FINALLY YOU ARE BACK, Thanks a lot for How to Match MVP on EVERY Map (Chamber Edition) I became a chamber main and reached Diamond 1. Any you can make a chamber guide for splitt and pearl
Pearl is pretty much Chamber locking down B long or pushing A main. Split is kinda iffy for chamber since he doesnt get many long sightlines. But A has some nice setups for early picks and B has some verticality to abuse offangle ops. Just make to sure trip Mid for lurks or have someone watch it for you
Maxie, can you also make videos about your games that uhhh your not so proud of? As an asc player, I think I can learn from your mistakes as well and I so desperately want to get out of this hell hole
That guy aint wrong, oping on 3 ms is so strong its like an unfair advantage (Ive already played on servers where I'm at 5 ms and on other where I'm at 30 ms, the advantage is crazy)
Honestly looking back, that probably would’ve been a much smarter move 😭 I just really like scoping in with it. I feel really confident with it so that’s usually why but a deag is more optimal in the long run
seesh i thought its a 10 month old vdo rather than a 10 minute ago one only realised this after seeing the tp range buff of chamber is last update that it couldnt be 10 months ago
i was cooking up two hour long videos at the same time to kickstart my attempt at daily uploads:( then I got hacked and formatted my pc and lost my progress 🥹it’s been a bummer of a time I’m sorry :(
@@XXERAARECOOLXX I lowkey think if you have high ping, it can be a perfect counter to low ping ops 😭 lag comp peeks are a real thing that ppl like emilshein abused for a minute haha
I was fucking around the whole time lol it didn’t bother me in the slightest, I just had fun because they were obviously tilted and toxic players 😭 if u think I was upset idk what to say to u brother
hi maxie whats the song when u get your 6k with future in it? also loved the vid :D cant wait for the next mega series of an agent on every map, its an awesome watch!
Hey Maxie, I heard your account got hacked. Quick question-are your other videos being reuploaded right now? Many of them are only available in 360p, which makes it really hard to watch, especially when trying to see smaller enemies.
They’re an ongoing process :( utube is telling me they’re working on it and it’s slowly being processed but it seems like it’s taking longer than it should :(
LOL i like how you denied your crosshair and then seeing how you're landing shots, you just switched XD. Can you also link to us the crosshair code? I saw this vid and Im gonna sub :)
Nah you’re 100% right 😅 I was a bit too preoccupied trolling the other team, the best move fs would’ve been to drop OP, pop ult, and buy a rifle for the round
Nah i love playing the mental battle, i remenber i played a macht when we were 2/10 or smth lile that and just all went bucky in corners and they started to play far worse(also flaming them for every kill i got XD). We ended up winning
“You’re*” tall, buff, handsome, covered in tattoos and he knows grammar? He’s the whole damn package
and im SINGLE(incase any woman was wondering this)👀
@@Maxiedomeself glazing is crazy
@@thepro6794 saying you don’t have a girlfriend is not self glazing lmao 🤗
@@thepro6794I glaze myself every night
@@Maxiedome don't have to be doing it alone anymore 👅👅👅(im a male)
7:39 my man just went on a killing spree with only his ability guns. That’s literally my dream as a chamber main
destroying someone in a video game and a video game argument within 20 minutes is diabolical
ngl him saying "what could he had done to get in their heads so badly? well it would just be easier to show you" was the definition of aura
I love when you beat toxic players it puts a smile on my face
3:06 I’m glad you included what it was cause I was most def wondering what this is lol
FINALLY YOU ARE BACK, Thanks a lot for How to Match MVP on EVERY Map (Chamber Edition) I became a chamber main and reached Diamond 1. Any you can make a chamber guide for splitt and pearl
Pearl is pretty much Chamber locking down B long or pushing A main. Split is kinda iffy for chamber since he doesnt get many long sightlines. But A has some nice setups for early picks and B has some verticality to abuse offangle ops. Just make to sure trip Mid for lurks or have someone watch it for you
10:28 we end up winning this round and we end up winning this round
this video is so watchable dude, i got spiraled into and didnt even realize 20mins 've passed
Man i was going strong in NNN until this video dropped 😭
FR tho goated vid
0:26 the edit cold af
eyyy maxie uppload good to see the youtubes back upp thaught it was gone for good dont scare me like that
These videos help me to min max chamber on most maps. Thank you for the break downs!
