So, it’ll end up generating the report for all the AWS services (ideally). so, it’ll be IAM, DDB, s3, and all the other services within AWS. But scout suite doesn’t support a few services such as AWS Lambda. so it’ll not spit out any misconfigurations related to lambda.
Hey, looks like you are venturing into threat intel/notification services (or a domain similar to that). I’m sorry, I’ll not be able to help with that, but what I can tel you that there are a lot of businesses around this. You can see how they operate(try looking for info around this on GitHub). Hope this helps.
For which application did we generate a report
is it IAM
So, it’ll end up generating the report for all the AWS services (ideally).
so, it’ll be IAM, DDB, s3, and all the other services within AWS. But scout suite doesn’t support a few services such as AWS Lambda. so it’ll not spit out any misconfigurations related to lambda.
@RahulSinghInfosec For what did we generate the report in this video
It’s called configuration review. It’s done to see if the assets in the cloud are not misconfigured from a security perspective
Bro can you help us with detection and notification on zero day attack project ?
Hey, looks like you are venturing into threat intel/notification services (or a domain similar to that). I’m sorry, I’ll not be able to help with that, but what I can tel you that there are a lot of businesses around this. You can see how they operate(try looking for info around this on GitHub). Hope this helps.