He said: “Black People Are Compulsive, NOT WOKE 😳 (Do You Agree?)

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @brandonpresley3875
    @brandonpresley3875 3 роки тому +52

    She said "You don't need to do business with me because I'm Black. You need to do business with me because I'm the best!" 🔥🔥🔥

  • @themoneyjawn3447
    @themoneyjawn3447 3 роки тому +141

    “Black Lives Matter has always been around it was just called we’re human too” -Guy with the blue blazer 🔥

  • @dashaunaee
    @dashaunaee 3 роки тому +200

    I’m so grateful the Pastor was included in the panel. Once I heard white privilege I was like here we go 😒🙄. Kudos to him. Drop the victim mentality and take control of your life.

    • @mrdavidashley6892
      @mrdavidashley6892 3 роки тому


    • @EricJJ
      @EricJJ 3 роки тому +15

      Exactly. Had he not been there... look out

    • @tracknation7285
      @tracknation7285 3 роки тому +1


    • @Salizem_Realty
      @Salizem_Realty 3 роки тому


    • @drehardin
      @drehardin 3 роки тому +9

      🤔What is victim mentality?
      Is it calling out something that was wrong and attempting to fight against it or demand correction?

  • @garrisonel
    @garrisonel 3 роки тому +187

    We're so enamored with blaming the enemy without, we forget about the enemy within.

    • @Harlem_Renaissance
      @Harlem_Renaissance 3 роки тому +15

      I couldn't have said this better. I wish more blk ppl would make this connection.

    • @rickeyware6873
      @rickeyware6873 3 роки тому +11

      Ssshhhhh you cant say that its always a white person white fault and you cant blame your own

    • @go2therock
      @go2therock 3 роки тому +3

      I just posted the old Pogo cartoon on my Facebook page today. I remember hearing it as a child and turning it around in my mind, considering it. "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому +4

      Just 10 mins into the video and its showed itself so many times, eager to blame some anonymous force or "they" without any self-awareness of what you're saying.
      "They keep throwing stuff at us" just comes across as ignorant
      "We're not the ppl that american history has portrayed us to be"
      Past tense? Bruh turn on the radio. The foolishness in several mainstream black songs is portraying us in a certain way. AND ppl are cosigning that by playing the music and cosigning it w/ approval. What are we saying about that? Are we not gonna cancel glorifying black men killing other men?
      How do you think other races of ppl see black ppl as we play that foolishness about destructiveness turns our own race then turn around and say "black lives matter" after listening to that garbage? Its embarassing

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому +8

      Also let me say this: ITS OKAY TO BE A NORMAL AVERAGE JOE/JO
      In black culture theres a huge problem within subets of our culture with these delusions of grandeur that everyone thinks they're some kind of hero enlightening the masses, impacting the world like a movie protag. That unfounded arrogance has gotta stop, come back down to earth and operate in reality.
      Paired with the victim mentality of "constant fear" and "THEY are out to get me" fear mongering its warping everybodys perspective into thinking the worlds racist and is lurking in the shadows waiting to get them. Legitimately. Ppl like top right person in the vid will say that but I severly doubt they think its true
      With THAT alongside those delusions of grandeur with a dash of immunity from scrutinity is a recipe for disaster.
      If I had to guess I'd say a strong 1/3 of the black population does this delusion of grandeur schtick but the real problem is about almost the whole 100% will just nod their head and go along with it for the sake of "unity." That type of "unity" is actually just enabling somebody's bs. It's gotta stop, please. END RANT.

  • @meeknotweak3
    @meeknotweak3 3 роки тому +106

    Brother in the blue suit came out firing headshots! Loving it!

  • @atnicholesplace7648
    @atnicholesplace7648 3 роки тому +160

    This brother in the blue suit is speaking facts. I'm glad he said it. It was allowed therefore there was an agenda.

    • @yuleruiz8433
      @yuleruiz8433 3 роки тому +4

      I totally agree. Facts!

    • @danielhunter6059
      @danielhunter6059 3 роки тому +1

      He had potential but fell off after the first bit

    • @darrellsimon9049
      @darrellsimon9049 3 роки тому

      No agenda at all. It’s the same B.S. that’s been going on since day one. They don’t fear their own kind, they only fear us because they know our power is greater than theirs. If the NOI, black panthers, and BLM would’ve made those threats in advance, troops would’ve been on those steps real quick!

    • @atnicholesplace7648
      @atnicholesplace7648 3 роки тому

      @@darrellsimon9049 your missing the bigger picture. I challenge you to expand and think bigger. Side note: they just confirmed they were ordered to stand down amongst other things, which was not been consistent with how things were handled the whole year leading up to that day. Instead- ask what would be the purpose behind that and who would benefit from the people being distracted by racist? What bills were being passed, etc? Lets be clear, I'm not saying racism doesn't exist but at the moment it is being used. To distract and divide. Why?

    • @Hakeem597
      @Hakeem597 3 роки тому

      @@darrellsimon9049 whole heartedly I disagree....there was an agenda....go back to the Oklahoma City Bombings....an angry white man decided he would blow up a federal building....he was tried, convicted and executed...what Bill was passed as a result??? They didn't address that incident with a bill...theybused it as a point of reference, opportunity to pass and push immigration bills...the people locked in cages..ICE tactics and procedures that target minority groups and communities are a result of that bill....so there is always some sort of agenda...if not, it will be used as a point of reference...take Florida where the governor is enacting a law that targets protesting...when you get down to the granular, if you so much show up somewhere and say you disagree, you can be jailed...do much worse and the punishment is worse....there is always an agenda.

  • @CyberXShinobi
    @CyberXShinobi 3 роки тому +69

    Anthony I have a challenge video idea. Have a panel of people take a 30-60 day social media break and then see how they feel about topics.

    • @joycewatt800
      @joycewatt800 3 роки тому +3

      That’s good @CyberShinobi I literally thought the same thing this morning.

