'He's feeling it right now': McLennan on Ullmark

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Johnny-Rock-Star
    @Johnny-Rock-Star День тому +25

    Jamie Noodles is a great commentator and has a great opinion

  • @archoniteX
    @archoniteX День тому +20

    Love to see the success finally coming in for the Sens. Lets keep this going into 2025. TSN, Kenzie has been such a great addition!

    • @wainber1
      @wainber1 17 годин тому

      And this regular season, when she has been play-by-play commentator, the Sens have yet to allow a goal.

  • @ayashin19
    @ayashin19 День тому +9

    I fkn love these boys LETS GO

  • @kellenc_
    @kellenc_ День тому +8

    Leafs vs Senators first round?

  • @Spezza__
    @Spezza__ День тому +5

    Let’s fucking go boys GO SENS GO!

  • @christophercharles3169
    @christophercharles3169 23 години тому +2

    This 9 game road trip could sink them. Winning the first one is a great start.

  • @Fed72
    @Fed72 20 годин тому +1

    Has Ottawa finally got a goalie that can keep the train on the tracks. He held the fort until the boys got their legs under them. Here's to hoping.👍 Go, SENS, Go!!!

  • @Zygmunt-Zen
    @Zygmunt-Zen 12 годин тому +1

    Sens are 3-0 when Kenzie Lalonde calls the game. Can we get her full time please.

    • @tomdicker299
      @tomdicker299 3 години тому

      And they won all 3 games 3-0

  • @grizzlytanner6794
    @grizzlytanner6794 День тому +8

    Sens cracking the Kraken ..

  • @saifhashim6214
    @saifhashim6214 День тому +2

    We’re 2 players away from being a legit contender we need a RHD and a 4th line Center