If I Could Choose Only One Work By...MESSIAEN

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • It Would Have To Be...Des canyons aux étoiles
    Because it does everything a work by Messiaen should. It has birdsong, religion, solo piano, and a wealth of amazing colors and textures.
    The List So Far...
    1. Ravel: Ma Mère l’Oye (Mother Goose Ballet)
    2. Bruckner: Symphony No. 7
    3. Schubert: String Quintet in C major
    4. Shostakovich: Symphony No. 4
    5. Mahler: Symphony No. 2 “Resurrection”
    6. Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker
    7. Debussy: Preludes for Piano (Books 1 & 2)
    8: Handel: Saul
    9. Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro
    10. Brahms: String Sextet No. 2 in G major
    11. Vaughan Williams: Job
    12. Bach: Goldberg Variations
    13. R. Strauss: Four Last Songs
    14. Berlioz: The Damnation of Faust
    15. Haydn: “Paris” Symphonies (Nos. 82-87)
    16. Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen
    17. Beethoven: String Quartet No. 14 in C-sharp minor
    18. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor
    19. Chopin: Preludes
    20. Verdi: Rigoletto
    21. Roussel: Symphony No. 2
    22. Copland: Appalachian Spring (complete original ballet)
    23. Grieg: Peer Gynt Suites Nos. 1 and 2
    24. Bartók: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion
    25. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2
    26. Rimsky-Korsakov: Opera Suites (Scottish National Orchestra/Järvi) Chandos
    27. Schoenberg: Pierrot Lunaire
    28. Smetana: Ma Vlást
    29. Falla: Nights in the Gardens of Spain
    30. Bizet: Carmen
    31. Elgar: In the South
    32. Sullivan: The Mikado
    33. Dvořák: Symphony No. 8; Cello Concerto (Piatigorsky/Munch/Boston Symphony) RCA
    34. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsodies
    35. Monteverdi: Orfeo
    36. Scarlatti: Sonatas
    37. Schumann: Fantasie in C, Op. 17
    38. Berg: Wozzeck
    39. Hermann: Psycho (film score)
    40. Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on the Theme of Paganini
    41. Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
    42. Holst: Suites for Military Band
    43. Stravinsky: Oedipus Rex
    44. Respighi: Three Botticelli Pictures
    45. Sibelius: Symphony No. 5; Pohjola’s Daughter (Bernstein, New York Philharmonic) Sony
    46. Britten: The Turn of the Screw
    47. Borodin: String Quartet No. 2
    48. Janácek: The Cunning Little Vixen
    49. Korngold: Violin Concerto
    50. Tallis: Spem in Alium
    51. Nielsen: Symphony No. 5
    52. Barber: Knoxville: Summer of 1915
    53. Hindemith: Symphony in E-flat
    54. Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov
    55. Franck: Violin Sonata
    56. Rossini: La gazza ladra (The Thieving Magpie)
    57. Saint-Saëns: Piano Concerto No. 5 “Egyptian”
    58. Weill: The Seven Deadly Sins
    59. Pergolesi: Stabat Mater
    60. Albeniz: Iberia
    61. Bernstein: Mass
    62. Schreker: Chamber Symphony
    63. Walton: Variations on a Theme by Hindemith
    64. Dukas: Piano Sonata
    65. Gershwin: Porgy and Bess
    66. Tippett: Piano Concerto
    67. Poulenc: Songs (ATMA, 5 discs)
    68. Szymanowski: Violin Concerto No. 1
    69. Gluck: Alceste
    70. Vivaldi: L’estro armonico, Op. 3
    71. Puccini: La Bohème
    72. Hanson: Symphony No. 2 “Romantic”
    73. Alkan: 12 Etudes in All the Minor Keys, Op. 39
    74. Dutilleux: Métaboles
    75. Glinka: Kamarinskaya
    76. Crumb: Makrokosmos III (Music for a Summer Evening)
    77. Biber: Sonata violino solo representativa
    78. Josquin: Missa Ave maris stella
    79. Arnold: Symphony No. 5
    80. Fauré: Piano Quartets (Trio Wanderer) Harmonia Mundi
    81. Hovhaness: Fra Angelico
    82. Martinu: Symphony No. 6 “Fantaisies symphoniques”
    83. Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy
    84. Corelli: 12 Concerti grossi, Op. 6
    85. Bellini: Norma
    86. Ives: “Concord” Sonata
    87. John Williams: Jaws (film score)
    88. Honegger: Le Roi David (King David)
    89. Kodály: “Peacock” Variations
    90. Milhaud: Une Vie Heureuse (10 CD Set, Erato)
    91. Scriabin: Piano Sonatas (Hamelin/Hyperion)
    92. Casella: Concerto for Orchestra
    93. Rautavaara: Cantus Arcticus
    94. Chabrier: España
    95. Reich: Music for 18 Musicians
    96. Waxman: Sunset Boulevard (film score)
    97. Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie
    98. Suk: A Summer Tale
    99. Delius: A Song of the High Hills
    100. Telemann: Tafelmusik
    101. Stenhammar: Serenade
    102. Orff: Trionfi (Carmina Burana, Catulli Carmina, Trionfo di Afrodite)
    103. Bax: Symphony No. 2
    104. Turina: Canto a Sevilla
    105. Glass: Koyaanisqatsi
    106. Zelenka: Missa Dei Filii
    107. Martin: Petite sinfonie concertante
    108. Braga Santos: Symphony No. 3