    • @Bepeze
      @Bepeze 3 роки тому +2

      *Snaps* *snaps* *snaps*

    • @Mylc03
      @Mylc03 3 роки тому

      that is an excellent idea but the question is, how do you monitor that?

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому

      Respect, binge-eating everything thats possibly wrong with the world and its worst moments warps how ppl perceive what reality is like
      Anybody here have an anime background? Think back on Yuyu Hakusho with the Chapter Black Tape and the effect it had on the viewers. Notice any similarites?

  • @wrenchguy2937
    @wrenchguy2937 3 роки тому +109

    The guy in the blue. I love him. I'm not black but his perspective is really amazing. GOOD STUFF AO!!!!

    • @miguelruiloba3565
      @miguelruiloba3565 3 роки тому +17

      Truly all the others seemed to take the main narrative point of view in the black community. The gentleman in the blue jacket understands the root issue and cause. Thank you sir

    • @kingjay1524
      @kingjay1524 3 роки тому +3

      Let's be real, of course you would like it. I'm not mad at you. Like he said, " will I enjoy the successes of my ancestors immoral behavior or will I dwell on it and be burden to it" paraphrase. The former.
      Not saying you are white but that tone is least resistance to white people.
      I'm not against it. Not for white people sake, let's be clear. I'm doing it for me and us bc of the points he spoke.
      Because until enough "well" people say ouch, when there is a problem and don't weary until it is cured, nothing will change.

    • @Corilla72
      @Corilla72 3 роки тому +1

      @@kingjay1524 when I read “I’m not Black but” before watching this video I knew exactly what the guy in the blue suit was on and knew I wasn’t going to like it. Lol

    • @kingjay1524
      @kingjay1524 3 роки тому +2

      @@Corilla72 see I agree with him. Bc he telling the truth. But some (maybe more like many) people on the "favorable" side will take advantage of it and not look at it in an objective lense like Weston did nor myself. Because again, it goes against their "status quo," their comfort zone.

  • @Je.rone_
    @Je.rone_ 3 роки тому +117

    If when you think of the black community the only thing you think of is positive things, that is not being realistic, but it may get you more twitter followers

    • @benmartinez2226
      @benmartinez2226 3 роки тому +7

      That’s an interesting thought

    • @freeindeed8416
      @freeindeed8416 3 роки тому +2


    • @L0VEJ0NES
      @L0VEJ0NES 3 роки тому +29

      Right....I'm a black teacher at an inner city school, I know wassup! We have some WORK to do!!

    • @rickeyware6873
      @rickeyware6873 3 роки тому +3

      🤫🤫🤫 sshhh you cant say that

    • @rickeyware6873
      @rickeyware6873 3 роки тому +2

      I'm not disenfranchised and I'm black I know not what she say 🤔🤔

  • @patriciascorner4686
    @patriciascorner4686 3 роки тому +56

    I agree totally with the pastor - we are easily manipulated by what we see and hear. I'm looking forward to next week's episode

    • @roscodogg
      @roscodogg Рік тому

      I was so happy to hear him say that- and most of them ACTED like they agreed and understood..... but then started on the BLM talking points of "living in fear" and all that.... when interracial crime is actually rare and most "hate" crimes are now faked!
      Then the Jan 6th comments🙄
      They believin' the Pelosi narrative that MAGA was there to do damage 🥴
      she reduced security and there were cops letting people in HOPING they ransacked the place and beat people up and killed people so they could use that talking point for DECADES!
      But most everyone walked inside... took selfies... looked at the artwork...
      The only death directly from the protests was an unarmed veteran lady hot shot by a trigger-happy cop... weird how THAT was swept under the rug while they lied about another death and most likely "Clinton-ed" the others who were probably going to speak the truth that it was all a setup.
      The blue blazer guy had some very good points... I wonder if listens to Thomas Sowell?

  • @emielie1323
    @emielie1323 3 роки тому +99

    That man in blue at the end is absolutely right about economics and looking at the present. It really is all about money. Every group of people have done messed up things in history. Africans had and still today [North Africa] have slaves because it economically benefits them. As black people we need to stop looking for validation from white people. It can apply to anyone as we all have our own struggles. We need to think about what is best for ourselves, doesn't mean it will be easy, but we're wasting our time by caring so much about what white people did or will do when many are just trying to live through life like we are; as human beings. Our government is the problem we should worry about, they focus only on race to make us react negitavely on purpose because it benefits them. No matter what party you're in, they will use black people to make profit because we're an easy target since many are compulsive. Don't fall for it!

    • @Bepeze
      @Bepeze 3 роки тому +9

      Couldn't have said it better at all. Being a victim is basically what the Preacher was explaining. Not acting like it didn't happen. That's denial. But refusing to be a victim of something that occurred many years ago is always a choice. There is a way.

    • @megaloschemos9113
      @megaloschemos9113 3 роки тому +3


    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому +2

      With the occured many years ago part as a culture black ppl need to stop letting black ppl younger than like 60 take credit for other ppls suffering.
      Thats beginning to disgust me, its just so grimy
      Decisions and changes thats happened in the last 5 years within the culture has SEVERAL TIMES more impact than the go-to things that happened 200+ years ago that ppl abuse bringing up

    • @gemjewelle2687
      @gemjewelle2687 3 роки тому +1

      @@knes167 I hear it all the time from the younger people and I've said "quit taking credit for what your grandmother/grandfather did". A lot of the things the older generation had to think to get by is just no longer relevant for them but they hang on to that way of thinking as if they have lived from slavery until now.