Great chamber vid, as a chamber main I love all the chamber vids
Video about carrying on chamber and the entire message in a nutshell was
operator move around yay
That's it. Training on chamber starts at 8 am sharp tommorow for me.
This video is one of the most satisfying thing that i ever seen bro
All the respect from Syria❤
so happy you uploaded again, I ran out of videos 😔
We need more toxic content like this
yoo thanks to u i dropped 25/8 in ranked for the first time in a while, ur vids are really helpful! been watching you since the first FearMyGlock vid
proud to have witnessed this live
You’ve inspired me to main chamber, I’m gonna watch your stream more and see how you play him as well
Maxie, can you also make videos about your games that uhhh your not so proud of? As an asc player, I think I can learn from your mistakes as well and I so desperately want to get out of this hell hole
That guy aint wrong, oping on 3 ms is so strong its like an unfair advantage (Ive already played on servers where I'm at 5 ms and on other where I'm at 30 ms, the advantage is crazy)
16:54 little does that jett know in chat 😂
Mans threw on some future and started killing with abilities 🔥🔥
Maxxies videos r like crack to me
"Peanut butter and jealous" -Maxie 2024
ah yes an other chamber main hello
Another warning for chrosshair x is that its like 2-10 pixels off
I also agree as a chamber main, be unpredictable 🤣
I just went 30 bombs as chamber last game, 20+ of that came from oping and boi they aren't happy.
1:07 why buy all chamber bullets and not sheriff
Honestly looking back, that probably would’ve been a much smarter move 😭 I just really like scoping in with it. I feel really confident with it so that’s usually why but a deag is more optimal in the long run
Nah, 1 tapping with headhunter is aura
ive been marshal only for so long.. that Crosshair program is SO SO SO NICE :O
Tbh if I was constantly being sniped every round I would crash out too, but not as bad as them 💀. Good video, I like it 🙌🏻
bros rent was so high, thumbnail had to clickbait us into thinking he was radiant
I’ve been radiant 13x with 97th being my lower finish and 8th being my peek! I was just 5 stacking with friends here
@@Maxiedome oh wow mb i just saw that ur playing on ascendant account in val tracker
Haha look at Maxie’s health at 18:44 haha
Tactical toxicity to make enemies tilt is always a good play 👍
Hey Maxie!! Love the content, I would love to see a "How to match MVP on every map (Yoru Edition)!!
I recommend buying chamber 4 bullets and a shorty on defense when playing sewers tbh get the opening pick then play back with shorty
I fw this big time I’ll try it out, esp with the buffed teleport 🫡
that crossair is trippy
HE POSTED AGAIN YAYYYY (now we wait for an initiator video)
Can you make a vid on fade or some other initiator please
9:19 Thanks for explaining, otherwise I wouldn't have understood it.
I shouldve mentioned the whole “slowpeeking, passive reactive intention” 😭 sorry sometimes I rush and my callbacks aren’t clear
seesh i thought its a 10 month old vdo rather than a 10 minute ago one
only realised this after seeing the tp range buff of chamber is last update that it couldnt be 10 months ago
What made you think it was a 10 month old video D:
@@Maxiedome recently I've been watching u a lot so yt recommends ur old vdo pretty now nd then
Welcome back. How was your channel hacked? Did you download stuff that you shouldn't have or did you lose it another way?
its been 4 weeks what happened to every 2 day uploads, kidding obviously but need more content
i was cooking up two hour long videos at the same time to kickstart my attempt at daily uploads:( then I got hacked and formatted my pc and lost my progress 🥹it’s been a bummer of a time I’m sorry :(
@@Maxiedomeall good Maxie love ur content bro❤
Hey maxie, just had a question. Do you have a warmup routine or do you do any mechanics training?
drop the crosshair plsss
How is your operator crosshair like that?
nah we finna crash out in this bih
why do these games feel so ez
Are you radiant yet then
@@senpaizen9388 no but it looks a bit easier than my games
@@senpaizen9388 no but it looks a lot easier than radiant lvl
@@flabbycubing3709 it's radiant level, the guy is just that good buddy, you're iron for sure
@@senpaizen9388 chill, watch radiant players and youll see the difference. Besides, his tracker says hes asc 1 so it makes sense
You cooked him but 4 to 73 ping with an awp is insane 💀😭
@@XXERAARECOOLXX I lowkey think if you have high ping, it can be a perfect counter to low ping ops 😭 lag comp peeks are a real thing that ppl like emilshein abused for a minute haha
@@Maxiedomei play on tokyo servers and let me tell you all these mfers have 5-20 ping while I’m stuck on 45 it sucks peaking and holding
@ 45 isn’t bad enough to have the lag comp 😭 that for sure must suck, but lowkey anything 80-130 is prime for wide swinging
@@Maxiedome brother with these Apac aimers I can't get passed ascendant 😭 it’s like playing the insane bots in tutorial
What’s your scoped sense? Also great vid 😊
2:52 you a league player???
