Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
Merci à votre équipe pour la transmission de ce programme La parole telle qu’elle nous ai décrite nous transmet nous communique La puissance Céleste du tout Puissant qui nous supplier ouvrir notre intelligence Spirituelle de marcher dans les voies du Seigneur et de Croire en celui qui a payer le prix. C est en lui que se trouve toutes les richesses dont l homme à besoin. Il est la Porte du Salut et possède la CLÉ . Dieu dans son message voudrait que tous les hommes soient Sauver. Avec larmes et supplications à son Père notre JESUS de la Bible intercède encore pour les brebis égarées . Apprenons à suivre le modèle de vie que Le Père nous a laissé en JESUS .
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
Merci soeur pour la traduction. Mais je pense qu'il est préférable d'utiliser l'expression " Concentrer ou centrer ses émotions au lieu de "rassembler ses émotions ". Que Dieu vous bénisse. Amen !
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
Il est vrai nous aimons nous nourrir du travail des messagers qui font des efforts considérables pour nous maintenir dans la connaissance parfaite de la Parole . Prions pour ces.volontaires discrets qui donnent de leur temps au Service du Dieu vivant . Merci à vous tous et que le Père Roi de Gloire vous fassent faveur d une grande bénédiction
Amen amen amina
Seigneur Jésus Christ restaure ma vie de prière
La prière est l'arme la plus puissante et elle ne rate jamais sa cible. Soyez bénis pasteur . Rebecca
Amen amen amen!!!
Allelouuuia ! Oui c'est vrai la prière est notre Armes pour détruire et vaincre les œuvres de l'ennemi. Soyez bénis l'homme de Dieu Amen Amen Amen
Merci pour ce message
Amen amen! Rien que la vérité. Merci beaucoup Seigneur Jésus pour ton attention à nous !🙏
Amen amen amen
J’adore ce papa
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
À Dieu seul soit l’adoration séssée!!!
Merci Seigneur pour ces messages qui font un grand bien à mon âme
Reprends ton bon sens! Seul DIEU est digne d’adoration.😊
@@labutyhugh7458 non mon frère dans cette phrase « adorer » est synonyme d’aimer juge pas trop vite 😌
Amen merci pour le message je suis puissamment béni 😭😭😭🎉🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Gloire á Dieu
Je suis burundaise et je suis bénie tout les jours à travers vos messages traduit soyez bénis merci beaucoup
Merci pour le message. Que Dieu vous bénisse au delà de vos requêtes dans le nom de Jesus.
Amen amen
Shalom la famille ce serait de baisser ou de retirer la musique derrière qd vs parlez. Demeurez béni et merci pour ce que vous faites
Merci à votre équipe pour la transmission de ce programme La parole telle qu’elle nous ai décrite nous transmet nous communique La puissance Céleste du tout Puissant qui
nous supplier ouvrir notre intelligence Spirituelle de marcher dans les voies du Seigneur et de Croire en celui qui a payer le prix. C est en lui que se trouve toutes les richesses dont l homme à besoin. Il est la Porte du Salut et possède la CLÉ .
Dieu dans son message voudrait que tous les hommes soient Sauver. Avec larmes et supplications à son Père notre JESUS de la Bible intercède encore pour les brebis égarées . Apprenons à suivre le modèle de vie que Le Père nous a laissé en JESUS .
Parfait !!!
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
Merci soeur pour la traduction. Mais je pense qu'il est préférable d'utiliser l'expression " Concentrer ou centrer ses émotions au lieu de "rassembler ses émotions ".
Que Dieu vous bénisse. Amen !
Amen. Merci pour la rectification. Que Dieu vous bénisse
Amen,amen merci que Dieu vous bénisse abondamment
Beloved, I don't know you in person but God knows you. God ministered to me in a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you,I saw blessings but spiritual attacks holding onto them,in prayers,i saw a woman in the realm of the spirit monitoring and plotting delay in your life, with an evil mirror, and with a motive to destroy. But as I speak to you now her time is up, Render hand of favour with Anything you can afford or give to these motherless foundation (Godstime MOTHERLESS FOUNDATION) in kebbi state nigeria before 2DAYS with faith, as I Rise my hands towards heaven and pray for you they shall serve as point of contact wherever you are, you will receive double portion of grace to excel and total restoration of breakthrough in your life and in the life of your family. Ask for their acct details and help them call the MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details on (WhatsApp or call them now on +2348075260575) tell him I sent an you. For it is not by might nor by in power but of the spirit saith the lord (zechariah 4:6). You shall testify to the Glory of God in your life. God bless you
Il est vrai nous aimons nous nourrir du travail des messagers qui font des efforts considérables pour nous maintenir dans la connaissance parfaite de la Parole . Prions pour ces.volontaires discrets qui donnent de leur temps au Service du Dieu vivant . Merci à vous tous et que le Père Roi de Gloire vous fassent faveur d une grande bénédiction