    • @Pulsar-mz9hu
      @Pulsar-mz9hu 3 роки тому

      Good point, I also believe there was a complicit act amongst the occult (which has infiltrated FBI, CIA, Military, Law Enforcement, political positions etc) & democrats (not to say that all democrats or republicans are evil) to obscure the fact that they've been responsible for the most heinous and despicable acts done to oppress Black Americans and as the Pastor put it, "It's economics", meaning "money is the root of all evil", thus "evil" hinting at spiritual forces at play....warfare to be blunt. The occult is the medium through which that evil is channeled and the democrat party is how it is manifested. On the other hand, a quick glance at most prominent figures that were abolitionist were also republicans. However, up until 1963 when the occult through the FBI assassinated JFK & MLK thus allowing the democratic party to usurp (using Lyndon B. Johnson) the republicans role, allowing them to erase their history. The democratic party in the south new they were losing power and status so a (first attempt was the "The Great New Deal by FDR" that lured black voters even though they mistrusted him) last minute drastic measure had to be implemented in order to control party affiliation which was done through the passing of Civil Rights Act, which mind you was already going to be passed by JFK.

  • @afrothundar
    @afrothundar 3 роки тому +34

    We do have struggles as a people, but we’ve got to stop this “we live everyday in a state of fear” mess. I’m a black man in a America, and I’m doing aight out here lol, I’m far from scared.

    • @omowhanre
      @omowhanre 3 роки тому +4

      Honey boo.. I'm think you're old enough to know that just because 1 person has a specific experience, it doesn't mean that 1 person's experience is indicative of the whole group's experience. Why do 'black people' keep acting like we are a monolith. Can we PLEASE try to be nuanced in 2021! We really need to revamp our public educational system.

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому +2

      Thank you, certain rough environments have that state of fear (not just b/c of wypipo either) and are valid.
      But the twitter heads using suffering for clout and seeming weak for cool internet points is corny.

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому +3

      Have you seen some video's of youtube?
      Alot of white ppl think being black is nonstop struggle b/c of who has been speaking for ":us" in the mainstream public. and that that struggle is JUST because of race
      It actually annoys me how the public image is "black ppl are weak and helpless" as I said in another it also alternates with that and this delusion of grandeur thing too depending on which is more convenient at the time

    • @danielhunter6059
      @danielhunter6059 3 роки тому

      @@omowhanre It’s broken tho public schools are just indoctrination hubs and we know it it’s time to make home schooling/tutoring a thing better quality education

    • @benaiahwright937
      @benaiahwright937 3 роки тому +1

      Me too man...I agree 100% I fear nothing day to day

  • @ZeusMan88
    @ZeusMan88 3 роки тому +23

    I watched the panel interview, and I thought it was great. To answer the question posed in the title, I think Black people aren't as compulsive as we are emotional. I deeply feel that black people act on emotion first as opposed to logic, and that's why we're so easily galvanized.

  • @kingsjester2
    @kingsjester2 3 роки тому +64

    Let’s start this black history month off right!

    • @kaitlinobrien243
      @kaitlinobrien243 3 роки тому +5

      Black history Month ???? Crazy. Why only a Month? Black history is every day. A token month. This old white Irish chic says no to a Month? America was built on Black and now ye get a month?????

    • @hkn920
      @hkn920 3 роки тому +3

      Black history is an American history. I don’t need a black history month

    • @Legendsonly32
      @Legendsonly32 3 роки тому +5

      Starting it off right by talking about the Capitol being stormed but not talking about how both BLM and Antifa destroyed America for the last four years? Yeah let's start it off that way

    • @humanRace615
      @humanRace615 3 роки тому

      @@hkn920 thank youuuuuu!

  • @TheLilly
    @TheLilly 3 роки тому +44

    3:30 What the brother in the blue suit said about us being compulsive is spot on! He just went for gold with that one like a cheat code. It's really not that hard to get a reaction from us. Sad. God help us!

  • @DarrellColemanShamrock7504
    @DarrellColemanShamrock7504 3 роки тому +8

    "You can't be nothing but Black", those words are something powerful. All I can be is who i am now.

  • @Blazentity
    @Blazentity 3 роки тому +33

    Looking forward to this. Saw the preview on IG and I appreciate the diversity of thought. As a black conservative, I don't think we are given much of a platform to give an honest perspective of current issues. So BIG KUDOS MR O'NEAL!!!
    Looking forward to this and just set a reminder

  • @pooh4025
    @pooh4025 3 роки тому +36

    As a black business owner since 2009 I agree we been LIT .We should have always been supporting our own .

  • @bigkanak797
    @bigkanak797 3 роки тому +26

    Democrat policies have divided black families and the consequences have been blamed on racism. Bring Dad back home and hold him accountable and real change will happen.

    • @lexw.4467
      @lexw.4467 3 роки тому

      Which policy are you referring to? And from which time frame?

    • @MJKT95
      @MJKT95 3 роки тому +2

      @@lexw.4467 He’s is referring to the welfare system implemented in the 1960’s. It did target black people, especially young black women who were pregnant out of wedlock. A mother receives more government benefits when she 1) has more children, 2) is her only source of income.

    • @lexw.4467
      @lexw.4467 3 роки тому +2

      @@MJKT95 i thought that was what he was referring to, but that is actually not accurate. I think people are quick to say its democrat policies instead of realizing that most legislation passed , and policies implemented, are not what was initially proposed, but the result of compromise. I think its important that we actually look at the various welfare proposals of the 60s and 70s and see what was actually proposed and what Nixon, a republican, pushed for and signed. These changes also have had negative impact.
      I think studies also show that high unemployment and low wage jobs negatively affect all families and marriages. And vices increase in populations that frequently experience these negative factors.
      People over simplify everything and use that as a reason not to care or further exacerbate the problem. As a person who worked in the welfare system, i can tell you that there are many problems, but they most certainly aren't all from democrat policies.
      New republic has a great article on this and there are few studiesdone on this as well.