Yo maxie do you do coaching sessions ?
Can you please do a how to match mvp on every map as yoru
Love to binge your long videos
But these ones are awesome too
how did you change your sniper scope crosshair?
you took that sad face as if someone dissed you're family. child mental💀
I was fucking around the whole time lol it didn’t bother me in the slightest, I just had fun because they were obviously tilted and toxic players 😭 if u think I was upset idk what to say to u brother
hi maxie whats the song when u get your 6k with future in it? also loved the vid :D cant wait for the next mega series of an agent on every map, its an awesome watch!
Life’s good - drake and future lofi
Just curious, how come you aim at head height when holding with the op. 8:11
Tbh i think it was a subconscious thing cuz I wasn’t used to this new crosshair thing 😅
how did you remove the straight lines on your op ? I would love to do the same...
You dont wanna know the translation of the nickname of that first russian dude that added you bro
19:09 how do you fix that scope bug?
I have no idea tbh it’s so frustrating recently, I’ve died multiple times from it 😭😭 maybe switching to hold could work? (I’m on toggle)
@Maxiedome I saw people talking about it online, it happens even on toggle. sth from the console/server side apparently. ur right its so annoying
What sens were you using this game out of curiosity?
Hey Maxie, I heard your account got hacked. Quick question-are your other videos being reuploaded right now? Many of them are only available in 360p, which makes it really hard to watch, especially when trying to see smaller enemies.
They’re an ongoing process :( utube is telling me they’re working on it and it’s slowly being processed but it seems like it’s taking longer than it should :(
How does he have no scope lines when zoomed in with tour de force or operator
hey maxie question, why don’t you have your minimap see the whole map?
im wondering whats the point of buying 8 headhunter bullets why not just go for the sheriff if its the first round?
LOL i like how you denied your crosshair and then seeing how you're landing shots, you just switched XD. Can you also link to us the crosshair code? I saw this vid and Im gonna sub :)
how did you remove the sniper lines on your sniper?
you can override sniper scope with your crosshair?
what is your sens my guy?
W video my man
You came back from the hack!
Brooo you play chamber like ❤❤❤
that crosshair do be crazy! (whats the code?)
Yo could u help me figure out how to get that color of purple on your crosshair, is it an app or something else?
Nvm w video
Maxie show is Chamber on Pearl PLEEEEASSSEEEEEE 🙏🙏
How do you remove the lines in the op scope as shown in the intro? There seems to be only the dot, and I cannot find a setting for that.
@@AJ-il5wq I removed the crosshair and used the steam overlay I mentioned in the video
Yo whats the crosshair code?
turn ur voiceover volume up i cant hear shit PLEASE😭
Gotchu on the next time sorry king 😭 I’m really bad with audio sometimes
whats the crosshair code?
Its an 3rd party software not a val crosshair
My ranked teammates
@@itsgrass7860 how would i get that crosshair
@@itsgrass7860 ok ty
video starts at 0:00
Yo Yo Yo slide the the crosshair code and aimlab routine bro. Also good to know that you got your hacked acc back
I got a question tho, why didnt you ult on the last round of defence? I think it is arguably better than the normal op, no?
Nah you’re 100% right 😅 I was a bit too preoccupied trolling the other team, the best move fs would’ve been to drop OP, pop ult, and buy a rifle for the round
how do u make ur crosshair on scoping in
what is that crosshair?
The goat 🔥
crosshair code pls?
Nah i love playing the mental battle, i remenber i played a macht when we were 2/10 or smth lile that and just all went bucky in corners and they started to play far worse(also flaming them for every kill i got XD). We ended up winning
Lore accurate chamber 7:35
Yes please
Background music?
how do u not have sniper lines on ur scope wtf
am i missing something is the crosshair gas?
rename the video to how it feels to play chamber without iso