Boy. Your dad drunk again? You shouldn’t be on the street that late. Come with me…” So I ended up, ones in a while, sitting on top of the bar, drinking a hot chocolate and watching the “ladies” getting rid of their clothes on stage. As a 8-9 year old boy, I just thought that with all the dancing, they just get hot and throw away their clothes. Understandably 😅 - I don’t know if I was already 11 or 12, I’m in one of the girls apartments, listening 4 girls chatting at 1 or 2 in the morning, drinking my soda. One of the girls started talking to me: “You know. Men always pay for girls. No matter if it is a girl like us, the girlfriend or wife. You men have to pay.” Well. The girls started laughing and I had a big question mark glowing over my had for a couple seconds. But I just thought: “What are they talking about?” - I am now over 60 and this conversation is part of my life. “MEN ALWAYS PAY.” Because I see prostitutes different (like sisters at my early years - now daughters), I had never the need to go to prostitutes. And yes. I had many friends, they were just broke because of the girls or their wife’s. I left Germany 2005. Moved to Canada for work. 2020 to Panama. Watching some of the men - still. They have to pay 💰 😂 I must add one thing. Never in my lifetime I had women approaching me that “blunt” like here in Panama. “Do you planning to buy a house?” / “Do you transfer money to Panama and need help?” 😮 And: “You must pay if you like that a girl as “good looking as I am” will walk beside you!” And that woman wasn’t even that good looking! 😅 I am not ugly. And I never had to pay “just that I have company”. It was actually the other way around. In the beginning, I was visiting Expat meetings in clubs, coffeehouses and restaurants. I had always 4-5 women on my table sitting. That got so far that guys just said at arrival: “Let’s sit with the German guy. No idea. It’s his aftershave or something else. But the women always sit on his table…” I mentioned one time that I should charge the guys a fee! 😂 But to the disappointment of most of the women, I am not a hero with the women. I never was. Maybe of my experience in early years? I like long term relationships. Never understood the men who must meet every day a different woman. Strip clubs? Give me a break. I seen all of it when I was a kid. 😂 I know a guy in the 50th. He is always sending me pictures from his “leftovers”. “Can you help me out, please? I meet another woman today. The other one is available for you…” I said already to him: “I am in a relationship. And honestly? No idea what you trying to archive. But your life would be too stressful for me!” And yes. Especially in Panama, I had women asking me: “Hey. What is wrong with you? Are you gay?” Noob. But I am not touching every single woman. And btw. My girlfriend would kill me….. She is from Colombia 🇨🇴 😅 - Sometimes I wonder. I should be running around with every woman and have fun - looking at how I did grow up. But still. For many years, if I have seen an older guy with a young woman or 2 or 3, I just shaked my head. Now I’m here in Panama, I was surprised on how many women, also younger ones, started flirting with me. And yes, I must admit. The first couple of months I felt like Brad Pitt or Clooney. 😂 But if there is a 25 year young woman sitting across from me in a Bikini in a beach bar, I just tell her if she would be rather interested to chat with my 29 year old son in Germany. I raised 5 kids in my life. Only one was my own child. I honestly don’t like to raise another one. 😊 Looking at some of the older guys who have a girlfriend who is 30-40 years younger. Holy moly. They always look what they do. Call them every hour twice what they doing. Real control freaks because they fear she is gone with a younger man in no time. I even had a good friend getting in a big fight (including police) with his 34 year younger girlfriend, blaming her to have an affair with me! And I do live 100km away from them. I just told the guy to never talk to me again. Horrible! My girlfriend has my age. Older women die as a single woman they say. I got that from her. We had dinner in a restaurant with live music. She smiled into the night just lost in her thoughts. So I just said to her: “A penny for your thought.” She looked at me. Took my hand and said: “I am just happy that I will not die alone…. I hope!” And she was looking around at the younger women in the restaurants. That’s another reality for women in Asia and Latin America. All men running for the younger girls. 😮
Good video. Guess what? Guys everywhere want a pretty female companion. Women everywhere want to improve their lot in life. The only difference is in SE Asia, western men have access to much younger & prettier women. Asian women have access to western guys who can provide them a level of stability and comfort they could otherwise only dream of.
Hello, this is Michael. Thanks for your generous comment. And yes, many of our viewers say the same as you regarding Vange. She's also a very interesting person in her "real" lifr.
Sziasztok ! Gratulálok nektek, és boldog életet kívánok, remélem együtt maradtok az utólsó percig ! Nehéz témát választottatok ! Én 70 éves vagyok, Magyarországon születtem és élek ma is. 40 évesen 18 éves lányt vettem feleségül, 50 évesen 19 éves szeretőm volt, és nem volt problémám a sex terén velük. Ma már nem tudnám megfelelően teljesíteni egy 18-20 éves lány igényeit a hálószobában, vagyis a sex csak egyoldalú élvezet lenne, az enyém. Elvárhatja-e bárki, hogy egy fiatal nő lemondjon kedvéért a jó sexről, az igazi kielégülésről ? Vagy melletted marad, mert anyagi biztonságot kap tőled most és a jövőben, de titokban máshol elégíti ki igényeit ? Én nem gondolom, hogy ez nem egy üzlet, adok és kapok. Nem gondolom, hogy egy 60-70 éves férfiba szerelmes lehet egy 18-20 {vagy akár 30} éves nő. Fordítva viszont igen, és ezért egyoldalú a kapcsolat érzelmi része. Lehet hogy a partnerem hálás és mindent megtesz a boldogságomért, de legyünk tisztában azzal, hogy az Ő igazi élete csak utánunk fog elkezdődni. És ez nem baj, ha mindenki megkapja amit szeretne.
