I was a little confused at 6:17 by the drawing of syn vs anti. Both appeared stereochemically identical. However, very good explanation on the whole; I now understand that Z vs E enolates are favored by temperature (Low T = Z enolate, high T = E) and that anti is favored via steric effects when dealing with bulky substituents like Ph for E, while syn is favored for Z. From my text, it notes that the major difference between Syn Z and anti E (favored forms) is the flipping of the R2 and H substituents, Z syn having R2 axial and H equatorial and vise versa for E. Another good note to mention might be that the R3 substituent prefers equatorial for both E and Z, (especially with bulkier substituents that cause 1,3 diaxial strain) but for E this leads to the favored anti product :)Thanks a bunch!
I was a little confused at 6:17 by the drawing of syn vs anti. Both appeared stereochemically identical. However, very good explanation on the whole; I now understand that Z vs E enolates are favored by temperature (Low T = Z enolate, high T = E) and that anti is favored via steric effects when dealing with bulky substituents like Ph for E, while syn is favored for Z. From my text, it notes that the major difference between Syn Z and anti E (favored forms) is the flipping of the R2 and H substituents, Z syn having R2 axial and H equatorial and vise versa for E. Another good note to mention might be that the R3 substituent prefers equatorial for both E and Z, (especially with bulkier substituents that cause 1,3 diaxial strain) but for E this leads to the favored anti product :)Thanks a bunch!
Thank you for giving depth information and clear explanation
Nice video...
great explanation!
You know it’s enolate, not enoate right?