You’re competing with multibillion dollar firms with the lowest transaction costs, brightest researchers, fastest data speeds, insider information, and decades of experience…you definitely don’t have an edge.
And with that apparent advantage even they do not have an edge , as evidenced by active management failing to outperform long term passive DCA returns.
You’re competing with multibillion dollar firms with the lowest transaction costs, brightest researchers, fastest data speeds, insider information, and decades of experience…you definitely don’t have an edge.
Exactly that's why y'all gave it to the plebs to steal what we have left
... until you're competing in an area they cannot get into (e.g. size restriction), then you can most certainly have an edge.
And with that apparent advantage even they do not have an edge , as evidenced by active management failing to outperform long term passive DCA returns.
This should be viewing for the useless SEC in this "prop" niche
Thanks for bursting my last bubble
Constan sounds very intelligent. However, he is very short-temr focused. As a result, he is clueless. Do not buy into his minutia thinking.