Biblical Purpose of CIRCUMCISION | Book of GENESIS Bible Study 40 | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • In the Book of Genesis Bible Study, you'll learn all about the first book of the Torah as found in the Old Testament of the Bible. From creation, Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark to Joseph and his coat of many colors, we hope you find this in-depth look at Genesis from Pastor Allen Nolan helpful!
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  • @Gebri3l
    @Gebri3l Рік тому +2

    This man understands the truth
    Understands God

  • @jiehuanglin
    @jiehuanglin 3 роки тому +9

    I have been studying Genesis along with Pastor Allen. God blessed me through Pastor Allen’s teaching which has helped me understand a lot of doctrines and concepts in the beginning of the Bible. Thank you Pastor Allen!

  • @knowledgenow9671
    @knowledgenow9671 2 роки тому +6

    Great Deliverance. Awesome! Love this through Christ Jesus.

  • @margaretpiner6799
    @margaretpiner6799 4 роки тому +6

    I truly am understanding! This has help me so much with what I felt was so crazy. Now I know why they did things like they did. Can't thank you all enough for this study on Genesis.

  • @Leo-yb7ey
    @Leo-yb7ey 4 роки тому +5

    I love the Book of Genesis

    • @Leo-yb7ey
      @Leo-yb7ey 4 роки тому +1

      @@allennolan Good to here and May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you

  • @myaudaciousprayer
    @myaudaciousprayer Рік тому

    I am such a literal learner and I learn verbally so the fact that Pastor Allen teaches in Historical and scientific facts completely thrills me. I have to have the big picture then talk it out with myself and look up the history and science it’s based on. Pastor Allen basically does this for me and I am so grateful. I know the Bible better than I ever did and I’ve started a Bible study online to help others. Thank you Pastor Allen you’re amazing. May God continue to bless and prosper you and your church. I hope to get to meet you in Heaven one day soon, for I do feel our time is short.

  • @madgem1727
    @madgem1727 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Sir, the information was clear and well needed. The Lord bless you. Keep it up.

  • @ArmyScoutMom
    @ArmyScoutMom Рік тому +1

    Brilliant sermon, thank you Pastor! 🙏

  • @migdaliasoto198
    @migdaliasoto198 10 місяців тому

    A great study on Covenant. Well explained. God bless you.

  • @hendrixsun9372
    @hendrixsun9372 Рік тому

    Never heard him but I love him already. I remember one my own sons sayjng the same thing.

  • @chevy4x466
    @chevy4x466 Рік тому +4

    I regret having my son circumcised. I don’t think it is the way.

  • @weekendchillmode9910
    @weekendchillmode9910 5 місяців тому

    Amazing! 😊

  • @tammymckibben5661
    @tammymckibben5661 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for the study notes. They help me a lot. Do to the fact I have a hard time taking notes.

  • @greginfla_1
    @greginfla_1 3 місяці тому

    Note: lecture primarily about the background and purpose of circumcision

  • @josephinemorgan6582
    @josephinemorgan6582 2 роки тому +1

    actually understood it.

  • @strappymasksalesman2819
    @strappymasksalesman2819 3 роки тому +3

    circumcision has always been strange to me even with the context of the symbolism of cutting yourself off from the flesh. however im starting to wonder if there’s an underlying connection between circumcision and the watchers who sinned and the nephilim. i believe in the book of jubilees there’s a line where it talks about a vision, where there are bulls in a field, and stars fall to earth and become bulls, but specifically says their genitals were different than the bulls. this parallels humanity and the watchers who descended and took human wives. so there are points in scripture that seem to emphasize this idea, but im still trying to connect the dots. perhaps circumcision was somehow like a way to show that we are not those watchers who sinned?

    • @krayziejerry
      @krayziejerry 2 роки тому

      What verse is that in Jubilee?

    • @nadzach
      @nadzach Рік тому

      Circumcision is a compound word in Hebrew that means "cut off offending" or "cut off the fence." Fence was the foreskin and this one rule really covers all the laws. But Hebrew eventually became a nearly dead language. Certainly gentiles had no idea what Circumcision meant. Cutting off your right hand or plucking out your right eye was meant to point out that it was far better to cut off offending. If your mom ever yelled at the kids to "cut it out!," you know what I mean. Robert Frost wrote "Before I'd build a wall, I'd ask to know who I as walling out and to whom I was like to give offense." I might not have that (The Mending Wall) exactly right, but you get the point. Offenses are fences that separate us. I don't think it has anything to do with baptism other than that it symbolized a cleansing from offenses or sins.

