Hi, Jason! I have been following this series of episodes on England. Like you, I was born in England and came to Hong Kong as an adult. Lots of memories about England to share with my kids who are born in Hong Kong. Keep up the good work, so I can tell my kids more about the UK. Unfortunately, my kids have never been to England, so I have only told them about the UK through videos like yours.
Thanks, Jason and Daddy shared so many information about the UK. I really enjoyed the experience and history shared by Daddy, he is a funny elderly😂 Thank you so much 🥰 continue to support your channel 🫶
Uncle telling what has happened decades ago in Scotland , legit 😎 and smart moved to London Uncle 🌟 I felt like it is a completely different country from England indeed. Sorry for the camera got broken 😞 and will continue supports to the channel la. Scotland Architecture are organic … difficult to predicting.
@@wongcw9011 they are commonly found in Scottish chip shops. Red pudding main ingredients are beef, pork, pork rind or bacon, suet, rusk, wheat flour, spices, salt, beef fat and colouring. White pudding typically uses oatmeal or barley, pork or beef suet, breadcrumbs, spices, and occasionally pork meat or pork liver. I haven't tried either as I am not a fan of the black pudding or haggis.
Buying handbag is so stupid. Most of the handbag depreciate like hell, unless it's limited edition (like very limited). I never date women who ask me to buy them handbag. I work hard for my money and enjoy keeping it, thank you very much.😂
你對英格蘭的評論比陶傑先生公平得多!陶傑先生只說中國的壞東西。(很多都是假的和誇張的)。 而且他只提到了英格蘭的好事! 陶傑只是收錢,只做政治宣傳?)(不敢堅決說!怕麻煩)you can listen to commercial radio HK on 11pm (very unfair programme, it always makes me cannnot sleep well. therefore now i just listen occasionally)!
我都係英國生活過high school至大學,都去過Scotland同英國其他地方。其實你嘅分享中肯,完全唔明點解咁多唔好嘅報導同評價.....而家d嘢真係好難明。繼續upload新片,支持!
香港好鍾意負面情緒。。。所以唔 suprise...會鍾意雞蛋裡挑骨頭
thx sam,其實生活水準就係咁,大城市貴,其他郊區輕鬆d、舒服d
@@laipinglaw8361 都希望大家見到多d當地人同文化😊
Hi Jason!! COVID前我每年都要去英國生活四至五個月以上,所以你這個series 很有同感,所講的每一件事及分享也非常貼地,支持你。
thx thx Gin 真係好好玩,未試過走咁多地方,每城市都好唔一樣
@@sarahjasonchan 係呀,我之前都有同你一樣咁周圍去,又愛又恨。
Jason,so far見你所拍英國嘅片都好貼地及中肯,而且有根有據有數目字show出來,不是虚實報導,真的不明白有一些不良媒體及網評的虚假負面報導,難度今時今日講真實真的咁多人不能接受,姑勿論如何,仍有好多理智嘅人會支持你的真實報導,go ahead, support you!
Jason 爹很cute. 老移民的經歷和見聞為影片加添深度。未能外遊,看看Jason拍的片可以止止渴,期待下一條片👍
thx Meely,就係想有d片分享比大家睇,蘇格蘭太美
@@kidho524 蘇格蘭呢個地方好正
Hi, Jason! I have been following this series of episodes on England. Like you, I was born in England and came to Hong Kong as an adult. Lots of memories about England to share with my kids who are born in Hong Kong. Keep up the good work, so I can tell my kids more about the UK. Unfortunately, my kids have never been to England, so I have only told them about the UK through videos like yours.
it's the 1st time I went back for so long since I moved back to HK, I miss it too, you should take your kids, it's lovely, especially the countryside
Jashon 拍片分享,要保重身體健康及注意人生安全🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇
我除咗無帶口罩,都好小心架,多謝 Michelle你關心🥰
兩父子好cutie 睇得好開心😂😂😂👍👍👍
好鍾意你同當地居民嘅interview, smuggler 真的搞笑,好多旅遊vlog 就係缺少了這個元素,加油!
