• @IconicGuy100
    @IconicGuy100 Рік тому +239

    Wom is too og

  • @gaalport2997
    @gaalport2997 Рік тому +362

    I liked wom because the npcs actually seemed alive since they moved arround, went to sleep and sat in some places. Plus you could kill any npc and feel like a genocidal maniac

    • @mrbobb1610
      @mrbobb1610 Рік тому +58

      I wish Arcane Odyssey had this same feeling

    • @ghetoknight7801
      @ghetoknight7801 Рік тому +51

      Ikr, they'd chase you, but you'd massacre them, to the point the police force would be released, you could destroy entire castles, WoM was literally the ultimate powertrip

    • @xXFeetSpitXx
      @xXFeetSpitXx Рік тому +15

      Killing castaways actually makes you feel bad though

    • @Bakiro256
      @Bakiro256 Рік тому +27

      If I compared WoM and AO, then I would give WoM a point for npc without hesitation.

    • @flyisgame
      @flyisgame Рік тому +28

      Yeah it was definitely cool but from a gameplay standpoint it was a little annoying, and even if not that, the ROBLOX engine and servers just suck ass and can't handle the amount of strain it put on the game from a performance perspective.

  • @sumikazu26
    @sumikazu26 Рік тому +177

    WoM was one of the first open world rpg games that I played on Roblox. I had lasting memories from that game. Hope someone makes a re make of so that way we can experience all that was planned for this great game

    • @goldntea8714
      @goldntea8714 Рік тому +7

      Some day someone probably will or even already is, maybe this video can inspire them who knows

    • @spr_under0319
      @spr_under0319 Рік тому


    • @xandersmith5742
      @xandersmith5742 Рік тому +10

      uhm acktually the original owners of WoM has already made an early acsess to the revamp of the game 🤓🤓🤓

    • @sumikazu26
      @sumikazu26 Рік тому +10

      @@xandersmith5742 we KNOW. I’m talking about someone marking a fan made re make

    • @xandersmith5742
      @xandersmith5742 Рік тому +1

      @@sumikazu26 oh okie (that was a quick response

  • @bowldawg4394
    @bowldawg4394 Рік тому +78

    It would be really cool if they brought back The Exiled and The Minotaur back into Arcane Odyssey for a special event or something, where they would spawn an a random island like doing a bounty hunt or assassination contract, and you could even get the old WoM items from them again, but tweaked to fit with the current weapon system the game has now

    • @epicjayjaysw8708
      @epicjayjaysw8708 Рік тому +8

      My sword from the exiled will forever be lost 😢

    • @stereotypicalguy420
      @stereotypicalguy420 Рік тому +8

      but i thought WoM was after AA peacekeeper(mc/player) destroys Durza(final boss, absorption curse user) then creates a continent that is habitable by ppl bc durza destroyed most islands in his final form.

    • @alicorn3924
      @alicorn3924 Рік тому +4

      ​@@stereotypicalguy420 Not sure, but I've read and heard from multiple people that WoM is not canon to the Arcane Universe.

    • @kelvindasilvanascimento6577
      @kelvindasilvanascimento6577 Рік тому

      ​@@stereotypicalguy420🤓 🤓 🤓 bla bla bla, who cares to this, Just lets keep yhia good idea in mind.

    • @huh5909
      @huh5909 Рік тому +1

      @@epicjayjaysw8708 My beloved shield from the exiled will forever be lost😢

  • @TBMVD
    @TBMVD Рік тому +117

    what i loved about world of magic is its openness. World of magic feels like a true open world game because it never forces you to go do this quest or go to this specific location. Everything is optional. every quest, every enemy, even the storyline is optional. When I started playing, which was before the storyline was added, it felt like could i create my own character and make it go through its own adventures. Other games don't invoke such feelings. They make you play as a character they created that you may customize it (but that is just visual appearances) and you go through a story that may have multiple routes. World of magic (of when i started) felt different, as it allowed me to make my own character and story for that character.
    tldr world of magic allows you to make a character and its story whereas other games dont (at least to an extent) and i loved it.

    • @shawermus
      @shawermus Рік тому +30

      That's what I hated in Arcane Odyssey. Islands are small and boats are cool and all, but they are just not as fun as travelling on feet with new movement system that doesn't force you to wait every minute for stamina to recharge.
      The game overall gives much, MUCH less freedom than WoM
      That's what I missed so much, thanks you for clearing it up to me.