Hello this is Michael. Thanks you for your wise comments. I agree with you completely. I apologize for having to respond in English. One note about Hungary I can say. At age 6 back in 1956, I woke one morning to find 5 of your country people were staying as guests in our home before heading to America. You will remember the uninvited guests from Russia visited. But out visitors were welcome in our home for the three weeks it took before then flew to America. I wonder how life there was for them?
Hello, this is Michael. Thanks for your comment. This was a delicate topic . I've never seen it discussed on any other expat channel. We wanted to discuss it tastefully but also honestly. I'm pleased you felt we did that.
This is in fact referred to as a "contract relationship" where the terms are often left open aside from those which are stated. Both parties are then able to decide their future moving forward with time.
I agree ALL RELATIONSHIPS are contractual and who says that a "relationship" must include love & affection ❤️ ??????? There are many types of relationships and it's only prostitution when the government hasn't received anything out of the relationship.
@@Buildsolarhomeswhat a cynical perspective, that ignores all the other negative effects, such as on public health, that results from prostitution. As an aside, I like your username. The more solar homes the better 😎👍
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete am I paid to lie or do I lie to get paid? Or am I paid to interpret the law for you? But anyone can interpret the law, especially on social media.
Thanks for your comment. This is Michael. We sometimes struggle with drawing the line on whats appropriate and what is not. We want to be respectful to all people involved here. Please keep watching and, if we stray, please let us know. Thanks.
Hello, this is Michael. We've honestly been shocked at the huge response. We have no shyness about saying we are relatively clueless. It's a journey of exploration for us. Although I've produced an independent movie in Hollywood that did well commercially, we are new to this form of communication. The joy and perhaps pain about this medium is we quickly get feedback from you, our viewers, who tell us what you want and dont want. We listen carefully to what everyone says. We will ALWAYS be learning. Thanks again for taking time to contact us.
Hello This is Michael. Are you referencing Vange? Yes she is. There will be a program in a few weeks when Vange is visiting various places in our area. You will enjoy that.
First time seeing your channel, kind of just stumbled across it like the conversation I’m gonna give you my two cents every single relationship in your life is transaction. I don’t care whether it is your best friend your mother, your father, your Aus, that you have currently because the basis of a friendship is, you are providing them with something they want and they as well providing you with something that you want that is the basis of a transaction broken down to its form now in the situation that you guys are referring to the way you’re talking about this is the foreigner is providing stability financial and Maybe long-term benefits to his partners life. The Filipina on the other hand is providing companionship, compassion, sexual intimacy, and a home life how is that any different than any traditional relationship anywhere in the world because I guarantee you no matter what country you go to the guy is seen as the provider and the woman is seen as the homemaker, it’s been that way for centuries and it still is not a woman can’t do what a man does. We all know that women are better nurturing than men are part of that is because men don’t want to be perceived as weak in front of other men and we’re taught that from a very early age, so if those relationships in the Philippines are considered prostitution, then every relationship is prostitution
@ OK so my question would be is why are you best friends with your best friend? Do you not get something from that friendship and does your friend not get something in return
@@NotinKansasanymore Some people simply like being with certain other people. I'm not saying you can't coerce that into a transactional model in your mind. You can. You just need to recognize that this is a choice you make, to coerce your concepts of day-to-day life experiences into a transactional model. If doing that makes you happy, then by all means, keep doing it.
Well. I thank a man is bedder off with Philippines because in USA if you are married to these women they won't a new 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollar home and full of expenses furniture a new sub ever year or 2 3 er 4 credit cards then when you get off work bring home fast food or pizza you will have to work 2 jobs and still nit be able to pay your bills and they won't have you if you don't marry them then if you leave them they get everything you've worked for from a judge in court in Philippines their not even use to hevin food to eat so a little food maybe a little for the family because if you need them to help you or do some work they will do ot get ye america wife's family to help you but they are always needing something still live in Philippines fer a fraction of usa women and have a very loyal and sexy woman that will take care of you like you are a king and not complain bout it
It's up to the people involved, to decide if they are in love or not. If you are in a relationship in the Philippines, I'm sad to hear it is loveless. Sorry for your choice. Fortunately, you don't speak for others.
You asked for a comment. This is all very simple and easy. Was there an agreement for sex in exchange for cash? That crosses the line, even if he is respectful about it (which matters not in the least). Otherwise, it's a relationship or a developing relationship, even if long distance, and even if he gives her cash. Yes, she could become dependent on that cash. She can always change her mind on a whim and end the relationship without ever touching him. If after he arrives, they both decide to have sex and continue their relationship, fine. There is no pre-existing arrangement to have sex for money, regardless if it is implied or not by the continuing communication and financial support. Inter-dependency is a good thing in relationships. On the other hand, "Renting" a woman to use her for sex, is NOT a relationship, regardless if feelings develop later, or not. It's a business transaction for something which never should be a commodity. There are at least 4 reasons why I never have, and never will, "rent" a woman for sex. 1. It degrades her and prevents her from creating or finding a more honorable way to live, trapping her in an unhealthy and illegal lifestyle. 2. It would divert myself from finding a healthy long-term relationship. I for one cannot respect a woman who chooses to sell herself as a transaction, as opposed to developing a relationship, and I can't stay with someone I don't respect. 3. The risks associated with sex work, including pathogens and incarceration, or pregnancy with someone not in the cards for a meaningful long-term relationship. 4. The thought of intimacy as a commodity is repugnant to me. Some things should be in a special category, not in the same mental framework as renting a scooter or buying a meal. To hire a woman for sex is the ultimate in objectification and I will not have it. "what other choices do they have? Work for a few hundred pesos per day" *YES* ! If they have self-respect! As millions of women do, in this country! And while working in those low-paying jobs, they can network and meet an honorable man who accepts her in a meaningful relationship,. and ideally reject the men who try to "rent" her. And it might be shocking to some, but people advance their careers and earn promotions to better-paying jobs.... advancing their lifestyles without selling their souls. I say, shame on anyone who perpetuates sex work by engaging in it. Probably not what some want to hear, but I would say you now have your requested comment. Have a nice day
Hello this is Michael. Thanks for your comprehensive comments. I'll just comment on one of your points here. Do you live in the Philippines? If not, it would be understandable for you to see sexual interactions is such cold and dispassionate ways. And please note, Ive seen many situations that began we sex for money evolved into long term loving relationships. Thanks for taking your time to comment.
