Hi Mads, great fun over there, I would be definitely off for switching from traditional pirking to the method you've shown, looks like way more fun to me :) going on a boat trip in Scotland this Sat, do you reckon it would work in early spring as well? Or should I rather wait till the early summer to get better results? Thanks :)
just one day with the savage sandeel and I've only done ten sets like you and I have lost the bait, is hooked on the bottom of the bed, that bad start fu ***
@InspiredByFishing like annyone wants to share there spots to the world... to much fisherman that are killing the sportfishermans passion, thats the reason why sportfisherman like mads and me and other sportfishers wont tell there spots ;)
Торговая марка Savage Gear - отделение компании ProLogic, специализирующееся исключительно на разработке и производстве снастей для ловли рыб-хищников. Название этого датского бренда можно перевести как «дикая снасть» или же «дикий механизм», а вся выпускаемая компанией продукция - мягкие и жесткие приманки, поводки, спиннинги, джеркбейты и крючки - высоко оценена рыбаками-профессионалами во всем мире. Savage Gear в России на сайте QuickFish.ru
watching from uk you make it look easy, great fishing. i am just learning about how good soft plastics are, great instructions, thanks .
Interesting to watch your technique and the results.
@timHYPERLITE "check 03:35 for explanation - the current is strong and the thin braid makes it possible to present sandeel lures much better!
Nice video!
This eel could be also an excellent bait for wels catfish...got to try it!
Nice Video.For sure I will buy the heavy one..
Possibly the best salt water lure in the whole wold 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Frigging sweet!!! 2 casts 2 fish. Unreal
I did trykk the savage gear sandeel 12 cm and the cod did realy like them and the makrel :)
Hi Mads, great fun over there, I would be definitely off for switching from traditional pirking to the method you've shown, looks like way more fun to me :) going on a boat trip in Scotland this Sat, do you reckon it would work in early spring as well? Or should I rather wait till the early summer to get better results? Thanks :)
Brilliant useful video. Good technique, but you need to strip that reel down mate!!!
Good video!
exellent video ..tell me where did you get the rod holders on arch ???
Cool Jigg smart whit two jigg bodys
@MonoRacer yeah, but i didn´t want to know the direct spot, only the country :D
just one day with the savage sandeel and I've only done ten sets like you and I have lost the bait, is hooked on the bottom of the bed, that bad start fu ***
Woahhh where we going? Haha
fine filming video...
That reel sounds like a bag of nuts
where are you from and where are you fishing ?
If you're still wondering; Denmark ;)
is that still the 10 to 40 gram rod and if so is the 16 and 17 cm sandeel lure not over casting weight of the rod
Is that the trio 20 or 30?
can u fish this bait from the beach
i wish the number 18 sandell have better quality hook, the hook and the 18 isto weak (great lure)
What kind of boat is that?
towing a boatb with a mini van
what rod was used?
Savage gear get a new reel
Is savagegear danish?.
Yes they are
@InspiredByFishing like annyone wants to share there spots to the world... to much fisherman that are killing the sportfishermans passion, thats the reason why sportfisherman like mads and me and other sportfishers wont tell there spots ;)
Sell the cod and buy a new reel as that Okuma is a pile of shit
Торговая марка Savage Gear - отделение компании ProLogic, специализирующееся исключительно на разработке и производстве снастей для ловли рыб-хищников. Название этого датского бренда можно перевести как «дикая снасть» или же «дикий механизм», а вся выпускаемая компанией продукция - мягкие и жесткие приманки, поводки, спиннинги, джеркбейты и крючки - высоко оценена рыбаками-профессионалами во всем мире.
Savage Gear в России на сайте QuickFish.ru
whey is the guid Danish but speak English