  • @JeeRant
    @JeeRant 7 місяців тому +3

    So - I'm not the only one to perceive a kinship between Bruckner and Messiaen!

  • @iptych
    @iptych Рік тому +6

    I once played the piccolo part for this back in the 1980s in a RAM student orchestra with John Carewe conducting and Yvonne Loriod on piano. It was one of my biggest solos and no need for anything but a reasonably large pocket for the picc. Unforgettable…

  • @brentmarquez9057
    @brentmarquez9057 3 місяці тому +1

    I believe it was in part inspired by a visit Messiaen had to Bryce Canyon in Utah. I bring the piece with me on the phone to listen to when visiting that area of the country - wonderful and mystical music.

  • @PhilKelley
    @PhilKelley 3 місяці тому

    Dave, thank you for educating us about this music. You always make me laugh. Sometimes for joy at your sharp wit and sometimes at the way you joyfully express your love of music. And sometimes at the craziness of the music you are trying to describe. I intend to keep listening to the music you present --- and to you, my friend.

  • @skryabin07
    @skryabin07 Рік тому +12

    You make a good case for From the Canyons to the Stars, Dave. It's an awesome piece and almost the absolute representation for all things Messiaen. Plus the title alone is spine-tingling. BUT... I gotta say... I think it comes up slightly short only in that the orchestration does not include an ondes martinot. C'mon, that's a tell-tale Messaien element. I think if you want the whole package: weird French Catholicism , lots of birds, no thematic development, and an Ondes to boot... I hate to say it, but you might have to go with St. Francis of Assisi. Plus, it's 3 hours LONGER than Canyons. So more Messiaen survives.

    • @OW0974
      @OW0974 Місяць тому

      Completely agreed, this would be my personal pick as well

  • @mgconlan
    @mgconlan 8 місяців тому +2

    My favorite story about Messiaen is the one about the French organist Marie-Claire Alain, who was determined to record all of Messiaen's organ works. The problem is that every time she thought she was finished, he would write more. Alain finally finished her complete recording of Messiaen's organ works in the six months between his death and hers.

  • @josecarmona9168
    @josecarmona9168 Рік тому +6

    One of the most "cosmic" endings (and it applies to the complete work) I know. Really incredible piece. And a compemdium of Messiaen's oeuvre.

  • @cliffordbaker4930
    @cliffordbaker4930 Рік тому +3

    I had never thought about the Messiaen-Bruckner similarity, but your reasoning strikes me as true. Of course, they are both organists also, which you can hear even in their orchestral music it seems to me.

  • @jdj830
    @jdj830 Рік тому +3

    Excellent choice and exactly what I would have picked. It really is the ultimate Messiaen sampler, and unlike some of his other obsessions, it’s easy to get on board with the sublime landscape of the American West as the extra-musical entry point. (And don’t tell anyone but I actually prefer it to Turangalila).
    That said, I’d like to make a plug for Chronochromie, a thrilling half hour orchestral piece that covers two other favorite subjects, time and birds. And then there’s St. Francis of Assisi, which might be the greatest opera since Pelleas; to my ears it accomplishes what both Wagner and Philip Glass tried repeatedly to do and never completely succeeded in doing: making a man’s spiritual journey into compelling music drama, with music that makes us think of the main character’s beliefs and internal struggles and not the composer’s. The piece is a huge undertaking, but it’s actually shorter than Parsifal and at least as worthwhile….

