My way: team victory: Dj Lindsay leshawna Bridgette Harold Ezekiel. Team amazon: Heather Cody Sierra blainley Courtney Gwen. Team Chris: Alejandro Duncan Owen Tyler Noah Izzy Egypt Episode 2: Duncan quits and DOESN’T rejoin ( better end the love triangle before it starts) Japan Episode 3: Courtney (REALLY better end the love triangle before it starts) Yukon Episode 4: Gwen (I’m sorry but the love triangle assassinated all characters involved) (Episode 5 is a reward challenge at New York) ( Episode 6 is the after math) Generic snowy location episode 7: blainley (was gonna get her out at episode 5 but 1. We had to deal with the love triangle and 2. I feel like she’d rock that episode) (Episode 8 is a reward challenge at The Amazon) Paris episode 9: Ezekiel ( I wanted to give him a chance but letting him farther than this would make this seem like a joke) (Episode 10 is a reward challenge at Newfoundland) Jamaica episode 11: Harold (the only reason he lasted this long was because I was gonna make him have a plot with leshawna but when the characters that need to go are out you have to get rid of characters that didn’t do much) (Episode 12 was the after math) London Episode 13:Bridgette ( I have no idea how she got to halfway through the season but I guess I liked her personality I always thought she needed to go farther but she doesn’t need to merge also Duncan doesn’t return) (Episode 14 was a reward challenge at Greece) Area 51 episode 15: Leshawna (the last “floater” so despite her personality being fun she had to go) Australia episode 16 Dj (the reason I’m sparing Lindsay is that if you rewatch the first half of the season Lindsay is the only one who did anything on her team other than complain about animals and get whoo’ed by Alejandro and the remaining members of both teams were way better than Dj so he had to go) (Episode 17 is a reward challenge at Sweden) (Episode 18 was just a normal aftermath due to the peanut gallery not going on the season for obvious reasons and everyone else has their time) Merge: Lindsay Heather Sierra Cody Alejandro Owen Tyler Noah and Izzy Niagara Falls episode 19: Izzy (probably one of the funnest characters on the show however she was the hardest to write plot for so she had to leave) Beijing single elimination episode 20: Owen (he lasted this long because island and ridonculous race showed that he could be more than a fart machine however he can’t win because in this season he was only used to fill the fart joke quota) Serengeti episode 21: Noah ( this was when he got GREAT so he needed to merge I decided to put him above the two people he is associated with the most as he truly earned it) Easter island episode 22: Alejandro (It might be odd to eliminate a villain before the final 5 but I’m feeling experimental) Drumheller episode 23: Heather (ok now your really scratching your head and I have no real excuse I just wanted 2 couples I’m the finale 4) Mexico episode 24: Tyler (I feel like out of the final 4 the least people wanted him to win) (Episode 25 is an after math) Hawaii Episode 26 part 1: Sierra (cmon you know making her go against Cody would make her sadder than elimination) Hawaii Episode 26 part 2: Lindsay wins (I’m biased however Lindsay carried her team while Cody was off having his Sierra subplot so she wins
This honestly should have been the Final for TDA since Lindsey really seemed like she was gonna be the Main Protagonist of the season and Courtney in the 2nd half was the Main Antagonist
My way: (Duncan quits for the same reason at the show.) (Sierra & Izzy switch teams. Reason: Same as canon.) 18th: Ezekiel: Same as canon. 17th: Harold: Same as canon. 16th: Sierra: Cody was getting annoyed to much by her, so he convinced his teammates to vote her off. (Reward challenge in Broadway Baby!) 15th: Leshawna: Same as canon. (Fake elimination in The Am-AH-Zon Race.) 14th: DJ: Team Victory lost the challenge, but DJ volunteered for elimination because he wants his curse to end. (Reward challenge on Newf Kids On The Rock.) 13th: Izzy: Same as canon. 12th: Bridgette: She got severely injured during the 2nd part of the challenge, causing her to be evacuated. (After Bridgette's elimination, Chris disbands Team Victory & puts Lindsay on Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.) 11th: Owen: Noah got the most votes, but he volunteered for elimination instead of him. (Duncan was bought back to the game & was placed on Team Amazon.) (Fake elimination in Greece's Pieces.) 10th: Tyler: Same as canon. 9th: Gwen: Same as canon 8th: Noah: After Gwen's elimination. He announced that he quits the show because he had enough with Alejandro. (Reward challenge in Sweden Sour.) Merge: (Blaineley joins the game.) 7th: Cody: Alejandro convinced, Duncan, Courtney, Heather, & Blaineley to vote him off. 5th/6th: Courtney & Duncan: Duncan had the most votes, which made Courtney celebrate in glee. But Chris announced that it was a double elimination due to budget issues. Since Duncan was the only one who voted for Courtney, which had her outraged, they both got eliminated. (Reward challenge in African Lying Safari & a fake elimination in Rapa Phooey!) 4th: Blaineley: Chris disqualifies her because after she had the most votes, she accidentally destroyed the plane for throwing a flaming rock near the oil. which it blew up. 3rd: Alejandro: Lindsay beats him in the tiebreaker. Alternate winner: Heather. Official winner: Lindsay.
My way Teams: Team Victory Leshawna, DJ, Lindsay, Duncan and Ezekiel Team Chris is really 4x hot Owen, Izzy, Tyler, Alejandro, Noah (antagonist in this season) Team Amazon Cody, Sierra, Gwen, Courtney, Heather 18 Bridgette (she quit for Geoff) 17 Leshawna (she is tricked by Alejandro) 16 Alejandro (Noah, Owen and Izzy vote for him) 15 Gwen (everyone in the team except Cody hates her so she is out) 14 Izzy (Noah says Tyler "She is crazy" and this two votes for her) 13 Duncan (he got disqualified by Chef) 12 Harold (he lost the challenge for Team Victory) Return Time! Harold returns to team Chris is really 4x hot 11 Sierra (she is annoying) 10 Lindsay (she lost with DJ) MERGE 9 Harold (he got injury) 8 Courtney (Noah and Heather alliance says to Owen, Cody and DJ to voted her out) 7 Heather (Noah tricked her and he, Ezekiel and Owen voted her out) 6 DJ (he is always kills animal and he voted himself) 5 Cody (Ezekiel and Tyler voted him out) 4 Owen (he is auto-eliminated) FINAL 3 3 Ezekiel (he is mutant in this episode and Chris eliminated him) FINALE 2 Noah (Heather got revenge on him and he is runner-up) 1 Tyler (he wins in the finale)
The name dj is blue when you type the name in I think it only does that because its like just two letters in one name and the name dj stands for devin Joseph and that is like his real name
My Way: 18th Alejandro 17th Ezekiel 16th Harold 15th Leshawna 14th DJ (Bridgette to Team Amazon, Lindsay to Team Chris) 13th Duncan 12th Gwen 11th Courtney 10th Sierra 9th Noah (Blaineley Debuts) 8th Blaineley 7th/6th Owen and Izzy 5th Tyler 4th Lindsay 3rd Heather 2nd Cody Bridgette Wins!