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete I don't deny that prostitution sometimes can and does evolve into a relationship. Only that prostitution is unacceptable. For the reasons I detailed above.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Michael also I do not see sexual interactions in cold and dispassionate ways. As I explained above, my perspective is quite the opposite, that sex should be treated as special, and not as some cold business transaction for cash like purchasing a commodity. I remember a great quote that went something like this: Guy asks a woman, "can I have sex with you for a million dollars?" She says, "yes!!" He replies, "how about for $15?" She angrily exclaims, "what kind of a girl do you think I am!?" To which he replies, "we've already established that, I'm just haggling on price"
Hello Rudy, this is Michael. You are 100% correct! Much of the reason why some girls act as they do here is to support their baby and/or general family. It's so easy for Westerners to be smug and condemn these girls without understanding the societal elements of life here. Thanks for your wise comment.
wow...hpw beautiful Vangeline is ...if she stillnot with any one Iam interestedin her ... let talk and see how it financial stable secure and she will have really good future with me...please give me a chance Vangeline...
Get married in the US and you are under contract of the state. And you will pay for the rest of your life. No money, no honey. YOU PAY YOU PAY YOU PAY YOU PAY!
they all say they are a yaya or caregiver, but most are sex workers, at 30 and single you are an old maid, I'm not cutting them down they have to feed their families,
we would not be in the Philippines if not for young girls Its nothing to do about love all about money, Thats my 26 years of experience, don't fool yourself,
@jimvan-m7y every person is an individual with an individual set of experiences. Of course, any woman wants stability, to be able to have food security and shelter. But not any woman will sell herself for sex to get it. Why would any woman sell herself for sex, when she could instead have a meaningful relationship with a good supportive man, and Even eventual inheritance?
if you want to call it prostitution or not , it still a business transaction ... money is being exchange and the final result is sex then you know the answer ... every relationship is a business transaction unless you are in a relationship that is 50/50 ... it is not love because love take time ... just because a person say they love you does not mean that they do
From the beginning of time, men of means and title have taken the "best" women through arrangement or conquest. Love was and always will be a sort of business transaction. Although men have been confused under the historically recent development of a romantic paradigm, western women, on the other hand, have known for decades that marriage is transactional. It's the sort of thing that is obvious but not spoken of, for that would spoil the "magic" of a white dress and "Til death do us part." Men are getting smart though. Divorce is greater than 50% and the famous cases such as Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are now just common sense. Of course they divorced! So put on your big boy pants men. Love can feel like magic, all wonderful and warm, but at the end of the day it is not a fairy tale.
By her definition any contract for any service is prostitution. You could even consider a contract with a wife as prostitution. So how do you determine if you are in romance? Some romances are combative so is that prostitution? What is the big deal anyway, two adults meeting each others needs is a wonderful thing.
Hiring a woman for her time is the most cost effective way to spend time with women. About all they are good for is sex once a man reaches retirement age. I have been married, lived with women and shared homes where men and women lived together. Without a doubt “pay for play” or having a regular companion where she has her home and I have mine is the best option.
Hello Mack. This is Michael. Unfortunately, connecting with Vange is not an option. She understandably has many requests to meet but its inappropriate for us to connect her with any viewer. Vange hopes you understand.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete That reality is very true Michael! Wouldn't life evolve with a different set of rules if men's sexual desires disappeared after menopause age like women"s? Might be a bit boring but very calming.
Choosing the girl based on sexual satisfaction is foolish and shortsighted. Sex can only keep a relationship going for a certain amount of time. Once you've had sex a thousand times in every different position it's going to lose it's excitement.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete OK, Dodger, what I perceive what he (marc richard) is expressing, is that Filipinas (and all women in general) get "uppity" about compromising on their "good girl" reputation of not allowing just anyone or at any time some guy on the 1st or 2nd or 3rd date (etc.) access to their "garden down there." Most ALL women are terrified of earning a "slutty" reputation, and I don't blame them one bit. It's the "holier than thou" hypocrites that are f¥§k..g up our happiness and pinning the donkey's tail on those whom the biddies are jealous of and hate. Let people live their lives as they see fit, as long as they follow the 10 Commandments. Notice that "prostitution" is not mentioned in the 10 Commandments. Even Jesus Himself did NOT scold the woman that those men were about to stone to death. What would Jesus do? Hmm?
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Let me be perfectly clear: Women of any age, yes even girls, MUST ALWAYS BE TREATED WITH RESPECT by ALL MEN and boys. Men and boys should celebrate ALL FEMALES for the ability to create life all within their bodies. It's a MIRACLE!!!!!
@@RobertTalbot-v3l I don't respect arrogant, hateful women. But I don't "treat them" any way at all... just ignore them and move on (and leaving the US is a good start).
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Thank you for replying. I will believe you. But there maybe a certain percentage that do nothing. One thing Phillipina girls are always well dressed and clean
Money is a factor obviously, but you still have to be a man to make any relationship work. (I'm not talking that long-distance, dating app bullshit!t).
Hello Tommy. This is Michael. Our actions in life are mostly dictated by the insane odds of where and when we are born. I respect any woman who, through love of her family, is willing to give herself intimately. How horrible and degrading it must be!
