@@jacobkruckenberg6956 Nick Shoulders is only thirty-five years old. I would never be referencing anything from him. He’s just a kid, What does he know compared to me, older and wiser. Sayings have been around for a very long time.
Huge snake @ 3:54 be carful you just never know when you walk up to the bank like that it's good thing you saw it before you stepped on it same thing happed to a few months ago but I did step on one good thing for me it left just as fast as this one did one suggestion next time you fish here bring an under water camera it would be kinda cool to see a hook up or two from under water
@@TyPigPatrol I’m going fishing in the morning ( in around 6-7 hours time ) as it’s the last day of our river season due coarse fishing in England, I went on Saturday, and Wednesday, and the Saturday trip was my first time since 2017/18 ! Since I sold up, I had loads of specialist big carp gear, and an array of float fishing, feeder rods, and pike gear, and a full fly fishing set up, loads of spare stuff, but I got disheartened, and a few other life problems all converged at once for a perfect storm, and I made a rash decision and sold, gave away everything, all apart from a couple of old carp fishing bivvys, and a box of end tackle for river fishing, and a box of predator end tackle like wire trace, crimps, and treble hooks etc … so I’m starting at the bottom again, just fishing for small stuff, like our silver fish species, roach, dace, chub, and maybe a bream or two and perch, and I’m just gonna build up from this point again, enjoyed getting myself back outdoors again, watching the birds and stuff go about it’s business.
Every time you fish bass Ty it really itches me to fish bass, only if we had more ponds here in Las Vegas that stocked bass like there in Texas… The pond I go to here has channel catfish, rainbow trout, panfish, and common carp… But as always Ty awesome vid… Thank you…👍👍👍
Keep the fish closer to your body. That way the fish doesnt look like 100 pounds, but if you keep it close to your body, then the actual size will be represented. Awsome video man!
Not if you know what to look for. You learn as you go. I sight fish all the time. It's also important to pay attention to the weather conditions. This will give you an indication where fish will be. 😊
Hey Ty, do u eat any fish that u catch or is it always catch n release? Love yer videos and since u catch especially a ton of crappie, was wondering if u ever eat some?? Keep the vids coming!!
@@TyPigPatrol Exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for the response and thanks for not showing the best part of your video in the intro. I been dropping comments and thumbs down on content creators who think they are major motion movie makers showing their money shots of their 15 min video in the 30 sec intro. It's been driving me nuts LOL
Ty I get a kick out of hearing you say big one big one no harm intended just getting a good laugh brother that’s all and the fish are worthy of it cause they’re big for sure.
Wow, they definitely go on bed sooner there than they do here in Tennessee. I know it’s warmer there as well. You would think it would be about the same though. There are some nice fish bro. I’m glad you and that girl is still hanging out. Sorry I forgot her name. Please don’t start calling her boo LMFAO.😅
@@TyPigPatrol it was like 6” or more out of the water. Just messing about the distractions. I know you enjoy having her there to share what you love bud. Have tried any of the DRT Klash 9’s or Tiny Klash’s? One is 6” and the other is a 9” bait. They are freaking awesome man.
That was really close Ty with that enormous snake… At first from a glimpse I thought it was a Gardner snake but it was surely bigger… I had a close call one time when I was fishing at this one pond fishing from the bank near medium sized cattails but this snake was a baby copperhead, it still had its prey in its mouth and it swam back into the pond good thing…😃😅
@@TyPigPatrol Brother you dont even know how lucky you were that it didnt strike when you stepped on it accidently, that is by far the biggest cottonmouth ive seen. I cant believe people arent talking more about it in the comment section... You legit not only find pig fish you find PB snakes too. You have an angel! Na but seriously you should cut that clip and post it on different social media platforms if you havent already! The size of that snake and the way it just shot out of there was really scary I would have to agree!
Also im not sure if you noticed but there was a fat egg there so that snake was either eating up some eggs or maybe it was its nest! not really sure but dope ass encounter for sure glad you're okay!
Usually watch the entire videos but I was eating dinner. Had to go back and see the snake after reading the comments. Big boy! I see videos of folks noodling catfish, but who wants to stick their arm in a hole and find a snake or a snapping turtle instead. :-)
You should find a way to put a micro camera, on a lure like that. It would be awesome to see a large mouth hit in real time. They actually have micro cameras. Just figure out how to water proof it...