訪問見到好多嘢,好正架,thx Roy
Thanks, Jason and Daddy shared so many information about the UK. I really enjoyed the experience and history shared by Daddy, he is a funny elderly😂 Thank you so much 🥰 continue to support your channel 🫶
thx Catherine! we wanted a fun way to film the UK, so happy you enjoyed it
拍得和 edit得好有 heart! 好睇!
thx Tomo,多謝你鼓勵呀
thx IF 繼續努力
密啲出片,正! 又有一個開心的早上🙏🏻 睇咗當去咗😅 add oil 💪🏻
thx Soundbar Guy!!!你介唔介意我問你個名乜意思,你係咪收音師😆
thx thx Sunny!加油呀
Good show! Thank you!!!
thx so much cl, so happy you enjoyed it😊
Love it! A very good quality Vlog! Keep it up Jason
Hi Jason的爸爸, 好開心見到你上鏡, Like! 以前我哋幾個朋友在 London 讀大學和剛開始工作時, 好多個週末都 去 Queensway 食晚飯, 你仲常常送例湯俾我哋, 非常親切! 我哋每隔兩三年都會返倫敦遊下, 不過知你間餐廳無做, 但今次見到你fit左又型左 👍🏻💪🏻 王生王太 (我哋兩個仔都小學了!)
Magic Wok 真係無咗好多年lu,好開曾經serve過你地
Jason 老爸'說話似我們熟悉的語調🥗🥢🍵親切可愛💋💖'😍👍💝
墜機都能立即買到新,肉赤赤小不免,最重要係大家依然不斷有片睇,好期待Jason 父子有更精彩片出😃😄😁,我已盡最大努力推薦親友睇你
Uncle telling what has happened decades ago in Scotland , legit 😎 and smart moved to London Uncle 🌟
I felt like it is a completely different country from England indeed.
Sorry for the camera got broken 😞 and will continue supports to the channel la. Scotland Architecture are organic … difficult to predicting.
The camera is now a story we can share hahah got to be positive, move on and get more footage
@@sarahjasonchan yes moving on is a critically important attitude 🥳🥳🥳
thx Eva,都係想拍得開心,大家又睇得開心😁
我有個地方一直都很想去,Scotland北面的 Isle of Sky, 去過的朋友無一不說很漂亮,自己也總覺得會有機會去。哈哈,但可惜,一直都沒去。
go go go, 一定要 go go go😁
beautiful videos, good scenery..
thx may and sharon, scotland was amazing!!!
Had you visited during August. Edinburgh is jam packed with tourists. Glad you had a great time here in my home city.
hahaha lucky we came early, it was very nice, it was very touristy, nice nonetheless
航拍d 景好靚!😍
跳得幾好 NO WAY🤣🤣🤣
不嬲都鍾意jason,但係唔好意思,見到你爸爸之後,我更加鍾意你爸爸 ,風趣幽默又有型
Black Pudding is famous near Manchester - Check out Bury Black Pudding!
oooh something to add to the list next time, thx Ricky!
Lived in Central Scotland for two years. My favourite areas in Edinburgh were Lothian and Cow Gate.
edinburgh was amazing, loved it, it was actually the last stop, would have loved it even it was the 1st
@@sarahjasonchan Next time spend a few days on Central Scotland. You'll adore it!
Thank you.
thx for watching
Uncle is an amazing dad👍✌️
he's pretty cool hahaha
@@sarahjasonchan ☺️
我嗰陣有去loch ness睇monster架😄我對英國唔係好熟,不過我覺得你好搞笑,啲片拍得好睇,我好enjoy。支持你💜
thx Allison,好開心你鍾意睇sorry我老豆嚇走 loch ness monster🤣🤣🤣
@@sarahjasonchan uncle好得意,有機會佢返香港、叫佢出下鏡 👍🏻
ok wou, 你comment 冇問題,你係videoincluding your pa 表現得好有趣好吸引人睇同埋吾悶,
thx KY, 好多嘢玩,多謝你支持呀!
Uncle戴黑超好 cool~~
嘩, Scotland真係好正吖, 聽朋友講Scotland效區仲靚.
@@sarahjasonchan 👍
Hey man, r u still here in Edi? Would be great to grab a pic/drink with u!!! 💪💪🤣
next time for sure, the next series will be "UK drinks" hahhaha
蘇格蘭未去過 最遠去到倫敦 睇白鴿 和行唐人街😆😆 Jason介绍超👍👍👍👍👍👍
似乎愈北愈平,anyway 睇完咁多集,有小小衝動想去英國旅行🤣
用航拍機影嘅景色相當靚 ,但啲樓好似比較舊咗少少, 但係地下鐵又好新
支持Jason 向香港人報道事實。
咁又係呀!佢有时唔係讲事实 !
thx thx Marco
前幾集好多井底蛙為反而反, so ignorant, 完全不用理會。片拍得很好,兩位亦一流演釋,support !
thx thx, 皮樓?anyway thx
Uncle 有冇掛住香港兩個乖孫呢?嘻嘻
There is also white pudding, and red pudding 😅
Really? What are they? I studied in U.K. for 7 years, but never heard of these!
sounds bland, I'm sure it's very scary hahahah
@@wongcw9011 probably something scary hahaha
@@sarahjasonchan 😅💕
@@wongcw9011 they are commonly found in Scottish chip shops. Red pudding main ingredients are beef, pork, pork rind or bacon, suet, rusk, wheat flour, spices, salt, beef fat and colouring.