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Respectfully, I disagree with her about her assessment of what prostitution is. The man providing 20,000 pesos per month is supporting the woman in a long-distance relationship, but if they didn't agree on sex in exchange for that support, it is just that - a relationship. He could just as easily send 20,000 pesos a month for a comatose grandfather in the Philippines, hoping he recovers and returns to his loved ones. That doesn't mean he wants to have sex with him.
Sorry you lost me with this total B.S you start with 2 people who are in different countries they develop a relationship online. No one knows the intent of another’s heart. Besides that prostitution is a straightforward business transaction with the intent that it will never be anything more. It is not plausible to say it is one until it is not as it has become something else. Sorry I just cannot buy into this nonsense.
This is Michael. We regret this causes you discomfort. It may well be embarrassing but its a REALITY of life here. No other UA-cam channel for foreigners or ex-pats covers such topics. We still try to discuss the subject in as tasteful a way as possible.
@@VeritasOfficial-DumagueteI believe Fuentes family released a video on prostitution in the Philippines in the last 24 hours. ... Prostitution is a reality here because some people don't see the harm it causes, simply don't care, or they rationalize so they can continue supporting the sex trade. As a result, it continues. Much like giving money to a beggar, instead of supporting organizations that build other, better futures for these people. If people give beggars money, why would a beggar stop begging? If nobody engaged prostitutes, they would stop that destructive behavior because there would be no profit in it, they couldn't support themselves by continuing it. Although there will be people who will ignore that fact, and continue to engage the sex industry, it's a valid point nonetheless.
When you do the math of how many times you get to poke the hole and cost of divorce in USSA. It’s much cheaper to get a pro, not a wife who is a honest pro but Denys it as being a wife. Pros are the best women because they are honest!
Sex shouldn't be like buying boxes of spaghetti and negotiating for a bulk discount. The superior option not mentioned, is simply moving to the Philippines and developing a meaningful relationship that respects both participants. Don't worry, she won't divorce you, promise.
Ive been saying that for years, that pros are honest. Perhaps that's sadly cynical. And regading divorce in America it always saddens me to see a wedding celebration knowing that statistically the odds are the smiling, loving couple will divorce. I once gave a friend a wedding present of a three hour consultation with a divorce lawyer. He cracked up laughing. His new wife spewed venom and never spoke to me again. He used my gift 18 months later.
@@tryscience Hello try science. Ah, math and science, so honest in drawing conclusions while also being sufficiently humble to viewing new data that might contradict their previous position. PARA Re your proposal, I did both. It got complicated. And yes, you are correct, no Pinal can legally divorce you in the Philippines. Although there are moves in the senate to change the laws on divorce, the Catholic and Christian churches are far to powerful to allow it to happen and, in the process, weaken their control of the impoverished.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete this is not a scientific discussion. But I will say, science is the quest for reality, using a defined set of tools to test hypotheses which sometimes are indeed deemed wrong. Which has nothing to do with this conversation. Some things are indeed clear cut. Such as a negotiated exchange of cash for sex. Illegal, no gray area.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete where the attention goes, the energy flows. Your unforgettable gift for a divorce lawyer consultation, added division and a toxic element to their relationship. But since your friend cracked up about it, instead of rejecting the gift in front of his wife, suggests that maybe it was an appropriate gift after all.
They are both adults. What ever they do is not anyone's concern.
Hello this is Michael. Yes, your point is valid. I thin k its possible to offer several plausible responses. It's like our lives, complicated.
The diseases spread, and sometimes the marriages destroyed as a result, just might be of concern to some. Prostitution isn't only engaged by single lonely men, and prostitutes rarely stick to a single person. A disregard for the law can result in underage participants. Not a problem?
I wish our governments respected freedom.
@@juliogonzalez4764 Excuse me, this is a reply to justify low morality and hypocrite Christian values. You should be ashamed of yourself. Many a times they are not adults. They are children giving birth to children. I Could mind my own busines but I care for Philipina's and don't want poverty
This is an interesting topic....its not just the Philippines, this is world wide, women know how to use their bodies to entice men....even women that have been married for years to the same guys....
Live and let live, sounds like to me. Thanks for your insight.
