It’s the “first due” helmet from Phenix Technologies. They are based out of Riverside and are pretty much the standard California fire helmet everywhere except Northern California. You can have goggles or face shield on them but most departments don’t use them since they usually just melt off in a structure fire. I personally just keep eye pro in my pocket and most guys wear sunglasses that are Z87+ impact rated anyway.
Thank you for your efforts Troy. We are spreading the word and utilizing Neat In The Street to train our RRU firefighters at SAGE ST#28.
Strong work on this video! You break everything down very nicely!
Thank you so much for the detailed video! looking forward to more videos from you !!
Did anyone else’s right ear enjoy this?
Very precise. Thanks for the video.
Solid work, great habits for hose jockeys.. from a fellow hose jockey
I can't find the Neat In The Street PDF anywhere. Is it still available online????
Very nicely done. Thank you.
thanks a lot troy!
Good Video !!!!!!
What Helmet they have ? Did you have eye protection on it ? Nice video Btw(Y)
It’s the “first due” helmet from Phenix Technologies. They are based out of Riverside and are pretty much the standard California fire helmet everywhere except Northern California. You can have goggles or face shield on them but most departments don’t use them since they usually just melt off in a structure fire. I personally just keep eye pro in my pocket and most guys wear sunglasses that are Z87+ impact rated anyway.