White pudding typically uses oatmeal or barley, pork or beef suet, breadcrumbs, spices, and occasionally pork meat or pork liver.
I haven't tried either as I am not a fan of the black pudding or haggis.
以前Glasgow真係好差,現在已經唔同,好好多,而且Scottish 一般非常friendly, Scotland 行山郊區無得輸,去Oban 食吓Michelin 級海鲜,每人都係三十幾鎊重要開埋酒,Isle of Skye Isle of Mull重有好多外岛,超正,想去遠D,去highlands NC500。
順帶一提,不過呢條片講一間樓內部,非常無意義,唔代表咩,重有相信你已經無係英國定居長住,真係內容有D片面,長住先知道不同城市各種好處及壞處,讀書去過或者旅遊好多次同當地長住人遇到嘅嘢根本唔同,要貼地希望可以揾多D不同地方居民訪問了解,現在有D蜻蜓點水旅客身份看英國,D片內容根本唔係本地人生活方式及日常,難怪坊間有咁多意見,不過相信你拍片出發點都係當旅遊娛樂節目得啖笑,咁睇都OK,但好多人好認真去睇以為所有嘢係英國日常,現在有哂noise, 目的已達,支持你。
thx thx提議好好
以旅游精簡視頻 十几分鐘 拍得相當出色 畢竟不是拍90分鐘的節目 用手机看視頻 一般超過30分鐘 大部分人不會看 沒那個耐性
再来Jason 拍節目不是為了産生noise 而達到某些目的 我沒問過Jason 是不是為了什麽目的 ?
因為只是有心人在無風起浪 make noise.
hahaha 唔敢食🤪
Haha can you make out the Glaswegian accent? 😂
我係愛丁堡長大, 呢個老華僑唔識. lol
Buying handbag is so stupid. Most of the handbag depreciate like hell, unless it's limited edition (like very limited). I never date women who ask me to buy them handbag. I work hard for my money and enjoy keeping it, thank you very much.😂
you say that now hahaha just you wait🤣🤣🤣
@@sarahjasonchan 不錯,而家的而且確係好咗好多。不過,華人/亞洲人仍然是歧視鏈的末端; 當地白人-東歐白人-黑人-印度人-華人。There is ever a Fu Manchu at the back of the British mind.
有冇人系唐人街旺記玩嘢 ?果度啲企堂個個都好惡 學生80年代貪平 至愛旺記 但每次去只見到waiter閙客 😂
最搞笑是當年我只有在愛丁堡才買到Jo Malone的Avent Calendar,於是我便幫朋友買多一個;第二年Jo Malone sent email給我説來年幫我在他們的店開生日party。lol
@@sarahjasonchan 無呀,要老遠飛去。 😂
其實英國係咪有硬水引致脫髮問題... 呢個係我睇左七集之後有D咁既聯想...
London 及至到 Manchester
Scotland 全軟水
Scotland is the best
We arrived one year
Bravo !
@@Foodieyummygood scotland is so nice! 繼續享受生活!
賊仔好搞笑俾返錢佢搭巴士😀分享一件事、有個乞兒問攞錢、英國男仔No change , 俾咗張卡佢自己囉£20😀
what?!?! 真係有😂😂😂
@@sarahjasonchan Yeah it’s real you can’t believe 😂😂😂
你對英格蘭的評論比陶傑先生公平得多!陶傑先生只說中國的壞東西。(很多都是假的和誇張的)。 而且他只提到了英格蘭的好事! 陶傑只是收錢,只做政治宣傳?)(不敢堅決說!怕麻煩)you can listen to commercial radio HK on 11pm (very unfair programme, it always makes me cannnot sleep well. therefore now i just listen occasionally)!
哦 加埋自已 7個like 又中....
痴痴呆呆 坐埋一台 🙄
憨憨居居 企埋一堆 🤪
Total 7 件 埋單 打包 😂 28/8
@Mei Chan 咩係假???
@Mei Chan 睇人啦
旅游至愛歐洲 只要夠錢
錢越多 留越耐 活色生香 😊