Keep them coming Ty, I don't get out much anymore (old) and you fish like I did back in the day
Thank you Jerry!!!
Ty, you are the only guy I ever see fishing around a pond that has a curb.😝
Man made pond clearly. Probably well stocked 2 by the looks of it.
“They always swim away like they’re gonna go beat themselves up about it” 😂😂 she’s funny dude, you got a keeper!
that snake encounter was the coolest thing ever, appreciate ur vids dude!
Thank you very much Dylan, apparently that was a cottonmouth!
Holy crap, that snake! If that thing bit you…death!
Glad to see y'all are still enjoying each other's company ☺
Nothing like the spring fling!!!👍
Europe watchin u insaaaane channel 💪🏼👍🏼
Thanks brother!!!
Italy here
Looks like she’s got you, hook, line and sinker. Congrat.s, Ty. I know you usually throw em back in, but she’s def. a keeper. :-)
haha thank you man, no catch and release on this one!
Was that a Nick Shoulders reference?
@@jacobkruckenberg6956 Nick Shoulders is only thirty-five years old. I would never be referencing anything from him. He’s just a kid, What does he know compared to me, older and wiser. Sayings have been around for a very long time.
Awesome footage! Not much longer until our water temps start to rise here....
Never a dull video, man,never!
Bro. Your reaction time is sooo good that you anticipate the strike you can see! Amazing.
Yup, he’s an angler right to his core, and a great one at that . 💯👌
haha thank you man, however in the case of that swimbait, i think it is TOO fast, not giving them time to eat it right at the bank!
Huge snake @ 3:54 be carful you just never know when you walk up to the bank like that it's good thing you saw it before you stepped on it same thing happed to a few months ago but I did step on one good thing for me it left just as fast as this one did one suggestion next time you fish here bring an under water camera it would be kinda cool to see a hook up or two from under water
Another great upload bro, well done to both you and your lady. 😎
Thank you very much pal!
I’m going fishing in the morning ( in around 6-7 hours time ) as it’s the last day of our river season due coarse fishing in England, I went on Saturday, and Wednesday, and the Saturday trip was my first time since 2017/18 ! Since I sold up, I had loads of specialist big carp gear, and an array of float fishing, feeder rods, and pike gear, and a full fly fishing set up, loads of spare stuff, but I got disheartened, and a few other life problems all converged at once for a perfect storm, and I made a rash decision and sold, gave away everything, all apart from a couple of old carp fishing bivvys, and a box of end tackle for river fishing, and a box of predator end tackle like wire trace, crimps, and treble hooks etc … so I’m starting at the bottom again, just fishing for small stuff, like our silver fish species, roach, dace, chub, and maybe a bream or two and perch, and I’m just gonna build up from this point again, enjoyed getting myself back outdoors again, watching the birds and stuff go about it’s business.
Another Amazing Video, Thank You!!
Thank you for wathcing brother!
Awesome video man. Absolutely loved this one. If it wasn't snowing like crazy here in my home town I would've had to head to our reservoir.
Thank you very much man, goodness where are you where its snowing still? canada?!
You're welcome. No sir. Colorado. We had what's called an Albuquerque low. A bunch of late winter, heavy, and wet snow. Made for one heck of a day.
Love it man! Great video!
Thanks Tophie!
Jealous of those moments Ty, great video
And nice crocs!!!
haha thank you Mom!
Epic video, good times!!!!
Thanks big bear!
Love the enthusiasm as always....was wondering what was the swimbait manufacturer, color and size?
Every time you fish bass Ty it really itches me to fish bass, only if we had more ponds here in Las Vegas that stocked bass like there in Texas… The pond I go to here has channel catfish, rainbow trout, panfish, and common carp… But as always Ty awesome vid… Thank you…👍👍👍
This is fun watching my family getting caught
Like fishing in a giant fish bowl full of giant fish. Sweet !
Always nice fishing a stocked pond
Fun video to watch!!
Thank you Mom!
Keep the fish closer to your body. That way the fish doesnt look like 100 pounds, but if you keep it close to your body, then the actual size will be represented.
Awsome video man!
Thanks Thomas!
@@TyPigPatrol you are welcome!
Sight fishing is tough - very easy to try to set the hook too early (I totally have to tell myself to wait to feel the tug)
Thanks for wathcing Cathy, agreed, when you see them for some reason its also harder to feel the bite !
