Intermountain SD40-2W CN

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FierroDuroRails
    @FierroDuroRails 3 роки тому +1

    I got the same one without loksound .. I added soundtrax Tsunami 2 and I did some paint apps on the ditch lights and now it is one of my favorite engines on my roster.

  • @haroldalexis4200
    @haroldalexis4200 3 роки тому

    Looks & sounds good to me.. I no doubt a CN fan & a major collector of their trains. This is a winner to me. I have had ditch lights on Athearn. & Kato they're not all that. To be honest this performed not bad. I wish i had this SD 40 -2. Their cabs are wider on Canadian engines. I give them a chance.

  • @KingTrump2024
    @KingTrump2024 3 роки тому +1

    The SD40-2w's were great only down side was the ditch lights... but other then that they are really good !

    • @TrainShenanigans844
      @TrainShenanigans844  2 роки тому

      I liked this engine a lot my only real complaint was the ditch lights for sure

  • @mgr_video_productions
    @mgr_video_productions Рік тому +1

    Nice review! It's a shame that the poor ditchlight design hasn't changed since the first run of these.

    • @TrainShenanigans844
      @TrainShenanigans844  Рік тому

      Thank you! Yeah it is a shame I really liked a lot of other things about the locomotive but I’ll probably mainly be sticking with athearn Genesis and scaletrains

  • @rwheatley0206
    @rwheatley0206 3 роки тому

    Just subbed your channel. Great video.

  • @DMRJ
    @DMRJ 3 роки тому +1

    I think you were being a little too critical. Many of the concerns you stated are solvable with adjusting the CVs. As far as the sounds, Lok Sound has their own suite of sounds you can choose from if you don't line what is supplied in the decoder. Its always hard to judge sound from this end on UA-cam, however it did not sound too bad. Also looking at the price tag and price on the sticky note, you did save some money. You are looking at about $230 right now for new with LokSound. I hope you held onto it and tinkered with it a bit to get the sound and running you wanted out of it. I think you got a good price on a loco that seems to run fine.

    • @TrainShenanigans844
      @TrainShenanigans844  3 роки тому +2

      This was one of my first locos with Lok sound. Since then I’ve acquired quite a few scaletrains engines and absolutely love them. I just didn’t quite know what to expect with this engine when I purchased it as I’ve never had intermountain engines before. I was used to Genesis and Tsunami 2 sounds is all.

    • @michaelcudby787
      @michaelcudby787 2 роки тому +2

      In my mind IMC,wpuld come close to Athearn Genesis.The age of that particular model,would be about 2010ish,& in those days,a lot of manufacturers didnt get the ditch lites very good.These locos came with the Loksond select decoder & the sound is activated with f-8.I would generally have a IMC before an Athearn RTR.(you dont get wipers or airlines in the trucks,with RTR)I m not sure if IMC are still making locos,but I do like their freight cars,that are mid range priced. Just my general opinion,& thinking along with Dans Model RR journey

  • @jamtuazon5216
    @jamtuazon5216 Рік тому +1

    Not much of a fan of intermountain models, especially the older runs, they are really light and the ditch lights on the CN SD40-2W units are pretty mid. The only reason I’d recommend Intermountain is the detail because it’s pretty good, or if you want a Comfort Cab equipped SD40-2 as Intermountain is the only brand to produce this variant.

    • @TrainShenanigans844
      @TrainShenanigans844  Рік тому +2

      Yeah I wasn’t super pleased and don’t plan on buying any more intermountain locomotives. Like you said the detail is pretty good but that wasn’t enough for me to justify keeping this one

  • @GrandTrunkWestern85
    @GrandTrunkWestern85 3 роки тому

    Looks like it came from Great Lakes