    • @bowldawg4394
      @bowldawg4394 Рік тому +12

      WoM definitely feels more like a sandbox, but I really appreciate the build variety and expanded customization AO has

    • @The_Copper_Element_Itself
      @The_Copper_Element_Itself Рік тому +13

      Honestly, the fact they removed cultures, culture specific items and the GODDAM DIFFERENT BIRTHPLACES FOR EACH PLAYER was kind of sad for me in AO, those were so much nice and original ideas, it helped the immersion with the game

    • @shawermus
      @shawermus Рік тому +15

      @@The_Copper_Element_Itself tbh culture locked items were stupid. However just having culture specific items would be really cool

    • @alicorn3924
      @alicorn3924 Рік тому +1

      ​@@shawermus technically there are culture specific items in AO, ravennan shields for example

  • @RedNumber19
    @RedNumber19 Рік тому +46

    Villains in world of magic go around, destroying cities and murdering entire platoons of the magic council. Villians in arcane odyssey fight glitched navy boats that crash into nearby islands, and then they get hunted by metamancers. It’s such a shame they removed the feature where things unanchor if you destroy them, and that you can’t kill every NPC. It’s understandable though, just because of how laggy it was when people destroyed the silent tower and stuff.
    Edit: One thing that could be added no big deal is blood footsteps, they really made you feel powerful. There shouldn’t be an issue with that in Roblox’ terms since the game already has blood pools. I also really wish Vetex reused the world of magic music more, themes like Riverville could work really well with medium sized towns like Redwake or Frostmill, whereas themes like bell town fit perfectly with smaller towns like Palo town or Sailors lodge.

    • @BrevnoPolenovich
      @BrevnoPolenovich Рік тому

      The metamancers part hits me on spiritual level,i remember getting trapped in Merlot room because i was attacked by 2 warlords, who, thank god, were afraid dealing with my homie Merlot, thats really sad thta being villain in AO right now isnt THAT profitale to make obstacles really worth being evil one.

    • @The_Trident_Master
      @The_Trident_Master 11 місяців тому +2

      music in wom is peak

    • @lonely_mcnulty-zq6fz
      @lonely_mcnulty-zq6fz 2 місяці тому

      Nah it wasn't lag problem IT IS EASIER TO UPDATE because they just doesn't needed to caring about the NPC's life so they just straightly update one update in 10 month 10 FUCKING WHOLE MONTH AND THEN TURN OUT TO BE AN ACTUALLY SMALL UPDATE I know the game was hard to update but if the Dev being this lazy I couldn't stand it all that long and yes player wouldn't too

  • @Brecud
    @Brecud Рік тому +69

    One of my biggest regrets is not playing the game or arcane adventures

    • @Ilian59
      @Ilian59 Рік тому +7

      You can play arcane adventure in the game arcane reborn , and u can still play world of magic

    • @Qrangg
      @Qrangg Рік тому +9

      @@Ilian59 yea but the exciting discovery found by jumping into these open world rpgs with little to no information will forever be lost

    • @Ilian59
      @Ilian59 Рік тому +5

      @@Qrangg he said his biggest regret was not playing those game , meaning he never played them , and he probably dont know much about AA , and only knows a bit of WoM from yt

    • @Realnowaybruh
      @Realnowaybruh Рік тому

      Same, but atleast i played 1 week before arcane odyssey so i got the badge xD

    • @lonely_mcnulty-zq6fz
      @lonely_mcnulty-zq6fz 2 місяці тому

      One of my biggest regrets is PLAYING THIS FUCKING GAME AND ADDICTED and it turn out that the Dev abandoned it and lower grade their game to make new one

  • @soapsudzzz
    @soapsudzzz Рік тому +27

    WOM had way too much hate, I believe that it was possibly the best game on Roblox at the time, I loved the game and it was the game that introduced me to vetex’s series. The world just felt so alive compared to other games, like if you destroy a bandit camp a magic council fort will replace it, or the NPCs having different sleep schedules and run away when a villain comes near them. The only thing I could complain about is the quests, they were fun the first time but got repetitive. Truly a game of all time.

    • @BaguetteThe1st
      @BaguetteThe1st 10 місяців тому +4

      Yeah, people didn't see how much true potential the game had. If the whole map really did get as big as it was going to, I believe it could EASILY get 30k+ players. And imagine the new quests too. There could be one where you go into a cave to collect minerals, help somebody brew a potion, TRANSPORT PEOPLE WITH YOUR FLIGHT SPELLS! Wom really could've been one of the best games.

    • @bluelanterns2589
      @bluelanterns2589 10 місяців тому +2


  • @Wheelchair_Sam
    @Wheelchair_Sam Рік тому +26

    I loved WoM because how interactable the enviroment and the npcs was, threats were hella fun. Also i absolutely loved the random generation of things, you wouldnt find the same npc in the same place or there could be not any npcs at all, the camps, the outpotst, mini bosses, bosses, enemies, travelling sellers, townfolk were all randomly generated. It was great being able to both talk to and fight npcs, even bosses... I miss the wom era, even its still in roblox it wont feel quite the same

  • @archrono
    @archrono Рік тому +42

    Map was better tbh I want a silver hold and Castilian shore sized island

    • @TBMVD
      @TBMVD Рік тому +11

      I mean we have mount othrys but it currently doesnt have anything to do there (aside from the storyline progression). Despite that its my favorite island in the game. It feels so peaceful and free. I do hope it gets some more content soon. But that goes for nearly every other island as well. Most dont feel much reason to go there as theres only like one or two things to do there. Ik you'll still go there for the things that they do have, but thats all stuff that can be found on any other island (fruits, chests, shore items, villains and heroes), which makes them not feel very unique.