Hahaha. What a thematic. I am German. Didn’t grow up in the nicest area in Mannheim. Across our apartment building, there was a strip bar, and yes, some apartments on top of the bar. Only for explanation of what I am writing now. My dad, always drunk, my mom working in the night, cleaning offices until 2AM. So I had my football and playing in the night mostly by myself. Ones in a while, a “young lady” walking by and stopping to pick me up: “Boy. Your dad drunk again? You shouldn’t be on the street that late. Come with me…” So I ended up, ones in a while, sitting on top of the bar, drinking a hot chocolate and watching the “ladies” getting rid of their clothes on stage. As a 8-9 year old boy, I just thought that with all the dancing, they just get hot and throw away their clothes. Understandably 😅 - I don’t know if I was already 11 or 12, I’m in one of the girls apartments, listening 4 girls chatting at 1 or 2 in the morning, drinking my soda. One of the girls started talking to me: “You know. Men always pay for girls. No matter if it is a girl like us, the girlfriend or wife. You men have to pay.” Well. The girls started laughing and I had a big question mark glowing over my had for a couple seconds. But I just thought: “What are they talking about?” - I am now over 60 and this conversation is part of my life. “MEN ALWAYS PAY.” Because I see prostitutes different (like sisters at my early years - now daughters), I had never the need to go to prostitutes. And yes. I had many friends, they were just broke because of the girls or their wife’s. I left Germany 2005. Moved to Canada for work. 2020 to Panama. Watching some of the men - still. They have to pay 💰 😂 I must add one thing. Never in my lifetime I had women approaching me that “blunt” like here in Panama. “Do you planning to buy a house?” / “Do you transfer money to Panama and need help?” 😮 And: “You must pay if you like that a girl as “good looking as I am” will walk beside you!” And that woman wasn’t even that good looking! 😅 I am not ugly. And I never had to pay “just that I have company”. It was actually the other way around. In the beginning, I was visiting Expat meetings in clubs, coffeehouses and restaurants. I had always 4-5 women on my table sitting. That got so far that guys just said at arrival: “Let’s sit with the German guy. No idea. It’s his aftershave or something else. But the women always sit on his table…” I mentioned one time that I should charge the guys a fee! 😂 But to the disappointment of most of the women, I am not a hero with the women. I never was. Maybe of my experience in early years? I like long term relationships. Never understood the men who must meet every day a different woman. Strip clubs? Give me a break. I seen all of it when I was a kid. 😂 I know a guy in the 50th. He is always sending me pictures from his “leftovers”. “Can you help me out, please? I meet another woman today. The other one is available for you…” I said already to him: “I am in a relationship. And honestly? No idea what you trying to archive. But your life would be too stressful for me!” And yes. Especially in Panama, I had women asking me: “Hey. What is wrong with you? Are you gay?” Noob. But I am not touching every single woman. And btw. My girlfriend would kill me….. She is from Colombia 🇨🇴 😅 - Sometimes I wonder. I should be running around with every woman and have fun - looking at how I did grow up. But still. For many years, if I have seen an older guy with a young woman or 2 or 3, I just shaked my head. Now I’m here in Panama, I was surprised on how many women, also younger ones, started flirting with me. And yes, I must admit. The first couple of months I felt like Brad Pitt or Clooney. 😂 But if there is a 25 year young woman sitting across from me in a Bikini in a beach bar, I just tell her if she would be rather interested to chat with my 29 year old son in Germany. I raised 5 kids in my life. Only one was my own child. I honestly don’t like to raise another one. 😊 Looking at some of the older guys who have a girlfriend who is 30-40 years younger. Holy moly. They always look what they do. Call them every hour twice what they doing. Real control freaks because they fear she is gone with a younger man in no time. I even had a good friend getting in a big fight (including police) with his 34 year younger girlfriend, blaming her to have an affair with me! And I do live 100km away from them. I just told the guy to never talk to me again. Horrible! My girlfriend has my age. Older women die as a single woman they say. I got that from her. We had dinner in a restaurant with live music. She smiled into the night just lost in her thoughts. So I just said to her: “A penny for your thought.” She looked at me. Took my hand and said: “I am just happy that I will not die alone…. I hope!” And she was looking around at the younger women in the restaurants. That’s another reality for women in Asia and Latin America. All men running for the younger girls. 😮
Good video. Guess what? Guys everywhere want a pretty female companion. Women everywhere want to improve their lot in life. The only difference is in SE Asia, western men have access to much younger & prettier women. Asian women have access to western guys who can provide them a level of stability and comfort they could otherwise only dream of.
Great, honest conversation.
And Vangeline is very, very attractive.
Hello, this is Michael. Thanks for your generous comment. And yes, many of our viewers say the same as you regarding Vange. She's also a very interesting person in her "real" lifr.
You are getting better with every episode!
Hi this Vanj, Thank you for your generous comment.❤
We will do the best we can.
THanks Steve, we appreciate what you are saying. Compared to #1 OMG!!!
Sziasztok ! Gratulálok nektek, és boldog életet kívánok, remélem együtt maradtok az utólsó percig ! Nehéz témát választottatok ! Én 70 éves vagyok, Magyarországon születtem és élek ma is. 40 évesen 18 éves lányt vettem feleségül, 50 évesen 19 éves szeretőm volt, és nem volt problémám a sex terén velük. Ma már nem tudnám megfelelően teljesíteni egy 18-20 éves lány igényeit a hálószobában, vagyis a sex csak egyoldalú élvezet lenne, az enyém. Elvárhatja-e bárki, hogy egy fiatal nő lemondjon kedvéért a jó sexről, az igazi kielégülésről ? Vagy melletted marad, mert anyagi biztonságot kap tőled most és a jövőben, de titokban máshol elégíti ki igényeit ? Én nem gondolom, hogy ez nem egy üzlet, adok és kapok. Nem gondolom, hogy egy 60-70 éves férfiba szerelmes lehet egy 18-20 {vagy akár 30} éves nő. Fordítva viszont igen, és ezért egyoldalú a kapcsolat érzelmi része. Lehet hogy a partnerem hálás és mindent megtesz a boldogságomért, de legyünk tisztában azzal, hogy az Ő igazi élete csak utánunk fog elkezdődni. És ez nem baj, ha mindenki megkapja amit szeretne.
Hello this is Michael. Thanks you for your wise comments. I agree with you completely. I apologize for having to respond in English. One note about Hungary I can say. At age 6 back in 1956, I woke one morning to find 5 of your country people were staying as guests in our home before heading to America. You will remember the uninvited guests from Russia visited. But out visitors were welcome in our home for the three weeks it took before then flew to America. I wonder how life there was for them?
Interesting topics there with good insights, well navigated too.
Hello, this is Michael. Thanks for your comment. This was a delicate topic . I've never seen it discussed on any other expat channel. We wanted to discuss it tastefully but also honestly. I'm pleased you felt we did that.
Listen sport see the reality as you should and adjust yourself accordingly !
This is in fact referred to as a "contract relationship" where the terms are often left open aside from those which are stated. Both parties are then able to decide their future moving forward with time.
Hello. This is Michael. Your comments are eloquent and completely on point. Are you an attorney?
I agree ALL RELATIONSHIPS are contractual and who says that a "relationship" must include love & affection ❤️ ??????? There are many types of relationships and it's only prostitution when the government hasn't received anything out of the relationship.
