Origins: The Sun

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Join Origins host Donn Chapman as he welcomes astronomer and astrophysicist, Dr. Jason Lisle for, The Sun. The universe is full of stars, but the sun is easily the most important to life on Earth. Did you know that it generates more energy in one second than a billion cities could use in a year? When we look closely at the Sun, we find that it supports the Biblical Worldview of Creation.


  • @gregoryhancock6057
    @gregoryhancock6057 5 років тому +11

    Dr. Lisle absolutely loves his work; he radiates positive energy that makes it wonderful to learn... even if he often speaks about subjects that exceed my own understanding (like his higher physics/speed of light formulas).

  • @hwd71
    @hwd71 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Lord Jesus for raising up such a defender of The Faith as Dr. Jason Lisle.
    God Bless you.

  • @canalingenfelter
    @canalingenfelter 6 років тому +12

    Excellent video! Thank you for sharing this information. This spurs me on to further study and appreciation of God’s creations.

  • @dustybutterfield4674
    @dustybutterfield4674 Рік тому +1

    Awesome documentary, very informative and truthful. Keep up the good work in declaring the truth of creation and God's love for us.

  • @anthonykyei-barffour9203
    @anthonykyei-barffour9203 5 років тому +5

    I don't anyone of the videos from that i didnt like. That we can study science from a biblical perspective is so amazing. Your guests are awesome by the way. Thankssssssssssss!

  • @RedefineLiving
    @RedefineLiving 4 роки тому +4

    Dr. Lisle is so good. Thank you.

  • @barry7608
    @barry7608 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you both

  • @lovethislife7257
    @lovethislife7257 4 роки тому +4

    Great video on the ☀️. Just what I’ve been looking for . My 7th grade daughter is homeschooled and learning about the solar system , we’re focusing on the sun this week!

    • @Brammy007a
      @Brammy007a 3 роки тому

      Too bad you're teaching your daughter this mythological bullshit.

    • @christopherscallio2539
      @christopherscallio2539 7 місяців тому

      Perhaps you could teach her to challenge modern theories about Gaseous Stars & Gaseous Planets. Develop a table top experiment where a High Pressure Gas does or does not Dissipate in a Vacuum. Open the High Pressure Gas valve at the bottom of the container & compare the Equalization of Pressure to opening the valve at the top of the container. Therefore validating or invalidating whether Gravity does or does not actually keep Gas Pressure from Equalizing in a Vacuum.

  • @RayB1656
    @RayB1656 3 роки тому +2

    the last topic = judgement Day, climate change and the Sun.... this is a good one !

  • @01aether10
    @01aether10 5 років тому +2

    The plants in Arctic and antArctic regions, does that not have something to do with the poles shifting?

  • @stephenfennell
    @stephenfennell Рік тому +2

    22:02 Mr Lisle said 3.8 billion years ago [to use secular times] the earth would have been getting only 30% OF the energy it is getting today. I think he means 30% LESS THAN today.

  • @tonyyeow1647
    @tonyyeow1647 3 місяці тому

    It's excellent. But the whole presentation needs to be slower. The subject matter is very dense for most of us.

  • @canadiankewldude
    @canadiankewldude 5 років тому +4

    Actually the Bible does not say that stars are suns like ours.
    The day a probe or a person actually travels to another star and confirms it.
    Until then, despite what the books say, it is just a theory.

    • @smb123211
      @smb123211 5 років тому +2

      That's like saying you have to see a dinosaur to know one exists. Or you need a picture of Paul before knowing he exists. Of course we know the sun is just like the other zillions of stars (trillions and trillions). We know because our instruments detect their makeup, temperature and size. We know because the universe is everywhere the same - nothing special about any star or planet or galaxy. We know because our mathematical models of the Big Bang and star formation make certain scientific predictions that have been validated. So yes, our sun is simply a star like all others.

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 3 роки тому

      Spectral analysis proves the sun is a star.

    • @canadiankewldude
      @canadiankewldude 3 роки тому +1

      @@robertcampbell6349 Completely comprehend the physics and interpretations involved.
      I choose however to disagree with their interpretations.
      There are mainstream scientists today who completely disregard the Big Bang Theory.
      The Axis of Evil places us dead centre.

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 3 роки тому

      @@canadiankewldude Big bang theory has nothing to do with stars being sun's. You're reaching for that one.

    • @keithj6251
      @keithj6251 7 місяців тому +1

      A lot of the 'stars' we see at night are distant galaxies.

  • @christopherscallio2539
    @christopherscallio2539 5 років тому +2

    The image of the Sun looks like a 'Lake of Fire.' So that no man is without excuse for not turning from his Sin in having seen every day of his life where those who hate GOD will be hurled.

    • @skeeterburke
      @skeeterburke 3 роки тому +1

      Matt 18:21-35 👑 I don't want to hear him say "depart from me, I never knew you!" ❤ but thankfully I feel His loving arms wrap around me more every day, He is so good

    • @keithj6251
      @keithj6251 7 місяців тому

      That's a very interesting and unique take. Would you care to share the inspiration for that belief?

  • @keithj6251
    @keithj6251 7 місяців тому

    Dr Lisle is close. The Sun is an anode in an electrical filament with a concentration of plasma, the fourth state of matter.

  • @leonardgibney2997
    @leonardgibney2997 9 місяців тому

    It says in the Bible "God made the Earth in six days and on the seventh he rested" if I'm correct (I'm no Bible expert). Since a day is one rotation of the Earth on its axis, the Earth was created in days before days existed? But maybe I'm splitting hairs. Why would a benevolent omnipotent loving God create pathogens? Just some things I'm struggling with.