    • @bowldawg4394
      @bowldawg4394 Рік тому +1

      What kinda kills Mount Othrys for me is that there's only one way up the mountain, and even then that path takes a while to navigate because of how dark it is until you get to the top

    • @astral_law
      @astral_law Рік тому

      @@bowldawg4394 U can actually scale mount othrys from the outside. When you get to the entrance to the cave head left theres a platform there and u just scale up until u find a platform and repeat till u get to the top, problem is u may need an invigorating effect or u can just spam t jumps on the wall when your low in stamina, its much easier tho with magic leaps and any mobility u may have from ur arsenal

    • @thiccbirb7740
      @thiccbirb7740 Рік тому +1

      @@astral_law yes and very few parts are destructible, so you can kind of carve out some space to stand and recover stamina

  • @MudtheBud
    @MudtheBud Рік тому +54

    wom is very fun with friends like messing around, boss farming, trolling, trying to defeat mc caps and king david. that was my favorite part of wom

    • @owengeorge4322
      @owengeorge4322 Рік тому

      I play as wind and I can send ppl to the barrier that the sky has lol

  • @s3b148
    @s3b148 Рік тому +2

    My hometown Bell Village will always have a special place in my heart

  • @Infernalisk
    @Infernalisk Рік тому +14

    As great as Wom is,I believe that Arcane Odyssey plays better,even if it's rather laggy it's still a much more immersive experience in my opinion

  • @SteveEpic
    @SteveEpic Рік тому +12

    i like world of magic a lot but we all know the absolute pain of having to run 10000 thousands miles back and forth to do a quest, than later having to need to wait even longer because back than in WOM npcs have a sleep cycle and when you try to claim to finish quest THEY ARE ASLEEP😭 AND YOU CAN'T FINISH THE DAMN QUEST TIL LIKE 10 MINUTES or something.

    • @omarpro1495
      @omarpro1495 8 місяців тому

      ye but the time u walking u can do things like killing bandits on the way doing small quests so it wasnt so boring

    • @DemiCape
      @DemiCape 3 місяці тому

      That is why I always had agility build so I could do quests faster.

  • @AEDeluxeEdition
    @AEDeluxeEdition Рік тому +9

    annihilating entire cities in wom is something ill never forget, wom in general also just has a way different vibe than AO and i kinda miss that. both games are amazing though

  • @crazy_d1a440
    @crazy_d1a440 Рік тому +5

    i loved how you can kill every npc and how they actually moved and just didn't stay in one spot and the stores would have closing time and open

  • @MQrko13
    @MQrko13 11 місяців тому +8

    I wish it had the full magius map and a full storyline. If it had that it would be the perfect game in my opinion.

  • @c3yellowcat167
    @c3yellowcat167 11 місяців тому +3

    As someone who spent nearly a thousand hours on WoM, I honestly loved it from the day I started. The content was unique and well made, and I especially loved the NPCs' more player-like AI. One thing I loved to do in my spare game time was just have them battle and follow me around in an army. The people I encountered were also, in general, quite enjoyable to be around, especially compared to some of AO's players. It's sad that it was discontinued, but at least we can still enjoy the reupload.

  • @mi_kii
    @mi_kii Рік тому +4

    Why is nobody talking about Vetex's Adventure Story? It's a short game but the turn based combat combined with blocking and dodging is really unique for roblox. Plus the replayability is good cause of the grotto dungeon.

  • @ssneakyandfriends1626
    @ssneakyandfriends1626 Рік тому +2

    i liked the set your own pinpoints on the map.
    hope those return.

  • @olive_lander7147
    @olive_lander7147 Рік тому +3

    I also used to play World of Magic, my character was named Jeff banks, I loved it so much and played it during lockdown and before that.

  • @GauravKumar-tq1kw
    @GauravKumar-tq1kw Рік тому

    My most favourite part of playing WoM was the music. It just gave off such vibes whenever I was near a town or in the forest.

  • @HugoYogurt
    @HugoYogurt Рік тому

    sooner or later you'll beat my subscriber count and you well deserve it for your great content

  • @ventex1352
    @ventex1352 Рік тому +3

    Tbh i played wom long time ago before I dropped it rather early on.
    And once I started playing AO, it got me hooked.
    Because in AO there is an option to use something else rather than pure mage.
    The only thing I'm missing is that the game doesn't use your character name instead of your own name and it has no villain storyline

    • @ghetoknight7801
      @ghetoknight7801 Рік тому +1

      The variety in AO is fine but WoM was good in the sense that it feels realistic enough to make the megalomaniac spree enjoyable
      Realistic in the sense that the game does not revolve around an plot involving you as its selling, but rather an overarching plot as a whole
      AO feels like a typical rpg and honestly I don't think I can ever reach that high in AO odyssey, raiding a police base killing everyone, magic gunfights and shootouts, and eventually dealing enough dmg for the whole thing to crumble
      Maybe it's just me but there's significantly less to destroy in AO
      And for some reason hiding behind trees only for it to break on you because of the onslaught of spells is significantly less exciting in AO