@@Buildsolarhomeswhat a cynical perspective, that ignores all the other negative effects, such as on public health, that results from prostitution.
As an aside, I like your username. The more solar homes the better 😎👍
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete am I paid to lie or do I lie to get paid? Or am I paid to interpret the law for you? But anyone can interpret the law, especially on social media.
@@Buildsolarhomes You're confusing prostitution with taxation.
The fact is, if you are both happy, who cares what other people think, enjoy life, it's too short to sweat the small stuff...
Salamat po. Amping. New York wave!
Hello. This is Michael. Thanks for responding New York. I lived there in 1974 Wow! Such an experience.
A very frank discussion.
Thanks for your comment. This is Michael. We sometimes struggle with drawing the line on whats appropriate and what is not. We want to be respectful to all people involved here. Please keep watching and, if we stray, please let us know. Thanks.
Thank you for your topic, it shines light that people should be aware of and time to reflect on how they approach things like this.
Hello, this is Michael. We've honestly been shocked at the huge response. We have no shyness about saying we are relatively clueless. It's a journey of exploration for us. Although I've produced an independent movie in Hollywood that did well commercially, we are new to this form of communication. The joy and perhaps pain about this medium is we quickly get feedback from you, our viewers, who tell us what you want and dont want. We listen carefully to what everyone says. We will ALWAYS be learning. Thanks again for taking time to contact us.
Vageline, Lets meet you and I in the Philippines
Well Said
She's drop dead beautiful!
She has a nice midriff 😊
Hello This is Michael. Are you referencing Vange? Yes she is. There will be a program in a few weeks when Vange is visiting various places in our area. You will enjoy that.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete What do you mean who? There's only one she in your video 😆
First time seeing your channel, kind of just stumbled across it like the conversation I’m gonna give you my two cents every single relationship in your life is transaction. I don’t care whether it is your best friend your mother, your father, your Aus, that you have currently because the basis of a friendship is, you are providing them with something they want and they as well providing you with something that you want that is the basis of a transaction broken down to its form now in the situation that you guys are referring to the way you’re talking about this is the foreigner is providing stability financial and Maybe long-term benefits to his partners life. The Filipina on the other hand is providing companionship, compassion, sexual intimacy, and a home life how is that any different than any traditional relationship anywhere in the world because I guarantee you no matter what country you go to the guy is seen as the provider and the woman is seen as the homemaker, it’s been that way for centuries and it still is not a woman can’t do what a man does. We all know that women are better nurturing than men are part of that is because men don’t want to be perceived as weak in front of other men and we’re taught that from a very early age, so if those relationships in the Philippines are considered prostitution, then every relationship is prostitution
Hello, this is Michael. Thanks for your wonderful insight. I completely agree with you!
Some people are more transactional than others. For those with a completely transactional mindset, yes, for them, all interactions are transactional.
@ OK so my question would be is why are you best friends with your best friend? Do you not get something from that friendship and does your friend not get something in return
@@NotinKansasanymore Some people simply like being with certain other people. I'm not saying you can't coerce that into a transactional model in your mind. You can. You just need to recognize that this is a choice you make, to coerce your concepts of day-to-day life experiences into a transactional model. If doing that makes you happy, then by all means, keep doing it.
There is no love relationship in the philippines. All is about interest. Don't be surprised that filipina would tell that love don't buy sacs of rice.
You mean in the world!
dude, even marriage has a contract! duh! That thought is not limited to Filipinos only!
Well. I thank a man is bedder off with Philippines because in USA if you are married to these women they won't a new 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollar home and full of expenses furniture a new sub ever year or 2 3 er 4 credit cards then when you get off work bring home fast food or pizza you will have to work 2 jobs and still nit be able to pay your bills and they won't have you if you don't marry them then if you leave them they get everything you've worked for from a judge in court in Philippines their not even use to hevin food to eat so a little food maybe a little for the family because if you need them to help you or do some work they will do ot get ye america wife's family to help you but they are always needing something still live in Philippines fer a fraction of usa women and have a very loyal and sexy woman that will take care of you like you are a king and not complain bout it
It's up to the people involved, to decide if they are in love or not. If you are in a relationship in the Philippines, I'm sad to hear it is loveless. Sorry for your choice. Fortunately, you don't speak for others.
Everything is about money
The same as western women. Just phillipenes use it for family and western use it for material things.
is Michael from Ireland the accent sounds like he is ?
Good video. Please consider getting a better microphone. The audio is hollow sounding.
You asked for a comment.
This is all very simple and easy. Was there an agreement for sex in exchange for cash? That crosses the line, even if he is respectful about it (which matters not in the least). Otherwise, it's a relationship or a developing relationship, even if long distance, and even if he gives her cash. Yes, she could become dependent on that cash. She can always change her mind on a whim and end the relationship without ever touching him. If after he arrives, they both decide to have sex and continue their relationship, fine. There is no pre-existing arrangement to have sex for money, regardless if it is implied or not by the continuing communication and financial support. Inter-dependency is a good thing in relationships. On the other hand, "Renting" a woman to use her for sex, is NOT a relationship, regardless if feelings develop later, or not. It's a business transaction for something which never should be a commodity. There are at least 4 reasons why I never have, and never will, "rent" a woman for sex. 1. It degrades her and prevents her from creating or finding a more honorable way to live, trapping her in an unhealthy and illegal lifestyle. 2. It would divert myself from finding a healthy long-term relationship. I for one cannot respect a woman who chooses to sell herself as a transaction, as opposed to developing a relationship, and I can't stay with someone I don't respect. 3. The risks associated with sex work, including pathogens and incarceration, or pregnancy with someone not in the cards for a meaningful long-term relationship. 4. The thought of intimacy as a commodity is repugnant to me. Some things should be in a special category, not in the same mental framework as renting a scooter or buying a meal. To hire a woman for sex is the ultimate in objectification and I will not have it.