Dylan Stucki exactly. i would have kept her out right where she was, because i don’t think she fit with the season very well. i do, however, think maybe tyler should have made it a little farther. overall i think in tdwt, an epic final five would have been Alejandro, Heather, Duncan, Gwen and Courtney, maybe switching Cody out for Gwen. i feel that sierra made it way too far for her own good..
My way: *Duncan quits*18:Zeke (5 Team Victory members left)17:Harold (4 Team Victory members left)16:Noah (4 Team Chris members left) 15:Alejandro (3 Team Chris members left)14:Owen (2 Team Chris members left*Duncan returns to team Chris* (3 members now on Team Chris)13:Heather (4 Team Amazon members left)12:Courtney (3 Team Amazon members left)11: Izzy (2 Team Chris members left)10: Leshawna (3 Team Victory members left)9:Tyler ( Duncan is the only one left for his team) *Merge and Blainley Debuts*8:Duncan7/6:Dj and Blainley5:Gwen4:Sierra3:Cody2:Bridgette1:Lindsey!!!!
My way 18-Ezekiel. 17-Blaineley. 16 and 15-Lindsay and Tyler. 14 and 13-Harold and Leshawna. 12-Izzy. 11-Courtney. MERGE 10-Owen. 9-Brigette. 8 and 7-Sierra and Cody. 6-Dj. 5 and 4-Duncan and Gwen. 3-Heather. 2-RUNNER UP-Alejandro. 1-WINNER-Noah.
My way (no new cast) Duncan Zeke Sierra Izzy Bridgette (don't get me wrong I ❤️Bridgette but the aftermath show needs her) Alejandro Courtney Leshawna Dj Duncan returns Owen Tyler Heather Merge Duncan returns Beth debuts Duncan Mildred Lindsay Harold Noah Final 2 Gwen v Cody Runner up: Cody GWEN WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My way Teams Team Victory:Ezekiel,DJ,Leshawna,Bridgette,Harold And Lindsay Team Chris: Owen,Tyler,Noah,Alejandro, And Sierra Team Amazon:Heather,Izzy,Gwen,Courtney And Cody *Izzy And Sierra Swap Teams* 17.Duncan Reason: During the first song he got really annoyed and during the challenge he couldn’t stand Gwen and Courtney’s bickering so he quit and wasn’t even placed into a team 1st: Team Chris 2nd:Team Amazon 3rd:Team Victory (And btw I’ll be following the Elimnation order such as in which team loses but not the top two teams placements) Votes Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezekiel Lindsay Ezekiel Ezekiel 16. Ezekiel Reason: Who got his whole team annoyed and failed the challenge therefore he was voted off. 1st:Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory Votes DJ DJ DJ DJ DJ 15.Harold Reason: Even though the votes were for DJ Alejandro accidentally manipulated Harold without knowing it Harold Quit for Honour But Thought he was going to be eliminated ultimately causing DJ to be safe 1st:Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory Votes DJ Lindsay Bridgette Bridgette 14. Bridgette Reason: Alejandro needed to get her out because she was a social threat made her stuck to a pole DJ continues to vote himself off Bridgette Voted Lindsay Because She Was Dumb But Leshawna And Lindsay got manipulated By Alejandro into voting Bridgette and got Bridgette Elimnated 1st:Team Amazon 2nd:Team Chris 3rd:Team Victory Votes Lindsay Leshawna Leshawna 13.Leshawna Reason: Leshawna was a big threat due to her Previous Performences And Alejandro Manipulated the others into voting her out Leshawna got distracted by Alejandros looks and got eliminated because of it 1st:Team Amazon 2nd:Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory So since Team Victory has only 2 Members left it will be a tiebreaker and a fashion contest whoever gets the lower score from the judges Gets Eliminated Winner:DJ Elimnated:Lindsay 12.Lindsay Reason: Alejandro had a goal of Eliminating All The Girls on Team Victory he purposefully Got rid of Her resources and Limted them even if DJ tried to lose on purpose but he failed And Alejandro Succeeded If DJ Loses he’s Automatically eliminated No Challenge 11.Izzy Reason: Izzy And Owen jumped out of the plain and the plain landed on her when she woke up she became Brainzilla And was taken by the military and therefore was eliminated 1st:Team Amazon 2nd:Team Chris 3rd: Team Victory 10.DJ Reason: he did pretty bad on challenges animal curse didn’t help him out and he tried to vote himself out multiple times After he lost the challenge he was automatically eliminated With DJ Gone The three teams stage ends making it just two teams And Team Victory Dissolves *Duncan Rejoins* Reason: Since Courtney and Gwen found him Chris let him back in and wanted him back in the losing team gets him 1st: Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris Votes: Duncan Duncan Alejandro Tyler Noah Non elimination round A twist is revealed its non elim Because Alejandro got Tyler to spill the bean so they both Voted Duncan the other votes were spread so it was 2-1-1-1 But Chris wanted to keep up ratings so he kept Duncan 1st:Team Amazon 2nd:Team Chris Votes Alejandro Tyler Noah Noah Noah 10. Noah Reason: Him and Owen obviously Didn’t vote each other and Alejandro realised That Noah was catching on He used Tyler’s Vote And Duncan decided to side with Alejandro sealing Noah’s Fate 1st:Team Amazon 2nd: Team Chris Votes Tyler Owen Tyler Tyler 9.Tyler Reason: At that Point Alejandro didn’t want to use Courtney anymore and got sick of the flirting fast he ditched Tyler’s vote and came to an agreement with Duncan And Owen to vote out Tyler 1st:Team Chris 2nd:Team Amazon Votes Courtney Gwen Gwen Gwen Gwen 8.Gwen Reason: Team Chris finally wins And Courtney was obvisouly going for Gwen so She was dead *Merge* And Also A Rejoin Contest is held *Noah Rejoins* *Blaineley Debuts* Reasons: Noah won the rejoin contest but Blanieley answered The question right Geoff said that Blanieley comment but Bridgette says that Noah should come back so they both go in Blanieley and Noah get immunity for joining Immune: Blanieley,Noah And Heather Votes Sierra