Not if you know what to look for. You learn as you go. I sight fish all the time. It's also important to pay attention to the weather conditions. This will give you an indication where fish will be. 😊
Solid ponds, fished off those concrete slabs all though my childhood
haha no kidding, some big crappie and bass in there huh!
Those live target bluegill crank baits are so underrated. 😂
I always catch big pike on those things up here in Canada. They absolutely unload on them.
They are super legit man, and they have such a great hookup ratio too!
Hey Ty, do u eat any fish that u catch or is it always catch n release? Love yer videos and since u catch especially a ton of crappie, was wondering if u ever eat some?? Keep the vids coming!!
I almost always release them, but i do keep a redfish or trout from the coast every now and then!
That is a nice bass!!
Yooooo already THE FISH ARE BACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉🤣🫡
They moving up fast man!!
Dude I swear those little ponds are some of the best fishing there is , finally reached 34 degree water temp here yee haw smh , awsome largee bud dam
haha 34? you in canada?! Thanks for watching man!
@@TyPigPatrol 20 minutes from the Canadian boarder ( New York ) lake Champlain , can yah go for a springtime flathead next man ?
Looks like y’all had a great week. Still kinda cool up here in Western MA, but we’ll be hitting the water soon.
Swimbait killing it.
yeah man i love seeing them eat that thing!
@TyPigpatrol can you usually cast baitcasters further than spinning rod and reel combos?
Posing with her PB. Enjoy your videos Ty. 👍
Thank you Roy, Shes getting better! I wanna get her on a 5 lb plus soon!
Good stuff Brother.
Thank you Eric!
This was sick bro! keep on working
The right size and I’d use a swim bait for walleye to great video GOD BLESS
yeah man, esp when they are shallower spawning!
U sound happy Ty and I'm happy for you guys 😊
Thanks Roger!
Ty love your videos man! Were those eggs on the ground by that big ole snake!?!? Lol looked like 3 eggs haha Was that a water moccasin?
Yes those were eggs! I think the snakes eat them. They belong to those ducks you see in my videos! And yeah man that was a cottonmouth 😳
@@TyPigPatrol Exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for the response and thanks for not showing the best part of your video in the intro. I been dropping comments and thumbs down on content creators who think they are major motion movie makers showing their money shots of their 15 min video in the 30 sec intro. It's been driving me nuts LOL
Lucky on that snake. That could’ve been a bad day.
Bro!!!...that was a double digit miss...no doubt. Man you missed some monsters that day. Awesome video nonetheless 💪💪💪
the one in the drain with my girl?! That thing was huge man.....all we could really see was its back and it was huuuge.
Nice action!
Thanks Leonard.
Great video like always ty although I would have had to change pants after I saw the snake 😅
haha right, apparently it was a cottonmouth too!
The warmer the climate the bigger the fish
Ty I get a kick out of hearing you say big one big one no harm intended just getting a good laugh brother that’s all and the fish are worthy of it cause they’re big for sure.
hahahha thanks man, too bad that freakout was only that 4-5 lber!
Awesome video ty
Thanks Marg!!!!!!!!
Ty thank you for that nice fish please be careful out there
No problem, thank you very much Kim!
Wow, they definitely go on bed sooner there than they do here in Tennessee. I know it’s warmer there as well. You would think it would be about the same though. There are some nice fish bro. I’m glad you and that girl is still hanging out. Sorry I forgot her name. Please don’t start calling her boo LMFAO.😅
Thanks man her name is Kaitlyn! and yeah they are on beds now, but each cold front they still go off and get a little deeper!
Wow, what a cottonmouth bro you about got it😮
i know, scary to think about really. was like 2 inches from it before i saw it, or was like on top of it basically!
Fry your green beans with Bacon and onions It is real good
Ill tell her.
Dont rule out the concrete ponds. Water is water and the bass don't discriminate.
At least 8lbs I’d say. Distractions Distractions. SMH. But green beans and garlic are very important. 🤣🤣🤣
hahhaaha yes they are! that thing didnt come up until the bait was out of the water ugh
@@TyPigPatrol it was like 6” or more out of the water. Just messing about the distractions. I know you enjoy having her there to share what you love bud. Have tried any of the DRT Klash 9’s or Tiny Klash’s? One is 6” and the other is a 9” bait. They are freaking awesome man.
good stuff ty‼️
Thank you!
