Vege Patch Update / Building raised gardens

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dubravkabelogrlicdubravka
    @dubravkabelogrlicdubravka 6 днів тому +3

    You are so lucky to have someone to build it. Those are great for veg. Good luck. Cheers

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  6 днів тому +2

      Thanks, and yeah very handy to have 😊

  • @IvyTurnbull-wn5wn
    @IvyTurnbull-wn5wn 6 днів тому +2

    You do very well with your growing and cooking skills. I enjoy Thank You

  • @deedawson6074
    @deedawson6074 14 годин тому +1

    How exciting, more room to grew. Great job kids. Have a wonderful Christmas and New year.

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  5 годин тому +1

      Yep can't wait to fill those up! Merry Christmas to you too 😊

  • @ThatBritishHomestead
    @ThatBritishHomestead 4 дні тому +2

    The bed looks so good! Nice level too!

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  4 дні тому +3

      Yeah it's just right for my to lean over 😊

  • @anesauaga297
    @anesauaga297 6 днів тому +2

    Looking good guys nice work ❤

  • @brigidatorenconnorodonnell341
    @brigidatorenconnorodonnell341 5 днів тому +2

    Hi there. We are also in North Canterbury and have been making raised beds for vegetable gardening too. It is really the best way for us as the tree roots and parched ground make it very hard to grow anything unless it is into new soil in the raised beds.

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  5 днів тому +3

      Yep - our land is that rocky it's like trying to plant on a dry riverbed lol ... have friends up North who don't quite understand why we don't just plant out big commercial-sized gardens in our paddocks to sell produce - it just doesn't quite work like that around here lol

  • @angelageneral2863
    @angelageneral2863 6 днів тому +2

    Chop and drop the doc. The nutrients in the leaves will be good for your veg :-)

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  6 днів тому +2

      Ah ok didn't know it was good for them - good to know!

  • @jkthx1138
    @jkthx1138 6 днів тому +3

    Loving your vege passion. I have a infallible chow chow recipe to use any roughie caulis if any use to you. Wish I had four helpers 🥬

    • @CheaperWaysNZ
      @CheaperWaysNZ  6 днів тому +2

      Oh thanks, I'd love to try that recipe out 😊