    • @MJKT95
      @MJKT95 3 роки тому +2

      @@lexw.4467 You’re right: unemployment and low wage jobs do negatively affect families of many backgrounds, however these statistics show that they negatively impact minorities at a disproportionate rate compared to white families.
      I understand what you’re saying but it wasn’t so much compromise between Republicans and Democrats as it was Democrats out-voting Republicans on issues regarding welfare in Senate and Congress. If we’re going to go as far back as Nixon, let’s look take a deep look at him. Yes, he ran as a Republican, but if you study the policies he was for, he aligned more with Democratic values, so he was a RINO at best. Nixon’s reason for welfare reform was due to Lyndon B. Johnson’s (Democrat) failed “War on Poverty.” And Johnson was largely influenced by Franklin Roosevelt’s (Democrat) New Deal of the 30’s. In 1965, black families with a father in the home stood at 79%. By the 1980, that number dropped drastically to just 6%. If these programs were meant to help, then statistics for complete black family homes should have risen or at least remained stable. The fact is that black families were thriving as well as (sometimes better than) white families, but these welfare policies have done more damage than good for minorities.

    • @lexw.4467
      @lexw.4467 3 роки тому +1

      @@MJKT95 I see it went from 25% to 50% of fathers not in home from 1965 to the 1980s. I disagree about it solely being democrat policies, im basing this on the proposals surrounding guaranteed income, increases in income and the shift from ADC to ADFC. Higher income welfare plans which were based on studies done on the west coast at the time actually showed familiy stabilization-- less divorce and single parent homes.
      i believe it a complex problem with multiple causes. Bad Welfare policy is a cause, not the cause. Economic down turn had a huge impact on family structure, for every 1% increase in unemployment rates there was a 2% decrease in two parent homes.
      My point is that his take is an oversimplification and a talking point. White one parent households increased over the same period of time at the same rate.
      Also I think it is amusing that some can see the effects of misguided 1960s welfare policy but can't see the effects of redlining, other housing discrimination, legal job descrimination, the mass firing of black teachers and other ills of the same time period--- things we know negatively affect all communities.

  • @TheContentofCory
    @TheContentofCory 3 роки тому +3

    The cupcake lady is spot on. Don’t do business with me because I am black. Do business with me because I am good.!

  • @leahg1424
    @leahg1424 3 роки тому +14

    Guy in the blue suit is dropping nothing but FACTS on FACTS!

  • @MsRieb
    @MsRieb 3 роки тому +4

    I TOTALLY AGREE! We’re emotional & compulsive and it’s used against us to promote agendas NOT for us!

  • @sirtoonz07
    @sirtoonz07 3 роки тому +14

    Everyone on the panel gave some great opinions, but the gentleman in the blue suit makes me watch this video multiple times. I like the way he thinks. Hope we all can somewhat follow his thought process.

  • @jeromed.2505
    @jeromed.2505 3 роки тому +32

    What the panel was saying was refreshing but at the same time, naive & disingenuous about a great number of things. They use the same recycled talking points of sunshine pumping and victimhood. We have some dirty secrets about our community that we have to take responsibility and correct if we're to move forward.

    • @sideshowbob2908
      @sideshowbob2908 3 роки тому +4

      I totally agree.

    • @TheContentofCory
      @TheContentofCory 3 роки тому +4

      Agreed. In order for us to get respect and dignity, we need to take responsibly and correct ourselves.

    • @jeromed.2505
      @jeromed.2505 3 роки тому +4

      @Tango Salsa I can't argue with that. But let me add that they control our image too and we help them. We can't wag our finger at other groups while we bask in our own dysfunction.

    • @hpatrickalexis68
      @hpatrickalexis68 3 роки тому

      I agree with you Jerome and I might add that I would have loved to see people on the panel with different viewpoints. The panel here was pretty much like minded and were pretty much piggy backing off one another. And I think the Anthony O’Neal could’ve asked better questions. Talking about the capital building riot , you weren’t going to get any enlightening discussion out of that.

    • @jeromed.2505
      @jeromed.2505 3 роки тому +2

      @@hpatrickalexis68 our main problem as a group is that we love to lie and cover up dysfunction and are afraid to have truthful conversations.

  • @KManwarren
    @KManwarren 3 роки тому +9

    I haven't listened to this whole thing, but the Pastor (in blue) is so right about how compulsive we as Black people are. It's so painful to watch us not look before we leap. It doesn't take much to get Black people to jump on a bandwagon, good or bad.

    • @megaloschemos9113
      @megaloschemos9113 3 роки тому +1

      So true, I tell some of black friends this all the time. That's why we can be manipulated.

  • @Tel934
    @Tel934 3 роки тому +17

    "The world found out we were lit. We ['ve] been lit."

  • @jmj0135
    @jmj0135 3 роки тому +42

    I believe you do have to ability to control your thoughts and actions. You can’t control others. Other than that, it was some great insight

    • @Bepeze
      @Bepeze 3 роки тому

      Yes that part i disagreed with too. But Urban Guru was on point.

    • @dippinfreshmedia
      @dippinfreshmedia 3 роки тому +6

      I took it as he meant control your thoughts as to stop yourself from being able to think at all not necessarily the content of your thoughts...we can control the content but we can stop thinking

    • @katiek.5614
      @katiek.5614 3 роки тому +1

      @@dippinfreshmedia yes, I think he was talking about stream of consciousness versus conscious thinking. We can’t control the random thoughts that appear in our heads but we can control whether or not we focus and ruminate on that thought. I actually remember talking about this in a psychology class... go figure the random things you remember 😆

  • @mgn3618
    @mgn3618 3 роки тому +4

    Pastor just took us to church, school and vigil all at the same time.. love his perspective 👏👏

  • @pt6729
    @pt6729 3 роки тому +7

    The pastor in the blue suit; wow, I would listen to his sermons every Sunday. I agreed with his views. 💕❤😊

  • @freeindeed8416
    @freeindeed8416 3 роки тому +25

    Brother in the blue is on the level. I can only rock with mindsets like his💪🏾

  • @matthewjohnson1317
    @matthewjohnson1317 3 роки тому +8

    I learned that nothing has changed for black folk. We are sitting around and waiting for someone else to solve our problems.

    • @lisacox3750
      @lisacox3750 3 роки тому +2

      Some are and some aren't. That will always be true.

