SEVENTEEN Performs “Ready to Love” 🎤 EXCLUSIVE |
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- EXCLUSIVE SEVENTEEN performance of their newest song “Ready to Love”
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SEVENTEEN Performs ‘Rock With You’ & ‘Crush’ + Exclusive Interview:
the visuals , stage presence , outfit , vocals and dance is perfect . Nothing to say just ✨PERFECTION✨
Legends Afterall
@@rsingh2001 ookoooo
i love how this song doesn’t have an intro and we just let joshua attacks us every single time
Fk yes
Perfect start to finish
we let him unprovoked
Same as Rock with you
So true lmao
Cheol said his favorite part is Shua's opening high notes. That part just killed it.. his voice and the emotion, he suits the song so well. From Buzzfeed Daebak interview and so true!!
can you tell me which members are who? I'm kinda new to seventeen
@@keyachy1657 In two years no one replied to you about which members are which?! I hope you know by now 😂
Joshua in this comeback is beyond perfection omg
Jun literally gives the aura of a prince from China who came to Korea to join a K-pop band called SEVENTEEN
Popular Opinion: Every Song of Seventeen is a Masterpiece.
Not jocking yed
Can I say something? SEVENTEEN is the real definition of Ethereal
for reall
This is one huge masterpiece every fandom needs to love that song and perfomance
Im a moe, army, exo-L ,zen and blink i recently got into Carats i love them
@@notcarty9326 welcome
@@notcarty9326 Yes Stan seventeen. you won't regret! All members are so talented (literally all rounders, make songs, choreos, mv, photobook magazines etc) and funny yet so humble.
First, I recommend you to watch seventeen guide the movie on UA-cam cuz its more fun and updated although it's a bit long 🥺😭✨you'll learn more about them as general:) no need to pressure yourself to remember them cuz I understand that they have a lot of members. Then, watch their shows so that you can naturally memorize their names and familiar with them without realization time by time. Some recommendations:
💎Going seventeen (best and funniest idol variety show, even non kpopers, non carats and other idols like NCT, CRAVITY and p1harmony also watch it)
💎 One fine day series seventeen (it's when they're still rookies and it have 2 season (13 castaways boys/one fine day in yeoseoda and one fine day in Japan)
💎 Hit the road seventeen (it's like documentary, and I would say it's highly recommend to watch for kpopers or even non kpopers love understand some hardship about being an idols- it's only have 15 eps including prologue and epilogue plus each ep only about 10mins)
💎 Seventeen 5th anniversary special video (A LEGENDARY AND SO FUNNY LOL)
💎 17 debut project (their debut project and only have 6eps)
All these shows available on UA-cam with subs too!
💎 Knowing bros/ brother ep 192 & 252 (u can watch some clips with eng sub on UA-cam, but if u wanna watch full properly, just search on Google and you'll find many website with sub!!)
In the meantime, I recommend you to listen to their songs especially from an ode album (best kpop album 2019), teen age album (2017), henggarae album (2020), you make my day album (2018), you make my dawn album (2019), love and letter album etc.. All their songs are amazing especially their b-side tracks! U won't regret. They even made special birthday song for fans anniversary on 14feb tho :))
@@notcarty9326 oh yes Seventeen are crazy, hilarious, and criminally talented! They're self producing in every corner
, get ready for a rollercoaster ride.
Proud to be an Exo-L and Carat...Becoming a carat was my fav decision☺️
I'm obsessed with Jeonghan's hairstyle 😢 Please let him have that hairstyle again 😭
Đồng hương nì
I'M TOTALLY OBSESSED!!! wishing he'll grow and have this hairstyle again 🥺 long hair blonde and his long hair burgundy era is the best, i love it so much!!! 😭❣
well do i have good news for you! HAHAHA he has the same hairstyle again 🥺
Joshua's part and voice there is just ✨Perfection✨ with his beautiful voice and expressions!
Popular Opinion: Dk is getting hotter. He is really READY TO WREAK MY HEART >>
Fr tho omg his visuals are insaneee!!
It's DK's era !!!
Head to the back of the line sis !!
Even he's not my bias but the most attractive when performing is him
@@hanahamimbul I totally get this! When he's on stage, I forget that he's such a clown
their performance never dissapoint
Popular opinion: people never get tired of this song bcuz this song is masterpiece
Jeonghan looks like an angle and so attractive with long blonde hair, Joshua stole my heart at the start of the video, scoups looks very good with beret
An acute angle❤
jeonghan's long blond hair supremacy is--
THE BEST ‼️‼️‼️
Seventeen vocal,looks,dance are out of the world!!
Staff: woozi wear crop top again
Woozi: okay, but with shirt inside.
Once is enough HAHAHAHAH
I'm new, when was the crop top??