"what other choices do they have? Work for a few hundred pesos per day" *YES* ! If they have self-respect! As millions of women do, in this country! And while working in those low-paying jobs, they can network and meet an honorable man who accepts her in a meaningful relationship,. and ideally reject the men who try to "rent" her. And it might be shocking to some, but people advance their careers and earn promotions to better-paying jobs.... advancing their lifestyles without selling their souls. I say, shame on anyone who perpetuates sex work by engaging in it. Probably not what some want to hear, but I would say you now have your requested comment. Have a nice day
Hello this is Michael. Thanks for your comprehensive comments. I'll just comment on one of your points here. Do you live in the Philippines? If not, it would be understandable for you to see sexual interactions is such cold and dispassionate ways. And please note, Ive seen many situations that began we sex for money evolved into long term loving relationships. Thanks for taking your time to comment.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete hello Michael, yes I am in the Philippines in Luzon, early retirement.
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete I don't deny that prostitution sometimes can and does evolve into a relationship. Only that prostitution is unacceptable. For the reasons I detailed above.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Michael also I do not see sexual interactions in cold and dispassionate ways. As I explained above, my perspective is quite the opposite, that sex should be treated as special, and not as some cold business transaction for cash like purchasing a commodity.
I remember a great quote that went something like this:
Guy asks a woman, "can I have sex with you for a million dollars?" She says, "yes!!"
He replies, "how about for $15?"
She angrily exclaims, "what kind of a girl do you think I am!?" To which he replies, "we've already established that, I'm just haggling on price"
I noticed my other comments vanished. Why is that
Support her family?
Hello Rudy, this is Michael. You are 100% correct! Much of the reason why some girls act as they do here is to support their baby and/or general family. It's so easy for Westerners to be smug and condemn these girls without understanding the societal elements of life here. Thanks for your wise comment.
wow...hpw beautiful Vangeline is ...if she stillnot with any one Iam interestedin her ... let talk and see how it financial stable secure and she will have really good future with me...please give me a chance Vangeline...
Get married in the US and you are under contract of the state. And you will pay for the rest of your life. No money, no honey. YOU PAY YOU PAY YOU PAY YOU PAY!
Lots of Americans are married to bar girls, Janet married mike and Baby Mae married to Paul in Dumagueta.
I'm not familiar with Janet, but Baby Mae was a caterer who was introduced to Paul by mutual friends.
they all say they are a yaya or caregiver, but most are sex workers, at 30 and single you are an old maid, I'm not cutting them down they have to feed their families,
@@jimvan-m7y based on what evidence? I never have and I never will support the sex industry, and there are others like myself as well.
we would not be in the Philippines if not for young girls Its nothing to do about love all about money, Thats my 26 years of experience, don't fool yourself,
@jimvan-m7y every person is an individual with an individual set of experiences. Of course, any woman wants stability, to be able to have food security and shelter. But not any woman will sell herself for sex to get it. Why would any woman sell herself for sex, when she could instead have a meaningful relationship with a good supportive man, and Even eventual inheritance?
if you want to call it prostitution or not , it still a business transaction ... money is being exchange and the final result is sex then you know the answer ... every relationship is a business transaction unless you are in a relationship that is 50/50 ... it is not love because love take time ... just because a person say they love you does not mean that they do
Hello this is Michael. Thanks for taking time to respond.
From the beginning of time, men of means and title have taken the "best" women through arrangement or conquest. Love was and always will be a sort of business transaction. Although men have been confused under the historically recent development of a romantic paradigm, western women, on the other hand, have known for decades that marriage is transactional. It's the sort of thing that is obvious but not spoken of, for that would spoil the "magic" of a white dress and "Til death do us part."
Men are getting smart though. Divorce is greater than 50% and the famous cases such as Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are now just common sense. Of course they divorced! So put on your big boy pants men. Love can feel like magic, all wonderful and warm, but at the end of the day it is not a fairy tale.
By her definition any contract for any service is prostitution. You could even consider a contract with a wife as prostitution. So how do you determine if you are in romance? Some romances are combative so is that prostitution? What is the big deal anyway, two adults meeting each others needs is a wonderful thing.
Hiring a woman for her time is the most cost effective way to spend time with women. About all they are good for is sex once a man reaches retirement age. I have been married, lived with women and shared homes where men and women lived together. Without a doubt “pay for play” or having a regular companion where she has her home and I have mine is the best option.
How can I get in touch with Ms. Vangeline please?
you are embarrassing
Hello Mack. This is Michael. Unfortunately, connecting with Vange is not an option. She understandably has many requests to meet but its inappropriate for us to connect her with any viewer. Vange hopes you understand.
Fornication has consequences, for us all.
Hello James, this is Michael. Fornication does indeed have consequences. But we need to factor in the reality its one of our strongest primal urges.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete That reality is very true Michael! Wouldn't life evolve with a different set of rules if men's sexual desires disappeared after menopause age like women"s? Might be a bit boring but very calming.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Fortunately, or we would have perished long ago.
marriage also has consequences... sometimes even more serious ones
How old is your girlfriend? Very cute 😊
Hello Marc. Vange is 21.
So she's 21 and he's 80 .
She's very choosey with a
60 age gap?
Choosing the girl based on sexual satisfaction is foolish and shortsighted. Sex can only keep a relationship going for a certain amount of time. Once you've had sex a thousand times in every different position it's going to lose it's excitement.
You tried to get her to admit is it first date 2 nd or 3 rd date and she dodged the question 😂…..
This is Michael. Sorry I dont understand. What specifically are you saying?