    • @yaseen5121
      @yaseen5121 2 роки тому

      Black people have since the end of slavery been standing up and fighting for the betterment of our place in the u.s

  • @EricJJ
    @EricJJ 3 роки тому +56

    I listened to it as it’s available on podcast. I appreciated the table of opinion but I just don’t like to be labeled as part of “they” . Both races have many good people in it and” we” must quit labeling our races. We can go forward as one with or without the bad parts of each race. The pastor on here had a great analysis at the end.

    • @kaitlinobrien243
      @kaitlinobrien243 3 роки тому +3

      Race ? One race the human race. All God's children.

    • @TheLilly
      @TheLilly 3 роки тому +6

      If it don't apply, then let it fly. Like someone on the panel said, don't be mad if it doesn't concern you.

    • @EricJJ
      @EricJJ 3 роки тому

      That’s the thing it is all of our business!

    • @mattboulden7628
      @mattboulden7628 3 роки тому +2

      I would like to here an opposing arguments to some of the statements made to hear a discussion. I think many of these people have a victor mentality versus a victim mentality. I believe that's in both races though, some people want a hand out and some people take what's theirs.

    • @EricJJ
      @EricJJ 3 роки тому +3

      We definitely need more “round tables “ but they need to be with both races included. Then we may get somewhere🤞

  • @MoePeezy
    @MoePeezy 3 роки тому +9

    What I feel they should of learned is that we are not a monolithic people, we don’t all think alike, we don’t all want the same things!

    • @marshimeak1972
      @marshimeak1972 3 роки тому


    • @MoePeezy
      @MoePeezy 3 роки тому

      @@marshimeak1972 he asked what did others learn about black people in 2020 so they is non black people!🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @marshimeak1972
      @marshimeak1972 3 роки тому

      @@MoePeezy Thank you for the clarification! I do not think that other people think that black people are monolithic.

    • @MoePeezy
      @MoePeezy 3 роки тому +2

      @@marshimeak1972 we are expected to think alike for example we are all supposed to vote Democrat when we don’t, we all don’t think you’re racist because the media tells us you’re racist. If you don’t know if you should vote for me then you’re not black.- Joe Biden

    • @marshimeak1972
      @marshimeak1972 3 роки тому +1

      @@MoePeezy I was going to mention what you said about Joe Biden. Not just that, 2020 most of the black vote went towards Joe Biden. He also said that hispanics were more diverse than black people.

  • @rickeyware6873
    @rickeyware6873 3 роки тому +9

    I appreciate the host style to sit ask a question and listen. I believe he's ahead of his guest in knowing whats up

  • @BrandonDejon
    @BrandonDejon 3 роки тому +9

    Woke, Lit, all of the above! This was 🔥🔥🔥. Looking forward to the next video!

  • @soindifferent_
    @soindifferent_ 3 роки тому +11

    The Urban Guru (the gentleman in the blue suit) came in with the punches. I appreciate him jumping in head first and not tip-toeing around the topic of compulsiveness. It's so easy to manipulate us and 2020 was evident of that. 2020 was a year of 20/20 vision - and unfortunately a lot of people are still unable to see. With the information is at everyone's finger tips there should be no more excuses. There needs to be accountability amongst ourselves.

  • @deannajenkins7369
    @deannajenkins7369 3 роки тому +4

    E-C Weston was fantastic!! I think I could listen to him all day. As a white mom with a black child panels like this are so helpful.. Thanks AO!

  • @ashleymarkison8782
    @ashleymarkison8782 3 роки тому +5

    The diversity of thought in this panel was amazing. Loved it!

  • @EntrepreneurGuy
    @EntrepreneurGuy 3 роки тому +16

    “People casually strolled in the capitol on Jan 6th”. Five people were shot and killed by police, hundreds were injured and several were arrested. There was nothing casual about that day. Guy in the suit was excellent though.

    • @teewilliams4520
      @teewilliams4520 3 роки тому +7

      5 people were not shot. The one woman got shot. the cop died from getting hit from a fire extinguisher. The other people died from health complications during that time

    • @EntrepreneurGuy
      @EntrepreneurGuy 3 роки тому +3

      @@teewilliams4520 My bad, after seeing the First Lady got shot I had assumed that the others who died that day were shot as well. Thanks for that clarification as I believe accuracy is very important and I read up a little more on how they died.
      Perhaps we can both agree that her statement that “people casually strolled in” was very inaccurate though?

    • @teewilliams4520
      @teewilliams4520 3 роки тому

      @@EntrepreneurGuy that idk.. i had looked more into how the people died than how they got into the Capitol

    • @EntrepreneurGuy
      @EntrepreneurGuy 3 роки тому

      @@teewilliams4520 Fair enough.

    • @EntrepreneurGuy
      @EntrepreneurGuy 3 роки тому +1

      @@teewilliams4520 There are lots of videos of it on UA-cam. It didn’t look much like a stroll to me but you can decide that for yourself.

  • @dimediamond
    @dimediamond 3 роки тому +6

    In honesty 2020 cane before 2020. Let that sink in. Preparation is key. You prepare for the storm before the storm.

  • @ladyabigurl
    @ladyabigurl 3 роки тому +4

    Let the system work for you. Create wealth!

  • @awkwardblacktribe2100
    @awkwardblacktribe2100 3 роки тому +4

    There's a whole lot of heat in this video. I appreciate the dialogue.

  • @RoadtoEcoEmpwmt
    @RoadtoEcoEmpwmt 3 роки тому +12

    I love it. It’s not racism so much but “classicism.” Race is only a pigmentation. But society uses race as a system of power to justify oppression. The new civil rights movement is “economic empowerment.” Let’s stop “white shaming” for something our white constituents were brought into just like we were. Also, I believe we can become self made millionaires and hundred thousandaires just like Tyler Perry who created a path for himself, especially if we collaborate and watch our spending.

    • @knes167
      @knes167 3 роки тому

      Big facts, thank you
      Being successful takes a certain level of resolve and focus on a game plan though which my generation (90's baby, 27 yr old) loathes and or struggles with b/c things are so convenient and easy now to make ends meet

  • @vettevette48
    @vettevette48 3 роки тому +4

    I’m with “The Urban Guru” (blue suit). He has hit the nail on the head. I like this forum because we can learn from each other.