@@mytholotea2767 Hi, I'm 3 months late but you should search ANYONE video/ Anyone woozi crop top. That's where he wore a crop top... :)
@@lanielynbitagun2476 Thanks for responding! I found it a while ago. I also found Wonwoo in 24H. Any other deadly crop tops I should know about ; ) ?
Finally. A cameraman does the right thing of showing a whole frame of SVT dancing to the last chorus. Been looking for it from every performances, and this is the first time. I got so happy ahahhahahaha
seventeen physically doesn't know how to disappoint, being a carat is so rewarding! so happy i found u guys when i did, made it 5 years!
omg OG carat must have been amazing watching them grow ♥️
Yess, for 4 years now, They really have to get more attention! I still don't have any merch or anything but my love for Seventeen is priceless 🥺💎💅
The stylist deserves a raise !! The outfits are sooo stunning and svt just makes it look even more beautiful 💜💜
seventeen never disappoints literally every song is a bop
I love when hoshi comes front and the stages energy just goes over the roo. It is incredible that his vocal is stable while dancing with that much energy and power 2:28
DK’s vocal just does something to me.
Jeonghan is so beautiful in here.
I'm glad they kinda style his hair in here ❤️
❤beautiful angel
Their sound of breathe can be heard through the mic omg... I always love live performances like this
Joshua- the man of charming appearance and sweet voice..
I love how he always manage to handle his charm💓
I'm a new fan and all I can is, man, every member in this group is drop dead gorgeous
uwuuu welcome to the fam
Minghao slays this choreo even with an injury CLEAR ACE MATERIAL RIGHT HERE
YESSSSS If I didn’t know he had an injury I would have no idea VERY MUCH ACE MATERIAL HONESTLY EVERY MEMBER HAS ACE MATERIAL
2:06 Minghao’s movements and vocals are so elegant, the part where he interlocks his arms and tilts his head up 🤌🤌
I'm proud of being a Carat, especially a Fanboy of this 13 most talented yet most chaotic people in this industry, they keep inspiring me to be the best version of myself and with their music its enough to cure any depression and anxiety. 💎💎💎💎🐱
Did I just find another fanboy
like i really feel your comment and i cant agree with you more :)
Soo True. Pinwheel saved me from depression 3 years ago.
@@noznsvt yes. Glad to be one 👐
@@pineapplestraws329 thank you 😀
Just josh melting us in beginning... I really can't predict the main vocal of seventeen how all of them have such a good voice even rappers can sing...
I really love Jun's body proportion. He look so fine here.
hoshi's stable live vocals during live performances are insanely unbelievable
Yes, and they keep giving him harder and harder moves for his parts thanks to this. There’s a reason why the last chorus is sang by Soonyoung and Jihoon and it’s because they are by far the most stable
Jihoon with that hair and wearing all white suit is EVERYTHING✨💖😍
Carats, Seventeen has a chance to get a grandslam on korean music shows only if we stream harder and increase the views and win on the voting .Currently their mv view points and digital points are quite low in mucore and inkigayo .But we can win if we stream harder and vote .
You guys doo see how Seventeen always thanks us and becomes very happy whenever they win on music shows or top the charts or reach good sales .If we don't stream harder we will miss this chance .So please stream Ready to love mv more and lets make the boys happy
Yes. Let'a get 30M before 6pm kst of Sunday.
I agree with u. Carats, let's do this for them pls!
Up up up
Joshua fashion the best ever , loves that black and white themes
2:06 The8’s body here was just so fluid! Can’t stop rewatching
Everything is perfection when it comes to SEVENTEEN
: So who's the main vocal in your group?
Seventeen: YES
This song is my new favorite. It has the softness, the feelings, lots of closeups and soft hand movements. Love it!
Thank you for loving it
I don't think I'll ever get used to DK flashing his bare shoulders
They're these amazing performers that I can't imagine they're nailing their variety shows too. Like how can they have all the talents and be naturally funny.
No one:
SEVENTEEN: we better not tell woozi that we're going to wear dark colors
Woozi: •́ ‿ ,•̀
jeonghanie's long hair is masterpiece.
having so much member's is having so much reason's to love. y'all can't relate unless u try spending one day with them. it's fun choatic, choatic fun, and fun chaotic.
This is, so far, my most favorite performance of ready to love! Carats/ non-carats lets continue streaming and supporting #seventeen! 😊😊😊
I never get tired of watching seventeen
I just realized, the visuals have shifted for this promo, usually it's Mingyu-Wonwoo-Jeonghan with a dash of Jun-Vernon-Joshua... now it's more like Joshua-Jun-Vernon with sprinkles of Mingyu-Jeonghan-Wonwoo, kpop is so deliberate at times, but whatever the mix is, Seventeen is Seventeen, and anyway, addition is commutative
Ikr I noticed that too. But aren't they just perfect.