That was really close Ty with that enormous snake… At first from a glimpse I thought it was a Gardner snake but it was surely bigger… I had a close call one time when I was fishing at this one pond fishing from the bank near medium sized cattails but this snake was a baby copperhead, it still had its prey in its mouth and it swam back into the pond good thing…😃😅
It was a cotton mouth man...really scary actually. I see the fish around here eating fish alll the time, crazy how they can catch them.
@@TyPigPatrol Brother you dont even know how lucky you were that it didnt strike when you stepped on it accidently, that is by far the biggest cottonmouth ive seen. I cant believe people arent talking more about it in the comment section... You legit not only find pig fish you find PB snakes too. You have an angel! Na but seriously you should cut that clip and post it on different social media platforms if you havent already! The size of that snake and the way it just shot out of there was really scary I would have to agree!
Also im not sure if you noticed but there was a fat egg there so that snake was either eating up some eggs or maybe it was its nest! not really sure but dope ass encounter for sure glad you're okay!
I got to get a swim bait or two where do you get yours Ty???? I’d like to have one small enough for crappie to
Ty bout the time dogwood trees bloom here bass go on the beds. I’m in Tn to.
when will that be man? gotta be in a month or so?
Dope content
Thanks brother!
Usually watch the entire videos but I was eating dinner. Had to go back and see the snake after reading the comments. Big boy!
I see videos of folks noodling catfish, but who wants to stick their arm in a hole and find a snake or a snapping turtle instead. :-)
Thanks for coming back after dinner pal!!
what state are you fishing?
Sick vid bro. Thank you very much.
There are no places anywhere where I live that have any fish like that
Holy ish! That snake man I almost crapped my pants 👖
I know, it was apparently a cottonmouth as well, super scary!
Dude!! You stepped right on top of that cotton mouth. That could've ended really bad. Cool vid.
Tell me about it! I have got to be more careful there!
Kate you wanna catch these don’t you?🤣
Which pond ?
That one fish that startled was probably between 7 or 8 pounder seem like it Ty… 😅
I think so too man, sure would have LOVED to have seen it
5:30 same weight as the snake 😅
Hahahaha probably
Hi where can i get the swimbaits you used at?
Her birthday comes buy her a spinning rod and reel combo and some hooks and weights with soft plastics. Dont forget the trophy bass by procure 😊
Bro, I literally jumped when that snake popped out!!
WOW!!! A great fisherman fishing a pay lake that has a curb. How "cool" is that? Maybe you should try someone's pool next time?
look at the hook rash on all them fishs mouths been caught several times
Where do you go and what swim bait is thst
Bro you’re blessed lol 🐍
Dude stepped on a snake
haha guilty
I'm old enough to remember when u only had 300k subs. 😊
Sound like Roland Martin its a bigun n be 4lbs😳
haha slight overreaction
She’s a big healthy girl!
What lure? How long?.....
You should find a way to put a micro camera, on a lure like that. It would be awesome to see a large mouth hit in real time. They actually have micro cameras. Just figure out how to water proof it...
That would be soooo cool I agree!
Literally my PB drain right there! 8.99lber! Its actually illegal to catch small fish there
haha thats the one huh? awesome.
@@TyPigPatrol actually about 30ft from the drain
It's coming alive now!
yessss with each warm front they move up more!
There's a reason Muskie guys do a figure-8 at the end of every cast. Bass need the same on swim baits.
Wow I would had past out 😂 that was a big Snake
I would have run all the way home if i would've stepped on that huge snake.!!
haha scary it was a cottonmouth too
I need that swimbait! I would have sat there for hours waiting for it to bite again knowing it probably never would 😅
I know, i wanted that monster to come back soooo bad. I think it was 8 plus!
Ty, did you get married????
Bro please give me this location I’m such a big fan of bass here in Texas❤
1 question tho, is this private property?
I got to get down there and fish Texas
I'm in Ty's neck of the woods... would love to come across him some day
A white swimbait or a rooster tail would be my choice
yeah a shad imitation is a great idea
where is this place
Good morning yall
Let em eat it gotta do that with big fish
76 degrees in Maryland today
Just confirmed it was 80 degrees where I live, just below you in Virginia. What a great day to have off in March!
I seriously jumped when that snake moved! Post that as a short 😅
Try doing the figure 8 like Oliver Ngy.
nota bad idea.
👀👹 🤣That monster Emoji doesn't translate well in the comments... I really need this kind of action in my life!
hahahaha i still will know what it means from now on