Alejandro Alejandro Sierra Sierra Sierra Sierra Sierra Sierra 9.Sierra Reason: He got on everyones nerves well she finally made up with Cody couldn’t Save her but they almost expose Alejandro *Split up into pairs for challenge* Immune:Courtney And Duncan Votes Owen Owen Owen Alejandro Alejandro Owen Owen 8.Owen Reason: Alejandro worked with Heather and made an agreement with Duncan So they all voted out Owen’s Alliance with Noah couldn’t save him Immune: Alejandro Votes Blanieley Courtney Blaineley Courtney Courtney Courtney Blanieley *Double Elimnation* 7.Courtney 6.Blanieley Reasons: Alejandro began to get sick of Courtney And manipulated her elimination striking up a deal with Heather Again and working with Duncan Then he just used Blaineley vote As an extra vote everyone else voted Blaineley because she was caught having a Illegal alliance with Chef And the twist was double elimination so they’re both out Immune: Duncan Votes Cody Alejandro Alejandro Cody Cody 5.Cody Reason: The alliance had to choose one of the other two they choose Cody. and They tried to get rid of Alejandro but it failed *People split up into two pairs for this challenge similar to the boys girl at the final 4 of total drama island* Immune:Duncan And Noah Votes Alejandro Alejandro 4.Alejandro Reason: Alejandro was a big threat Duncan kept him for long but agreed with Noah that he was done with Alejandro Auto-Elimination Challenge 1. Heather Tierbraker Winner:Duncan Eliminated:Noah Reason: Noah played a good game but got re-eliminated because he lost the tie against Duncan 1.Duncan 2.Heather Reason!: Both played good strategic games But Duncan barley bet out Heather Final Placements 18.Ezekiel 17.Harold 16. Bridgette 15. Leshawna 14. Lindsay 13.Izzy 12.DJ 11. Tyler 10. Gwen 9. Sierra 8. Owen 7. Courtney 6. Blanieley 5. Cody 4. Alejandro 3. Noah 2. Heather 1. Duncan
My way with my own cast 13 Fashion boy 12 Fashion girl 11 Scaredy 10 Jemma 9 David 8 Danny Merge 7 Dan 6 Don/Martha 5 Jessica 4 Kayla 3 Shy Girl 2 Steven 1 Tom
my way bottom three are in parentheses Team Victory. Bridgette LeShawna Harold Ezekiel DJ Lindsay Team Amazon Sierra Courtney Heather Gwen Cody Team Chris Owen Izzy Alejandro Duncan Tyler Noah 20. Team Chris - Owen (Izzy, Owen, Duncan) 19. Team Chris - Izzy (Izzy, Alejandro, Tyler) 18. Team Victory - Ezekiel (Ezekiel, Lindsay, Bridgette) 17. Team Amazon - Cody (Cody, Sierra, Heather) 16. Team Victory - Lindsay (Lindsay, Bridgette, N/A) 15. Team Amazon - Sierra (Sierra, Heather, N/A) 14. Team Victory - Harold (Harold, LeShawna, N/A) 13. Team Chris - Noah (Noah, Tyler, Duncan) 12. Team Chris - Tyler (Tyler, Duncan, N/A) 11. Team Chris - Duncan (Tiebreaker) 10. Team Amazon - Courtney (Courtney, Heather, N/A) Merge Blainley Debuts Cody and Sierra Return 9. Sierra (Sierra, Cody, DJ) 8. Cody (Cody, DJ, Heather) 7. Blainley (Blainley, LeShawna, Gwen) 6. Bridgette (Bridgette, LeShawna, Heather) 5. DJ (DJ, Heather, LeShawna) 4. Alejandro (Alejandro, Heather, Gwen) 3. Gwen (Gwen, Heather, N/A) 2. Heather 1. Winner. LeShawna Owen sacrificed himself for Izzy
My way: Duncan wins immunity and convinces Courtney and Gwen to vote off alejandro Alejandro gets voted off Ezekiel wins because Sierra though he was Cody Sierra gets voted off Team Amazon win and convince team Chris is really really stupid to vote off izzy Izzy gets voted off Team Chris is really really mean win Dj gets voted off Lindsay gets convinced by Heather to steal Chris's phone and gets eliminated by chris Leshawna gets distracted by a picture of alejandro and slows her team down causing them to vote her off Bridgette attempts to sabotage Courtney but fails and is voted off Izzy returns Noah once again convinces Owen and Tyler to vote out Izzy but on accident tells Izzy too and Noah gets voted off Izzy attempts to crash the plane but fails and Chris sends her home Gwen and Duncan argue leading for it to he a double elimination and Gwen and Duncan get voted off Courtney spills water on Chris's plane wires and crashes the plane leading her to be eliminated Owen gets the attention of every animal then falls off the mountain leading it to be a injury elimination The teams merge Ezekiel Harold and Cody vote Tyler off because he was doing the last amount of work The finals: Ezekiel Harold and Cody The peanut gallery get to vote someone off they all vote off Harold Chris finally got a heart and split all the money from the show And all of the finale members each get 1,000,000 (Harold, Cody, Ezekiel and Tyler)
I would want Courtney and Lindsay because since Lindsay didn't winn tda she would winn tdwt against Courtney. I like it since Lindsay won in Tda over Courtney and it looked so fun 😂
my way elimination of total drama world tour: 18th Blainley 17th Courtney 16th Lindsay 15th Bridgette 14th Gwen 13th Leshawna 12th Heather 11th Izzy 10th Sierra 9th Cody 8th Duncan 7th Noah 6th Alejandro 5th Owen 4th Tyler 3rd Ezekiel 2nd DJ 1st Harold
My way EP1 Duncan quits and DJ is Cursed EP2 18th Leshswa EP3 17th Harold EP4 16th Tyler EP5 15th Lindsay EP7 14th Courtney EP9 13th Ezekiel EP11 12th Owen/11th DJ EP13 Duncan Rejoins Merge and 10th Heather (She is warning about Alejandro) EP15 9th Bridgette EP16 8th Gwen (Cody was Sad but He got over it in EP18) Blainlely Debuts EP19 7th Serria EP20 6th Blainlely EP21 5th Duncan EP24 4th Izzy EP26 3rd Noah Runner Up Alejandro Winner Cody
Magical Limes strength wouldn't necessarily means everything in the final, don't you remember Lindsay outsmart the Type A? If wasn't for the shitty reason she got eliminated she would have won. Courtney can be smart, confident, strong and a lot of things, but she can be easily tricked and lose her powers in a second. Lindsay learned a lot from past seasons, and she got really good at the challenges.