Can we get dk in there too😍 cause damn he's fine
I'm SO PROUD of Dino, he's one of the most stable now, he could be easily in ALL subgroups wtf
Yes my bias
the freaking energy mannn!!!(especially hoshi like what does he even eat to dance with that much energy?)
seventeen gives me purpose
0:58 Vernon's move here is so satisfying ❤️
I can’t stop watching this performance 😍😍😍 also can we talk about how 🔥GOOD🔥 Joshua looks?!
this vid is the start of my carat journey 😭 i’ll be forever grateful to my past self for choosing to watch the vid for no reason. before that i’d only seen dwc and thought they were cool. but this vid really drew me in. my first impressions of them have changed so much too 🤣🤣 i thought jun was the really cool, dominating and the popular backbencher kid type when the only word that can really describe him is ‘jun’; seungkwan was one of the oldest when he’s just a babie 🥹 but very mature for his age and he actually holds the team so well; vernon was too cool, too smug and hard to approach type when he’s the sweetest, most chill, and most easygoing guy ever; jeonghan wasn’t as awesome and wow as the comments made him be when he’s actually brilliant and i love him so much and he brings so much to the team omg 😭; DK was the chill type when he’s actually just a huge ball of sunshine; and s.coups was really manly, coldish and cool when he’s svt’s actual maknae most of the times but must say i was right too bc when the leader mode comes on, oufff. man i grew to love them all so much as i got to know them. ive watched all their “suggestion” vids and am just so happy we get them for 5 years more.
Their stage presence is on next level !!!!
Yes No hate to others but seriously seventeen is the best performer ever! They Never repeat the same performance👏watch their performance on western shows here, they even performed their b-side tracks, it really shows how good their songs and how passionate they are in music:
💎Rolling Stone:
💎Press play grammy:
💎James corden:
💎Ellen show:
💎Kelly Clarkson:
And it also applied to Korean stages, they never repeat the same performance! If they do the same song, they will change the instrumentals or adding some break dance and smtimes change the dance move too... It shows how strong their passion and hardworks are in music! As example, u can try watch seventeen performance in MAMA 2018, THEY PERFORMED 3 BSIDE TRACKS (FLOWER, GETTING CLOSER and BRING IT)it really shows that their b-side tracks are that amazing and title tracks materials... Even in GAON chart award, they performed 3-4 songs each year and most of them are bside tracks... Watch this video, best and iconic opening concert I've ever seen in kpop:
They love carats so much that they even made special birthday song for fans anniversary on 14feb... No other groups doing it like that if im not mistaken 😭✨I love them so much!!!
how they can be this perfect
Seventeen is everything to me!
JUN looks so dandy here. The robe just fits his body proportions nicely 😍
I really live for the mic whoosh and swish because it says “we aint lipsyncing yall”
Forever here for Hoshi’s sheer black tank moments
2:47 Jun doing head tilt is my fav
Wahhh seventeen is really that group
The best
Cheol’s “All I wanna do is run away, cause you are my escape” was insanely hot ❤️🔥
jeonghan looks immaculate here [as always] but it's really unbelievable how he pulls off long hair ...
Seventeen is good in everything.
Handsome✓ Attractive✓ Athletic✓ Good-looking✓ Graceful✓ Cute✓ Elegant✓ Aesthetic✓ Fit✓ Stunning✓ Well-proportioned✓ Hot✓ Seductive✓
S.coups :
Jeonghan :
Joshua :
Jun :
Hoshi :
Wonwoo :
Woozi :
DK :
Mingyu :
The8 :
Seungkwan :
Vernon :
Dino :
All Handsome 🤝🔥
I honestly love that even when its live, they dont slack or modify on their dancing. They all sound amazing and their dancing is just mesmerizing
For new carats (in order of appearance based on solo parts):
Joshua 0:06
DK 0:10
Wonwoo 0:17
Minggyu 0:24
Hoshi 0:32
S. Coups 0:39
Seungkwan 0:54
Vernon 0:59
Jun 1:06
Woozi 1:08
Dino 1:24
The8 1:31
Jeonghan 2:04
Not only did we get a R.T.L. confession ver. But this also !!
Seventeen teach me everything about love, friendship, loyalty. But they never teach us how to be loyal toward our fav bias among them........ please don't tell me I'm not the only one Caratdeul?!!!!
Everyone is bias wrecker :)
Every one of them is my bias :')
You can clearly hear their breath. That just proves that they really sing well. I really think aside from Exo and Treasure, Seventeen also have the best vocal line in Kpop. Stan ExoSvtTrsr!
STOP THEIR VOCALS I CANT (also wonu with the first verse????? yes!!!)