  • @dennischiapello3879
    @dennischiapello3879 Рік тому +2

    Gosh, I could have sworn you did Messiaen already! But the list doesn't lie. I applaud your choice. I can't make an informed argument about which work of his is most typical or representative, but if it aligns with what I'd most enjoy hearing, I'm not going to argue. And I find it more appealing than Turangalila. I'm thrilled to see Classics Today rated Myun-Whun Chung's recording 10/10, because that's the one I have, and it's likely to remain my only one.

  • @sgfnorth
    @sgfnorth Рік тому

    I heard this wonderful piece in London in 2016 with Dudamel and LAPO. It had photos of the locations projected as the music progressed. I think it is such a great work especially for our current times as these landscapes are degraded.

  • @hendriphile
    @hendriphile Рік тому

    If Bruckner were an avant-garde French composer he'd sound like Messiaen.... Priceless!

  • @jimslancio
    @jimslancio Рік тому +1

    Messaen had a knack for writing well-behaved diatonic music, but with extra notes thrown in. He threw in extra notes in a distinctive way, to which no other composer's extra notes could be compared. As a choral singer, I approach his O Sacrum Convivium by forcing myself to always keep straight in my mind which kind of notes I'm singing. I don't know enough of his music to select a desert island piece, but I'd be interested to read an analysis of his approach to harmonic wtiting.

  • @dvdlpznyc
    @dvdlpznyc Рік тому +2

    My choice for the single greatest composition by Messiaen (which has the most of everything he did the best and the least of everything he did the worst) is "Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine," specifically the Chung recording on DG... Marvel-ous Fantas-tic Awe-someness...

  • @murraylow4523
    @murraylow4523 Рік тому +1

    This is very wise Dave. It has to be a religious thing and the reaching out to the United States from France there is worth noting (I can’t think he was especially motivated by money). What a weird way of celebrating 1776. But it is a very typical work of a composer where it is extremely hard to choose one thing.
    Yes it’s Catholic but maybe I’d rather have him on the Supreme Court than some of these other doctrinal people
    Of course he’d be awful at that, but the music is the best kind of advert for that kind of seriousness in recent times

  • @alwa6954
    @alwa6954 Рік тому

    I enjoyed your theory on the religious parity of the music of Messian and Bruckner, the "block music theory" lol. Two composers I also love without sharing one iota of their religious devotion. Sometimes I feel a little guilty for wallowing in Messian's religiously motivated works while being complete non-believer. But they are so beautiful, why did he have to contaminate them with religious mumbo-jumbo?

  • @Bachback
    @Bachback Рік тому +1

    Just now discovering Reynaldo Hahn. What would your pick be for him? Scott Varland

  • @asheko
    @asheko Рік тому +1

    I just looked at amazon. Could you give us a CD recommendation ( please ) ?

    • @Warp75
      @Warp75 Рік тому

      Yes please ☝🏻

    • @DavesClassicalGuide
      @DavesClassicalGuide  Рік тому +3

      If you can still fine it, get the Marius Constant recording on Erato, but please see reviews at ClassicsToday.com.

    • @dvdlpznyc
      @dvdlpznyc Рік тому

      I wouldn't be without Chung, for when I really want to get into it, and Salonen, for when I really want to get it in...

  • @ultradmann2367
    @ultradmann2367 Рік тому

    I'd loved to see you try to program this piece with other stuff for a Fabulous Concert Programs vid, Just to see what think would go with the piece before hand as this would seem to be a second half piece.

    • @DavesClassicalGuide
      @DavesClassicalGuide  Рік тому +5

      It's usually played on its own--the performing forces are too odd, and it's too long to mix with anything else.

  • @ippolit23
    @ippolit23 Рік тому +4

    I adore Messiaen and his music and have to agree with Dave's choices most of the time - but the "Canyons"? There's only one interesting movement: the "appelle interstellaire" to be played by a solo horn. The rest doesn't hold up to "Eclairs sure l'aux-dela"-standards.

    • @DavesClassicalGuide
      @DavesClassicalGuide  Рік тому +8


    • @Warp75
      @Warp75 15 днів тому

      I’ve tried with it on numerous occasions with numerous recordings & it does nothing for me whatsoever & I like Messiaen