My way same teams as canon except Eva is on team Amazon 18 Ezekiel 17 Harold 16 Leshawna 15 Izzy 14 Lindsay 13 Eva 12 Bridgette 11 DJ 10 Duncan 9 Sierra Merge 8 Courtney 7 Noah 6 Gwen 5 Owen 4 Alejandro 3 heather 2 Cody Tyler wins
man the thing Don't work says connection to server lost touch to retry who cares anyways if the vedio don't work because the thing is so stupid bad mean rude disrespectful mean person to me anyways
My way! 18th: Ezekiel 17th: Leshawna 16th: Harold 15th: Owen 14th: DJ 13th: Tyler 12th: Heather 11th: Noah 10th: Courtney 9th: Alejandro Beth and Geoff enters the game 8th: Bridgette 7th: Sierra Corbin and Dallas enters the game (made up contestants) 6th: Blainely 5th: Geoff 4th: Bridgette 3rd: Dallas Winner in Canada: Beth Winner in USA: Corbin
Danielle Wayner you forgot Cody and new people can’t just Come this world tour and making up characters doesn’t make sense unless your Courtney you can’t just come and say hey am competing so shut up
My Way Harold Izzy Owen Duncan (ELIMINATED HIS SELF) Bridgette Beth Tyler (HAROLD, EVA, AND DUNCAN RETURN) Harold Alejandro Heather Eva (MR. COCONUT AND OWEN RETURN) People Left (Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Sirrea, Cody, Blainley, Gwen, Owen, and Mr.Coconut) Lindsay (Geoff returns) Gwen Geoff Owen Sirrea People Left (Leshawna, Noah, Mr. Coconut, Cody, Blainley, and Courtney) (Eziekle is found) Ezikel Leshawna (Josh Comes For Blaineley) Josh Blaineley (Final 3) (Noah, Cody, Courtney) Noah ;( Canada Cody USA Courtney
2nd my way! I made up all the contestants exept 3 21st: Eli 20th: Zach 19th: Justin 18th: Walter 17th: Hannah 16th: Lindsay 15th: Alexis 14th: Ben 13th: Matt 12th: Danny 11th: James ( lost the tiebreaker to Corbin) 10th: Jacky 9th: Geoff 8th: Annabelle 7th: Horhae 6th: Buck 5th: Bill 4th: Seol ( quit ) 3rd: Dallas 2nd: Lily ( wins in USA) 1st: Corbin ( wins in Canada)
Ezekiel DJ Leshawa Sierra Izzy Owen Beth Debut Cody Heather Swaps Teams Harold Bridgette Tyler Noah Harold Returns Blainley Merge Gwen Duncan and Beth Heather and Alejandro Harold again Courtney Lindsay wins
+Silviu Minciu Gwen wasnt the person ideal to win because the problem with Courtney and Trent ,she was mean and I love her but in this season she sucks,buuut I respect your opinion :D
To be honest, I would LOVE Courtney and Lindsey as the finalists. Anyone with me? How cool would that be and all girl finale, right?
Anna Blanche NO Cody vs. heather
That was my finale in a slideshow so i am reallllyy loving this final
That would be good for all stars
Why the heck are so many ppl so desperate to have those 2 in the finale Imao
I like the way you changed the background for each challange! Nice job!
+KendyCakes thanks!!! :}
My way: team victory: Dj Lindsay leshawna Bridgette Harold Ezekiel.
Team amazon: Heather Cody Sierra blainley Courtney Gwen.
Team Chris: Alejandro Duncan Owen Tyler Noah Izzy
Egypt Episode 2: Duncan quits and DOESN’T rejoin ( better end the love triangle before it starts)
Japan Episode 3: Courtney (REALLY better end the love triangle before it starts)
Yukon Episode 4: Gwen (I’m sorry but the love triangle assassinated all characters involved)
(Episode 5 is a reward challenge at New York)
( Episode 6 is the after math)
Generic snowy location episode 7: blainley (was gonna get her out at episode 5 but 1. We had to deal with the love triangle and 2. I feel like she’d rock that episode)
(Episode 8 is a reward challenge at The Amazon)
Paris episode 9: Ezekiel ( I wanted to give him a chance but letting him farther than this would make this seem like a joke)
(Episode 10 is a reward challenge at Newfoundland)
Jamaica episode 11: Harold (the only reason he lasted this long was because I was gonna make him have a plot with leshawna but when the characters that need to go are out you have to get rid of characters that didn’t do much)
(Episode 12 was the after math)
London Episode 13:Bridgette ( I have no idea how she got to halfway through the season but I guess I liked her personality I always thought she needed to go farther but she doesn’t need to merge also Duncan doesn’t return)
(Episode 14 was a reward challenge at Greece)
Area 51 episode 15: Leshawna (the last “floater” so despite her personality being fun she had to go)
Australia episode 16 Dj (the reason I’m sparing Lindsay is that if you rewatch the first half of the season Lindsay is the only one who did anything on her team other than complain about animals and get whoo’ed by Alejandro and the remaining members of both teams were way better than Dj so he had to go)
(Episode 17 is a reward challenge at Sweden)
(Episode 18 was just a normal aftermath due to the peanut gallery not going on the season for obvious reasons and everyone else has their time)
Merge: Lindsay Heather Sierra Cody Alejandro Owen Tyler Noah and Izzy
Niagara Falls episode 19: Izzy (probably one of the funnest characters on the show however she was the hardest to write plot for so she had to leave)
Beijing single elimination episode 20: Owen (he lasted this long because island and ridonculous race showed that he could be more than a fart machine however he can’t win because in this season he was only used to fill the fart joke quota)
Serengeti episode 21: Noah ( this was when he got GREAT so he needed to merge I decided to put him above the two people he is associated with the most as he truly earned it)
Easter island episode 22: Alejandro (It might be odd to eliminate a villain before the final 5 but I’m feeling experimental)
Drumheller episode 23: Heather (ok now your really scratching your head and I have no real excuse I just wanted 2 couples I’m the finale 4)
Mexico episode 24: Tyler (I feel like out of the final 4 the least people wanted him to win)
(Episode 25 is an after math)
Hawaii Episode 26 part 1: Sierra (cmon you know making her go against Cody would make her sadder than elimination)
Hawaii Episode 26 part 2: Lindsay wins (I’m biased however Lindsay carried her team while Cody was off having his Sierra subplot so she wins
This honestly should have been the Final for TDA since Lindsey really seemed like she was gonna be the Main Protagonist of the season and Courtney in the 2nd half was the Main Antagonist
My way:
(Duncan quits for the same reason at the show.)
