I Smell a Deal! 2024 Palomino Puma 16QBX Travel Trailer Tour | Beckley's RVs

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jackvanleeuwenkamp4706
    @jackvanleeuwenkamp4706 10 місяців тому +1

    Lovely floor plan! How much does it go for?

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  10 місяців тому

      Typically have a sale price in the upper teens, depending on options. If you are in the market, pay us a visit. Thanks for watching!

  • @philliplee980
    @philliplee980 10 місяців тому +1

    This is perfect just for me since I’m over 450 pounds but still I love this rv

  • @RayKnott
    @RayKnott Місяць тому

    Not a full queen but still a great unit

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  Місяць тому

      Short queen or as we say, RV queen - 60 wide x 74 long. Thanks for watching!

  • @davejuskey6321
    @davejuskey6321 25 днів тому

    This is beautiful how much for a used one

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  21 день тому +1

      That is going to depend on what year and condition. We have a couple similar right now available for sale - 2021 models for $9,999. Thanks for watching!

    • @davejuskey6321
      @davejuskey6321 21 день тому

      @BeckleysRV thank you how much would I have to put down happy holidays

  • @bryanstaten5585
    @bryanstaten5585 4 місяці тому +1

    Anytime I see "Lite" or "Ultra Lite" to me it says fall apart and fall apart faster. They are "Lite" for a reason!

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  4 місяці тому

      lol...definitely can be true with certain brands! However, this one is just "lite" because of it's size - it is built with wood framing just the same as the "big boys." Thanks for watching!

  • @davidchan9238
    @davidchan9238 5 місяців тому +1

    If you want to mount a Tv, where would it go?

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  5 місяців тому

      We don't have a new model in stock currently to see if anything changed, but from our last one, the location would be on the bathroom wall behind the booth seat. Or, if you are creative, you could hang from the upper cabinets at the booth. Thanks for watching!

  • @navarroleal
    @navarroleal Місяць тому

    Is the underbelly sealed off?

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  28 днів тому +1

      No underbelly. Smaller, single axle travel trailers and this lower price point, having an enclosed underbelly is sort of hit or miss. If you are camping in 32 degrees or below temps that stay that low for more than 8 hours, then get an enclosed underbelly. Otherwise, don't hold back on getting something like this if it checks all the other boxes. Thanks for watching!

  • @grillinandchillinwithdeb
    @grillinandchillinwithdeb 10 місяців тому +1

    Very nice

    • @BeckleysRV
      @BeckleysRV  10 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for watching!