  • @jjmrockandroll177
    @jjmrockandroll177 Рік тому +5

    Name ur clan “the lost navy” to compete with territory’s clan

    • @roslidarose9666
      @roslidarose9666 Рік тому

      "The Lost Merchants"
      "The Lost Assassins"
      "The Lost Bronze Legion"

  • @DragonGirlStar
    @DragonGirlStar Рік тому

    The music at the beginning hit me like a brick wall, wow I need to play the remade version of this game

  • @amusician644
    @amusician644 Рік тому

    I remember fighting a war at the silent tower every afternoon with my friends before arcane odyssey. It was some good times. like 5 people fully geared up with sunken or exiled armor just running around killing magic council. (recently in the reupload all I do with my now level like 800 file is solo the entire silent tower)

  • @HorizonIncarnate
    @HorizonIncarnate 27 днів тому

    I will always love the World of Magic, because I miss my Arcane Adventures and all the Online Fighting I did back then, and I still respect it even as I’m now on my Arcane Odyssey.

  • @Lazar-TS
    @Lazar-TS 7 місяців тому

    The thing I'm missing most (I somehow don't see it mentioned explicitly) is the EFFECT your chosen magic had.
    The elements used to be very unique and distinct, and their synergies actually had an impact.
    Similarly, the CLASHING SYSTEM between the magics. You don't really get to clash spells anymore in AO...
    It's like how Bawxol decided to nerf every race's passives from Classic Voxlblade to Revamped Voxlblade.
    Your most important character creation choice almost just turns into a mere cosmetic change with little actual effect on your abilities and gameplay.

  • @bluelanterns2589
    @bluelanterns2589 10 місяців тому +2

    I agree with a lot of this.
    Imo, WoM had a more open world feel and was so much more open to the player's wants, whereas Arcane Odyssey has a more "follow the storyline" type thing, which yes, was closer to AA, but not exactly what I wanted to see. It felt like you were more in control of what happened in WoM. You chose how you behaved and thus your reputation, you chose to make teams or guilds or how often you fished, you chose to destroy the silent tower or become a legendary hero, you chose to go down the hero or villain storyline, you chose to do that one quest or defeat that boss or explore that region. You can choose some of these things in AO too, but it's to a more limited extent, e.g., you can control your reputation but if you follow the storyline without extensively countering the rep gains, you basically have to be a hero.
    AO and AA almost make it feel more like you're "trapped" in this storyline as this character and you just have to go along with it, with you not being able to choose what you do to a big extent. World of Magic had no such problem.
    Additionally, since NPCs, magic council/bandit outposts and where minibosses/bosses spawned were randomised and not consistent, the game also put you a bit more on your feet because you didn't know what would happen next. The NPCs in towns actually moving around, (even though this feature was partially broken) having unique sleeping/waking times and unique things to say also made the game feel less repetitive and more lively. Just my opinion though.

    • @isaiaholat3293
      @isaiaholat3293 8 місяців тому

      Why dont people realize that the storyline is completely optional. So many people get to lvl 125 on their second slot without touching the main questline once

    • @bluelanterns2589
      @bluelanterns2589 8 місяців тому +1

      @@isaiaholat3293, completely optional is a bit of a stretch imo, rather you don't have to do it, but the game really pushes you to.
      I didn't know of anybody who completed the game without touching the storyline so thank you for letting me know. AO may have a more open world feel afterall, though I still feel like it's not expanded to the dimension of WoM.

  • @dlo7035
    @dlo7035 5 місяців тому +1

    Havent played this in so long! 0_0

  • @NewBeginnings571
    @NewBeginnings571 Рік тому +3

    I have an idea for pvp issues for AO. How about a setting that turns on and off pvp. But when you turn on pvp a minute countdown appears before you can inflict damage, and this will appear above the players head to other players. And you can see this timer through walls and it gets bigger to a certain extent the further they are so that people can see the timer, preventing ambushing or exploitation of the feature. Doing this would make it so everyone gets what they want, people like me who don’t like getting jumped and like consented pvp can live in peace, and if there are people who like the surprise and possibility of being jumped they can keep pvp on etc.

    • @OOFUS4103
      @OOFUS4103 Рік тому +2

      Well that would ruin the whole point of AO.
      Leaderboard people could easily just turn off PVP and avoid all people going after their bounty, imagine you are running away as someone chases you, and you just turn PvP off and annoy the fuck outta them.

    • @NewBeginnings571
      @NewBeginnings571 Рік тому +1

      @@OOFUS4103​ hmm good point. Perhaps some kind of punishment or something, or you can only do it once of and only turn it on or off at a specific point in time for everyone in the server. Yeah this might be an impossible to solve issue. Thx for replying. I love food for thought.