  • @amel6206
    @amel6206 5 років тому +1

    I understand that science believes the sun is a star and that stars are suns. Dr. Lisle is in agreement with this belief. I'm just having trouble believing that the sun and the stars share all the same attributes and are "carbon copies" of one another. That would seem to mean that every star is the sun of one of the other galaxies. Yet, there are stars that don't function like that. I think there has to be something yet unknown that distinguishes stars from suns.

    • @leonardgibney2997
      @leonardgibney2997 9 місяців тому

      The purveyors of organized religion are snake oil salesmen. They just want to have power and control. The American electronic preachers want money too.

  • @alexashworth3119
    @alexashworth3119 10 місяців тому


  • @isaiasreaable
    @isaiasreaable 5 років тому

    I've heard that the sun ia white not yellow as previously thought. Is that true?

    • @derhafi
      @derhafi 4 роки тому

      It was not “previously thought” it’s just a misconception. But yes, the sunlight is white. The different
      wavelength add up in a way called "additive
      mixing" the result is white light.

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 3 роки тому +1

      @@derhafi The Sun is a yellowish star, middle age ! Young stars are cooler, bluish light. Our Sun will become in a few billions years, a red giant, destroying the first four planets, naturally including Earth. Mankind has quite a bit of time to escape to another world . However, I have some doubts that HomoSapien can survive another 100,000 years.... hopefully , he will be replaced by other species which will be more peaceful and intelligent !

    • @Brammy007a
      @Brammy007a 3 роки тому

      @@RayB1656 If mankind keeps believing Lisle's bullshit, then we wont.

    • @leechjim8023
      @leechjim8023 11 місяців тому

      ​@@Brammy007aMaybe your brain is made of poop!😱🤮

    • @christopherscallio2539
      @christopherscallio2539 7 місяців тому

      I've heard that the Sun & Moon is Plasma Not Gas.

  • @theodoremartin6153
    @theodoremartin6153 5 років тому +2

    wish dr.lisle was my next door neighbor

    • @gregoryhancock6057
      @gregoryhancock6057 5 років тому

      Wouldn't he be a great host for a show opposite Bill Nye?

  • @smb123211
    @smb123211 5 років тому +3

    This is downright embarrassing. Nobody thought blue stars evolved into red stars! LOL Stars have nothing to do with evolution. He means the red and blue light shift due to their velocity, He argues against the formation of stars yet there are hundreds of photographs on the web showing it happening. He refers to Genesis but omits that the Earth and plants were created before the sun. (LOL) What's sad is that Lisle is brilliant but his obsession with Genesis is his undoing.
    He must throw out an entire body of science to make it work. His paper on the "light problem" (giving an old age for the universe) never appeared. He retracted his claim that our Solar System was unique. We'd found only large planets at the time but since have hound many smaller ones. Geologists slammed his claim that the Earth was losing its magnetic field without adding that this was normal and when reversal occurred strength would return.

    • @2fast2block
      @2fast2block 4 роки тому

      Farted from your dumb ass, "What's sad is that Lisle is brilliant but his obsession with Genesis is his undoing."
      Is the first verse ok with you? God started His supernatural creation, or did nothing start creation naturally with no God involved?

    • @spamm0145
      @spamm0145 Рік тому

      Lawrence M. Krauss and other fantasists claim we are made of the dust from stars so how does that not relate to evolution? All you have stated is interpretations of data that fit in with the consensus, just like many aspects of science you will find other academics disputing and proposing their own interpretations, how would this happen if your world view was absolute fact? Here is a fact for you, for thousands of years mankind has observed purposeful information always emanates from a mind, the human genome has 3 billion nucleotide pairs that are arranged in exquisite order, can be read in multiple directions, utilises encryption, and bizarrely for a mechanism that supposedly relies on random mutations has a sophisticated error correction system. It is the most compact data storage system known to man and way beyond human capabilities, so with your love of facts and science, where is your observation of complex purposeful ordered information coming into existence without the need for an intelligent agent?

  • @Actuary1776
    @Actuary1776 5 років тому

    Can’t we see other life cycles of stars in the universe? Don’t see how that implies creation.

  • @timothynolansr684
    @timothynolansr684 3 роки тому +1

    No the sun is not 93 million miles away ...biblically it is not and the moon gives off a cold light

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 3 роки тому

      Quit smoking crack!

    • @gripper32001
      @gripper32001 Рік тому

      “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:16-18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @gripper32001
      @gripper32001 Рік тому

      “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:16-18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @MacedonianGrace
    @MacedonianGrace 5 років тому +1

    Excellent. But biblical and today's science don't go together in my opinion sorry.
    We don't know how far is the sun.

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 5 років тому +2

      False. We know the average distance to the sun is about 93 million miles. It's been measured thousands of times.

    • @MacedonianGrace
      @MacedonianGrace 5 років тому

      @@robertcampbell6349 who measures 1000s of times.

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 5 років тому

      @@MacedonianGrace Astronomy and astrophysics students working toward their bachelor's degrees.

    • @MacedonianGrace
      @MacedonianGrace 5 років тому

      @@robertcampbell6349 how they measure ?

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 5 років тому

      @@MacedonianGrace Angular measurements six months apart.

  • @rstsport9874
    @rstsport9874 5 років тому +1

    GODS SUN, the light of the world is a hollow planet, The moon is Artificial also hollow with Inteligent life. PRIME CREATOR IS AWESOME.

    • @rstsport9874
      @rstsport9874 5 років тому

      @Richard Fox WHAT TABLETS.......MR FOX.....😁😂😃🤣😆😅😄

    • @robertcampbell6349
      @robertcampbell6349 3 роки тому

      Kiddies, this is why we tell you not to do drugs.

  • @nabil1962
    @nabil1962 6 місяців тому


  • @louisbauer8669
    @louisbauer8669 5 років тому +1

    Comedy Channel