(Sierra & Izzy switch teams. Reason: Same as canon.)
18th: Ezekiel: Same as canon.
17th: Harold: Same as canon.
16th: Sierra: Cody was getting annoyed to much by her, so he convinced his teammates to vote her off.
(Reward challenge in Broadway Baby!)
15th: Leshawna: Same as canon.
(Fake elimination in The Am-AH-Zon Race.)
14th: DJ: Team Victory lost the challenge, but DJ volunteered for elimination because he wants his curse to end.
(Reward challenge on Newf Kids On The Rock.)
13th: Izzy: Same as canon.
12th: Bridgette: She got severely injured during the 2nd part of the challenge, causing her to be evacuated.
(After Bridgette's elimination, Chris disbands Team Victory & puts Lindsay on Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.)
11th: Owen: Noah got the most votes, but he volunteered for elimination instead of him.
(Duncan was bought back to the game & was placed on Team Amazon.)
(Fake elimination in Greece's Pieces.)
10th: Tyler: Same as canon.
9th: Gwen: Same as canon
8th: Noah: After Gwen's elimination. He announced that he quits the show because he had enough with Alejandro.
(Reward challenge in Sweden Sour.)
(Blaineley joins the game.)
7th: Cody: Alejandro convinced, Duncan, Courtney, Heather, & Blaineley to vote him off.
5th/6th: Courtney & Duncan: Duncan had the most votes, which made Courtney celebrate in glee. But Chris announced that it was a double elimination due to budget issues. Since Duncan was the only one who voted for Courtney, which had her outraged, they both got eliminated.
(Reward challenge in African Lying Safari & a fake elimination in Rapa Phooey!)
4th: Blaineley: Chris disqualifies her because after she had the most votes, she accidentally destroyed the plane for throwing a flaming rock near the oil. which it blew up.
3rd: Alejandro: Lindsay beats him in the tiebreaker.
Alternate winner: Heather.
Official winner: Lindsay.
Harold deserves to win
My way
Team Victory
Leshawna, DJ, Lindsay, Duncan and Ezekiel
Team Chris is really 4x hot
Owen, Izzy, Tyler, Alejandro, Noah (antagonist in this season)
Team Amazon
Cody, Sierra, Gwen, Courtney, Heather
18 Bridgette (she quit for Geoff)
17 Leshawna (she is tricked by Alejandro)
16 Alejandro (Noah, Owen and Izzy vote for him)
15 Gwen (everyone in the team except Cody hates her so she is out)
14 Izzy (Noah says Tyler "She is crazy" and this two votes for her)
13 Duncan (he got disqualified by Chef)
12 Harold (he lost the challenge for Team Victory)
Return Time!
Harold returns to team Chris is really 4x hot
11 Sierra (she is annoying)
10 Lindsay (she lost with DJ)
9 Harold (he got injury)
8 Courtney (Noah and Heather alliance says to Owen, Cody and DJ to voted her out)
7 Heather (Noah tricked her and he, Ezekiel and Owen voted her out)
6 DJ (he is always kills animal and he voted himself)
5 Cody (Ezekiel and Tyler voted him out)
4 Owen (he is auto-eliminated)
3 Ezekiel (he is mutant in this episode and Chris eliminated him)
2 Noah (Heather got revenge on him and he is runner-up)
1 Tyler (he wins in the finale)
Lindsay deserves the win in TDA, not TDWT. Heather was the perfect winner.
YAY LINDSAY WINS BEST WINNER EVER btw did you know Lindsay was supposed to win total drama action
Basim Dkhuka I would have loved to see that! I like how Duncan/Beth wins but I'd much rather Lindsay winning
@Liam Szwerdszarf Lapid uhhh?
@Liam Szwerdszarf Lapid whattt ajssjsjs
Also instead of mike vs Zoey finale it was meant to be mike vs Courtney but changed after
yeeeeeeeees my favourite character is Lindsay
Sve same but a lot of people hate her AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!😡😈👿
Lorraine Torres Lindsay is the best funny character People hate her because she is dumb
I like her as a character, but her fanbase is annoying
Glitherxx, and yet people still like Patrick Star, Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson.
My way
Winner Bridgett
The name dj is blue when you type the name in I think it only does that because its like just two letters in one name and the name dj stands for devin Joseph and that is like his real name
My Way:
18th Alejandro
17th Ezekiel
16th Harold
15th Leshawna
14th DJ
(Bridgette to Team Amazon, Lindsay to Team Chris)
13th Duncan
12th Gwen
11th Courtney
10th Sierra
9th Noah
(Blaineley Debuts)
8th Blaineley
7th/6th Owen and Izzy
5th Tyler
4th Lindsay
3rd Heather
2nd Cody
Bridgette Wins!
Ugh the four major screen hogs (Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Courtney,) all merged again. But I'm fine with it cause Lindsay won
I feel like every time I watch one of these videos by anyone, Lindsay always wins
Dylan Stucki exactly. i would have kept her out right where she was, because i don’t think she fit with the season very well. i do, however, think maybe tyler should have made it a little farther. overall i think in tdwt, an epic final five would have been Alejandro, Heather, Duncan, Gwen and Courtney, maybe switching Cody out for Gwen. i feel that sierra made it way too far for her own good..
My way: *Duncan quits*18:Zeke (5 Team Victory members left)17:Harold (4 Team Victory members left)16:Noah (4 Team Chris members left) 15:Alejandro (3 Team Chris members left)14:Owen (2 Team Chris members left*Duncan returns to team Chris* (3 members now on Team Chris)13:Heather (4 Team Amazon members left)12:Courtney (3 Team Amazon members left)11: Izzy (2 Team Chris members left)10: Leshawna (3 Team Victory members left)9:Tyler ( Duncan is the only one left for his team) *Merge and Blainley Debuts*8:Duncan7/6:Dj and Blainley5:Gwen4:Sierra3:Cody2:Bridgette1:Lindsey!!!!