  • @akitoyami4284
    @akitoyami4284 Рік тому +2

    Yea i srsly loved WoM and played it for years. The fun for me was just playing a bit on hard mode by just picking spells that looked cool and weren't rly that good for PvE (eg : lightning, light, ice). I then make my character's outfit and hair color, etc match the magic, before then finishing the build by getting the most optimal armor sets and power enchant on everything (the long part). So my whole quest was to just complete drip builds while activating my neurons playing with magic, and tbh that's still kinda my thing in Arcane Odyssey lol (plus unlocking all magics in the future)

  • @Danqun
    @Danqun Рік тому +1

    i think the game is great just the vibe of it and how it plays theres just something about it that i love

  • @LatinoAmigo.
    @LatinoAmigo. Рік тому

    i played wom and all i got was a lousy badge in arcane odyssey
    whats even worse is all my characters was MAD edgy cus i grew up on the game thinking "spikes and blue."
    honestly i was fascinated by the game originally because i had never experienced something so cool. a game where you can roam a pretty big world, fighting bandits and evil wizards, with a morality system too? it was all so cool to me. the combat hooked me.
    though i have to admit what really made me love the game was the magic system. you could just... name all of your attacks. it was such a cool feature how my little brain could just make an attack with the edgiest name possible, and not just the same prenamed attack.
    i also just loved how everything you did had an impact. had an epic fight? going in the town shows the "repairing" status. a criminal is in a town? theres a status for "this area is under threat by ____ ___" the news thing was absolutely amazing.

  • @Jeff_Biden
    @Jeff_Biden 7 місяців тому

    world of magic is one of my favorite games ever because of how beautiful the atomsphere is
    just walking around in the massive forest with serene music playing is unmatched on roblox

  • @mishkahunter158
    @mishkahunter158 Рік тому +2

    made such good friends from this

  • @iamraginghard4486
    @iamraginghard4486 Рік тому +6

    I wish king David as well as several of WoM’s soundtracks were kept. I personally prefer most of WoM’s ambient themes than AO’s.

    • @robloxboom6lesecond4
      @robloxboom6lesecond4 Рік тому

      silent tower's theme was reused for silverhold but that's the only one i remember

    • @iamraginghard4486
      @iamraginghard4486 Рік тому

      @@robloxboom6lesecond4 also bronze grasslands turned into ravenna’s theme. But personally I would’ve preferred a return of riverville and the forest ambiences

    • @Retrenorium
      @Retrenorium Рік тому

      Magic council themes

  • @theastroguy7417
    @theastroguy7417 Рік тому +2

    the traveling merchants were real helpful as they were for both sides and allowed crims to still do business. we have the merchant ships so why not something like that for crims like a smuggler ship? and give the houses and Npc’s something to make it feel alive again. though, Vetex is working on potions again and then after that dark sea so just pray for his will to stand strong so he don’t abandon this

  • @Mom-pl2xb
    @Mom-pl2xb 4 місяці тому

    The best thing about vetex is he always finds a way to do the exact right thing when he's developing games every time

  • @Sophia_Dy
    @Sophia_Dy 8 місяців тому +2

    tbh i really miss WOM so much it just got me hooked maybe i should play WOM just for nostalgia and i like both WOM and AO

    • @huzaep
      @huzaep 7 місяців тому +1

      You can still play WoM, he never deleted it

  • @Matezzas
    @Matezzas 2 місяці тому

    The most fun thing was making the minotaur fight with the exiled or luring the minotaur into a city and watching the magic council fight with the boss

  • @AltxTempest
    @AltxTempest Рік тому +2

    Who is better?
    The Grand Navy or The Magic Council

  • @Blade_Sensei
    @Blade_Sensei Рік тому

    I always thought of wom as one of the best games on Roblox, and they also have some of the most advanced npcs I’ve ever seen in any game, they have a sleep schedule, they walk around town, they sit down with other npcs, they stand with other npcs and “talk to each other”, they can panic and run away, they go to work (depending on if they are a shop npc)
    The npcs truly were incredible, I just wish the gameplay loop was less boring, I truly wish vtex keep the wom npcs in arcane odyssey, but it was apparently “NoT POsSible BeCAuse ThEy WeRE ToO LAgGy”, but that was because there was probably about 100 npcs per town spread across 4, 5? I don’t remember how many towns, but now there is only 6 towns with much less npcs that aren’t even active npcs in the towns, there are probably like 20 per town and they don’t even do anything, that adds up to 120ish npcs total that would be active, but that’s literally just the same amount of npc that we’re in summer hold alone, so he could have definitely kept the wom npcs in arcane odyssey

  • @aetherify9803
    @aetherify9803 Рік тому +3

    if vetex fixed some of the glitches and bugs people would play it more frequently

  • @Supermatty90
    @Supermatty90 Рік тому

    I wish I played more of WOM when it was around, I was too hung up on Arcane Adventures being broken that I didn't really explore much of WOM during it's heyday.

  • @emanfran
    @emanfran Рік тому +1

    dude WOM was a MASTERPIECE
    i met some really cool people there

  • @bush3126
    @bush3126 Рік тому

    WoM was probably the funnest game I played on roblox only second to Arcane Adventures and Arcane Odyssey. I remember starting a guild and made some friends that still play arcane odyssey with me to this day.

  • @qoxgnsuch1997
    @qoxgnsuch1997 9 місяців тому

    Who here did Hero Vs Villain In WoM? It was super fun as you can battle in towns and have the council step in.