READY TO LOVE (a song written, composed, and arranged by these talented humans, not AI)
Lyrics: Woozi, Bumzu, S.Coups, Mingyu, danke, "hitman" bang, Kyler Niko
Composers: Woozi, Bumzu, "hitman" bang, WonderKid, Kyler Niko, Christoffer Semelius, H.KENNETH
Arrangers: Bumzu, "hitman" bang, Wonderkid
I just commented today on the mtv perf of dont wanna cry that i wish they'd upload this performance too. And here it is lol.
everything about their performance is amazing
One doesn’t experience self-transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates🔻
Though Jun lines were so less still his aura is dominating
vernon always does so well to elevate the performance when it comes to his part wow
It is crazy how stable and perfect they are in every way
Damnn this synchronization kings if you look at 2:28 you'll notice they all are in the air their jumps are also synchronized considering they are 13 which is pretty hard but here we are talking about seventeen
Dokyeom is so handsome here and everywhere ♡♡!!!
hoshi is so energetic and expressive with his moves
I always die at Seungkwan's adlibs, absolutely amazing
SEVENTEEN lang talaga SAKALAM 💎💪
Seventeen the best group❤
The vibe of the set is so 2nd/3rd gen but the song is a fusion 3rd/4th gen and like... Seventeen is just timeless.
Shua thumbnail fairy this comeback 😆 visual!!
they never make carats dissappoint..
they own everythings
vocal, rapping, performance, visual... its such blessing ✨
Another Masterpiece from Seventeen.. That every Carats will love ✨:)))
Black fungus is a disease only exist in India and the cause could be related to what they jab as vaccine.
if not, then why the disease dont attack covid-19 patients in your country?
India faced before outbreak that patients breached hundreds over thousands but no black fungus attack recorded and the reason could due to local vaccine yet to get approval or invented
(Google "Danny Woo Vk" in Bing for full topic and book of life, if link in my video about bakekuchira already missing)
Heart inflammation were detected by doctor, for those that received pfizer vaccine.
Inshort, don't jab covid-19 vaccine cos this stuff bound like a well, that cannot see bottom or too risky since side effect cannot be determined unless something pop up.
#Hygiene could causes something weird happening in India?
Sure this fungus exist globally but what about current situation.
Black fungus is a plant but behave aggressive in India till declared as epidemic.
Plant never once attack human like viruses, according to history of mankind.
Why Black fungus suddenly behaving so aggressive, during the period when India facing 2nd outbreak?
Cos you saw people rushing to get themselves vaccinated and fighting each other, when purchasing oxygen tank, something you cannot see happening, when India facing 1st outbreak.
No one said you must follow my advice even you aware, what happening in India must come with reason..
(Other don't forget about granny method that could cure Covid-19 without going to hospital upon reaching my vk profile)
Black fungus adalah penyakit yang hanya wujud di India dan sebabnya, berkemungkinan besar berpunca dari suntikan vaksin ciptaan India.
Kalau tidak, kenapa Black fungus tak serang pesakit covid-19 di negara anda?
India pernah berdepan wabak mencecah ratusan ribu pesakit namun tiada serangan Black Fungus direkodkan, kemungkinan besar kerana vaksin negara india belum perolehi kelulusan
(Google "Danny Woo Vk" di Bing untuk baca topik penuh dan kaedah nenek yang boleh mengubati pesakit covid-19 tanpa ke hospital jika link dalam video Bakekuchira sudah hilang)
Jantung bengkak adalah kesan sampingan ke2 yang dikesan oleh doktor untuk vaksin phizer. Pendek kata, jangan suntik vaksin Covid-19 kerana benda ni seumpama perigi yang tak nampak dasar atau risiko terlalu tinggi kerana kesan sampingan hanya boleh dikesan, kalau ada sesuatu berlaku
#Aku kata jangan suntik vaksin kerana tumbuhan bertindak ganas dan serang manusia di India sehingga bergelar epidemic, hanya salah satu contoh, kesan sampingan vaksin.
Kamu tak faham, black fungus adalah sejenis tumbuhan berspora, bukan virus.
Tumbuhan dalam sejarah manusia tak pernah bersifat ganas macam apa yang berlaku di India.
Kenapa Black fungus hanya bertindak ganas semasa India dilanda wabak ke2?
Kerana kamu nampak rakyat India berpusu pusu untuk dapatkan suntikan vaksin dan juga bergaduh semasa mrmbeli tangki oksigen, perkara yang kamu tak nampak semasa India dilanda wabak pertama..
Kamu nak juga suntik vaksin walaupun memahami tumbuhan bertindak ganas di India mesti berpunca dari sesuatu, bukan masalah aku..
(Lain jangan lupa kaedah nenek yang boleh mengubati pesakit covid-19 tanpa ke hospital selepas sampai halaman vk aku)
Eventho im not carat but lately istg i listen this song everyday
tysm!! ^^