I've never seen a world tour my way where Cody is eliminated that early
My Way
15.Sierra quits
My way
16 and 15-Lindsay and Tyler.
14 and 13-Harold and Leshawna.
8 and 7-Sierra and Cody.
5 and 4-Duncan and Gwen.
2-RUNNER UP-Alejandro.
My way 18th: owen 17th: dj 16th: ezekiel 15th: leshawna Beth 14th: harold 13th: izzy :12th duncan :11th blaineley :10th courtney MERGE :9th bridgette :8th tyler :7th sierra :6th gwen :5th alejandro :4th noah :3rd cody :2nd heather :1st Lindsay :D
Harold 3 place omg my fav character lovv
My way
Beth debuts
1.Beth win
My way
18.harold quits
Harold returns
Blayneley debuts
Ha Tyler is happy
Lindsay y Bridgette entran al equipo Chris
Total Drama World Tour
Victory Team: Ezekiel, LeShawna, Bridgette, Lindsay, Harold, DJ
Chris is really x4 Team: Noah, Owen, Tyler, Alejandro, Sierra, Izzy
Amazon Team: Heather, Cody, Blainley, Courtney, Duncun, Gwen
18) Blainley
17) Noah
16) Ezekiel
15) Cody
14) Sierra
13) LeShawna
12) Heather
11) Tyler
10) Harold
Heather comes back
10) DJ
9) Bridgette
8) Owen
7) Izzy
6) Gwen
5) Duncun
4) Alejandro
3) Heather
2) Courtney
1) Lindsay
Courtney Duncan and Gwen
My Top 3(TDWT)
Why not Courtney :(...
Courtney :3 is idiot
Courtney :3 Yesssss! Courtney forever!
Courtney :3, Courtney is alternate winner
Lindsay’s smartness kicks in sometimes so she deserves to win
My way (no new cast)
Bridgette (don't get me wrong I ❤️Bridgette but the aftermath show needs her)
Duncan returns
Duncan returns
Beth debuts
Final 2 Gwen v Cody
Runner up: Cody
GWEN WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My way
Team Victory:Ezekiel,DJ,Leshawna,Bridgette,Harold And Lindsay
Team Chris: Owen,Tyler,Noah,Alejandro, And Sierra
Team Amazon:Heather,Izzy,Gwen,Courtney And Cody
*Izzy And Sierra Swap Teams*
Reason: During the first song he got really annoyed and during the challenge he couldn’t stand Gwen and Courtney’s bickering so he quit and wasn’t even placed into a team
1st: Team Chris
2nd:Team Amazon
3rd:Team Victory
(And btw I’ll be following the Elimnation order such as in which team loses but not the top two teams placements)
16. Ezekiel
Reason: Who got his whole team annoyed and failed the challenge therefore he was voted off.
1st:Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
Reason: Even though the votes were for DJ Alejandro accidentally manipulated Harold without knowing it Harold Quit for Honour But Thought he was going to be eliminated ultimately causing DJ to be safe
1st:Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
14. Bridgette
Reason: Alejandro needed to get her out because she was a social threat made her stuck to a pole DJ continues to vote himself off Bridgette Voted Lindsay Because She Was Dumb But Leshawna And Lindsay got manipulated By Alejandro into voting Bridgette and got Bridgette Elimnated
1st:Team Amazon
2nd:Team Chris
3rd:Team Victory
Reason: Leshawna was a big threat due to her Previous Performences And Alejandro Manipulated the others into voting her out Leshawna got distracted by Alejandros looks and got eliminated because of it
1st:Team Amazon
2nd:Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
So since Team Victory has only 2 Members left it will be a tiebreaker and a fashion contest whoever gets the lower score from the judges Gets Eliminated
Reason: Alejandro had a goal of Eliminating All The Girls on Team Victory he purposefully Got rid of Her resources and Limted them even if DJ tried to lose on purpose but he failed And Alejandro Succeeded
If DJ Loses he’s Automatically eliminated
No Challenge
Reason: Izzy And Owen jumped out of the plain and the plain landed on her when she woke up she became Brainzilla And was taken by the military and therefore was eliminated
1st:Team Amazon
2nd:Team Chris
3rd: Team Victory
Reason: he did pretty bad on challenges animal curse didn’t help him out and he tried to vote himself out multiple times
After he lost the challenge he was automatically eliminated
With DJ Gone The three teams stage ends making it just two teams And Team Victory Dissolves
*Duncan Rejoins*
Reason: Since Courtney and Gwen found him Chris let him back in and wanted him back in the losing team gets him
1st: Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
Non elimination round
A twist is revealed its non elim Because Alejandro got Tyler to spill the bean so they both Voted Duncan the other votes were spread so it was 2-1-1-1 But Chris wanted to keep up ratings so he kept Duncan
1st:Team Amazon
2nd:Team Chris
10. Noah
Reason: Him and Owen obviously Didn’t vote each other and Alejandro realised That Noah was catching on He used Tyler’s Vote And Duncan decided to side with Alejandro sealing Noah’s Fate
1st:Team Amazon
2nd: Team Chris
Reason: At that Point Alejandro didn’t want to use Courtney anymore and got sick of the flirting fast he ditched Tyler’s vote and came to an agreement with Duncan And Owen to vote out Tyler
1st:Team Chris
2nd:Team Amazon
Reason: Team Chris finally wins And Courtney was obvisouly going for Gwen so She was dead
And Also A Rejoin Contest is held
*Noah Rejoins*
*Blaineley Debuts*
Reasons: Noah won the rejoin contest but Blanieley answered The question right Geoff said that Blanieley comment but Bridgette says that Noah should come back so they both go in
Blanieley and Noah get immunity for joining
Immune: Blanieley,Noah And Heather
Reason: He got on everyones nerves well she finally made up with Cody couldn’t Save her but they almost expose Alejandro
*Split up into pairs for challenge*
Immune:Courtney And Duncan