  • @gluephonex5157
    @gluephonex5157 Рік тому

    Wom was my top 10 games of all time played it when I was 10 and was lv60 and now lost all my files and restarted but I still had a blast

  • @TheRealHankJ.Wimbleton
    @TheRealHankJ.Wimbleton Рік тому +1

    I cried while watching this video

  • @AcaimoCole
    @AcaimoCole 3 місяці тому

    I want my favorite game back, i wish ao never came out and i could just walk through the bronze grassland forever

  • @yeeeeeey8074
    @yeeeeeey8074 6 місяців тому

    Should add back the random spawning bandits or council scout groups. Even the bandit forts and Camps would be Great to have.

  • @ChimeraVI
    @ChimeraVI Рік тому

    you should do a video goimg over your arcame odyssey drip

  • @TheScarletShadowYT
    @TheScarletShadowYT Рік тому +1

    In arcane odyssey, fighting is much more chaotic.
    Like a parkour battle about dodging and hitting as npcs AIs are much more bloodthirsty.
    Also the weapons aren't like in WoM since in WoM they were slow and needed skill to be used properly.
    In arcane you just spam for a good dps which should be fixed.
    We'll see what vertex can cook for us though.

  • @Tired_moose
    @Tired_moose Рік тому +3

    World of magic was one of the most fire roblox game fr like everyone calls it garbage but like it does magic better then ao people need to stop shitting on this god tier game

  • @Yohohohohohohohohohoho
    @Yohohohohohohohohohoho Рік тому

    after my 250hrs of Arcane Odyssy , im glad that i can still say that ARCANE ODYSSY IS AMAZING and im never getting bored of this

  • @ScienceOfGaming11
    @ScienceOfGaming11 9 місяців тому +1

    Wom was beautiful I love it

  • @twisteycute2
    @twisteycute2 Рік тому +1

    now there is an alternate wom by vetex with level cap of 10k

  • @lightningbolt_710
    @lightningbolt_710 Рік тому +1

    i’m a pretty new player in general 😅 i made my roblox account just last year and only this year i learned about AO, WoM, AA, etc

  • @BaguetteThe1st
    @BaguetteThe1st 10 місяців тому +1

    Wom was THE #1 best game for me. So much wasted potential. I'd sit every day grinding on it just to be informed that it was no longer being worked on. If you zoomed out at the map, you could see this HUGE country, but it never did get to be that big. Today while I was grinding, a Magic Council soldier told me they loved seeing the icy mountains, caves, and deserts. That made me think of all of the wasted potential this game really had.

  • @errebusaether
    @errebusaether Рік тому

    It was the most fun game I had played in the Pandemic with a laptop. 😅
    It’s a pity that Vetex stopped updating it. It gave off a medieval magic world feeling. But the two issues were the long ass places to travel without any horses and without any main quests. Making it extremely boring, so I seldom only play it after making all of my three characters maxed out with different reputations.

  • @RandooGaming
    @RandooGaming Рік тому

    I still play wom. Wom2 gang assemble. Its even more fun now since you can get every spell because there is no level cap and you can grind to absurd levels. My suggestion is pick explosion and nuke the villages at level 500

  • @ogslayerleak2654
    @ogslayerleak2654 8 місяців тому +1

    They should make a remake of WOM like Arcane Reborn. With more content and what not.

  • @pwnomega4562
    @pwnomega4562 4 місяці тому +1

    One thing i think AO needs is the immersive NPC AI. We dont need the super destructive buildings, we can live without that but i think the immersive AI of the NPCs make WOM better than AO in that respect.

    • @bluelanterns2589
      @bluelanterns2589 4 місяці тому

      Agreed. The super destructive buildings did make World of Magic itself, but since AO can't add that in, it at least needs the immersive NPCs.

  • @mintpopser-1207
    @mintpopser-1207 11 місяців тому

    I wish I was able to experience wom and aa, I’ve been on roblox since 2011 and somehow never heard of either until arcane odyssey released.

  • @curbyandre
    @curbyandre Рік тому +2

    The atmosphere of wom was a little better than arcane tbh. Allso nice thumbnail gang

  • @blazelion9883
    @blazelion9883 Рік тому

    I used to play wom with explosion magic just destroying towns breaking into the prison and trolling the king

  • @violayer1934
    @violayer1934 2 дні тому

    i still remember wom when I was alpha tester 2

  • @RanactOficial
    @RanactOficial Рік тому +1

    I like to simulate a custom WOM rpg on chat gpt like a continuation.

  • @dumboboi8662
    @dumboboi8662 Рік тому

    Imagine we get to meet trigno and averill

  • @manofallmen
    @manofallmen Рік тому +2

    Arcane Odyssey: help me meta mages are everywhere
    WoM mages (or wizards as they call them): pathetic.

  • @inktirrell5016
    @inktirrell5016 7 місяців тому +1

    I Love World Of Magic, Alot. Not Alot Of Rpg's, Give You So Much Freedom. For Example, Like Having Npc's Fighting Each Other, Destroying Buildings, And Ship's, And Leading Minotaur Into Villages. :D

    • @inktirrell5016
      @inktirrell5016 7 місяців тому

      And I Forgot To Mention, I Like To Lead Minotaur To The Exiled, And Watch The Two Bosses Fight.