  • @micheler1077
    @micheler1077 Рік тому +1


  • @dwaynefitzpatrick7463
    @dwaynefitzpatrick7463 Рік тому +4

    I find it funny how Christians want nothing to do with Galatians 5:2

  • @nevilanderson8123
    @nevilanderson8123 Рік тому

  • @greginfla_1
    @greginfla_1 3 місяці тому

    I thought covenants can not be changed once established. 5:58

  • @bonnylayton4840
    @bonnylayton4840 14 днів тому

    Why circumcision on the eighth day?

  • @dwaynefitzpatrick7463
    @dwaynefitzpatrick7463 Рік тому +2

    also look up foreskin face cream

  • @Gebri3l
    @Gebri3l Рік тому

    Its our promise to God, to not be snakeheads to life(Eve)

  • @derjungemensch5902
    @derjungemensch5902 2 роки тому +1

    I have a message that I’m sharing where I can, some may not want to hear this, but I ask that we stay polite and seek truth together. 😊
    Love is an action. Feed the hungry, house the homeless, father the orphan, and protect the defenseless and vulnerable.
    Read the Word for yourself, not only relying on others for guidance. Pray for guidance.Yahushua/Yeshua - His Hebrew name who is usually called (Jesus) taught to keep the whole Word. Including the Law/Torah. Matthew 5:17 “Do not presume that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [g]the smallest letter or stroke of a letter shall pass from the Law, until all is accomplished! 19 Therefore, whoever nullifies one of the least of these commandments, and teaches [h]others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [i]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Read 1 John. John tells us that sin is lawlessness, and that we must keep the commandments. Trust in the atonement of Yahushua/Yeshua who is usually called Jesus, and keep God (YHWH)'s whole Word/commandments. Revelation 12:17 So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 14:12 Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. Go to parableofthevineyard youtube channel for information about the bible and good bible studies. I'm in no way paid or sent by him for advertising. I just have learned a lot from his content. He's just a man who is trying to learn as well. :) Yeshua died so we may be resurrected to eternal life.....

  • @roselubbe9815
    @roselubbe9815 Рік тому +2

    The 8 day old baby doesn't know that yet! But God chose that because that is the way to symbolize the blood letting because Christ let his blood to cleanse us from our sins!

  • @SethSongwriter
    @SethSongwriter 2 роки тому +1

    I tried to cut the flesh of my foreskin off with a pair of scissors when I was younger. I feinted in the process, i have a nasty scar is this good enough or should I cut more off? I think what God said is more important than what Paul said.

    • @SethSongwriter
      @SethSongwriter 2 роки тому +1

      I think I'll cut some more and repent.

    • @Maddz-Thee-Bee
      @Maddz-Thee-Bee Рік тому +2

      Wtf? I hope you're trolling. Maybe you should try therapy instead

    • @inthenamemosthigh
      @inthenamemosthigh Рік тому +1

      ​@@SethSongwriterMatthias is the 12 th apostle.. Acts 1: 26/ only 12 apostles.. Revelation 21: 14
      Paul is a pharisee.. beware of the pharisees doctrine

    • @Gebri3l
      @Gebri3l Рік тому

      We cut the head of the snake as a promise to God to not be snakeheads to life(Eve)
      Detach from flesh

    • @marcadiadd5681
      @marcadiadd5681 6 місяців тому

      Compromise: cut half

  • @roselubbe9815
    @roselubbe9815 Рік тому +1

    If you are not circumcise when you were saved, then you need to be circumcise to enter into Abrahamic covenant. If you were the thief on the cross that circumcision is not possible then Christ's sacrifice applies to you! But when you are not in the same spot as the thief on the cross then you need to be circumcise eventually!

    • @a-a-rondavis9438
      @a-a-rondavis9438 25 днів тому

      Circumcision is for Jews only. We are in the New Testament. All non-Jews are Gentiles. We are Gentiles. We do not need to do that. Same for tithing. That was ONLY for the Levites.

    • @IAmALawyerToo
      @IAmALawyerToo 12 днів тому

      Biblical support?