Alejandro worked with Heather and made an agreement with Duncan So they all voted out Owen’s Alliance with Noah couldn’t save him
Immune: Alejandro
*Double Elimnation*
Reasons: Alejandro began to get sick of Courtney And manipulated her elimination striking up a deal with Heather Again and working with Duncan Then he just used Blaineley vote As an extra vote everyone else voted Blaineley because she was caught having a Illegal alliance with Chef And the twist was double elimination so they’re both out
Immune: Duncan
Reason: The alliance had to choose one of the other two they choose Cody. and They tried to get rid of Alejandro but it failed
*People split up into two pairs for this challenge similar to the boys girl at the final 4 of total drama island*
Immune:Duncan And Noah
Reason: Alejandro was a big threat Duncan kept him for long but agreed with Noah that he was done with Alejandro
Auto-Elimination Challenge
1. Heather
Reason: Noah played a good game but got re-eliminated because he lost the tie against Duncan
Reason!: Both played good strategic games But Duncan barley bet out Heather
Final Placements
16. Bridgette
15. Leshawna
14. Lindsay
11. Tyler
10. Gwen
9. Sierra
8. Owen
7. Courtney
6. Blanieley
5. Cody
4. Alejandro
3. Noah
2. Heather
1. Duncan
Blainley debut in Niagara Falls she got eliminated in there
My way with my own cast
13 Fashion boy
12 Fashion girl
11 Scaredy
10 Jemma
9 David
8 Danny
7 Dan
6 Don/Martha
5 Jessica
4 Kayla
3 Shy Girl
2 Steven
1 Tom
TDWT my way
18 Ezekiel
17 Leshawna
16 Heather
15 Lindsay
14 Duncan
13 DJ
12 Alejandro
11 Cody
10 Beth
9 Noah
8 Harold
7 Tyler
6 Bridgette
5 Gwen
4 Izzy
3 Courtney
2 Owen
1 Sierra
Definitely would be happy seeing Lindsay win
My Way
18th Duncan (Quiet)
17th Ezekial (voted out)
16th Harold (voted out)
15th Sierra (voted out)
14th Izzy (Injured)
13th Noah (voted out)
Duncan returns
12th Lindsay (Voted out)
11th DJ (Voted out)
10th Tyler (Injured)
9th Cody (Voted out)
MERGE Blaineley
8th Courtney (Voted out)
7th Blaineley Voted out)
6th Duncan (Voted out)
5th Leshawna (Voted out)
4th Bridgette (Voted out)
3rd Gwen (Quiet)
2nd Alejandro (Lost the Challenge)
And Heather is the Winner
it's not quiet it's quit
Sad there hasn’t been much or will be no more total drama series anymore 😭😭
It would be cool if courtney and duncan were in the finals
My Way with my Cast
18 Duncan
17 Ezekiel
16 Harold
15 Geoff
14 Justin
13 Alejandro
12 Owen
11 Heather
10 Courtney
Merge Blaineley debuts
9 Trent
8 Gwen
7 Lindsay
6 and 5 Beth and Blaineley
4 Noah
3 Izzy
2 Cody
1 Sierra!
what's the name of the song??
When heather switched teams I thought she was eliminated and I was all happy lol
Name song?
if only leshawna won a season
I would make Cody vs Noah it will not matter who wins for me
Como rayos gana Lindsay si la puedes distraer con lo que sea
my way
bottom three are in parentheses
Team Victory.
Team Amazon
Team Chris
20. Team Chris - Owen (Izzy, Owen, Duncan)
19. Team Chris - Izzy (Izzy, Alejandro, Tyler)
18. Team Victory - Ezekiel (Ezekiel, Lindsay, Bridgette)
17. Team Amazon - Cody (Cody, Sierra, Heather)
16. Team Victory - Lindsay (Lindsay, Bridgette, N/A)
15. Team Amazon - Sierra (Sierra, Heather, N/A)
14. Team Victory - Harold (Harold, LeShawna, N/A)
13. Team Chris - Noah (Noah, Tyler, Duncan)
12. Team Chris - Tyler (Tyler, Duncan, N/A)
11. Team Chris - Duncan (Tiebreaker)
10. Team Amazon - Courtney (Courtney, Heather, N/A)
Blainley Debuts Cody and Sierra Return
9. Sierra (Sierra, Cody, DJ)
8. Cody (Cody, DJ, Heather)
7. Blainley (Blainley, LeShawna, Gwen)
6. Bridgette (Bridgette, LeShawna, Heather)
5. DJ (DJ, Heather, LeShawna)
4. Alejandro (Alejandro, Heather, Gwen)
3. Gwen (Gwen, Heather, N/A)
2. Heather
1. Winner. LeShawna
Owen sacrificed himself for Izzy
My way:
Duncan wins immunity and convinces Courtney and Gwen to vote off alejandro
Alejandro gets voted off
Ezekiel wins because Sierra though he was Cody
Sierra gets voted off
Team Amazon win and convince team Chris is really really stupid to vote off izzy
Izzy gets voted off
Team Chris is really really mean win
Dj gets voted off
Lindsay gets convinced by Heather to steal Chris's phone and gets eliminated by chris
Leshawna gets distracted by a picture of alejandro and slows her team down causing them to vote her off
Bridgette attempts to sabotage Courtney but fails and is voted off
Izzy returns
Noah once again convinces Owen and Tyler to vote out Izzy but on accident tells Izzy too and Noah gets voted off
Izzy attempts to crash the plane but fails and Chris sends her home
Gwen and Duncan argue leading for it to he a double elimination and Gwen and Duncan get voted off
Courtney spills water on Chris's plane wires and crashes the plane leading her to be eliminated
Owen gets the attention of every animal then falls off the mountain leading it to be a injury elimination
The teams merge
Ezekiel Harold and Cody vote Tyler off because he was doing the last amount of work
The finals: Ezekiel Harold and Cody
The peanut gallery get to vote someone off they all vote off Harold
Chris finally got a heart and split all the money from the show
And all of the finale members each get 1,000,000 (Harold, Cody, Ezekiel and Tyler)
My favourite character is Heather and Alejandro
Courtney vs Lindsay finale needs to happen ❤️
I would want Courtney and Lindsay because since Lindsay didn't winn tda she would winn tdwt against Courtney. I like it since Lindsay won in Tda over Courtney and it looked so fun 😂
I like this
1:38: im... Courtney?