    • @bluelanterns2589
      @bluelanterns2589 4 місяці тому

      This is why I love the game so much. No forced storyline, no 'oh no you're a test subject and you have to kill all these people and do this and that,' just freedom.

  • @nevenevada6041
    @nevenevada6041 Рік тому +3

    The highest difference to me is the world
    Like, I love the ambience and how you can interact with the world in Arcane Odyssey
    But it's based in Islands so it's VERY limited. And I feel obligated to do the main quests until I finish the game.
    I love how World of Magic has an open world and the news are filled more easily
    But the quests are boring and repetitive, and if you are a criminal you can't do much more than a hero
    AO world is undoubtedly more real and submersive than WOM but you feel stuck to it, while WOM is open-world so you feel free. But it's lacking difference of biomes, so it kinda feels repetitive

  • @rikon1k
    @rikon1k Рік тому

    its perfect vetex just didnt focused on it that much understandable tho considering he is a one man army

  • @coolestyt3340
    @coolestyt3340 6 місяців тому +1

    I wish Flamingo and Russo played the game a bit more. It may have encouraged Vetex to continue it for longer

  • @Pak_Gamer111
    @Pak_Gamer111 6 місяців тому

    I lpve this game so much i am withing for my pc so i can play pc games again

  • @theworstproblem420
    @theworstproblem420 Рік тому

    i can agree that WOM was a great game, level 59 before the revamp and never finished the legacy tutorial

  • @notsam2270
    @notsam2270 Рік тому

    playing it now, i cant help but complain that the exiled (which the game has a storyline to kill the exiled at like level 60) was clearly never meant to be an early game boss by any means, i had to die various times just to finally kill it just once
    also playing with crystal magic seems far too much of a chore, im not sure how its damage compares to other magic, but i really just couldn't do much when enemies could hit me when i was winding up just one blast while i had to predict where the enemy would be in 2 seconds

  • @bruhmonkeproductions7058
    @bruhmonkeproductions7058 Рік тому +1

    blud decided to spit out straight facts🗣🗣💯💯💯

  • @havis6831
    @havis6831 8 місяців тому

    man my old character in wom is literally just yoshikage kira ._.

  • @KennyThai-pd9fk
    @KennyThai-pd9fk Рік тому +1

    the only thing i didnt like is this bug that maked u walk while standing it broke emotes but its just visual but stupidly goofy af

  • @TorgusMaximus
    @TorgusMaximus Рік тому

    ight all that aside

  • @Nutnutkunisaki
    @Nutnutkunisaki 2 місяці тому

    i regrets not getting all seasonal item backthen

  • @Voiddity
    @Voiddity 11 місяців тому +1

    Games actually so good

  • @JoicPersonal
    @JoicPersonal 11 місяців тому +2

    I still think World of Magic was better than Arcane Odyssey, it felt a lot more open and unique. Arcane Odyssey has a lot less exploration because 90% of the map is ocean, so the total landmass might be less than Magius, and even if it's more it certainly feels like less when you have to travel overseas for 15 minutes for a single quest. World of Magic had randomly generated NPCs, not just the bounty criminals or heroes to assassinate in AO, but all NPCs besides the bosses were random. They truly gave life to the world, I felt it really was a society that people lived in, even if they just walked around in and out their homes. The blacksmiths were random, the enchanters were random, every playthrough of World of Magic felt unique. And you could impact their lives, be an evil mastermind destroying towns, or be a saviour of the people (I was a saint, so you can guess what I did) stopping other players from destroying these towns.
    The map expanding on one big continent felt a lot more fun, the idea of horses was amazing to me because you could travel at quick speeds while still seeing the beautiful scenery of the forests, mountains and everything as you passed them by. Not the endless sight of a skybox and seawater that you see in Arcane Odyssey.
    Honestly, to me, World of Magic was the greatest game to ever be on Roblox. Awaiting the updates was exciting, and when the sunken gear first came out I fished for every moment I could (I only got the leggings, but I remember I was so happy when I got it. And so upset when it got removed from my inventory in Arcane Odyssey)

    • @MinecraftShadersandChill
      @MinecraftShadersandChill 10 місяців тому

      why did it get removed?

    • @JoicPersonal
      @JoicPersonal 10 місяців тому +1

      @@MinecraftShadersandChill It apparently caused a lot of lag to have everything on one continent, since instead of one island fully rendering at a time, it was one big part of the continent you were in. Also, the NPCs were randomly generated to populate the world and towns which could also cause lag, though I never had this issue and had a pretty shitty laptop playing it so.
      Most of all, I think they wanted to just redo Arcane Adventures and they didn't like that WoM was too far off the original formula, since they were gonna add horses instead of ships for faster travel, which must've not been their forté. I personally find it quite sad, it would've been really fun if they just continued development on WoM slowly while sending the majority of their team to work on AO, that way people who preferred WoM still had the game they enjoyed, while now it's just basically mindless grinding since there's little to no story and all you can do is be good or evil and get super strong with your magic, still fun don't get me wrong, but I just wish they continued to expand.