  • @endofscene
    @endofscene 3 роки тому +1

    This man is a good speaker and a good teacher but I have some issues with what he says...
    If circumcision is a reminder of the sins of the flesh then...
    (1) Why doesn't the Bible explicitly say this? (Circumcision is mentioned over a hundred times in the Bible but in none of those cases is this explanation given, afaik.)
    (2) Why isn't it done to women too? Do women not need any reminder of the sins of the flesh? Are they incapable of sin by their own flesh? Do they have no relationship with God?
    (3) Why doesn't any other tribe that practices (or practiced) male circumcision give this as a reason for their ritual? That being that the foreskin symbolises the lusts of the flesh?
    And if circumcision is a reminder of the sins of the flesh or of a special relationship with God then it doesn't seem to work! According to the Bible, the Jews were not exactly an obedient or God-loving people. Why would God give a painful and dangerous commandment (that traumatises babies and in some cases kills them) that doesn't even work?
    The Romans 2 verses basically say that if you keep the law then circumcision is meaningful but if you don't keep the law then circumcision is meaningless. So circumcision itself has no bearing on one's capacity to keep the law. How exactly does circumcision profit a man if he keeps the law? By reminding him of what he's already doing? Huh?! And if one can keep the law without circumcision then what really is the value of circumcision? It is of no real value at all, apparently. In other words, God has commanded a ritual that has no real value and has caused untold trauma for nothing. This is not loving or logical.
    Note that Romans 2 makes a distinction between circumcision and "the law". Is Paul saying that circumcision is not part of the law? This is repeated in 1 Corinthians 7:19 where Paul distinguishes between circumcision and the commandments. Is Paul saying that circumcision is not a commandment of God?
    "If you refuse to cut off the flesh then God will cut you off."
    But babies can't assent or dissent. If Jewish parents choose not to circumcise their baby boy, how can the baby boy be held accountable?
    This idea of refusal only makes sense for adult circumcision. But the Jewish 'covenant' does not involve adult circumcision (except for Abraham and slaves, and possibly for converts [but that isn't mentioned in the Bible afaik]); the Jewish 'covenant' involves infant circumcision.
    On that note, it is not actually a legitimate covenant because a covenant is a contract between consenting parties. If one party doesn't (or can't) consent to the terms of the contract then there can be no agreement and hence no covenant. In other words, the Jewish covenant as mentioned in Genesis 17 is not legally (or spiritually) binding because newborn babies cannot give consent.
    I don't think circumcision was always necessarily a sign of Jewishness. Other tribes practiced circumcision too. In fact, it's possible that throughout history the majority of circumcised men weren't Jewish. That is certainly the case today and has been so for quite some time.
    It's worthy to note that the Exodus 4 story doesn't mention the reaction of Moses' son to being circumcised. This is no laughing matter. The child was likely traumatised. So the JudeoChristian deity seems to enjoy (or at least require) the purposeful infliction of severe pain and trauma onto newborn babies and young children. This sounds pretty Satanic to me. (But then, this is consistent with the generally Satanic nature of the Old Testament God, which is what led Gnostics to assert 'He' is an inferior deity, and why the Cathars believed the Old Testament was inspired by Satan.)
    As far as I know, there's no reference in the Bible to why the Hebrews weren't circumcised under Moses. The reason given by this pastor/speaker seems to be his own theory. This is a particularly strange and noteworthy passage in the Bible. Why would the Israelites who had received the law from Moses (which included circumcision -- Leviticus 12:3) all choose not to obey that specific command when Moses killed people for disobeying other commands such as the Sabbath?

    • @Justadudeman22
      @Justadudeman22 3 роки тому

      You're an atheist your word is nothing .

    • @endofscene
      @endofscene 3 роки тому

      @@Justadudeman22 I subscribe to panentheism and I don't believe God is Satanic (which is what Christians must believe in order to think She said and did what is in the Bible). If there were truly such a thing as blasphemy, I think Christianity would be a good example of it.

    • @Jesusistheway111
      @Jesusistheway111 3 роки тому

      Jesus is your answer to all

    • @sharmashivanand
      @sharmashivanand 2 роки тому

      Guess some privileges are only reserved for women.

    • @endofscene
      @endofscene 2 роки тому

      @@sharmashivanand Either that, or the Bible is full of shit :) (And I wouldn't exactly call women in the Bible 'privileged' ;) )