Carlos Julio Cucalon Del Campo what
My top 20 Ezequiel 19 Owen 18 Leshanwa 17 Blainely 16 Harold 15 Alejandro Beth Debus 14 Dj 13 Sierra 12 Noah 11 Heather 10 Brigette merge Harold rertuns 9 Duncan elimineition dwo 8 Lindesay 7 Beth 6 Harold 5 Talyer 4 Issy 3 Cody 2 Gwen 1 Courteney
Why not Duncan Noah or Tyler
my way elimination of total drama world tour:
18th Blainley
17th Courtney
16th Lindsay
15th Bridgette
14th Gwen
13th Leshawna
12th Heather
11th Izzy
10th Sierra
9th Cody
8th Duncan
7th Noah
6th Alejandro
5th Owen
4th Tyler
3rd Ezekiel
2nd DJ
1st Harold
My way
EP1 Duncan quits and DJ is Cursed
EP2 18th Leshswa
EP3 17th Harold
EP4 16th Tyler
EP5 15th Lindsay
EP7 14th Courtney
EP9 13th Ezekiel
EP11 12th Owen/11th DJ
EP13 Duncan Rejoins Merge and 10th Heather (She is warning about Alejandro)
EP15 9th Bridgette
EP16 8th Gwen (Cody was Sad but He got over it in EP18)
Blainlely Debuts
EP19 7th Serria
EP20 6th Blainlely
EP21 5th Duncan
EP24 4th Izzy
EP26 3rd Noah
Runner Up Alejandro
Winner Cody
That gives me a great idea how about a Tyler and Lindsay finale
Or a Tyler and Beth finale
Tyler or Duncan if DuncN didn’t win
courtney is going to be pissed bcz linsiot won dont get me wrong linsday is my 2nd favorite character
2000 views wow guys you rule!!!
mm thanks
Maxx SE p
Maxx SE yay go Lindsay
Courtney is WAY stronger the Lindsayett
Magical Limes strength wouldn't necessarily means everything in the final, don't you remember Lindsay outsmart the Type A? If wasn't for the shitty reason she got eliminated she would have won. Courtney can be smart, confident, strong and a lot of things, but she can be easily tricked and lose her powers in a second. Lindsay learned a lot from past seasons, and she got really good at the challenges.
Beth joins this season
I love Lindsay, but this season is not her best...
Yay yay yay yaaaaaaaaaay lindsay
let me like you like the geoff
This is so rad
My way same teams as canon except Eva is on team Amazon
18 Ezekiel
17 Harold
16 Leshawna
15 Izzy
14 Lindsay
13 Eva
12 Bridgette
11 DJ
10 Duncan
9 Sierra
8 Courtney
7 Noah
6 Gwen
5 Owen
4 Alejandro
3 heather
2 Cody
Tyler wins
DJ Team Amazon
I want brigete to win
+Danielle WaynerJanji feat. TR - Milky Way Stars [NCS Release]
NOOOOO Courtney
Magical Limes courteny is estupid
I don't really care if the vedio don't work anyway
Nehemiah Patterson is really look lindsay is dumb and all dont considered a threat
Hohoho ... funny
My finalst are
why you lose courtney
Garrick Williams but cortney is idiot
Why Duncan to team amazon
why does every one love lynsey
beth was not on world tour
keonta burnell is in my way
my order
entra blaineley y fusion
i love linsayyyyyy
man the thing Don't work says connection to server lost touch to retry who cares anyways if the vedio don't work because the thing is so stupid bad mean rude disrespectful mean person to me anyways
My way!
18th: Ezekiel
17th: Leshawna
16th: Harold
15th: Owen
14th: DJ
13th: Tyler
12th: Heather
11th: Noah
10th: Courtney
9th: Alejandro
Beth and Geoff enters the game
8th: Bridgette
7th: Sierra
Corbin and Dallas enters the game (made up contestants)
6th: Blainely
5th: Geoff
4th: Bridgette
3rd: Dallas
Winner in Canada: Beth
Winner in USA: Corbin
woops 8th is Izzy
Danielle Wayner you forgot Lindsay
Danielle Wayner you forgot Cody and new people can’t just Come this world tour and making up characters doesn’t make sense unless your Courtney you can’t just come and say hey am competing so shut up
My Way
People Left
(Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Sirrea, Cody, Blainley, Gwen,
Owen, and Mr.Coconut)
(Geoff returns)
People Left
(Leshawna, Noah, Mr. Coconut, Cody, Blainley, and Courtney)
(Eziekle is found)
(Josh Comes For Blaineley)
(Final 3)
(Noah, Cody, Courtney)
Noah ;(
Canada Cody
USA Courtney
2nd my way!
I made up all the contestants exept 3
21st: Eli
20th: Zach
19th: Justin
18th: Walter
17th: Hannah
16th: Lindsay
15th: Alexis
14th: Ben
13th: Matt
12th: Danny
11th: James ( lost the tiebreaker to Corbin)
10th: Jacky
9th: Geoff
8th: Annabelle
7th: Horhae
6th: Buck
5th: Bill
4th: Seol ( quit )
3rd: Dallas
2nd: Lily ( wins in USA)
1st: Corbin ( wins in Canada)
Danielle Wayner worst my ways ever
merge too late!!!!?
runner up heather
Ezekiel DJ Leshawa Sierra Izzy Owen Beth Debut Cody Heather Swaps Teams Harold Bridgette Tyler Noah Harold Returns Blainley Merge Gwen Duncan and Beth Heather and Alejandro Harold again Courtney Lindsay wins
Eziekiel (and the Cleveland Browns) always lose
I love Lindsey
18 Duncan
17 Gwen
16 Bridgette
15 Harold
14 Dj
13 Izzy / 12 Leshawna
11 Ezequiel
10 Blaely
9 Noah
8 Owen
7 Tyler / 6 Lindsay
5 Courtney
4 Sierra
3 Alejandro
2 Heather
1 Cody
Noooooooooooo😣😣😣😣 Alejandro is my favorite player positsion is 4*
Lindsay Beth Amazon
Bridgette Chris
1:24 ❤❤❤
Team victory my way Izzy Lindsay Noah
Heather tiller
Poor Izzy
Go Lindsay
I want Gwen to win!😠
+Silviu Minciu Gwen wasnt the person ideal to win because the problem with Courtney and Trent ,she was mean and I love her but in this season she sucks,buuut I respect your opinion :D
me too
Silviu Minciu I cheered when Courtney didn't win because in the REAL total drama world tour she was the reason Gwen got the boot
Yay! Lindsay Won!