  • @clifflunique8205
    @clifflunique8205 3 роки тому +2

    the pastor was wowwwww we have the same problem in FRANCE . he was droping wisdom THAKS

  • @ntitus3025
    @ntitus3025 3 роки тому +5

    👏👏👏Come through GUY IN BLUE with truth and logic! I've been saying we too emotional as a people, reactionary and not proactive! It's sad, but most of us don't want to hear THAT!🙏

  • @iAmNormanJ
    @iAmNormanJ 3 роки тому +4

    Keep preaching! Who's the brotha in the blue suit. He has the knowledge and the message. Need to network with that brotha.

  • @666jammer
    @666jammer 3 роки тому +6

    "It's not my job to make White people feel comfortable" Why is it White peoples job to make Black people feel comfortable? What the young woman in the bottom left said, before that comment hit me. "We've been lit". Yes. You have. You need to adapt in the market place. As someone mixed race enough not to be able to call one race my home, you have to carve your own path. You have to advocate for yourself. You have to be lit. You have to be adaptable. Do not fall into the portrayal/box others want to put you in.
    When you do these things. You win at life.

  • @careser9071
    @careser9071 3 роки тому +2

    What people don’t realize is peoples experiences dictate the way they think Not everyone is gonna have a similar mindset or think the same

  • @L0VEJ0NES
    @L0VEJ0NES 3 роки тому +3

    Excellent video!! I also like how AO included people from different age groups. The young generation of Black people here are fired up, but the man in the blue is speaking wisdom 💯 We can fine tune our focus when we listen and learn from one another.

  • @Tel934
    @Tel934 3 роки тому +2

    "'Black lives matter' is *not* new...that's been...it was just not called 'black lives matter'...'we're human, too.'"
    That part.

  • @Naturallyshe77
    @Naturallyshe77 3 роки тому +7

    The man in the blue wow, dropping alot of gems. I appreciate his wisdom.

  • @AnthonyAllenJr
    @AnthonyAllenJr 3 роки тому +4

    Bruh!!!! Pastor dropped the mike on this 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @senoracheapee1864
    @senoracheapee1864 3 роки тому +4

    Agreed. We are extremely compulsive

  • @ThetrueTeddyB
    @ThetrueTeddyB Рік тому +1

    Dr. Claud Anderson said it best.... It's not racism, it's classism, that is the issue. Pastor in the blue suit is spot on.

  • @djredd1225
    @djredd1225 3 роки тому +13

    Ms.Francois spoke a Word! Only those with a spiritual ear would understand when she spoke of theb"enslaved people"👀. The Bible is our history book and we dont even know it!

    • @djredd1225
      @djredd1225 3 роки тому

      @@derek4412 Who do you believe are true Israelites? I'm not a Hebrew Israelite but I do believe that blacks from diaspora are the true Hebrews. I also believe that Jesus Christ is black and because our ancestors rejected him, we are living out the curses of Deuteronomy 28 unless you accept him as your saviour.

  • @alvinclarke5105
    @alvinclarke5105 3 роки тому +7

    The black community voting democrat is compulsive. Relying on the welfare system to provide food and shelter, a system that’s responsible for black fatherless homes is compulsive.

    • @GlamFameKen555
      @GlamFameKen555 3 роки тому


    • @alvinclarke5105
      @alvinclarke5105 3 роки тому

      @@grod805 the welfare system created single moms.

    • @alvinclarke5105
      @alvinclarke5105 3 роки тому +2

      @@grod805 I hear that argument all the time, but there comes a time when the black community needs to wean itself off from the dependence of the welfare system. If we don’t, nothing will change in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 even 40 years. It’s sad to see the black community and it’s leaders continue to endorsed welfare as if it’s something to be proud of. If you’re not living in a six figure household, you’re getting left behind and it shows in the black community.

    • @svs8264
      @svs8264 3 роки тому

      @@grod805 The government does not care about you. You are being pimped to believe they are helping you and they do absolutely nothing for you or your community.

  • @blossomingbutterfly8955
    @blossomingbutterfly8955 3 роки тому +7

    🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 “brother” in the blue suit! Facts..

  • @truthseekingfreethinker5214
    @truthseekingfreethinker5214 3 роки тому +12

    Do you believe, as a community, that you are only as strong as your weakest link?
    This is what people say, but it seems black people hate to look at their own weakest links because they look at it as degrading or focusing more on the negative, but we lit. SMDH
    We have so much dysfunction, and we pass on compounded dysfunction generationally, but we lit.
    I don't like to damper the mood, but while some black people speak well and can answer some softball questions, a lot of black people are struggling, trying to make the best out of a horrible situation, but we lit.
    If you live in fear, you don't believe in God.

  • @PhillyTK
    @PhillyTK 3 роки тому +16

    Ole girl on the right wasn't feeling Blue suits facts at the end. lol

    • @keithsweatshop
      @keithsweatshop 3 роки тому +12

      She's 18 and artsy, what did you expect?

    • @roshay11
      @roshay11 3 роки тому +3

      She hasn't lived enough life yet

  • @kw6719
    @kw6719 3 роки тому +19

    I learned about Thomas Sowell in 2020.......very eye opening interviews

    • @atnicholesplace7648
      @atnicholesplace7648 3 роки тому +4

      I just recently started to check him out myself. Very interesting.

  • @Tara-Family
    @Tara-Family 3 роки тому +3

    Fantastic! These are the kind of conversations I really want my 14 year old nephew to be exposed to... love that even though the panel is all black it's still so diverse... enjoyed everyone's perspective but the pastor definitely hit on some points that I really never considered before.

  • @AmericanRenaissanceMan
    @AmericanRenaissanceMan 3 роки тому +26

    Man I hear victimized mindset . People need counseling

    • @malineli3266
      @malineli3266 3 роки тому +3

      💯 only the man in the blue suit has a free mind.