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete OK, Dodger, what I perceive what he (marc richard) is expressing, is that Filipinas (and all women in general) get "uppity" about compromising on their "good girl" reputation of not allowing just anyone or at any time some guy on the 1st or 2nd or 3rd date (etc.) access to their "garden down there."
Most ALL women are terrified of earning a "slutty" reputation, and I don't blame them one bit.
It's the "holier than thou" hypocrites that are f¥§k..g up our happiness and pinning the donkey's tail on those whom the biddies are jealous of and hate.
Let people live their lives as they see fit, as long as they follow the 10 Commandments. Notice that "prostitution" is not mentioned in the 10 Commandments. Even Jesus Himself did NOT scold the woman that those men were about to stone to death.
What would Jesus do?
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Let me be perfectly clear:
Women of any age, yes even girls, MUST ALWAYS BE TREATED WITH RESPECT by ALL MEN and boys.
Men and boys should celebrate ALL FEMALES for the ability to create life all within their bodies. It's a MIRACLE!!!!!
@@RobertTalbot-v3l I don't respect arrogant, hateful women. But I don't "treat them" any way at all... just ignore them and move on (and leaving the US is a good start).
So much editing 😂😂😂 while he talks😂
Waxing is expensive Do Philippians girls shave their pubic hair
Hello Neill. This is Michael. The answer to your question is a definite yes.
@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Thank you for replying. I will believe you. But there maybe a certain percentage that do nothing. One thing Phillipina girls are always well dressed and clean
Getting your young Filipina to talk about this on social media to earn money isn't prostitution?
It is not. Prostitution is the exchange of money for sex.
Money is a factor obviously, but you still have to be a man to make any relationship work. (I'm not talking that long-distance, dating app bullshit!t).
no comment
Hello Dave. No comment actually is a comment and we thanks you for it.
Hello Tommy. This is Michael. Our actions in life are mostly dictated by the insane odds of where and when we are born. I respect any woman who, through love of her family, is willing to give herself intimately. How horrible and degrading it must be!
this was hilarious...
I hope you daughters or grand daughters will not be taken advantaged of too one day!
Much of the possibility or probability of negative factors happening to hem will depend on where they are born and into which level of society.
I'm new here and i have to this her man?
He wishes!😂
@@fnqwaz5816 Hello this is Michael. I'd suggest many men would enjoy spending time with Vange. She intelligent, smart, and very easy on the eye.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete Respectfully, I disagree with her about her assessment of what prostitution is. The man providing 20,000 pesos per month is supporting the woman in a long-distance relationship, but if they didn't agree on sex in exchange for that support, it is just that - a relationship. He could just as easily send 20,000 pesos a month for a comatose grandfather in the Philippines, hoping he recovers and returns to his loved ones. That doesn't mean he wants to have sex with him.
Sorry you lost me with this total B.S you start with 2 people who are in different countries they develop a relationship online. No one knows the intent of another’s heart. Besides that prostitution is a straightforward business transaction with the intent that it will never be anything more. It is not plausible to say it is one until it is not as it has become something else. Sorry I just cannot buy into this nonsense.
Hello Neil, I regret you wasted your time watching this.
Omg embarrasing
This is Michael. We regret this causes you discomfort. It may well be embarrassing but its a REALITY of life here. No other UA-cam channel for foreigners or ex-pats covers such topics. We still try to discuss the subject in as tasteful a way as possible.
@@VeritasOfficial-DumagueteI believe Fuentes family released a video on prostitution in the Philippines in the last 24 hours.
... Prostitution is a reality here because some people don't see the harm it causes, simply don't care, or they rationalize so they can continue supporting the sex trade. As a result, it continues. Much like giving money to a beggar, instead of supporting organizations that build other, better futures for these people. If people give beggars money, why would a beggar stop begging? If nobody engaged prostitutes, they would stop that destructive behavior because there would be no profit in it, they couldn't support themselves by continuing it. Although there will be people who will ignore that fact, and continue to engage the sex industry, it's a valid point nonetheless.
When you do the math of how many times you get to poke the hole and cost of divorce in USSA. It’s much cheaper to get a pro, not a wife who is a honest pro but Denys it as being a wife. Pros are the best women because they are honest!
Sex shouldn't be like buying boxes of spaghetti and negotiating for a bulk discount. The superior option not mentioned, is simply moving to the Philippines and developing a meaningful relationship that respects both participants. Don't worry, she won't divorce you, promise.
Ive been saying that for years, that pros are honest. Perhaps that's sadly cynical. And regading divorce in America it always saddens me to see a wedding celebration knowing that statistically the odds are the smiling, loving couple will divorce. I once gave a friend a wedding present of a three hour consultation with a divorce lawyer. He cracked up laughing. His new wife spewed venom and never spoke to me again. He used my gift 18 months later.
@@tryscience Hello try science. Ah, math and science, so honest in drawing conclusions while also being sufficiently humble to viewing new data that might contradict their previous position. PARA Re your proposal, I did both. It got complicated. And yes, you are correct, no Pinal can legally divorce you in the Philippines. Although there are moves in the senate to change the laws on divorce, the Catholic and Christian churches are far to powerful to allow it to happen and, in the process, weaken their control of the impoverished.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete this is not a scientific discussion. But I will say, science is the quest for reality, using a defined set of tools to test hypotheses which sometimes are indeed deemed wrong. Which has nothing to do with this conversation. Some things are indeed clear cut. Such as a negotiated exchange of cash for sex. Illegal, no gray area.
@@VeritasOfficial-Dumaguete where the attention goes, the energy flows. Your unforgettable gift for a divorce lawyer consultation, added division and a toxic element to their relationship. But since your friend cracked up about it, instead of rejecting the gift in front of his wife, suggests that maybe it was an appropriate gift after all.