FYI, the left half of a color palette is the regular color, used in most cases, while the right half is the flashing color, as seen in a lengthy antomic bomb.
IDK if utmtce has a Linux version, but if you can find a version of utmtce or standard utmt that works on Linux then it should be theoretically possible. I'm not 100% sure because I've never used Linux
UndertaleModTool ( )
Paint. net ( )
FYI, the left half of a color palette is the regular color, used in most cases, while the right half is the flashing color, as seen in a lengthy antomic bomb.
0:52 Please take note that this makes modding the scripting or code of the game impossible. That is all.
Well that's a way of finding out that there's a room in springs called "bigF**k" .. I love dev humor
I wonder if the black bar has something to do with Slowroast’s Happy Hour
when i try to do it, it starts giving me seemingly infinite number of errors, not letting me use it at all.
did everything you said and it turned all into the default palette anything i did wrong? im using the release version of the game btw.
Using this method, couldn’t I theoretically do this for other games?
You should be able to with most games made with Gamemaker. Although, ANTONBLAST is the only game I've seen use this method for the text.
Would it be possible to do all this on a steam deck (or in other words, Linux)?
IDK if utmtce has a Linux version, but if you can find a version of utmtce or standard utmt that works on Linux then it should be theoretically possible. I'm not 100% sure because I've never used Linux