  • @ThaBlkRainbow
    @ThaBlkRainbow 3 роки тому +2

    I'm not impressed by this dialogue already at 4 minutes in.
    Black people are not a monolith. We're all individuals and we all have differences of opinion and strategies.
    I don't think compulsive is the correct way to describe a group of people who are rightfully angry about the continued and exasperated injustices that have existed for decades.
    I don't think being reactive is a bad thing. We all react to what we see, feel, and know.
    I don't think someone lacks intelligence or intellectual capacity for expressing their anger or outrage.
    It's not hard to upset people who are constantly being gaslight, killed, and undermined.

  • @IntrovertidoTieneFlow
    @IntrovertidoTieneFlow 3 роки тому +4

    Brother in the suit it my type of mentor and leader. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @wakeUPdummies
    @wakeUPdummies 3 роки тому +23

    Whos job is it to make anyone comfortable except for themselves?

  • @Ir0nTub
    @Ir0nTub 3 роки тому +2

    WOW! EC Weston was preaching! The last words he said, were a reality BOMB!!!

  • @davesinspiration
    @davesinspiration 3 роки тому +4

    14:12 "shabababa" You betta speak Anthony 🗣 😂

  • @kemidaniel
    @kemidaniel 3 роки тому +2

    ‘Woke and 🔥 “! Great panel and discussion...especially loved the Pastor!

  • @waynewilliams22
    @waynewilliams22 3 роки тому +4

    Need more conversations as such. Younger generation need more guidance. These conversations now need to lead towards more positive actions.

  • @laquintagilbert8671
    @laquintagilbert8671 3 роки тому +2

    I felt that when he said you want to trace racism follow the money. Wow!!!

  • @Geenster0128
    @Geenster0128 3 роки тому +11

    Good job anthony!!! Brother in blue suit is swimming in the deep!!!!

  • @nugrowtholdsoul451
    @nugrowtholdsoul451 3 роки тому +1

    It amazes me that we actually still call ourselves a “Black Community”... With almost no foundation of neighborhoods consisting of our best and our worse living as neighbors. Where can you find a block of Black businesses that range from nail salon to fish carry out to theoretically doctors office? I mean the cupcake lady said when her kids go out their job is to make her look good because she is good. Really? We are so selfish and individually motivated for self praise there is no way we will over come anything. It hurts my heart see Asian communities consisting of all walks living in one community. They have no need to be loved by their oppressors like we seemed to have developed. Our ancestors lived and died,endured enlist back breaking work and humiliation not to be the HNIC but so that their kids would be able to tear down the oppression. But here we are in 2021 talking about “what they did to our capital”. Are you serious?

  • @paulr4009
    @paulr4009 3 роки тому +14

    Hey A.O, please make more of these discussions every month.

  • @spektr540hemi
    @spektr540hemi 3 роки тому +5

    The Man in blue... TRUTH!!!

  • @coachjessicarich
    @coachjessicarich 3 роки тому +2

    This was good!🔥🙌🏾 Looking forward to more panel discussions.Great way to start off Black History Month

  • @rebrock67
    @rebrock67 3 роки тому +3

    I live in small town Oklahoma, 35,000 people in our town/city. We are all equal here, no matter color. Why is this such a problem in the big cities? I have friends of every race where I live (my hair dresser is from Europe, my nail tech is Asian, the owner of the gym I go to is biracial, favorite restaurant is owned by a Mexican and my second favorite is from Italy and I know all of this people on first name basis!) but our social and economical situations are similar. There are two high schools here that we all went to. Race just doesn't seem to be a big issue here with us. I am sad for those that live where it is.

    • @arleneaugustahair8393
      @arleneaugustahair8393 3 роки тому +1

      Yet you didn’t mention not one Black person. 🤔🤔🤔

    • @rebrock67
      @rebrock67 3 роки тому +2

      @@arleneaugustahair8393 I have several black friends, male and female. Some at church, some at the gym and some at my job. I also did not mention the East Indian man I work with. And in Oklahoma, we have lots of people with American Indian heritage. I myself am Irish and Black Dutch. I can’t tell everyone’s race just by looking at them and that doesn’t matter, I was raised to treat others the way I want to be treated, so I’m kind to all.

  • @AlwonDomz
    @AlwonDomz 3 роки тому +1

    There’s a lot of generalizations and assertions here like “Black folks are compulsive”, or “Black folks aren’t utilizing our free enterprise system” that may reflect SOME influencers in Hip-Hop on the internet or TV but not the reality on the ground. The young lady who recited her poem at the inauguration or the man who directed the Fred Hampton film or the reverend who was elected to Georgia’s senate seat are busting these myths.

  • @amberhanzy6576
    @amberhanzy6576 3 роки тому +2

    The idea of black people being compulsive is interesting. 🤔 It isn’t a black thing, it’s a generational thing. Most people in today’s age are highly influenced by the convenience of social media. Information is coming at everyone fast. We have to learn how to filter through the BS and focus on what is important. Unfortunately, algorithms make it difficult. Otherwise, this was a nice panel.

  • @lameishawest2461
    @lameishawest2461 3 роки тому +3

    E.C Weston, I hope I got his name right, is a breath of fresh air on this panel.

    • @jnorvil
      @jnorvil 3 роки тому +2

      *...and music to my ears!!!* (I honestly felt the same way listening to him; it was like, "and all this time, they had me thinking I was crazy.")
      May God bless the man for sharing such wisdom.

  • @GirlOnKeys
    @GirlOnKeys 3 роки тому +2

    Wesley is right. I was around his age, getting my feet wet in the working world and was surprised at how much I didn't know about finances compared to my white peers (stocks, homeownership etc). It was as if we lived in two universes.