    • @MinecraftShadersandChill
      @MinecraftShadersandChill 10 місяців тому

      @@JoicPersonal I was talking about the Sunken Legs lol, and I already know that. But it's good to see that other agree with me and that WoM had a feeling that AO will never have. I agree that they should expand WoM even just a little bit, as otherwise there would be nothing to do after you reach level 500 and can wipe the floor with David other than turn cities into rubble.

  • @lobstermaster9515
    @lobstermaster9515 Рік тому +1

    Honestly AO is a great game vut the only reason why I love it is because I loved WoM. It all started when my cousin eas playing WoM and since there was nothing interesting to play on roblox i wanted to give it a try and the rest of the story is that I couldn't stop to play it (even after i discorvered that it was going to get a revamp). So AO is better overall for me but WoM had also so much potential.

  • @RandooGaming
    @RandooGaming Рік тому

    I play wom time to time, usually to get that feeling of power that i can't get in ao. I am a level 650 explosion user and its so fun

    • @brettlarue9449
      @brettlarue9449 10 місяців тому

      wait since when was the max that high i dont remember it being anywhere near that

    • @vyrus5587
      @vyrus5587 5 місяців тому

      @@brettlarue9449 the cap in the place WOM was moved to has been set to level 10,000

  • @PIXEL3D_WorldofMagic
    @PIXEL3D_WorldofMagic 9 місяців тому +1

    Someone should take World of Magic and try to finish the game almost like what the developer of Arcane Reborn did

  • @kimbernetikiberneti
    @kimbernetikiberneti Рік тому +2

    People like dissing this game alot for being a "walking simulator" when honestly, it was a much needed break from all the sea based games.
    The game had a more "sunshine and rainbow" feel to it that gave a calm vibe compared to its predecessor and successor who went for darker paths, as in the WoM lore, the supercontinent is meant to be a way more peaceful world.
    It's just everso... charming? How interactive the world is to yout every action, unlike AO where NPCs are stuck in the same spot, saying the same one liners and never caring whatsoever about anything you do.
    The game also almost deserted the concept of names entirely, which I find upsetting.

    • @bluelanterns2589
      @bluelanterns2589 4 місяці тому +1

      Perfect capturing of WoM imo. I never once had a problem with the game being a so called 'walking simulator.' Walking through the forest was part of the experience. Sure, this was definitely a flaw and could get annoying. I can see why people would want it fixed, but it really immersed you in the game. You could fight bandits, see cities, talk to town members, watch the Silent Tower get destroyed or do countless other things whilst walking about.
      In Arcane Odyssey, or 'world of rowing' for comparison, there's literally nothing interesting about rowing in generic water. Nothing to find except for the occasional shark and castaway, which are much more generic and boring than the brilliancy of WoM.
      I also agree that WoM had just a nicer, more wholesome vibe. Like dude, I don't want to be a test subject and put into this whacky story. It felt so interactive, and I remember feeling unironically kinda proud when I got in the news for making people in Ironport feel safe and some of the nicer townies thanking me and stuff. The AO NPCs will never be this immersive.
      The name thing is just awful, yeah, I agree.

  • @kandy1399
    @kandy1399 Рік тому

    I'm glad someone finally appreciates how great of a game WoM was and the final idea of it would be especially when everyone is so intent on thrash talking it in the AO community including vetex himself.
    The environment of world of magic and the experience of travelling from one place to another is NOTHING compared to sailing from one island to another in the plain old ocean and maybe finding a random sunken structure here and there.
    It had it's flaws but if fixed WoM would have been the magnum opus of roblox and no game would ever come close to it. Unfortunately due to roblox being roblox and the game not making enough money to invest the time to build each seperate area AO was made as a sequel to AA completely different from WoM.

    • @BadrMoshaya
      @BadrMoshaya Рік тому

      Vetex said its a remake of WoM

  • @omarpro1495
    @omarpro1495 8 місяців тому +2

    WOM > AO
    i like raiding a bandit base and killing everyone on it i feel like im strong aint no cap

  • @themedic2552
    @themedic2552 Рік тому +1

    "Most of the community agreed that the game was bad" :(((((. WoM was the og fr, no matter what people said about it, it will have a place in our hearts.

  • @Piplup5
    @Piplup5 Рік тому

    I went back, got bored after like 2 hours of grinding for only 30 levels.

  • @a_very_random_person1
    @a_very_random_person1 Рік тому

    I miss World of Magic . Me and my friends played a lot and me had the time of our lives. Its sad to see them not wanting to play more , because they think Roblox is childish and WoM sucks.

  • @lcplaystuffsonline3200
    @lcplaystuffsonline3200 16 днів тому

    funny thing is that,world of magic is the aftermath of arcane odyssey and adventure lol

  • @Otter855
    @Otter855 6 місяців тому

    This game is goated

  • @depoopy6498
    @depoopy6498 Рік тому

    My favorite thing from WOM was just destroying every town as a villian

  • @madfish4720
    @madfish4720 11 місяців тому

    I Aldo thought the npcs where Players first i played

  • @dlo7035
    @dlo7035 4 місяці тому +1

    They should def make this an anime show almost like one piece