I'd say they sound more like Rotaries specifically. Which is isn't a bad thing. In Ridge Racer Vita the cars at least sound more distinct from one another. I just really wished they had better V8 sounds for the non supercar cars. Like what the cars in Ridge Racers 2 (PSP) had for the Danver Hijack.
Everybody gangsta til the cab starts drifting and sprouts rockets.
Congratulations on dominating Opus 5 with the luxurious limo of Ridge Racer.
E24K Lawson Haha thanks!, took many tries but got there in the end!
Good nitrous strategy, pretty neat handling of this monster, kudos ;)
Haha thanks alot! Nice to hear it XD
The funkiest and down right sickest car in all of Ridge Racer besides the Spectra and the Rumeur. The Monstrous is the only ride for me
The fact this is the last true ridge racer pisses me off
Vita version and Unbounded are garbage
My only issue with vita was the major lack of content.
Yo. That first lap was tight af. 💨
Haha thanks lol!
"LMAO classic car on Ridge Racer. How it can be?"
>car boosted
"HOLY SHIT! It has rockets in the trunk! :O"
I never could use this one for...anything. It just never seemed fast enough or had good handling.
Haha it really be like that.
looks like machine head in redline
Kuru was right, these cars really sound like planes
True hahaha
They should have kept the sound from RR2 PSP
I'd say they sound more like Rotaries specifically. Which is isn't a bad thing. In Ridge Racer Vita the cars at least sound more distinct from one another. I just really wished they had better V8 sounds for the non supercar cars. Like what the cars in Ridge Racers 2 (PSP) had for the Danver Hijack.