    • @arleneaugustahair8393
      @arleneaugustahair8393 3 роки тому

      Honestly, since I lived in different types of areas. In nicer areas where people pay more taxes for their houses, they teach way more stuff in schools in areas where the houses are nicer. They have a lot of upper level classes also.
      In certain areas, they need less classes in order to graduate. In the area I live now, the high schools are extremely huge with newer everything. They also have financial literacy classes and they actually have a program at the local college for kids in the Summers. My daughter was one of the sprinkle of Black kids who attended. They also actually have etiquette classes and again she was one of the sprinkle of Black kids who attended.
      Most of the kids can go to the local community college and graduate with an Associates Degree. Parents can actually afford cars for their kids to drive themselves to school.
      Most Black parents aren’t going to send their kids to those types of classes. I grew up being in cotillions. My dad worked at 2 different hospitals. The doctors loved him so we knew about those types of events. We went on everything from vacations every year and so forth. My husband doesn’t understand why I have to go on vacation every year and why I have to have a passport but I grew up in 2 different countries. I’m used to traveling. Then I joined the Army at 18 so traveling is normal for me.

    • @GirlOnKeys
      @GirlOnKeys 3 роки тому +1

      @@arleneaugustahair8393 I’m not referring to school. I went to white private schools in high school and college. There’s just a difference in what is taught in the homes or better yet what has been learned and taught down through generations.

    • @lisacox3750
      @lisacox3750 3 роки тому +1

      @@GirlOnKeys This is so accurate. My brother and I had this exact same conversation a week ago. We were so behind our white peers when it came to financial literacy. We just weren't taught. And we didn't know enough to seek information until we were in our 30s. I learned at 35 what a lot of young white people already know at 20. And I grew up middle-class with two parents in the home. My parents made good money but had different ideas about saving, budgeting, and investing. They were so different and fought so much...they couldn't teach my brother and I anything.

    • @GirlOnKeys
      @GirlOnKeys 3 роки тому

      @@lisacox3750 tuh... I am 35 currently learning.

  • @TowDow3
    @TowDow3 3 роки тому +6

    THE plagues weren't because God was tired of his ppl being mistreated. it was to try to prove to Pharoah through Moses that God was REAL.

  • @simplystephsspace
    @simplystephsspace 3 роки тому +1

    AO!! Love this! Great questions. I giggled at the girl asking why we were all buying gluten free flour 😂🤣

  • @Indigomaja
    @Indigomaja 3 роки тому +6

    My worry is that I'll get fight fatigue😤

  • @BrendanEvan
    @BrendanEvan 3 роки тому +1

    Appreciate this panel a lot! Great way to start BHM!

  • @awareyah6146
    @awareyah6146 3 роки тому +4

    We are an UNSTOPPABLE people so imagine if we deciphered what’s really going on around us and deciphered how we’re really supposed to live and conduct ourselves AS A WHOLE under one accord having TRUE unity we’ll be at the top like we’re supposed to be TEACHING and RULING in righteousness

    • @awareyah6146
      @awareyah6146 3 роки тому +1

      Listen to this thing I wrote called GET READY TO PAY

  • @michelarosier1918
    @michelarosier1918 3 роки тому +4

    Wow, I'm looking forward to this video. 🔥🔥

  • @rickeyware6873
    @rickeyware6873 3 роки тому +5

    We cant be the victor if we play the victim

  • @wilsonmanigat1
    @wilsonmanigat1 3 роки тому +1

    Truly love these candid conversations with people from different walks of life. Though perspectives may differ, the message remains resoundingly the same.

  • @Financial_Awareness
    @Financial_Awareness 3 роки тому

    AO - would love to watch more panel discussions like this series. The depth in these discussions is quite good...more please!

  • @jushumans1477
    @jushumans1477 3 роки тому +1

    Yes not because we are black your good at your job, your good because your good👏👏👏👏👏

  • @breanamoore9821
    @breanamoore9821 3 роки тому +1

    This conversation is just what I needed. Not so random: I love those sweet potato cupcakes. They're part of my fondest memories from my college days in the Ville.

  • @WithTheChablals
    @WithTheChablals 3 роки тому +1

    Loved this, watched every minute! So edifying! Keep it coming AO! 🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥

  • @fmatuko4094
    @fmatuko4094 3 роки тому +2

    I’m so loving this! Thank you y’all

  • @andreedmonds9223
    @andreedmonds9223 3 роки тому

    So glad Mignon Francois is back for this. Loved what she had to say and her insight on the 2020 Black History Panel. Am looking forward to hearing what else she has to contribute to this 2021 discussion. ❤️

  • @matthewconner463
    @matthewconner463 3 роки тому +4

    Brother man..in the blue correct about
    Black people got to move
    forward in life 🎓🔥not in the past👌🏾

    • @yaseen5121
      @yaseen5121 2 роки тому

      I don't know where you coming from, you going have a hard time knowing where you're going

  • @shareofmoney
    @shareofmoney 3 роки тому +24

    This was a great discussion and I am looking forward to the next one. While racism and white privilege are real, the worse factor like the gentlemen said is classicism. Finances and economics are what ultimately separates in my opinion. Finances can open up opportunities and create change for many people of color. It is fine to understand the blatant and profane nature of racism, especially in America, but it is just as important to do better intellectually and economically as people of color.

  • @nitaj5491
    @nitaj5491 3 роки тому +4

    👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 come thru Pastor. He came back around and tied back in to Stop Being So Compulsive! I love a good teacher.

  • @katwilliams2950
    @katwilliams2950 3 роки тому +3

    I have been waiting for this!!!! 👏👏👏come on AO. Mans in the blue suit, yes.
    Look, history is important. We must not forget and spreading our history and letting it be known is important. But if you're driving a car and all you do is look in the rear view mirror, don't get mad when you crash into what's in front of you. Don't let the past keep YOU from growing and building.

  • @BadBrad119
    @BadBrad119 3 роки тому +1

    The guy in the blue blazer is 100% correct, I'd go a step further and say that EVERYONE is compulsive and very collectivist rather than individualist when it comes to "woke" culture

    • @jnorvil
      @jnorvil 3 роки тому +1

      *Wokeness:* (n) the state where one does a good job criticizing the world, while failing to put their own house in order.